cx.ring.Ring.PresenceManager.xml 7.0 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  2. <node name="/cx.ring.Ring.PresenceManager" xmlns:tp="">
  3. <interface name="cx.ring.Ring.PresenceManager">
  4. <!-- METHODS !-->
  5. <method name="publish" tp:name-for-bindings="publish">
  6. <tp:added version="1.3.0"/>
  7. <arg type="s" name="accountID" direction="in">
  8. <tp:docstring>
  9. The account from which the presence will be emitted
  10. </tp:docstring>
  11. </arg>
  12. <arg type="b" name="status" direction="in">
  13. <tp:docstring>
  14. Is this account present or not
  15. </tp:docstring>
  16. </arg>
  17. <arg type="s" name="note" direction="in">
  18. <tp:docstring>
  19. A message transmitted by the server to other users
  20. </tp:docstring>
  21. </arg>
  22. </method>
  23. <method name="answerServerRequest" tp:name-for-bindings="answerServerRequest">
  24. <tp:docstring>
  25. Answer a presence request from the server
  26. </tp:docstring>
  27. <tp:added version="1.3.0"/>
  28. <arg type="s" name="uri" direction="in">
  29. <tp:docstring>
  30. </tp:docstring>
  31. </arg>
  32. <arg type="b" name="flag" direction="in">
  33. <tp:docstring>
  34. Is the request granted or denied
  35. </tp:docstring>
  36. </arg>
  37. </method>
  38. <method name="subscribeBuddy" tp:name-for-bindings="subscribeBuddy">
  39. <tp:docstring>
  40. Ask be be notified when 'uri' presence change
  41. </tp:docstring>
  42. <tp:added version="1.3.0"/>
  43. <arg type="s" name="accountID" direction="in">
  44. <tp:docstring>
  45. An account from which get request presence informations
  46. </tp:docstring>
  47. </arg>
  48. <arg type="s" name="uri" direction="in">
  49. <tp:docstring>
  50. A SIP uri to watch
  51. </tp:docstring>
  52. </arg>
  53. <arg type="b" name="flag" direction="in">
  54. <tp:docstring>
  55. </tp:docstring>
  56. </arg>
  57. </method>
  58. <method name="getSubscriptions" tp:name-for-bindings="getSubscriptions">
  59. <tp:added version="1.3.0"/>
  60. <tp:rationale>
  61. New clients connecting to existing daemon need to be aware of active
  62. subscriptions.
  63. </tp:rationale>
  64. <annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.In0" value="VectorMapStringString">
  65. While there is more status than "Online" or "Offline", only those
  66. </annotation>
  67. <arg type="s" name="accountID" direction="in">
  68. </arg>
  69. <annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.Out0" value="VectorMapStringString"/>
  70. <arg type="aa{ss}" name="credentialInformation" direction="out" tp:type="String_String_Map">
  71. <tp:docstring>
  72. List of hashes map with the following key-value pairs:
  73. * Status: "Online" or "Offline"
  74. * LineStatus: String
  75. </tp:docstring>
  76. </arg>
  77. </method>
  78. <method name="setSubscriptions" tp:name-for-bindings="setSubscriptions">
  79. <tp:added version="1.3.0"/>
  80. <tp:rationale>Calling "subscribeClient" in a loop is too slow</tp:rationale>
  81. <arg type="s" name="accountID" direction="in">
  82. </arg>
  83. <annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.In1" value="VectorString"/>
  84. <arg type="as" name="uriList" direction="in">
  85. <tp:docstring>
  86. A list of SIP URIs
  87. </tp:docstring>
  88. </arg>
  89. <!--TODO<annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.Out0" value="VectorString"/>
  90. <arg type="as" name="invalidUris" direction="out">
  91. <tp:docstring>
  92. List of invalid URIs. An URI must be a valid SIP URI. Clients should purge
  93. the list from all invalid URIs
  94. </tp:docstring>
  95. </arg>-->
  96. </method>
  97. <!-- SIGNALS !-->
  98. <signal name="newBuddyNotification" tp:name-for-bindings="newBuddyNotification">
  99. <tp:added version="1.3.0"/>
  100. <tp:docstring>
  101. Notify when a registered presence uri presence informations changes
  102. </tp:docstring>
  103. <arg type="s" name="accountID">
  104. <tp:docstring>
  105. The associated account
  106. </tp:docstring>
  107. </arg>
  108. <arg type="s" name="buddyUri">
  109. <tp:docstring>
  110. The registered URI
  111. </tp:docstring>
  112. </arg>
  113. <arg type="b" name="status">
  114. <tp:docstring>
  115. Is the URI present or not
  116. </tp:docstring>
  117. </arg>
  118. <arg type="s" name="lineStatus">
  119. <tp:docstring>
  120. A string containing informations from the user (human readable)
  121. </tp:docstring>
  122. </arg>
  123. </signal>
  124. <signal name="subscriptionStateChanged" tp:name-for-bindings="subscriptionStateChanged">
  125. <tp:added version="1.3.0"/>
  126. <tp:docstring>
  127. Notify when a the server changes the state of a subscription.
  128. </tp:docstring>
  129. <arg type="s" name="accountID">
  130. <tp:docstring>
  131. The associated account
  132. </tp:docstring>
  133. </arg>
  134. <arg type="s" name="buddyUri">
  135. <tp:docstring>
  136. The registered URI
  137. </tp:docstring>
  138. </arg>
  139. <arg type="b" name="state">
  140. <tp:docstring>
  141. True/ false when the subscription is active/termintated.
  142. </tp:docstring>
  143. </arg>
  144. </signal>
  145. <signal name="newServerSubscriptionRequest" tp:name-for-bindings="newServerSubscriptionRequest">
  146. <tp:added version="1.3.0"/>
  147. <arg type="s" name="buddyUri">
  148. <tp:docstring>
  149. Notify when an other user (or the server) request your presence informations
  150. </tp:docstring>
  151. </arg>
  152. </signal>
  153. <signal name="serverError" tp:name-for-bindings="serverError">
  154. <tp:added version="1.3.0"/>
  155. <arg type="s" name="accountID">
  156. <tp:docstring>
  157. Associated account
  158. </tp:docstring>
  159. </arg>
  160. <arg type="s" name="error">
  161. <tp:docstring>
  162. Code returned by the server
  163. </tp:docstring>
  164. </arg>
  165. <arg type="s" name="msg">
  166. <tp:docstring>
  167. Error explain
  168. </tp:docstring>
  169. </arg>
  170. </signal>
  171. </interface>
  172. </node>