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Simplechat example

The simplechat example is a simple multi-user client + server. It is simple in many ways, including the constraint that all sessions run in the same process (it does not use inter-process communication), and that the client does not have any advanced functions.

The example can be run as a plain Wt application, but also as a widget set widget, which is a popup chat box that sits in the bottom right of the browser window, and can be integrated easily in another website. See the blog post for more information.

How to run

See the README in the parent directory.

What it illustrates

  • how to use server push, and post events to sessions using WServer::post() how to reuse a single widget to have two different
  • UI experiences (as a normal widget, or as a compact real-estate conserving widget for the chat popup)
  • how Wt supports Cross-Origin requests to implement widget set mode
  • the use of layout managers (WVBoxLayout and WHBoxLayout)
  • how to play small UI sounds using WSound
  • how to connect client-side JavaScript to a signal, to react to certain events
  • how to implement a method in client-side JavaScript using implementJavaScript()
  • how to safely render user-entered HTML without risking XSS