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If you want to use this language, then start your program with a #!bas line.

Example Program


REM global variables
LET acounter% = 123
LET anumber = 3.1415
LET anaddress% = $0048C
LET astring$ = "something"
DIM anarray(10)

REM Things to do on startup
SUB setup
  REM local variables
  LET iamlocal = 123

REM Things to run for every frame, at 60 FPS
SUB loop
  REM BASIC style print
  PRINT "I"; " am"; " running"
  REM Get MEG-4 style outputs
  printf("a counter %d, left shift %d\n", acounter%, getkey%(KEY_LSHIFT))


BASIC stands for Beginners' All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. It was created by John Kemeny in 1963 with the explicit goal to teach students programming with it. The MEG-4 BASIC is a bit more modern than that, it supports all of ANSI X3.60-1978 (ECMA-55) and many featues from ANSI X3.113-1987 (ECMA-116) too, with minor deviations. It allows longer than 2 characters identifiers, and its floating point as well as integer arithmetics are 32 bit. Most important differences: no interactive mode, therefore you don't have to number each instruction any more (you can use labels instead), and all BASIC keywords are case-insensitive as in the specification, but variable and function names are case-sensitive. The MEG-4 API function calls must be in lower-case; as for the rest it is up to you, but those are case-sensitive too (for example APPLE, Apple and apple are three distinct variables).

It has one non-standard keyword, the DEBUG, which you can place anywhere in your code and will invoke the built-in [debugger]. After this, you can execute your code step by step, watching what it is doing.

Here goes a detailed description with examples, and all differences noted.


MEG-4 BASIC understands decimal based numbers (either integer or floating point with or without scientific notation). Hexadecimal numbers must be prefixed by $ (not in the specification, but this was usual in Commodore BASIC and pretty much in every other dialects of the '80s) and strings must be enclosed in double quotes:

"Goodbye and thanks for all the fish!\n"

WARN: The specification expects 7-bit ASCII, but MEG-4 BASIC uses zero terminated UTF-8 encoding. It also accepts C-like escape sequences (eg. \" is double quotes, \t is tab, \n is the newline character), and the string's maximum size is limited to 255 bytes (the specification requires 18 bytes).


Variables aren't declared, instead the last letter in their name identifies their type. This can be % for integers, $ for strings, and not in the specification, but MEG-4 BASIC accepts ! for bytes and # for double bytes (word). Anything else is interpreted as a floating point variable.

LET A% = 42
LET B! = $FF
LET D$ = "string"
LET E = 3.1415

The conversion between byte, integer and floating point is automatic and fully transparent. However trying to use a string literal in a number variable or storing a number literal in a string variable would reasult in an error (you must explicitly use STR$ and VAL).

When you assign values to variables, the LET command can be omited.

Literals can also be added to your program using the DATA statement, and then can be assigned to variables with the READ command. READ reads in as many data literals as many variables its argument has, and can be called repeatedly. To reset to the first DATA statement where READ reads from, use RESTORE.

READ name$, income
DATA "Joe", 1234
DATA "John", 2345

There are a few special variables, provided by the system. RND returns a floating point random number between 0 and 1, INKEY$ returns the key the user has pressed or an empty string, TIME returns the number of ticks (1/1000th seconds) since power on, and finally NOW% returns the number of elapsed seconds since Jan 1, 1970 midnight in Greenwich Mean Time.


Multiple elements of the same type can be assigned to a single variable, which is called an array.

DIM A(10)
DIM B(10, 10)
DIM C(1 TO 6)

The BASIC specification expects two-dimensional arrays to be handled, but MEG-4 BASIC supports up to 4 dimensions. Array elements can be bytes, integers, numbers or strings. Dynamically resizing arrays with REDIM is not possible, all are statically allocated using DIM. When the size isn't given, one dimension and 10 elements are assumed.

WARN: Index starts at 1 (as in ANSI and not at 0 as in ECMA-55). The OPTION BASE statement isn't supported, but you can set the first index of each array with the TO keyword.


In descending order of precedence:

**Arithmetic** ``` ^ * / MOD + - ``` The first one is for exponentiation (eg. b squared is `b^2`), multiplication, division and `MOD` is modulus (aka. remainder after division, eg. `10 MOD 3` is 1), addition and subtraction.

**Relational** ``` <> = <= >= < > ``` Not equal, equal, less or equal, greater or equal, less than, greater than.

**Logical** ``` NOT AND OR ``` Logical negation (0 becomes 1, everything non-zero becomes 0), and (returns 1 if both arguments are non-zero), or (returns 1 if at least one of the arguments are non-zero).

There's one non-standard operator, the @ returns the address of a variable. This is usable when the MEG-4 API expects an addr_t address parameter.

Operators are executed in precedence order, for example in 1+2*3 we have two operators, + and *, but * has the higher precedence, therefore first 2*3 is calculated, and then 1+6. That's why the result is 7 and not 9.

Control Flow

The statement END stops control flow (exists your program).

MEG-4 BASIC does not use line numbers any more, instead it supports GOTO with labels, for example:


GOTO this_is_a_label

WARN: Some BASIC dialects allow you to use multiple commands separated by : in one line. In MEG-4 BASIC : identifies a label, so you must use one command per line (as expected by ECMA-55).

