123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373 |
- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd.
- Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
- a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
- b) the Affero GPL v3
- Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses
- JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
- available: visit www.juce.com for more information.
- ==============================================================================
- */
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- The Component class uses a ComponentPeer internally to create and manage a real
- operating-system window.
- This is an abstract base class - the platform specific code contains implementations of
- it for the various platforms.
- User-code should very rarely need to have any involvement with this class.
- @see Component::createNewPeer
- */
- class JUCE_API ComponentPeer
- {
- public:
- //==============================================================================
- /** A combination of these flags is passed to the ComponentPeer constructor. */
- enum StyleFlags
- {
- windowAppearsOnTaskbar = (1 << 0), /**< Indicates that the window should have a corresponding
- entry on the taskbar (ignored on MacOSX) */
- windowIsTemporary = (1 << 1), /**< Indicates that the window is a temporary popup, like a menu,
- tooltip, etc. */
- windowIgnoresMouseClicks = (1 << 2), /**< Indicates that the window should let mouse clicks pass
- through it (may not be possible on some platforms). */
- windowHasTitleBar = (1 << 3), /**< Indicates that the window should have a normal OS-specific
- title bar and frame. if not specified, the window will be
- borderless. */
- windowIsResizable = (1 << 4), /**< Indicates that the window should have a resizable border. */
- windowHasMinimiseButton = (1 << 5), /**< Indicates that if the window has a title bar, it should have a
- minimise button on it. */
- windowHasMaximiseButton = (1 << 6), /**< Indicates that if the window has a title bar, it should have a
- maximise button on it. */
- windowHasCloseButton = (1 << 7), /**< Indicates that if the window has a title bar, it should have a
- close button on it. */
- windowHasDropShadow = (1 << 8), /**< Indicates that the window should have a drop-shadow (this may
- not be possible on all platforms). */
- windowRepaintedExplictly = (1 << 9), /**< Not intended for public use - this tells a window not to
- do its own repainting, but only to repaint when the
- performAnyPendingRepaintsNow() method is called. */
- windowIgnoresKeyPresses = (1 << 10), /**< Tells the window not to catch any keypresses. This can
- be used for things like plugin windows, to stop them interfering
- with the host's shortcut keys */
- windowIsSemiTransparent = (1 << 31) /**< Not intended for public use - makes a window transparent. */
- };
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates a peer.
- The component is the one that we intend to represent, and the style flags are
- a combination of the values in the StyleFlags enum
- */
- ComponentPeer (Component& component, int styleFlags);
- /** Destructor. */
- virtual ~ComponentPeer();
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the component being represented by this peer. */
- Component& getComponent() noexcept { return component; }
- /** Returns the set of style flags that were set when the window was created.
- @see Component::addToDesktop
- */
- int getStyleFlags() const noexcept { return styleFlags; }
- /** Returns a unique ID for this peer.
- Each peer that is created is given a different ID.
- */
- uint32 getUniqueID() const noexcept { return uniqueID; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the raw handle to whatever kind of window is being used.
- On windows, this is probably a HWND, on the mac, it's likely to be a WindowRef,
- but remember there's no guarantees what you'll get back.
- */
- virtual void* getNativeHandle() const = 0;
- /** Shows or hides the window. */
- virtual void setVisible (bool shouldBeVisible) = 0;
- /** Changes the title of the window. */
- virtual void setTitle (const String& title) = 0;
- /** If this type of window is capable of indicating that the document in it has been
- edited, then this changes its status.
- For example in OSX, this changes the appearance of the close button.
- @returns true if the window has a mechanism for showing this, or false if not.
- */
- virtual bool setDocumentEditedStatus (bool edited);
- /** If this type of window is capable of indicating that it represents a file, then
- this lets you set the file.
- E.g. in OSX it'll show an icon for the file in the title bar.
- */
- virtual void setRepresentedFile (const File&);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Moves and resizes the window.
- If the native window is contained in another window, then the coordinates are
- relative to the parent window's origin, not the screen origin.
- This should result in a callback to handleMovedOrResized().
