123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422 |
- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the juce_core module of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd.
- Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with
- or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this
- permission notice appear in all copies.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NOTE! This permissive ISC license applies ONLY to files within the juce_core module!
- All other JUCE modules are covered by a dual GPL/commercial license, so if you are
- using any other modules, be sure to check that you also comply with their license.
- For more details, visit www.juce.com
- ==============================================================================
- */
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- A special array for holding a list of strings.
- @see String, StringPairArray
- */
- class JUCE_API StringArray
- {
- public:
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates an empty string array */
- StringArray() noexcept;
- /** Creates a copy of another string array */
- StringArray (const StringArray&);
- StringArray (StringArray&&) noexcept;
- #endif
- /** Creates an array containing a single string. */
- explicit StringArray (const String& firstValue);
- /** Creates an array from a raw array of strings.
- @param strings an array of strings to add
- @param numberOfStrings how many items there are in the array
- */
- StringArray (const String* strings, int numberOfStrings);
- /** Creates a copy of an array of string literals.
- @param strings an array of strings to add. Null pointers in the array will be
- treated as empty strings
- @param numberOfStrings how many items there are in the array
- */
- StringArray (const char* const* strings, int numberOfStrings);
- /** Creates a copy of a null-terminated array of string literals.
- Each item from the array passed-in is added, until it encounters a null pointer,
- at which point it stops.
- */
- explicit StringArray (const char* const* strings);
- /** Creates a copy of a null-terminated array of string literals.
- Each item from the array passed-in is added, until it encounters a null pointer,
- at which point it stops.
- */
- explicit StringArray (const wchar_t* const* strings);
- /** Creates a copy of an array of string literals.
- @param strings an array of strings to add. Null pointers in the array will be
- treated as empty strings
- @param numberOfStrings how many items there are in the array
- */
- StringArray (const wchar_t* const* strings, int numberOfStrings);
- /** Destructor. */
- ~StringArray();
- /** Copies the contents of another string array into this one */
- StringArray& operator= (const StringArray&);
- StringArray& operator= (StringArray&&) noexcept;
- #endif
- /** Swaps the contents of this and another StringArray. */
- void swapWith (StringArray&) noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Compares two arrays.
- Comparisons are case-sensitive.
- @returns true only if the other array contains exactly the same strings in the same order
- */
- bool operator== (const StringArray&) const noexcept;
- /** Compares two arrays.
- Comparisons are case-sensitive.
- @returns false if the other array contains exactly the same strings in the same order
- */
- bool operator!= (const StringArray&) const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the number of strings in the array */
- inline int size() const noexcept { return strings.size(); };
- /** Returns one of the strings from the array.
- If the index is out-of-range, an empty string is returned.
- Obviously the reference returned shouldn't be stored for later use, as the
- string it refers to may disappear when the array changes.
- */
- const String& operator[] (int index) const noexcept;
- /** Returns a reference to one of the strings in the array.
- This lets you modify a string in-place in the array, but you must be sure that
- the index is in-range.
- */
- String& getReference (int index) noexcept;
- /** Returns a pointer to the first String in the array.
- This method is provided for compatibility with standard C++ iteration mechanisms.
- */
- inline String* begin() const noexcept { return strings.begin(); }
- /** Returns a pointer to the String which follows the last element in the array.
- This method is provided for compatibility with standard C++ iteration mechanisms.
- */
- inline String* end() const noexcept { return strings.end(); }
- /** Searches for a string in the array.
- The comparison will be case-insensitive if the ignoreCase parameter is true.
- @returns true if the string is found inside the array
- */
- bool contains (StringRef stringToLookFor,
- bool ignoreCase = false) const;
- /** Searches for a string in the array.
- The comparison will be case-insensitive if the ignoreCase parameter is true.
- @param stringToLookFor the string to try to find
- @param ignoreCase whether the comparison should be case-insensitive
- @param startIndex the first index to start searching from
- @returns the index of the first occurrence of the string in this array,
- or -1 if it isn't found.
