1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829 |
- #version 150
- uniform sampler2D source[];
- uniform vec4 sourceSize[];
- uniform vec4 targetSize;
- uniform sampler2D pixmap[];
- #define PHOSPHOR_SCALE 1.0
- //set to 2 if you enable gaussian-vert.fs
- #define ORG_ID 1
- in Vertex {
- vec2 texCoord;
- };
- out vec4 fragColor;
- void main() {
- // using fract() on the coordinate is effectiveley the same as setting the LUT wrap mode to repeat
- // so there is no need to do it here,
- // add fract() here if you can't set the wrap mode to repeat
- vec2 LUTeffectiveCoord = texCoord.xy*targetSize.xy/vec2(4.0,2.0);// same as pixmapSize[0].zw
- vec4 org = texture(source[ORG_ID], texCoord);
- vec4 screen = texture(pixmap[0], LUTeffectiveCoord);
- fragColor = (screen) * (org);
- }