- */
- virtual void setBounds (const Rectangle<int>& newBounds, bool isNowFullScreen) = 0;
- /** Updates the peer's bounds to match its component. */
- void updateBounds();
- /** Returns the current position and size of the window.
- If the native window is contained in another window, then the coordinates are
- relative to the parent window's origin, not the screen origin.
- */
- virtual Rectangle<int> getBounds() const = 0;
- /** Converts a position relative to the top-left of this component to screen coordinates. */
- virtual Point<float> localToGlobal (Point<float> relativePosition) = 0;
- /** Converts a screen coordinate to a position relative to the top-left of this component. */
- virtual Point<float> globalToLocal (Point<float> screenPosition) = 0;
- /** Converts a position relative to the top-left of this component to screen coordinates. */
- Point<int> localToGlobal (Point<int> relativePosition);
- /** Converts a screen coordinate to a position relative to the top-left of this component. */
- Point<int> globalToLocal (Point<int> screenPosition);
- /** Converts a rectangle relative to the top-left of this component to screen coordinates. */
- virtual Rectangle<int> localToGlobal (const Rectangle<int>& relativePosition);
- /** Converts a screen area to a position relative to the top-left of this component. */
- virtual Rectangle<int> globalToLocal (const Rectangle<int>& screenPosition);
- /** Returns the area in peer coordinates that is covered by the given sub-comp (which
- may be at any depth)
- */
- Rectangle<int> getAreaCoveredBy (Component& subComponent) const;
- /** Minimises the window. */
- virtual void setMinimised (bool shouldBeMinimised) = 0;
- /** True if the window is currently minimised. */
- virtual bool isMinimised() const = 0;
- /** Enable/disable fullscreen mode for the window. */
- virtual void setFullScreen (bool shouldBeFullScreen) = 0;
- /** True if the window is currently full-screen. */
- virtual bool isFullScreen() const = 0;
- /** True if the window is in kiosk-mode. */
- virtual bool isKioskMode() const;
- /** Sets the size to restore to if fullscreen mode is turned off. */
- void setNonFullScreenBounds (const Rectangle<int>& newBounds) noexcept;
- /** Returns the size to restore to if fullscreen mode is turned off. */
- const Rectangle<int>& getNonFullScreenBounds() const noexcept;
- /** Attempts to change the icon associated with this window. */
- virtual void setIcon (const Image& newIcon) = 0;
- /** Sets a constrainer to use if the peer can resize itself.
- The constrainer won't be deleted by this object, so the caller must manage its lifetime.
- */
- void setConstrainer (ComponentBoundsConstrainer* newConstrainer) noexcept;
- /** Returns the current constrainer, if one has been set. */
- ComponentBoundsConstrainer* getConstrainer() const noexcept { return constrainer; }
- /** Checks if a point is in the window.
- The position is relative to the top-left of this window, in unscaled peer coordinates.
- If trueIfInAChildWindow is false, then this returns false if the point is actually
- inside a child of this window.
- */
- virtual bool contains (Point<int> localPos, bool trueIfInAChildWindow) const = 0;
- /** Returns the size of the window frame that's around this window.
- Whether or not the window has a normal window frame depends on the flags
- that were set when the window was created by Component::addToDesktop()
- */
- virtual BorderSize<int> getFrameSize() const = 0;
- /** This is called when the window's bounds change.
- A peer implementation must call this when the window is moved and resized, so that
- this method can pass the message on to the component.
- */
- void handleMovedOrResized();
- /** This is called if the screen resolution changes.
- A peer implementation must call this if the monitor arrangement changes or the available
- screen size changes.
- */
- virtual void handleScreenSizeChange();
- //==============================================================================
- /** This is called to repaint the component into the given context. */
- void handlePaint (LowLevelGraphicsContext& contextToPaintTo);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Sets this window to either be always-on-top or normal.
- Some kinds of window might not be able to do this, so should return false.
- */
- virtual bool setAlwaysOnTop (bool alwaysOnTop) = 0;
- /** Brings the window to the top, optionally also giving it focus. */
- virtual void toFront (bool makeActive) = 0;
- /** Moves the window to be just behind another one. */
- virtual void toBehind (ComponentPeer* other) = 0;
- /** Called when the window is brought to the front, either by the OS or by a call
- to toFront().