- */
- int indexOf (StringRef stringToLookFor,
- bool ignoreCase = false,
- int startIndex = 0) const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Appends a string at the end of the array. */
- void add (const String& stringToAdd);
- /** Appends a string at the end of the array. */
- void add (String&& stringToAdd);
- #endif
- /** Inserts a string into the array.
- This will insert a string into the array at the given index, moving
- up the other elements to make room for it.
- If the index is less than zero or greater than the size of the array,
- the new string will be added to the end of the array.
- */
- void insert (int index, const String& stringToAdd);
- /** Adds a string to the array as long as it's not already in there.
- The search can optionally be case-insensitive.
- */
- void addIfNotAlreadyThere (const String& stringToAdd, bool ignoreCase = false);
- /** Replaces one of the strings in the array with another one.
- If the index is higher than the array's size, the new string will be
- added to the end of the array; if it's less than zero nothing happens.
- */
- void set (int index, const String& newString);
- /** Appends some strings from another array to the end of this one.
- @param other the array to add
- @param startIndex the first element of the other array to add
- @param numElementsToAdd the maximum number of elements to add (if this is
- less than zero, they are all added)
- */
- void addArray (const StringArray& other,
- int startIndex = 0,
- int numElementsToAdd = -1);
- /** Breaks up a string into tokens and adds them to this array.
- This will tokenise the given string using whitespace characters as the
- token delimiters, and will add these tokens to the end of the array.
- @returns the number of tokens added
- @see fromTokens
- */
- int addTokens (StringRef stringToTokenise, bool preserveQuotedStrings);
- /** Breaks up a string into tokens and adds them to this array.
- This will tokenise the given string (using the string passed in to define the
- token delimiters), and will add these tokens to the end of the array.
- @param stringToTokenise the string to tokenise
- @param breakCharacters a string of characters, any of which will be considered
- to be a token delimiter.
- @param quoteCharacters if this string isn't empty, it defines a set of characters
- which are treated as quotes. Any text occurring
- between quotes is not broken up into tokens.
- @returns the number of tokens added
- @see fromTokens
- */
- int addTokens (StringRef stringToTokenise,
- StringRef breakCharacters,
- StringRef quoteCharacters);
- /** Breaks up a string into lines and adds them to this array.
- This breaks a string down into lines separated by \\n or \\r\\n, and adds each line
- to the array. Line-break characters are omitted from the strings that are added to
- the array.
- */
- int addLines (StringRef stringToBreakUp);
- /** Returns an array containing the tokens in a given string.
- This will tokenise the given string using whitespace characters as the
- token delimiters, and return these tokens as an array.
- @see addTokens
- */
- static StringArray fromTokens (StringRef stringToTokenise,
- bool preserveQuotedStrings);
- /** Returns an array containing the tokens in a given string.
- This will tokenise the given string using whitespace characters as the
- token delimiters, and return these tokens as an array.
- @param stringToTokenise the string to tokenise
- @param breakCharacters a string of characters, any of which will be considered
- to be a token delimiter.
- @param quoteCharacters if this string isn't empty, it defines a set of characters
- which are treated as quotes. Any text occurring
- between quotes is not broken up into tokens.
- @see addTokens
- */
- static StringArray fromTokens (StringRef stringToTokenise,
- StringRef breakCharacters,
- StringRef quoteCharacters);
- /** Returns an array containing the lines in a given string.
- This breaks a string down into lines separated by \\n or \\r\\n, and returns an
- array containing these lines. Line-break characters are omitted from the strings that
- are added to the array.
- */
- static StringArray fromLines (StringRef stringToBreakUp);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Removes all elements from the array. */
- void clear();
- /** Removes all elements from the array without freeing the array's allocated storage.
- @see clear
- */
- void clearQuick();
- /** Removes a string from the array.
- If the index is out-of-range, no action will be taken.
- */
- void remove (int index);
- /** Finds a string in the array and removes it.
- This will remove the first occurrence of the given string from the array. The
- comparison may be case-insensitive depending on the ignoreCase parameter.
