123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190 |
- #pragma once
- #include <nall/foreach.hpp>
- #include <nall/platform.hpp>
- #include <nall/stdint.hpp>
- #include <nall/string.hpp>
- #include <nall/utf8.hpp>
- namespace nall {
- #define Copy 0
- #define RelNear 1
- struct detour {
- static auto insert(const string& moduleName, const string& functionName, void*& source, void* target) -> bool;
- static auto remove(const string& moduleName, const string& functionName, void*& source) -> bool;
- protected:
- static auto length(const uint8* function) -> uint;
- static auto mirror(uint8* target, const uint8* source) -> uint;
- struct opcode {
- uint16 prefix;
- uint length;
- uint mode;
- uint16 modify;
- };
- static opcode opcodes[];
- };
- //TODO:
- //* fs:, gs: should force another opcode copy
- //* conditional branches within +5-byte range should fail
- detour::opcode detour::opcodes[] = {
- {0x50, 1}, //push eax
- {0x51, 1}, //push ecx
- {0x52, 1}, //push edx
- {0x53, 1}, //push ebx
- {0x54, 1}, //push esp
- {0x55, 1}, //push ebp
- {0x56, 1}, //push esi
- {0x57, 1}, //push edi
- {0x58, 1}, //pop eax
- {0x59, 1}, //pop ecx
- {0x5a, 1}, //pop edx
- {0x5b, 1}, //pop ebx
- {0x5c, 1}, //pop esp
- {0x5d, 1}, //pop ebp
- {0x5e, 1}, //pop esi
- {0x5f, 1}, //pop edi
- {0x64, 1}, //fs:
- {0x65, 1}, //gs:
- {0x68, 5}, //push dword
- {0x6a, 2}, //push byte
- {0x74, 2, RelNear, 0x0f84}, //je near -> je far
- {0x75, 2, RelNear, 0x0f85}, //jne near -> jne far
- {0x89, 2}, //mov reg,reg
- {0x8b, 2}, //mov reg,reg
- {0x90, 1}, //nop
- {0xa1, 5}, //mov eax,[dword]
- {0xeb, 2, RelNear, 0xe9}, //jmp near -> jmp far
- };
- inline auto detour::insert(const string& moduleName, const string& functionName, void*& source, void* target) -> bool {
- HMODULE module = GetModuleHandleW(utf16_t(moduleName));
- if(!module) return false;
- uint8* sourceData = (uint8_t*)GetProcAddress(module, functionName);
- if(!sourceData) return false;
- uint sourceLength = detour::length(sourceData);
- if(sourceLength < 5) {
- //unable to clone enough bytes to insert hook
- #if 1
- string output = {"detour::insert(", moduleName, "::", functionName, ") failed: "};
- for(uint n = 0; n < 16; n++) output.append(hex<2>(sourceData[n]), " ");
- output.trimRight(" ", 1L);
- MessageBoxA(0, output, "nall::detour", MB_OK);
- #endif
- return false;
- }
- auto mirrorData = new uint8[512]();
- detour::mirror(mirrorData, sourceData);
- DWORD privileges;
- VirtualProtect((void*)mirrorData, 512, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &privileges);
- VirtualProtect((void*)sourceData, 256, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &privileges);
- uint64_t address = (uint64_t)target - ((uint64_t)sourceData + 5);
- sourceData[0] = 0xe9; //jmp target
- sourceData[1] = address >> 0;
- sourceData[2] = address >> 8;
- sourceData[3] = address >> 16;
- sourceData[4] = address >> 24;
- VirtualProtect((void*)sourceData, 256, privileges, &privileges);
- source = (void*)mirrorData;
- return true;
- }
- inline auto detour::remove(const string& moduleName, const string& functionName, void*& source) -> bool {
- HMODULE module = GetModuleHandleW(utf16_t(moduleName));
- if(!module) return false;
- auto sourceData = (uint8*)GetProcAddress(module, functionName);
- if(!sourceData) return false;
- auto mirrorData = (uint8*)source;
- if(mirrorData == sourceData) return false; //hook was never installed
- uint length = detour::length(256 + mirrorData);
- if(length < 5) return false;
- DWORD privileges;
- VirtualProtect((void*)sourceData, 256, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &privileges);
- for(uint n = 0; n < length; n++) sourceData[n] = mirrorData[256 + n];
- VirtualProtect((void*)sourceData, 256, privileges, &privileges);
- source = (void*)sourceData;
- delete[] mirrorData;
- return true;
- }
- inline auto detour::length(const uint8* function) -> uint {
- uint length = 0;
- while(length < 5) {
- detour::opcode *opcode = 0;
- foreach(op, detour::opcodes) {
- if(function[length] == op.prefix) {
- opcode = &op;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(opcode == 0) break;
- length += opcode->length;
- }
- return length;
- }
- inline auto detour::mirror(uint8* target, const uint8* source) -> uint {
- const uint8* entryPoint = source;
- for(uint n = 0; n < 256; n++) target[256 + n] = source[n];
- uint size = detour::length(source);
- while(size) {
- detour::opcode* opcode = nullptr;
- foreach(op, detour::opcodes) {
- if(*source == op.prefix) {
- opcode = &op;
- break;
- }
- }
- switch(opcode->mode) {
- case Copy:
- for(uint n = 0; n < opcode->length; n++) *target++ = *source++;
- break;
- case RelNear: {
- source++;
- uint64_t sourceAddress = (uint64_t)source + 1 + (int8)*source;
- *target++ = opcode->modify;
- if(opcode->modify >> 8) *target++ = opcode->modify >> 8;
- uint64_t targetAddress = (uint64_t)target + 4;
- uint64_t address = sourceAddress - targetAddress;
- *target++ = address >> 0;
- *target++ = address >> 8;
- *target++ = address >> 16;
- *target++ = address >> 24;
- source += 2;
- } break;
- }
- size -= opcode->length;
- }
- uint64_t address = (entryPoint + detour::length(entryPoint)) - (target + 5);
- *target++ = 0xe9; //jmp entryPoint
- *target++ = address >> 0;
- *target++ = address >> 8;
- *target++ = address >> 16;
- *target++ = address >> 24;
- return source - entryPoint;
- }
- #undef Implied
- #undef RelNear
- }