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  1. newtab_page_title=Iccer amaynut
  2. header_top_sites=Ismal ifazen
  3. header_highlights=Asebrureq
  4. # LOCALIZATION NOTE(header_recommended_by): This is followed by the name
  5. # of the corresponding content provider.
  6. header_recommended_by=Iwelleh-it-id {provider}
  7. # LOCALIZATION NOTE(context_menu_button_sr): This is for screen readers when
  8. # the context menu button is focused/active. Title is the label or hostname of
  9. # the site.
  10. context_menu_button_sr=Ldi umuɣ asatal i {title}
  11. # LOCALIZATION NOTE(section_context_menu_button_sr): This is for screen readers when
  12. # the section edit context menu button is focused/active.
  13. section_context_menu_button_sr=Ldi umuɣ n usatal n tgezmi
  14. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (type_label_*): These labels are associated to pages to give
  15. # context on how the element is related to the user, e.g. type indicates that
  16. # the page is bookmarked, or is currently open on another device
  17. type_label_visited=Yettwarza
  18. type_label_bookmarked=Yettwacreḍ
  19. type_label_recommended=Tiddin
  20. type_label_pocket=Yettwakles ɣer Pocket
  21. type_label_downloaded=Yuli-d
  22. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (menu_action_*): These strings are displayed in a context
  23. # menu and are meant as a call to action for a given page.
  24. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (menu_action_bookmark): Bookmark is a verb, as in "Add to
  25. # bookmarks"
  26. menu_action_bookmark=Creḍ asebter-agi
  27. menu_action_remove_bookmark=Kkes tacreṭ-agi
  28. menu_action_open_new_window=Ldei deg usfaylu amaynut
  29. menu_action_open_private_window=Ldi deg usfaylu uslig amaynut
  30. menu_action_dismiss=Kkes
  31. menu_action_delete=Kkes seg umazray
  32. menu_action_pin=Senteḍ
  33. menu_action_unpin=Serreḥ
  34. confirm_history_delete_p1=Tebɣiḍ ad tekksed yal tummant n usebter-agi seg umazray-ik?
  35. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (confirm_history_delete_notice_p2): this string is displayed in
  36. # the same dialog as confirm_history_delete_p1. "This action" refers to deleting a
  37. # page from history.
  38. confirm_history_delete_notice_p2=Tigawt-agi ur tettuɣal ara ar deffir.
  39. menu_action_save_to_pocket=Sekles ɣer Pocket
  40. menu_action_delete_pocket=Kkes si Pocket
  41. menu_action_archive_pocket=Ḥrez di Pocket
  42. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (menu_action_show_file_*): These are platform specific strings
  43. # found in the context menu of an item that has been downloaded. The intention behind
  44. # "this action" is that it will show where the downloaded file exists on the file system
  45. # for each operating system.
  46. menu_action_show_file_mac_os=Sken deg Finder
  47. menu_action_show_file_windows=Ldi akaram deg yella ufaylu
  48. menu_action_show_file_linux=Ldi akaram deg yella ufaylu
  49. menu_action_show_file_default=Sken afaylu
  50. menu_action_open_file=Ldi afaylu
  51. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (menu_action_copy_download_link, menu_action_go_to_download_page):
  52. # "Download" here, in both cases, is not a verb, it is a noun. As in, "Copy the
  53. # link that belongs to this downloaded item"
  54. menu_action_copy_download_link=Nɣel tansa n useɣwen n usali
  55. menu_action_go_to_download_page=Ddu ɣer usebter n usider
  56. menu_action_remove_download=Kkes seg umazray
  57. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (search_button): This is screenreader only text for the
  58. # search button.
  59. search_button=Nadi
  60. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (search_header): Displayed at the top of the panel
  61. # showing search suggestions. {search_engine_name} is replaced with the name of
  62. # the current default search engine. e.g. 'Google Search'
  63. search_header=Anadi {search_engine_name}
  64. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (search_web_placeholder): This is shown in the searchbox when
  65. # the user hasn't typed anything yet.
  66. search_web_placeholder=Nadi di Web
  67. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (section_disclaimer_topstories): This is shown below
  68. # the topstories section title to provide additional information about
  69. # how the stories are selected.
  70. section_disclaimer_topstories=Tiqṣiḍin ifazen ak deg Web, ttwafernent ilmend n wayen teqqareḍ. Seg Pocket i yuγal akka d aḥric n Mozilla.