- */
- void removeString (StringRef stringToRemove,
- bool ignoreCase = false);
- /** Removes a range of elements from the array.
- This will remove a set of elements, starting from the given index,
- and move subsequent elements down to close the gap.
- If the range extends beyond the bounds of the array, it will
- be safely clipped to the size of the array.
- @param startIndex the index of the first element to remove
- @param numberToRemove how many elements should be removed
- */
- void removeRange (int startIndex, int numberToRemove);
- /** Removes any duplicated elements from the array.
- If any string appears in the array more than once, only the first occurrence of
- it will be retained.
- @param ignoreCase whether to use a case-insensitive comparison
- */
- void removeDuplicates (bool ignoreCase);
- /** Removes empty strings from the array.
- @param removeWhitespaceStrings if true, strings that only contain whitespace
- characters will also be removed
- */
- void removeEmptyStrings (bool removeWhitespaceStrings = true);
- /** Moves one of the strings to a different position.
- This will move the string to a specified index, shuffling along
- any intervening elements as required.
- So for example, if you have the array { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } then calling
- move (2, 4) would result in { 0, 1, 3, 4, 2, 5 }.
- @param currentIndex the index of the value to be moved. If this isn't a
- valid index, then nothing will be done
- @param newIndex the index at which you'd like this value to end up. If this
- is less than zero, the value will be moved to the end
- of the array
- */
- void move (int currentIndex, int newIndex) noexcept;
- /** Deletes any whitespace characters from the starts and ends of all the strings. */
- void trim();
- /** Adds numbers to the strings in the array, to make each string unique.
- This will add numbers to the ends of groups of similar strings.
- e.g. if there are two "moose" strings, they will become "moose (1)" and "moose (2)"
- @param ignoreCaseWhenComparing whether the comparison used is case-insensitive
- @param appendNumberToFirstInstance whether the first of a group of similar strings
- also has a number appended to it.
- @param preNumberString when adding a number, this string is added before the number.
- If you pass 0, a default string will be used, which adds
- brackets around the number.
- @param postNumberString this string is appended after any numbers that are added.
- If you pass 0, a default string will be used, which adds
- brackets around the number.
- */
- void appendNumbersToDuplicates (bool ignoreCaseWhenComparing,
- bool appendNumberToFirstInstance,
- CharPointer_UTF8 preNumberString = CharPointer_UTF8 (nullptr),
- CharPointer_UTF8 postNumberString = CharPointer_UTF8 (nullptr));
- //==============================================================================
- /** Joins the strings in the array together into one string.
- This will join a range of elements from the array into a string, separating
- them with a given string.
- e.g. joinIntoString (",") will turn an array of "a" "b" and "c" into "a,b,c".
- @param separatorString the string to insert between all the strings
- @param startIndex the first element to join
- @param numberOfElements how many elements to join together. If this is less
- than zero, all available elements will be used.
- */
- String joinIntoString (StringRef separatorString,
- int startIndex = 0,
- int numberOfElements = -1) const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Sorts the array into alphabetical order.
- @param ignoreCase if true, the comparisons used will be case-sensitive.
- */
- void sort (bool ignoreCase);
- /** Sorts the array using extra language-aware rules to do a better job of comparing
- words containing spaces and numbers.
- @see String::compareNatural()
- */
- void sortNatural();
- //==============================================================================
- /** Increases the array's internal storage to hold a minimum number of elements.
- Calling this before adding a large known number of elements means that
- the array won't have to keep dynamically resizing itself as the elements
- are added, and it'll therefore be more efficient.
- */
- void ensureStorageAllocated (int minNumElements);
- /** Reduces the amount of storage being used by the array.
- Arrays typically allocate slightly more storage than they need, and after
- removing elements, they may have quite a lot of unused space allocated.
- This method will reduce the amount of allocated storage to a minimum.
- */
- void minimiseStorageOverheads();
- /** This is the array holding the actual strings. This is public to allow direct access
- to array methods that may not already be provided by the StringArray class.
- */
- Array<String> strings;
- private:
- };