123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275 |
- /*\
- |*| Copyright 2015-2016 bill-auger <https://github.com/bill-auger/av-caster/issues>
- |*|
- |*| This file is part of the AvCaster program.
- |*|
- |*| AvCaster is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- |*| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3
- |*| as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- |*|
- |*| AvCaster is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- |*| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- |*| GNU General Public License for more details.
- |*|
- |*| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- |*| along with AvCaster. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- \*/
- //[Headers] You can add your own extra header files here...
- #include "../Controllers/AvCaster.h"
- #include "../Trace/TraceChat.h"
- //[/Headers]
- #include "Chat.h"
- //[MiscUserDefs] You can add your own user definitions and misc code here...
- //[/MiscUserDefs]
- //==============================================================================
- Chat::Chat (MainContent* main_content)
- {
- //[Constructor_pre] You can add your own custom stuff here..
- //[/Constructor_pre]
- addAndMakeVisible (chatGroup = new GroupComponent ("chatGroup",
- TRANS("Chat")));
- chatGroup->setColour (GroupComponent::outlineColourId, Colours::white);
- chatGroup->setColour (GroupComponent::textColourId, Colours::white);
- addAndMakeVisible (chatHistoryGroup = new GroupComponent ("chatHistoryGroup",
- String()));
- chatHistoryGroup->setColour (GroupComponent::outlineColourId, Colours::white);
- chatHistoryGroup->setColour (GroupComponent::textColourId, Colours::white);
- addAndMakeVisible (chatHistoryText = new TextEditor ("chatHistoryText"));
- chatHistoryText->setMultiLine (true);
- chatHistoryText->setReturnKeyStartsNewLine (false);
- chatHistoryText->setReadOnly (true);
- chatHistoryText->setScrollbarsShown (true);
- chatHistoryText->setCaretVisible (false);
- chatHistoryText->setPopupMenuEnabled (true);
- chatHistoryText->setColour (TextEditor::textColourId, Colours::white);
- chatHistoryText->setColour (TextEditor::backgroundColourId, Colours::black);
- chatHistoryText->setText (String());
- addAndMakeVisible (chatEntryGroup = new GroupComponent ("chatEntryGroup",
- String()));
- chatEntryGroup->setExplicitFocusOrder (1);
- chatEntryGroup->setColour (GroupComponent::outlineColourId, Colours::white);
- chatEntryGroup->setColour (GroupComponent::textColourId, Colours::white);
- addAndMakeVisible (chatEntryText = new TextEditor ("chatEntryText"));
- chatEntryText->setExplicitFocusOrder (2);
- chatEntryText->setMultiLine (false);
- chatEntryText->setReturnKeyStartsNewLine (false);
- chatEntryText->setReadOnly (false);
- chatEntryText->setScrollbarsShown (false);
- chatEntryText->setCaretVisible (true);
- chatEntryText->setPopupMenuEnabled (true);
- chatEntryText->setColour (TextEditor::textColourId, Colours::white);
- chatEntryText->setColour (TextEditor::backgroundColourId, Colour (0xff202020));
- chatEntryText->setText (String());
- addAndMakeVisible (chatList = new ChatList());
- chatList->setExplicitFocusOrder (2);
- chatList->setName ("chatList");
- //[UserPreSize]
- //[/UserPreSize]
- setSize (1, 1);
- //[Constructor] You can add your own custom stuff here..
- // configure look and feel , validations, and listeners
- TextEditor::Listener* this_text_listener = static_cast<TextEditor::Listener*>(this) ;
- main_content->configureTextEditor(this->chatEntryText , this_text_listener ,
- GUI::MAX_MOTD_LEN , String::empty ) ;
- this->chatEntryText->setTextToShowWhenEmpty(GUI::CHAT_PROMPT_TEXT , GUI::TEXT_EMPTY_COLOR) ;
- setFontSize() ;
- // defer visibility until connected to some chat channel
- updateVisiblilty(false) ;
- //[/Constructor]
- }
- Chat::~Chat()
- {
- //[Destructor_pre]. You can add your own custom destruction code here..
- //[/Destructor_pre]
- chatGroup = nullptr;
- chatHistoryGroup = nullptr;
- chatHistoryText = nullptr;
- chatEntryGroup = nullptr;
- chatEntryText = nullptr;
- chatList = nullptr;
- //[Destructor]. You can add your own custom destruction code here..
- //[/Destructor]
- }
- //==============================================================================
- void Chat::paint (Graphics& g)
- {
- //[UserPrePaint] Add your own custom painting code here..
- //[/UserPrePaint]
- g.setColour (Colour (0xff282828));
- g.fillRoundedRectangle (20.0f, 18.0f, static_cast<float> (getWidth() - 40), static_cast<float> (getHeight() - 36), 4.000f);
- //[UserPaint] Add your own custom painting code here..