  71. section_disclaimer_topstories_linktext=Issin amek i teddu.
  72. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (section_disclaimer_topstories_buttontext): The text of
  73. # the button used to acknowledge, and hide this disclaimer in the future.
  74. section_disclaimer_topstories_buttontext=Ih, awi-t-id
  75. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefs_*, settings_*): These are shown in about:preferences
  76. # for a "Firefox Home" section. "Firefox" should be treated as a brand and kept
  77. # in English, while "Home" should be localized matching the about:preferences
  78. # sidebar mozilla-central string for the panel that has preferences related to
  79. # what is shown for the homepage, new windows, and new tabs.
  80. prefs_home_header=Agbur agejdan Firefox
  81. prefs_home_description=Fren agbur i tebɣiḍ deg ugdil agejdan Firefox.
  82. prefs_content_discovery_header=Asebter agejdan Firefox
  83. prefs_content_discovery_button=Sens asnirem n ubur
  84. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (prefs_section_rows_option): This is a semi-colon list of
  85. # plural forms used in a drop down of multiple row options (1 row, 2 rows).
  86. # See:
  87. prefs_section_rows_option={num} izirig;{num} izirigen
  88. prefs_search_header=Anadi Web
  89. prefs_topsites_description=Ismal i tettwaliḍ aṭas
  90. prefs_topstories_description2=Agbur meqqren seg umaḍal, yettwag i kečč
  91. prefs_topstories_options_sponsored_label=Tiqṣidin yettwarefden
  92. prefs_topstories_sponsored_learn_more=Issin ugar
  93. prefs_highlights_description=Tafrant n yismal i teskelseḍ neɣ i twalaḍ
  94. prefs_highlights_options_visited_label=isebtar yettwarzan
  95. prefs_highlights_options_download_label=Isidar imaynuten
  96. prefs_highlights_options_pocket_label=Isebtar yettwaḥerzen ar Pocket
  97. prefs_snippets_description=Ileqman seg Mozilla d Firefox
  98. settings_pane_button_label=Sagen asebter n yiccer-ik amaynut
  99. settings_pane_topsites_header=Ismal ifazen
  100. settings_pane_highlights_header=Asebrureq
  101. settings_pane_highlights_options_bookmarks=Ticraḍ n isebtar
  102. # LOCALIZATION NOTE(settings_pane_snippets_header): For the "Snippets" feature
  103. # traditionally on about:home. Alternative translation options: "Small Note" or
  104. # something that expresses the idea of "a small message, shortened from
  105. # something else, and non-essential but also not entirely trivial and useless."
  106. settings_pane_snippets_header=Tiwzillin
  107. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (edit_topsites_*): This is shown in the Edit Top Sites modal
  108. # dialog.
  109. edit_topsites_button_text=Ẓreg
  110. edit_topsites_edit_button=Ẓreg asmel-agi
  111. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (topsites_form_*): This is shown in the New/Edit Topsite modal.
  112. topsites_form_add_header=Asmel ifazen amaynut
  113. topsites_form_edit_header=Ẓreg asmel ifazen
  114. topsites_form_title_label=Azwel
  115. topsites_form_title_placeholder=Sekcem azwel
  116. topsites_form_url_label=URL
  117. topsites_form_image_url_label=Tugna tudmawant URL
  118. topsites_form_url_placeholder=Aru neɣ sekcem tansa URL
  119. topsites_form_use_image_link=Seqdec tugna tudmawant…
  120. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (topsites_form_*_button): These are verbs/actions.
  121. topsites_form_preview_button=Taskant
  122. topsites_form_add_button=Rnu
  123. topsites_form_save_button=Sekles
  124. topsites_form_cancel_button=Sefsex
  125. topsites_form_url_validation=Tansa URL tameɣtut tettwasra
  126. topsites_form_image_validation=Tugna ur d-uli ara. Ɛreḍ tansa-nniḍen URL.
  127. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (pocket_read_more): This is shown at the bottom of the
  128. # trending stories section and precedes a list of links to popular topics.
  129. pocket_read_more=Isental ittwasnen aṭas:
  130. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (pocket_read_even_more): This is shown as a link at the
  131. # end of the list of popular topic links.
