these files are a set of git hooks to semi-automate the following:
- injecting semantic version strings into the program source code
- signed releases on github
- packaging for debian
- packaging on the opensuse build service (OBS)
sources include graph:
* commit-msg
* post-commit
initial local configuration:
- configure git to use these git-packaging-hooks
=> $ git config --local core.hooksPath /path/to/git-packaging-hooks/
- define the project-specific constants in
- ensure that the project debian/ and obs/ directories are on the
- copy (or adapt) the gbp.conf from this directory to the project debian/ directory
- ensure that
git config
and git config user.signingkey
are set
- ensure that
and piuparts
are installed
=> $ su -c "apt-get install curl piuparts"
- for DEB_BUILD_TOOL='debuild' ensure that
is installed
=> $ su -c "apt-get install devscripts"
- for DEB_BUILD_TOOL='sbuild' ensure that
and schroot
are installed
and that your user is in the 'sbuild' group
=> $ su -c "apt-get install sbuild schroot"
=> $ su -c "sbuild-adduser $USER"
=> (optional) set alternate chroot directory
=> $ su -c "mkdir -p ${$DEB_SBUILD_DIR}
=> $ su -c "rm -rf /run/schroot"
=> $ su -c "ln -s $DEB_SBUILD_DIR /run/schroot"
- for DEB_BUILD_TOOL='gbp' ensure that
is installed
=> ensure that your user can sudo
=> $ sudo apt-get install debhelper fakeroot git-buildpackage cowbuilder
=> (optional) set alternate chroot directory
=> $ sudo mkdir -p $DEB_PBUILDER_DIR
=> $ sudo rm -rf /var/cache/pbuilder
=> $ sudo ln -s $DEB_PBUILDER_DIR /var/cache/pbuilder
for each release version:
- checkout the
and pull/merge the release state
- ensure that the appropriate tag 'vMAJOR.MINOR' exists on the
or add a new tag 'vMAJOR.MINOR' if major or minor version should change
- amend the
HEAD commit to trigger the git hooks
- verify that the git hook has put a tag of the form 'vMAJOR.MINOR.REV' on the HEAD
where REV is n_commits after the nearest 'vMAJOR.MINOR' tag
- checkout the
to enable the packaging-specific git hooks
- rebase the
onto the previous HEAD
- (optional) in debian/changelog
=> add detailed entry for this version to suppress the automated entry
if build or install steps have changed:
- in
=> update '%build' recipe, and/or '%post' install hooks
- in debian.rules
=> update 'build-stamp:' and 'install:' recipes
- in
=> update 'build()' and 'package()' recipes
=> $ gpg --detach-sign PKGBUILD
if output files have changed:
- in
=> update package '%files'
if dependencies have changed:
- in
=> update 'BuildRequires' and/or 'Requires'
- in
=> update 'Build-Depends'
- in debian.control
=> update 'Build-Depends' and/or 'Depends'
- in
=> update 'makedepends' and/or 'depends'
=> $ gpg --detach-sign PKGBUILD
prepare packaging files:
- add a new commit to trigger the git hooks
=> $ git add --all
=> $ git commit --allow-empty --allow-empty-message --message=''
NOTE: after each commit to the $STAGING_BRANCH
- the version string will be written into the file
- any git tags of the form 'vMAJOR.MINOR.REV' that are not merged into master will be deleted
- a git tag 'vMAJOR.MINOR.REV' will be put on the HEAD
where REV is n_commits after the nearest 'vMAJOR.MINOR' tag
- autoreconf will be run, the project will be rebuilt and installchecked
- the commit will be rejected if the re-config/re-build fails
- the commit will be amended with '--gpg-sign' if it was not already GPG signed
or if any tracked files had been changed by the re-config/re-build
NOTE: after each commit to the $PACKAGING_BRANCH
- all existing git tags are preserved
- rebasing and amend commits are non-eventful and will not trigger any of the following actions
- the _service, .spec, .dsc, and PKGBUILD files will be created from their corresponding *.in templates
- version strings will be written into the _service, .spec, .dsc, and PKGBUILD files
- checksums will be written into the .dsc and PKGBUILD files
- a tarball named 'PROJECT_MAJOR.MINOR.REV.orig.tar.gz' will be in the parent directory
- signatures will be generated for the tarball and PKGBUILD
- the .spec and .dsc recipes will be coupled to this tarball
- the .dsc recipe will be coupled to this tarball checksums
- the PKGBUILD recipe will be coupled to this tarball, checksum, and signatures
- a new entry will be added to the debian/changelog if one does not exist for this version
- the new HEAD commit will be amended and signed with the commit message as
- the
, and tags will pushed to github
- the PKGBUILD and signatures will be uploaded to the 'vMAJOR.MINOR.REV' github "tag release"
- the local tarball, PKGBUILD, and signatures will be verified as identical to the github "tag release"
- all files in the ./obs/ directory (except *.in) will be copied into the
- the remote OBS build will be triggered with a checkin
- a debian package will be built, installed, and validated in a clean chroot
finalize the release:
- tweak any debian/ or OSC files and rebuild manually with deb tools and/or osc
as necessary until everything is rocking sweetly
- duplicate any manual changes to the OSC files in the ./obs/ files and amend commit
=> $ git add --all
=> $ git commit --amend
- checkout the master branch and fast-forward to the
=> $ git checkout master && git merge $STAGING_BRANCH
&& git push upstream master