6.8 KB


All notable changes to Luce will be documented in this file.


  • Fix an issue when checkboxes where separated by a blank line

0.5.0 - 2024-05-19

  • Breaking change: Change Array(Line?) to Array(Line) for most BlockSyntax#parse_child_lines overrides.
    • None of the methods actually inserted nil in to their arrays; this change mainly removes the need to check for .nil?. If you were inserting nil in to these arrays, then you'll need to make some changes, but otherwise this shouldn't break anything.
  • Breaking change: All custom extensions found in src/luce/ have been deprecated. They will be removed in version 1.0.
    • Array#insert_all, String#replace_all_mapped, String#split_map_join, String#indentation, String#dedent, String#prepend_space, String#to_lines, String#last, Regex#all_matches, Regex::MatchData#match.
    • Most of these offer some form of replacement in their respective deprecation message. If you are using one and the suggestion doesn't work, please create a new issue.
  • Support for footnotes.
  • Support for Github Alerts
  • Support for single-tilde strikethrough as per GFM.
  • Tables are now able to interrupt other blocks.
  • Allow Element attributes to have no value (#6 - thanks solvin!).
  • Fix an infinite loop occurring when using a link in table headers.
    • This will raise an exception should an infinite loop begin during BlockSyntax#parse_lines.
  • Fix an obscure issue with HTMLBlockSyntax.
  • Fix beginning of line detection in AutolinkExtensionSyntax.
  • Fix crash caused by unmatched closing parenthesis in AutolinkExtensionSyntax (#3 - thanks solvin!)
  • Fix crash in Crystal >=1.8 caused by exceeding the Regex Match Limit.
  • Fix incorrect generation of checkboxes when empty list items separated checkbox items
  • Fix incorrect reading of lines in bin/
  • Fix tables not rendering when there are trailing spaces.
  • Update CommonMark tests to 0.31.2

0.4.0 - 2023-05-23

  • Breaking change: Changed getter and property which were of type Bool to getter? and property? respectively.
  • Breaking change: close() of DelimiterSyntax and LinkSyntax returns multiple nodes instead of single one.
  • Breaking change: Removed deprecated APIs, including TagSyntax, Luce::INDICATOR_FOR_CHECKED_CHECK_BOX, and Luce::INDICATOR_FOR_UNCHECKED_CHECK_BOX.
  • Breaking change Removed BlockHTMLSyntax, BlockTagBlockHTMLSyntax, LongBlockHTMLSyntax, and OtherTagBlockHTMLSyntax.
  • Breaking change Change the line properties of type String to Line.
  • Breaking change Change the lines properties of type Array(String) to Array(Line).
  • Add new syntax HTMLBlockSyntax to parse HTML blocks.
  • Add new enable_tag_filter option to HTMLRenderer to enable GFM tagfilter extension.
  • Add new syntax DecodeHtmlSyntax to decode HTML entity and numeric character references.
  • Add new syntax EscapeHTMLSyntax to encode ("), (<), (>) and (&).
  • Add new syntax SoftLineBreakSyntax to remove the single space before the line ending.
  • Add an option case_sensitive to TextSyntax.
  • Add a new public method Document#parse(text : String).
  • Add a new public method Document#parse_line_list(text : Array(Line)).
  • Add a new type: Line.
  • Add a new optional parameter parent_syntax for BlockParser#parse_lines, which can be used when parsing nested blocks.
  • Add a new optional parameter disable_setext_heading for BlockParser#parse_lines, which is used to disable the SetextHeaderSyntax.
  • Add a new public getter previous_syntax to BlockParser.
  • Fix an issue with HeaderWithIdSyntax, do not generate heading IDs for headings with no content.
  • Update GFM to 0.29.0.gfm.7
  • Update Regular Expressions to support Crystal 1.8.

0.3.0 - 2023-03-02

  • Breaking change: The TagSyntax is deprecated.
  • Breaking change: StrikethroughSyntax now extends DelimiterSyntax instead of TagSyntax.
  • Breaking change: LinkSyntax now extends DelimiterSyntax instead of TagSyntax.
  • Add new syntax DelimiterSyntax.
  • Add support to GFM extension for GitHub task lists (aka checkboxes). These are only active in the GITHUB_FLAVOURED and GITHUB_WEB extension sets.
  • Add support for #ff0000 color swatches.
  • Add two new emphasis syntaxes EmphasisSyntax.underscore and EmphasisSyntax.asterisk.
  • Change emoji list to be derived from the GitHub API. The only two emoji that visually change are :cricket: and :beetle:. There are alternate emoji :cricket_game: and :lady_beetle: which can be used to access the previous emoji. now pulls all emoji info directly from GitHub API and as a result we now support the entire GitHub emoji set (excluding the 19 custom GitHub specific emoji which have no Unicode support).

0.2.0 - 2023-02-16

  • Breaking change: Change type of parse_inline's parameters from String? to String.
  • Fix table-rendering bug when table rows have trailing whitespace.
  • Do not allow reference link labels to contain left brackets.
  • Treat lines matching a code block syntax as a continuations of paragraphs, inside blockquotes.
  • Add syntax for GitLab-flavored blockquotes. GitLab-flavored Markdown will be evaluated into an ExtensionSet, in a future release.
  • Add with_default_inline_syntaxes : Bool and with_default_block_syntaxes : Bool parameters to Luce.to_html and Luce::Document to support case of specifying exactly the list of desired syntaxes.

0.1.0 - 2023-02-04

The initial tagged release of Luce. This version has compatibility with the dart-lang/markdown package version 4.0.1. You can:

  • Parse CommonMark to HTML
  • Parse GitHub Flavoured Markdown to HTML
  • Parse GitHub Web Markdown to HTML
  • Define custom Inline and Block syntaxes
  • Define custom Link and Image Link resolvers
  • Define custom Extension Sets
  • Use any Crystal version from 1.0.0 to 1.7.2