Conditional jumps use labels too:

IF a$ <> b$ THEN this_is_a_label
ON a GOTO label1, label2, label3 ELSE labelother

The ON .. GOTO always needs a numerical expression, and chooses the label accordingly, starting from 1 (if the expression is zero or negative, that always jumps to the ELSE label). There's no ON .. GOSUB, because GOSUB does not accept labels in MEG-4 BASIC.

WARN: The GOSUB statement does not accept labels at all, and its semantics are a bit changed in MEG-4 BASIC, see below.

For IF, both numerical and relational expressions are accepted (every non-zero expression considered true), and what's more, multi line IF .. THEN .. ELSE .. END IF blocks are supported too (but no SELECT CASE).

IF var >= 0 THEN
 PRINT "var is positive"
 PRINT "var is negative"

As an exception, one command is allowed in a single line IF, provided that's a GOTO or an END:

IF a < 0 THEN GOTO label
IF b > 42 THEN END

For iterations, the counting loop checks its condition before the iteration (does not execute the block if the initial value is greater (or less) than the limit), and looks like this:

FOR i = 1 TO 100 STEP 2

This FOR .. NEXT is essentially the same as:

LET i = 1
LET lim = 100
LET inc = 2
IF (i - lim) * SGN(inc) > 0 THEN line2
LET i = i + inc
GOTO line1

The loop variable must be of float type. The STEP is optional (defaults to 1.0), and the expression after that can be a float literal or another float variable. The from and limit both can be more complex expressions, but they too must return a floating point value.

FOR i = (1+2+a)*3 TO 4*(5+6)/b+c STEP j

WARN: Unlike the specification, which allows multiple variables after NEXT, MEG-4 BASIC accepts exactly one. So for nested loops you'll have to use multiple NEXT commands, exactly as many as FOR statements there are.

FOR y = 1 TO 10
 FOR x = 1 TO 100

MEG-4 BASIC has no other kind of loops like C, but if you want a non-counting pre-testing loop, you can do this:

IF a > 0 THEN
 GOTO again

And instead of a post-testing loop:

IF a > 0 THEN again

Subroutines and Functions

INFO: Statements not inside of any subroutine are simply threated as if they were inside the setup subroutine.

You can divide your programs into smaller programs which might be called multiple times, these are called subroutines. They are defined between SUB and END SUB blocks. Two of these, setup and loop has special meaning, see [code editor]. As mentioned earlier, in MEG-4 BASIC GOSUB does not accept labels, and that's because here it accepts subroutine names only.

SUB mysubroutine
 PRINT "do something that you want to do multiple times"

REM do it once
GOSUB mysubroutine
REM then do it again
GOSUB mysubroutine

Control is transferred on GOSUB, and it is returned to the line after GOSUB when END SUB (or the optional RETURN) reached. Subroutines can access global variables and they might have parameters.

SUB are_we_there_yet(A)
 IF A > 0 THEN
  PRINT "Not yet"
PRINT "YES! Do things we wanted to do on arrival"

REM do it once
GOSUB are_we_there_yet(1)
REM then do it again
GOSUB are_we_there_yet(0)

Functions are very similar, but they must have a RETURN and their RETURN statement must contain a returned value, same type as identified by the function's name. Functions are simply called from programs by their names, followed by their argument list in parenthesis (the parenthesis is mandatory, even if the argument list is empty). For example:

FUNCTION mystringfunc$()
 RETURN "a string"

LET a$ = mystringfunc$()

Print Statement

PRINT expression [;|,] [expression [;|,] [expression [;|,]]] ...

Prints one or more exporession on screen. If the expressions are separated by ; semi-colon, then tightly one after another. If by , colon, then the output will be splitted into coloumns. Numbers are always prefixed by a space, and if the command ends in an expression (not in ; nor in ,), then a newline character will be printed at the end as well.

Input Statement

INPUT "prompt" [;|,] variable

Prints out prompt, then reads in a value from user and stores it in the given variable. If the prompt and the variable is spearated by a , colon, then it also prints a ? question-mark after the prompt.

WARN: The ECMA-55 specification allows multiple variables to be specified, but the MEG-4 BASIC allows only one.

Peek and Poke

You can directly access the MEG-4 memory with these commands, even the MMIO area.


variable = PEEK(address)

Reads in the byte at the given address, converts it into a floating point and stores it in the given variable.

For example, to check if the keyboard queue is not empty:



POKE address, expression

Calculates the expression, converts it into a byte and stores that byte value at the given address.

For example, to set the palette for color index 1:

REM red component
POKE $84, 10
REM green component
POKE $85, 10
REM blue component
POKE $86, 10
REM alpha (transparency)
POKE $87, 255

Provided Functions

Some MEG-4 API are provided as system variables, RND ([rnd]), TIME ([time]), NOW% ([now]), and INKEY$ ([getc]).

Others are provided as commands, INPUT ([gets] + [val]), PRINT ([printf]), PEEK ([inb]), POKE ([outb]).

As to comply with ECMA-55, two functions are renamed: SQR ([sqrt]) and ATN% ([atan]). All the rest is used as they appear in this documentation, except they are properly suffixed according their return types (for example, [str] returns a string, so it is called STR$).

Note that ECMA-55 expects that trigonometrical functions use radians by default (with an OPTION command to switch to degrees), however the MEG-4 API always uses degrees, 0 to 359, where 0 is up, and 90 is to the right. That's why the ATN% gets an integer type suffix for example, as it returns degrees in an integer.

Normally all functions without a return value must be called with the GOSUB keyword, however the MEG-4 API is a special case, because with those the keyword can be ommited, and the API function can be used as-is.