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- name: SmithNormalForm
- version:
- # github: "githubuser/package"
- license: MIT
- author: "Brian Hwang"
- maintainer: "bhwang@math.cornell.edu"
- copyright: "2021 Brian Hwang"
- extra-source-files:
- - README.md
- - ChangeLog.md
- # Metadata used when publishing your package
- synopsis: A simple, lightweight Haskell implementation of Smith normal form over the integers.
- category: Math, LinearAlgebra
- # To avoid duplicated efforts in documentation and dealing with the
- # complications of embedding Haddock markup inside cabal files, it is
- # common to point users to the README.md file.
- description: This package contains an implementation of Smith normal form for arbitrary matrices over the integers. In particular, it does not assume that the matrix is invertible or square.
- dependencies:
- - base >= 4.7 && < 5
- - matrix >= 0.3.6
- - vector >= 0.10
- library:
- source-dirs: src
- tests:
- SmithNormalForm-test:
- main: Spec.hs
- source-dirs: test
- ghc-options:
- - -threaded
- - -rtsopts
- - -with-rtsopts=-N
- dependencies:
- - SmithNormalForm
- - hspec
- - QuickCheck