  132. pocket_read_even_more=Wali ugar n teqsiḍin
  133. pocket_more_reccommendations=Ugar n iwellihen
  134. pocket_how_it_works=Amek iteddu
  135. pocket_cta_button=Awi-d Pocket
  136. pocket_cta_text=Sekles tiqṣiḍin i tḥemmleḍ deg Pocket, sedhu allaɣ-ik s tɣuri ifazen.
  137. highlights_empty_state=Bdu tuniginn sakin nekkni ad k-n-sken imagraden, tividyutin, akked isebtar nniḍen i γef terziḍ yakan neγ i tceṛḍeḍ dagi.
  138. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (topstories_empty_state): When there are no recommendations,
  139. # in the space that would have shown a few stories, this is shown instead.
  140. # {provider} is replaced by the name of the content provider for this section.
  141. topstories_empty_state=Ulac wiyaḍ. Uɣal-d ticki s wugar n imagraden seg {provider}. Ur tebɣiḍ ara ad terǧuḍ? Fren asentel seg wid yettwasnen akken ad twaliḍ imagraden yelhan di Web.
  142. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (manual_migration_explanation2): This message is shown to encourage users to
  143. # import their browser profile from another browser they might be using.
  144. manual_migration_explanation2=Σreḍ Firefox s ticṛaḍ n isebtar, amazray akked awalen uffiren sγur ilinigen nniḍen.
  145. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (manual_migration_cancel_button): This message is shown on a button that cancels the
  146. # process of importing another browser’s profile into Firefox.
  147. manual_migration_cancel_button=Ala, tanemmirt
  148. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (manual_migration_import_button): This message is shown on a button that starts the process
  149. # of importing another browser’s profile profile into Firefox.
  150. manual_migration_import_button=Kter tura
  151. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_fallback_default_*): This message and suggested
  152. # action link are shown in each section of UI that fails to render
  153. error_fallback_default_info=Ihuh, yella wayen yeḍran deg usali n ugbur-a.
  154. error_fallback_default_refresh_suggestion=Sali-d aseter akken ad talseḍ aɛraḍ.
  155. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (section_menu_action_*). These strings are displayed in the section
  156. # context menu and are meant as a call to action for the given section.
  157. section_menu_action_remove_section=Kkes tigezmi
  158. section_menu_action_collapse_section=Fneẓ tigezmi
  159. section_menu_action_expand_section=Snefli tigezmi
  160. section_menu_action_manage_section=Sefrek tigezmi
  161. section_menu_action_manage_webext=Sefrek asiɣzef
  162. section_menu_action_add_topsite=Rnu asmel ifazen
  163. section_menu_action_add_search_engine=Rnu amsedday n unadi
  164. section_menu_action_move_up=Ali
  165. section_menu_action_move_down=Ader
  166. section_menu_action_privacy_notice=Tasertit n tbaḍnit
  167. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (firstrun_*). These strings are displayed only once, on the
  168. # firstrun of the browser, they give an introduction to Firefox and Sync.
  169. firstrun_title=Awi Firefox yid-k
  170. firstrun_content=Awi ticraḍ-ik n yisebtar, amazray-ik, awalen-ik uffiren d yiɣewwaṛen-nniḍen ɣef ibenkan-ik meṛṛa.
  171. firstrun_learn_more_link=Issin ugar ɣef Firefox Accounts
  172. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (firstrun_form_header and firstrun_form_sub_header):
  173. # firstrun_form_sub_header is a continuation of firstrun_form_header, they are one sentence.
  174. # firstrun_form_header is displayed more boldly as the call to action.
  175. firstrun_form_header=Sekcem imayl inek
  176. firstrun_form_sub_header=akken ad tkemleḍ akked Firefox Sync
  177. firstrun_email_input_placeholder=Imayl
  178. firstrun_invalid_input=Imayl ameɣtu ilaq
  179. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (firstrun_extra_legal_links): {terms} is equal to firstrun_terms_of_service, and
  180. # {privacy} is equal to firstrun_privacy_notice. {terms} and {privacy} are clickable links.
  181. firstrun_extra_legal_links=Ma tkemmleḍ, ad tqebleḍ {terms} d {privacy}.
  182. firstrun_terms_of_service=Tiwtilin n useqdec
  183. firstrun_privacy_notice=Tasertit n tbaḍnit
  184. firstrun_continue_to_login=Kemmel
  185. firstrun_skip_login=Zgel amecwaṛ-agi
  186. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (context_menu_title): Action tooltip to open a context menu
  187. context_menu_title=Ldi umuɣ