.gitignore 1.3 KB

  1. # ---> WebMethods
  2. **/IntegrationServer/datastore/
  3. **/IntegrationServer/db/
  4. **/IntegrationServer/DocumentStore/
  5. **/IntegrationServer/lib/
  6. **/IntegrationServer/logs/
  7. **/IntegrationServer/replicate/
  8. **/IntegrationServer/sdk/
  9. **/IntegrationServer/support/
  10. **/IntegrationServer/update/
  11. **/IntegrationServer/userFtpRoot/
  12. **/IntegrationServer/web/
  13. **/IntegrationServer/WmRepository4/
  14. **/IntegrationServer/XAStore/
  15. **/IntegrationServer/packages/Wm*/
  16. # ---> WordPress
  17. *.log
  18. .htaccess
  19. sitemap.xml
  20. sitemap.xml.gz
  21. wp-config.php
  22. wp-content/advanced-cache.php
  23. wp-content/backup-db/
  24. wp-content/backups/
  25. wp-content/blogs.dir/
  26. wp-content/cache/
  27. wp-content/upgrade/
  28. wp-content/uploads/
  29. wp-content/wp-cache-config.php
  30. wp-content/plugins/hello.php
  31. /readme.html
  32. /license.txt
  33. # ---> OracleForms
  34. # Compiled Form Modules
  35. *.fmx
  36. # Compiled Menu Modules
  37. *.mmx
  38. # Compiled Pre-Linked Libraries
  39. *.plx
  40. # ---> Java
  41. *.class
  42. # Mobile Tools for Java (J2ME)
  43. .mtj.tmp/
  44. # Package Files #
  45. *.jar
  46. *.war
  47. *.ear
  48. # virtual machine crash logs, see http://www.java.com/en/download/help/error_hotspot.xml
  49. hs_err_pid*
  50. # ---> JDeveloper
  51. # default application storage directory used by the IDE Performance Cache feature
  52. .data/
  53. # used for ADF styles caching
  54. temp/
  55. # default output directories
  56. classes/
  57. deploy/
  58. javadoc/
  59. # lock file, a part of Oracle Credential Store Framework
  60. cwallet.sso.lck