123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344 |
- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This is an automatically generated GUI class created by the Introjucer!
- Be careful when adding custom code to these files, as only the code within
- the "//[xyz]" and "//[/xyz]" sections will be retained when the file is loaded
- and re-saved.
- Created with Introjucer version: 3.1.1
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Introjucer is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
- Copyright 2004-13 by Raw Material Software Ltd.
- ==============================================================================
- */
- //[Headers] You can add your own extra header files here...
- #include "LinJam.h"
- //[/Headers]
- #include "ConfigChannel.h"
- //[MiscUserDefs] You can add your own user definitions and misc code here...
- //[/MiscUserDefs]
- //==============================================================================
- ConfigChannel::ConfigChannel (ValueTree channel_store)
- : channelStore(channel_store)
- {
- addAndMakeVisible (nameLabel = new Label ("nameLabel",
- TRANS("channel name")));
- nameLabel->setFont (Font (15.00f, Font::plain));
- nameLabel->setJustificationType (Justification::centredTop);
- nameLabel->setEditable (false, false, false);
- nameLabel->setColour (Label::textColourId, Colours::white);
- nameLabel->setColour (TextEditor::textColourId, Colours::black);
- nameLabel->setColour (TextEditor::backgroundColourId, Colour (0x00000000));
- addAndMakeVisible (nameText = new TextEditor ("nameText"));
- nameText->setExplicitFocusOrder (1);
- nameText->setMultiLine (false);
- nameText->setReturnKeyStartsNewLine (false);
- nameText->setReadOnly (false);
- nameText->setScrollbarsShown (false);
- nameText->setCaretVisible (true);
- nameText->setPopupMenuEnabled (false);
- nameText->setColour (TextEditor::textColourId, Colours::grey);
- nameText->setColour (TextEditor::backgroundColourId, Colours::black);
- nameText->setText (String());
- addAndMakeVisible (monoButton = new ToggleButton ("monoButton"));
- monoButton->setExplicitFocusOrder (2);
- monoButton->setButtonText (TRANS("mono"));
- monoButton->setRadioGroupId (1);
- monoButton->setToggleState (true, dontSendNotification);
- monoButton->setColour (ToggleButton::textColourId, Colours::white);
- addAndMakeVisible (stereoButton = new ToggleButton ("stereoButton"));
- stereoButton->setExplicitFocusOrder (3);
- stereoButton->setButtonText (TRANS("stereo"));
- stereoButton->setRadioGroupId (1);
- stereoButton->setColour (ToggleButton::textColourId, Colours::white);
- addAndMakeVisible (inputLabel = new Label ("inputLabel",
- TRANS("input channel")));
- inputLabel->setFont (Font (15.00f, Font::plain));
- inputLabel->setJustificationType (Justification::centredTop);
- inputLabel->setEditable (false, false, false);
- inputLabel->setColour (Label::textColourId, Colours::white);
- inputLabel->setColour (TextEditor::textColourId, Colours::black);
- inputLabel->setColour (TextEditor::backgroundColourId, Colour (0x00000000));
- addAndMakeVisible (channelSelect = new ComboBox ("channelSelect"));
- channelSelect->setExplicitFocusOrder (4);
- channelSelect->setEditableText (false);
- channelSelect->setJustificationType (Justification::centredLeft);
- channelSelect->setTextWhenNothingSelected (TRANS("(select channel)"));
- channelSelect->setTextWhenNoChoicesAvailable (TRANS("(no free channels)"));
- channelSelect->addListener (this);
- addAndMakeVisible (okButton = new TextButton ("okButton"));
- okButton->setExplicitFocusOrder (5);
- okButton->setButtonText (TRANS("ok"));
- addAndMakeVisible (cancelButton = new TextButton ("cancelButton"));
- cancelButton->setExplicitFocusOrder (6);
- cancelButton->setButtonText (TRANS("cancel"));
- //[UserPreSize]
- //[/UserPreSize]
- setSize (200, 200);
- //[Constructor] You can add your own custom stuff here..
- this->nameText ->setColour(CaretComponent::caretColourId , Colours::white) ;
- this->channelSelect->setColour(ComboBox::textColourId , Colours::grey) ;
- this->channelSelect->setColour(ComboBox::backgroundColourId , Colours::black) ;
- // TODO: change option colors
- // set channel config state
- this->channelStore = channel_store ;
- this->isNewChannel = (channel_store.getType() == CONFIG::NEWCHANNEL_ID) ;
- String client_name = str(channel_store[CONFIG::CHANNEL_NAME_ID]) ;
- this->sourceN = int(channel_store[CONFIG::SOURCE_N_ID ]) ;
- this->isStereo = int(channel_store[CONFIG::STEREO_ID ]) != CONFIG::MONO ;
- // set GUI state and populate input select options
- this->nameText ->setText(LinJamConfig::TrimStereoName(client_name)) ;
- this->stereoButton->setToggleState(this->isStereo , juce::dontSendNotification) ;
- createChannelSelectOptions() ; populateChannelSelect() ;
- // local event handlers
- this->monoButton ->addListener(this) ;
- this->stereoButton->addListener(this) ;
- this->okButton ->addListener(this) ;
- this->cancelButton->addListener(this) ;
- //[/Constructor]
- }
- ConfigChannel::~ConfigChannel()
- {
- //[Destructor_pre]. You can add your own custom destruction code here..
