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- // This may look like C code, but it's really -*- C++ -*-
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2008 Emweb bvba, Kessel-Lo, Belgium.
- *
- * See the LICENSE file for terms of use.
- */
- #ifndef FOLDER_VIEW_H_
- #define FOLDER_VIEW_H_
- #include <Wt/WTreeView>
- /**
- * \addtogroup treeviewdragdrop
- */
- /*@{*/
- /*! \brief A specialized treeview that supports a custom drop event.
- */
- class FolderView : public Wt::WTreeView
- {
- public:
- /*! \brief Constant that indicates the mime type for a selection of files.
- *
- * Every kind of dragged data should be identified using a unique mime type.
- */
- static const char *FileSelectionMimeType;
- /*! \brief Constructor.
- */
- FolderView(Wt::WContainerWidget *parent = 0);
- protected:
- /*! \brief Drop event.
- */
- virtual void dropEvent(const Wt::WDropEvent &event,
- const Wt::WModelIndex &target);
- };
- /*@}*/
- #endif // FOLDER_VIEW_H_