volume_info.h 913 B

  3. #include <windows.h>
  4. #include "dokan.h"
  5. // Neither GetDiskFreeSpace nor GetVolumeInformation
  6. // save the DokanFileContext->Context.
  7. // Before these methods are called, CreateFile may not be called.
  8. // (ditto CloseFile and Cleanup)
  9. // see Win32 API GetDiskFreeSpaceEx
  10. int DOKAN_CALLBACK MxfsGetDiskFreeSpace(
  11. PULONGLONG FreeBytesAvailable,
  12. PULONGLONG TotalNumberOfBytes,
  13. PULONGLONG TotalNumberOfFreeBytes,
  14. PDOKAN_FILE_INFO FileInfo);
  15. // see Win32 API GetVolumeInformation
  16. int DOKAN_CALLBACK MxfsGetVolumeInformation(
  17. LPWSTR VolumeNameBuffer,
  18. DWORD VolumeNameSize, // in num of chars
  19. LPDWORD VolumeSerialNumber,
  20. LPDWORD MaximumComponentLength, // in num of chars
  21. LPDWORD FileSystemFlags,
  22. LPWSTR FileSystemNameBuffer,
  23. DWORD FileSystemNameSize, // in num of chars
  24. PDOKAN_FILE_INFO FileInfo);
  25. #endif // VOLUME_INFO_H_INCLUDED