- */
- void handleBroughtToFront();
- //==============================================================================
- /** True if the window has the keyboard focus. */
- virtual bool isFocused() const = 0;
- /** Tries to give the window keyboard focus. */
- virtual void grabFocus() = 0;
- /** Called when the window gains keyboard focus. */
- void handleFocusGain();
- /** Called when the window loses keyboard focus. */
- void handleFocusLoss();
- Component* getLastFocusedSubcomponent() const noexcept;
- /** Called when a key is pressed.
- For keycode info, see the KeyPress class.
- Returns true if the keystroke was used.
- */
- bool handleKeyPress (int keyCode, juce_wchar textCharacter);
- /** Called whenever a key is pressed or released.
- Returns true if the keystroke was used.
- */
- bool handleKeyUpOrDown (bool isKeyDown);
- /** Called whenever a modifier key is pressed or released. */
- void handleModifierKeysChange();
- //==============================================================================
- /** Tells the window that text input may be required at the given position.
- This may cause things like a virtual on-screen keyboard to appear, depending
- on the OS.
- */
- virtual void textInputRequired (Point<int> position, TextInputTarget&) = 0;
- /** If there's some kind of OS input-method in progress, this should dismiss it. */
- virtual void dismissPendingTextInput();
- /** Returns the currently focused TextInputTarget, or null if none is found. */
- TextInputTarget* findCurrentTextInputTarget();
- //==============================================================================
- /** Invalidates a region of the window to be repainted asynchronously. */
- virtual void repaint (const Rectangle<int>& area) = 0;
- /** This can be called (from the message thread) to cause the immediate redrawing
- of any areas of this window that need repainting.
- You shouldn't ever really need to use this, it's mainly for special purposes
- like supporting audio plugins where the host's event loop is out of our control.
- */
- virtual void performAnyPendingRepaintsNow() = 0;
- /** Changes the window's transparency. */
- virtual void setAlpha (float newAlpha) = 0;
- //==============================================================================
- void handleMouseEvent (int touchIndex, Point<float> positionWithinPeer, ModifierKeys newMods, int64 time);
- void handleMouseWheel (int touchIndex, Point<float> positionWithinPeer, int64 time, const MouseWheelDetails&);
- void handleMagnifyGesture (int touchIndex, Point<float> positionWithinPeer, int64 time, float scaleFactor);
- void handleUserClosingWindow();
- struct DragInfo
- {
- StringArray files;
- String text;
- Point<int> position;
- bool isEmpty() const noexcept { return files.size() == 0 && text.isEmpty(); }
- void clear() noexcept { files.clear(); text.clear(); }
- };
- bool handleDragMove (const DragInfo&);
- bool handleDragExit (const DragInfo&);
- bool handleDragDrop (const DragInfo&);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the number of currently-active peers.
- @see getPeer
- */
- static int getNumPeers() noexcept;
- /** Returns one of the currently-active peers.
- @see getNumPeers
- */
- static ComponentPeer* getPeer (int index) noexcept;
- /** Returns the peer that's attached to the given component, or nullptr if there isn't one. */
- static ComponentPeer* getPeerFor (const Component*) noexcept;
- /** Checks if this peer object is valid.
- @see getNumPeers
- */
- static bool isValidPeer (const ComponentPeer* peer) noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- virtual StringArray getAvailableRenderingEngines() = 0;
- virtual int getCurrentRenderingEngine() const;
- virtual void setCurrentRenderingEngine (int index);
- protected:
- //==============================================================================
- Component& component;
- const int styleFlags;
- Rectangle<int> lastNonFullscreenBounds;
- ComponentBoundsConstrainer* constrainer;
- private:
- //==============================================================================
- WeakReference<Component> lastFocusedComponent, dragAndDropTargetComponent;
- Component* lastDragAndDropCompUnderMouse;
- const uint32 uniqueID;
- bool isWindowMinimised;
- Component* getTargetForKeyPress();
- };