API.md 7.3 KB

MEG-4 libmeg4.a API

This is the API of the libmeg4.a library, needed to know when you're porting it to new platforms. For the API used by your MEG-4 programs, see the MEG-4 User's Manual.

There are two kinds of functions. The first group has to be implemented in the platform application, and called from libmeg4.a as hooks. These always start with main_. The second group are functions provided by libmeg4.a, always starting with meg4_. Hereafter these will be referenced from the platform application's perspective, eg. exported functions are the ones that the platform application provides, and imported ones are the functions provided by the libmeg4.a library.

NOTE: Most of the main_ functions are OS dependent (and not library), and already implemented in platform/common.h.

Exported Functions

void main_log(int lvl, const char* fmt, ...);

A logger function.

uint8_t* main_readfile(char *file, int *size);

Should read in and return the file's contents in a malloc'd buffer. If file not found, should return NULL. Filename is always UTF-8.

int  main_writefile(char *file, uint8_t *buf, int size);

Writes a buf buffer of size bytes to file. Filename is always UTF-8.

void main_openfile(void);

Should open the "Open File Modal" native on the platform. When the user selects a file, it should call meg4_insert.

int  main_savefile(const char *name, uint8_t *buf, int len);

If floppy directory given on the command line, then it should save the file there. Otherwise it should open the "Save File Modal" native on the platform, and when user selects a file, it should save buf buffer of len bytes into it, and return the specified filename in name. Returns 1 on success, 0 on error.

char **main_getfloppies(void);

If floppy directory given on the command line, then it should return a NULL terminated list with UTF-8 absoulte paths of floppy images in that directory, otherwise NULL. (Note the difference: NULL returned means floppy directory not set, but a pointer returned which is pointing to a NULL means directory set but no floppies in it).

uint8_t *main_cfgload(char *cfg, int *len);

Should load a configuration binary blob by the key cfg, and return its contents in a malloc'd buffer. If configuration with the given key not found, returns NULL.

int  main_cfgsave(char *cfg, uint8_t *buf, int len);

Should save a configuration buf of len bytes under the key cfg. Returns 1 on success, 0 on error.

char *main_getclipboard(void);

Should return the OS native clipboard's zero terminated, UTF-8 text in a malloc'd buffer, or NULL if the clipboard is empty.

void main_setclipboard(char *str);

Should set the OS native clipboard's text to the given zero terminated, UTF-8 string in str.

void main_osk_show(void);

This is optional, and only needed for platforms available on handheld devices. It should display the OS native On-Screen Keyboard.

void main_osk_hide(void);

This is optional, and only needed for platforms available on handheld devices. It should hide the OS native On-Screen Keyboard.

void main_fullscreen(void);

This function should toggle between fullscreen and windowed modes.

void main_focus(void);

This should raise the window and get focus for it.

Imported Functions

void meg4_poweron(char *region);

Turns the MEG-4 emulator on. The region parameter is a two letter ISO-639-1 language code, it selects the emulator's preferred language and fallbacks to English if that not found.

void meg4_poweroff(void);

Turns the MEG-4 emulator off, frees all internal resources.

void meg4_reset(void);

Resets the MEG-4 emulator to its default state.

void meg4_insert(char *name, uint8_t *buf, int len);

Insert a floppy disk (or a file in any other supported formats) into the MEG-4 Floppy Drive. Note that name is just a filename, without path.

int meg4_load(uint8_t *buf, int len);

Parses a MEG-4 Floppy image. Do not use this function unless you know what you're doing. Use meg4_insert instead.

uint8_t *meg4_save(int *len);

Saves a MEG-4 Floppy image and returns it in a malloc'd buffer.

void meg4_run(void);

Runs the emulator. Call this periodically, at 60 FPS.

void meg4_clrpad(int pad, int btn);

Clear a gamepad button's pressed state. MEG-4 supports 4 gamepads and 8 buttons on each.

void meg4_setpad(int pad, int btn);

Set a gamepad button's pressed state.

void meg4_setptr(int x, int y);

Set mouse pointer coordinates in pixels.

void meg4_setscr(int u, int d, int l, int r);

Set mouse scroll button's pressed state.

void meg4_clrbtn(int btn);

Clear a mouse button's pressed state.

void meg4_setbtn(int btn);

Set a mouse button's pressed state.

void meg4_clrkey(int sc);

Clear a keyboard key's pressed state (indexed by MEG-4 scancode).

void meg4_setkey(int sc);

Set a keyboard key's pressed state.

void meg4_pushkey(char *key);

Push an UTF-8 representation of a keyboard key into the keyboard queue. Call this when a keyboard pressed state flag changes from clear to set. NOTE: special keys (like Alt+I or Ctrl+C are pushed automatically, you don't have to worry about these. Your platform probably returns normal keys as UTF-8, just push those as-is, which leaves only a few keys like F1-F12, Backspace, Enter etc. to be handled manually.)

void meg4_audiofeed(float *buf, int len);

Call when your audio playback needs to fill the audio buffer with data. You'll need only one audio stream, mixing is already done for you.

void meg4_redraw(uint32_t *dst, int dw, int dh, int dp);

Update your platform's framebuffer with the MEG-4 screen. dp is the display pitch, one scanline's length in bytes. Normally you call this right after meg4_run(), but there could be platforms where you want to handle these independently. It is possible that not the entire buffer has to be displayed; only render meg4.screen.w x meg4.screen.h pixels from the top left corner.

Platform Main Loop

A typical platform application's main loop looks like this:

    while(platform_running) {
        loopstart = platform_current_time();
        /* parse events, call meg4_setpad, meg4_setbtn, meg4_pushkey, etc. accordingly */
        while(platform_hasevents) switch(platform_event) { ... }
        /* run the emulator */
        /* update your 32 bit RGBA framebuffer with the emulator's screen */
        meg4_redraw(myfb, 640, 400, 2560);
        /* render your framebuffer using your platform's render function */
        platform_render(myfb, 0, 0, meg4.screen.w, meg4.screen.h);
        /* wait a bit so that this loop runs at 60 FPS */
        platform_msec_delay((1000/60) - (platform_current_time() - loopstart));

That's about it. For actual examples, you can take a look at the sources under the platform directory, or see tests/runner for an absoultely bare minimum platform that does not even have an interface.