the files contained in this directory are used by the OpenSUSE Build Service to build/package binary artifacts and are otherwise not interesting
when merging into master, the current manual procedure is as follows:
- update version number in jucer
- create a tag/tarball named as "vMAJOR.MINOR.REV"
- download tarball and calclulate md5sum
- in Builds/Packaging/PKGBUILD
=> update 'pkgver' and 'md5sums'
=> update 'makedepends' and/or 'depends'
- in Builds/Packaging/_service
=> update 'path'
- in Builds/Packaging/av-caster.spec
=> update 'Version'
=> update 'BuildRequires' and/or 'Requires'
=> update '%build' recipe, package '%files', and/or '%post' install hooks
=> update '%changelog' date and version
- in Builds/Packaging/av-caster.dsc
=> update 'Version'
=> update 'Build-Depends'
=> update 'Files' filename (checksum and size are arbitrary)
- in Builds/Packaging/debian.changelog
=> add new entry with list of significant commits
- in Builds/Packaging/debian.rules
=> update 'build-stamp:' recipe and 'install:' package files
- in Builds/Packaging/debian.control
=> update 'Build-Depends' and/or 'Depends'
- copy the entire Builds/Packaging/ directory to the local osc directory
- move the tarball to the local osc directory as vMAJOR.MINOR.REV.tar.gz
- osc local build e.g.
=> $ osc build openSUSE_Tumbleweed x86_64 ./av-caster.spec
=> $ osc build Debian_8.0 x86_64 ./av-caster.dsc
- tweak any of the above steps as necessary until everything rocks sweetly
- osc commit to the OBS build server for final build
- update main as necessary, git commit everything, then merge into master