- //[/Destructor_pre]
- nameLabel = nullptr;
- nameText = nullptr;
- monoButton = nullptr;
- stereoButton = nullptr;
- inputLabel = nullptr;
- channelSelect = nullptr;
- okButton = nullptr;
- cancelButton = nullptr;
- //[Destructor]. You can add your own custom destruction code here..
- //[/Destructor]
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void ConfigChannel::paint (Graphics& g)
- {
- //[UserPrePaint] Add your own custom painting code here..
- //[/UserPrePaint]
- g.setColour (Colour (0xff202020));
- g.fillRoundedRectangle (0.0f, 0.0f, static_cast<float> (getWidth() - 0), static_cast<float> (getHeight() - 0), 10.000f);
- g.setColour (Colours::white);
- g.drawRoundedRectangle (0.0f, 0.0f, static_cast<float> (getWidth() - 0), static_cast<float> (getHeight() - 0), 10.000f, 1.000f);
- //[UserPaint] Add your own custom painting code here..
- //[/UserPaint]
- }
- void ConfigChannel::resized()
- {
- //[UserPreResize] Add your own custom resize code here..
- //[/UserPreResize]
- nameLabel->setBounds (24, 24, 152, 16);
- nameText->setBounds (24, 44, 152, 16);
- monoButton->setBounds (34, 64, 64, 16);
- stereoButton->setBounds (102, 64, 64, 16);
- inputLabel->setBounds (24, 84, 152, 16);
- channelSelect->setBounds (24, 104, 152, 16);
- okButton->setBounds (34, 152, 64, 24);
- cancelButton->setBounds (102, 152, 64, 24);
- //[UserResized] Add your own custom resize handling here..
- //[/UserResized]
- }
- void ConfigChannel::comboBoxChanged (ComboBox* comboBoxThatHasChanged)
- {
- //[UsercomboBoxChanged_Pre]
- //[/UsercomboBoxChanged_Pre]
- if (comboBoxThatHasChanged == channelSelect)
- {
- //[UserComboBoxCode_channelSelect] -- add your combo box handling code here..
- //[/UserComboBoxCode_channelSelect]
- }
- //[UsercomboBoxChanged_Post]
- //[/UsercomboBoxChanged_Post]
- }
- //[MiscUserCode] You can add your own definitions of your custom methods or any other code here...
- void ConfigChannel::buttonClicked(Button* a_button)
- {
- if (a_button == this->monoButton || a_button == this->stereoButton)
- {
- bool was_selected_stereo = this->isStereo ;
- this->isStereo = this->stereoButton->getToggleState() ;
- bool has_stereo_selection_changed = (was_selected_stereo != this->isStereo) ;
- if (has_stereo_selection_changed) populateChannelSelect() ;
- }
- else if (a_button == this->okButton)
- {
- String gui_name = this->nameText ->getText() ;
- int selection_n = this->channelSelect->getSelectedItemIndex() ;
- int stereo_status = (!this->isStereo) ? CONFIG::MONO : CONFIG::STEREO_L ;
- int source_n = (!this->isStereo) ? this->freeAudioSourceNs [selection_n] :
- this->freeAudioSourcePairNs[selection_n] ;
- String client_name = LinJamConfig::MakeStereoName(gui_name , stereo_status) ;
- // update existing channel asynchronously
- this->channelStore.setProperty(CONFIG::CHANNEL_NAME_ID , client_name , nullptr)
- .setProperty(CONFIG::SOURCE_N_ID , source_n , nullptr)
- .setProperty(CONFIG::STEREO_ID , stereo_status , nullptr) ;
- // or create new local channel
- if (this->isNewChannel) LinJam::AddLocalChannel(this->channelStore) ;
- ((CallOutBox*)getParentComponent())->dismiss() ;
- }
- else if (a_button == this->cancelButton)
- ((CallOutBox*)getParentComponent())->dismiss() ;
- }
- String ConfigChannel::makeMonoSelectOption(int channel_n)
- {
- int display_channel_n = channel_n + 1 ;
- return "input " + String(display_channel_n) ;
- }
- String ConfigChannel::makeStereoSelectOption(int channel_n)
- {
- int display_channel_n = channel_n + 1 ;
- return "inputs " + String(display_channel_n) +
- " & " + String(display_channel_n + 1) ;
- }
- void ConfigChannel::createChannelSelectOptions()
- {
- this->freeAudioSourceNs = LinJam::GetFreeAudioSources() ;
- this->freeAudioSourcePairNs = LinJam::GetFreeAudioSourcePairs() ;
- int n_channels = this->freeAudioSourceNs.size() ;
- int n_channel_pairs = this->freeAudioSourcePairNs.size() ;
- for (int free_channel_n = 0 ; free_channel_n < n_channels ; ++free_channel_n)
- {
- int channel_n = this->freeAudioSourceNs.getUnchecked(free_channel_n) ;
- this->freeAudioSourceOptions.add(makeMonoSelectOption(channel_n)) ;
- }
- for (int free_pair_n = 0 ; free_pair_n < n_channel_pairs ; ++free_pair_n)
- {
- int channel_n = this->freeAudioSourcePairNs.getUnchecked(free_pair_n) ;
- this->freeAudioSourcePairOptions.add(makeStereoSelectOption(channel_n)) ;
- }
- }
- void ConfigChannel::populateChannelSelect()
- {
- this->channelSelect->clear() ;
- StringArray options = (!this->isStereo) ?
- this->freeAudioSourceOptions :
- this->freeAudioSourcePairOptions ;
- this->channelSelect->addItemList(options , 1) ;
- // pre-select current input option for existing channel
- int preselection_n = (this->isNewChannel) ? 0 :
- (!this->isStereo) ?
- this->freeAudioSourceNs .indexOf(this->sourceN) :
- this->freeAudioSourcePairNs.indexOf(this->sourceN) ;
- this->channelSelect->setSelectedItemIndex((~preselection_n) ? preselection_n : 0) ;
- }
- //[/MiscUserCode]
- //==============================================================================
- #if 0
- /* -- Introjucer information section --
- This is where the Introjucer stores the metadata that describe this GUI layout, so
- make changes in here at your peril!
- <JUCER_COMPONENT documentType="Component" className="ConfigChannel" componentName=""
- parentClasses="public Component, public ButtonListener" constructorParams="ValueTree channel_store"
- variableInitialisers="channelStore(channel_store)" snapPixels="8"
- snapActive="1" snapShown="1" overlayOpacity="0.330" fixedSize="1"
- initialWidth="200" initialHeight="200">
- <BACKGROUND backgroundColour="0">
- <ROUNDRECT pos="0 0 0M 0M" cornerSize="10" fill="solid: ff202020" hasStroke="1"
- stroke="1, mitered, butt" strokeColour="solid: ffffffff"/>
- <LABEL name="nameLabel" id="eb57b2d805d2eff8" memberName="nameLabel"
- virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="24 24 152 16" textCol="ffffffff"
- edTextCol="ff000000" edBkgCol="0" labelText="channel name" editableSingleClick="0"
- editableDoubleClick="0" focusDiscardsChanges="0" fontname="Default font"
- fontsize="15" bold="0" italic="0" justification="12"/>
- <TEXTEDITOR name="nameText" id="f721d2f898b8b762" memberName="nameText" virtualName=""
- explicitFocusOrder="1" pos="24 44 152 16" textcol="ff808080"
- bkgcol="ff000000" initialText="" multiline="0" retKeyStartsLine="0"
- readonly="0" scrollbars="0" caret="1" popupmenu="0"/>
- <TOGGLEBUTTON name="monoButton" id="f830997aaae8295f" memberName="monoButton"
- virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="2" pos="34 64 64 16" txtcol="ffffffff"
- buttonText="mono" connectedEdges="0" needsCallback="0" radioGroupId="1"
- state="1"/>
- <TOGGLEBUTTON name="stereoButton" id="f0fa912c23c0064f" memberName="stereoButton"
- virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="3" pos="102 64 64 16" txtcol="ffffffff"
- buttonText="stereo" connectedEdges="0" needsCallback="0" radioGroupId="1"
- state="0"/>
- <LABEL name="inputLabel" id="9d36c2a259889270" memberName="inputLabel"
- virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="24 84 152 16" textCol="ffffffff"
- edTextCol="ff000000" edBkgCol="0" labelText="input channel" editableSingleClick="0"
- editableDoubleClick="0" focusDiscardsChanges="0" fontname="Default font"
- fontsize="15" bold="0" italic="0" justification="12"/>
- <COMBOBOX name="channelSelect" id="7a9c3a4f62832f42" memberName="channelSelect"
- virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="4" pos="24 104 152 16" editable="0"
- layout="33" items="" textWhenNonSelected="(select channel)" textWhenNoItems="(no free channels)"/>
- <TEXTBUTTON name="okButton" id="504a4ad212ccb744" memberName="okButton" virtualName=""
- explicitFocusOrder="5" pos="34 152 64 24" buttonText="ok" connectedEdges="0"
- needsCallback="0" radioGroupId="0"/>
- <TEXTBUTTON name="cancelButton" id="4ec3eac10517595b" memberName="cancelButton"
- virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="6" pos="102 152 64 24" buttonText="cancel"
- connectedEdges="0" needsCallback="0" radioGroupId="0"/>
- */
- #endif
- //[EndFile] You can add extra defines here...
- //[/EndFile]