- //[/UserPaint]
- }
- void Chat::resized()
- {
- //[UserPreResize] Add your own custom resize code here..
- //[/UserPreResize]
- chatGroup->setBounds (16, 8, getWidth() - 32, getHeight() - 24);
- chatHistoryGroup->setBounds (28, 22, getWidth() - 56, getHeight() - 90);
- chatHistoryText->setBounds (32, 32, getWidth() - 64, getHeight() - 104);
- chatEntryGroup->setBounds (28, getHeight() - 68, getWidth() - 56, 38);
- chatEntryText->setBounds (32, getHeight() - 58, getWidth() - 64, 24);
- chatList->setBounds (getWidth() - 160, 32, 128, 48);
- //[UserResized] Add your own custom resize handling here..
- //[/UserResized]
- }
- //[MiscUserCode] You can add your own definitions of your custom methods or any other code here...
- /* Chat public instance methods */
- void Chat::updateVisiblilty(bool is_visible)
- {
- String group_title = (is_visible) ? GUI::CHAT_GROUP_TITLE : AvCaster::GetVersionString() ;
- const MessageManagerLock mmLock ;
- this->chatGroup ->setText (group_title) ;
- this->chatHistoryGroup->setVisible(is_visible) ;
- this->chatHistoryText ->setVisible(is_visible) ;
- this->chatEntryGroup ->setVisible(is_visible) ;
- this->chatEntryText ->setVisible(is_visible) ;
- this->chatList ->setVisible(is_visible) ;
- }
- #ifndef DISABLE_CHAT
- void Chat::addChatLine(String prefix , String nick , String message)
- {
- String newline = (this->chatHistoryText->getText().isEmpty()) ? String::empty : newLine ;
- prefix = prefix .trim() ;
- nick = nick .trim() ;
- message = message.trim() ;
- prefix = (prefix.isEmpty() ) ? String::empty : prefix + " " ;
- nick = (nick == GUI::CLIENT_NICK) ? String::empty : nick + ": " ;
- const MessageManagerLock mmLock ;
- this->chatHistoryText->moveCaretToEnd() ;
- this->chatHistoryText->insertTextAtCaret(newline + prefix + nick + message) ;
- }
- #endif // DISABLE_CHAT
- /* Chat private instance methods */
- void Chat::textEditorReturnKeyPressed(TextEditor& a_text_editor)
- {
- if (&a_text_editor != this->chatEntryText) return ;
- #ifndef DISABLE_CHAT
- AvCaster::SendChat(this->chatEntryText->getText()) ;
- #endif // DISABLE_CHAT
- this->chatEntryText->clear() ;
- }
- void Chat::setFontSize()
- {
- Font current_font = this->chatHistoryText->getFont() ;
- int new_font_size = getFontSize() ;
- Font new_font = current_font.withHeight(new_font_size) ;
- this->chatHistoryText->applyFontToAllText(new_font) ;
- this->chatEntryText ->applyFontToAllText(new_font) ;
- // resized() ; // TODO: dynamic font size nyi
- }
- int Chat::getFontSize()
- {
- // return GUI::FONT_SIZE ;
- return 16 ;
- /* TODO: dynamic font size nyi
- int font_size_n = int(this->fontSize.getValue()) ;
- int font_size_n = int(this->fontSize.getValue()) ;
- int font_size = GUI::FONT_SIZES[font_size_n].getIntValue() ;
- return font_size ;
- */
- }
- //[/MiscUserCode]
- //==============================================================================
- #if 0
- /* -- Projucer information section --
- This is where the Projucer stores the metadata that describe this GUI layout, so
- make changes in here at your peril!
- <JUCER_COMPONENT documentType="Component" className="Chat" componentName="" parentClasses="public Component, public TextEditor::Listener"
- constructorParams="MainContent* main_content" variableInitialisers=""
- snapPixels="8" snapActive="1" snapShown="1" overlayOpacity="0.330"
- fixedSize="0" initialWidth="1" initialHeight="1">
- <BACKGROUND backgroundColour="0">
- <ROUNDRECT pos="20 18 40M 36M" cornerSize="4" fill="solid: ff282828" hasStroke="0"/>
- <GROUPCOMPONENT name="chatGroup" id="6607ba656d5c8919" memberName="chatGroup"
- virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="16 8 32M 24M" outlinecol="ffffffff"
- textcol="ffffffff" title="Chat"/>
- <GROUPCOMPONENT name="chatHistoryGroup" id="258cc166964ef054" memberName="chatHistoryGroup"
- virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="28 22 56M 90M" outlinecol="ffffffff"
- textcol="ffffffff" title=""/>
- <TEXTEDITOR name="chatHistoryText" id="f98355c5e336ef72" memberName="chatHistoryText"
- virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="0" pos="32 32 64M 104M" textcol="ffffffff"
- bkgcol="ff000000" initialText="" multiline="1" retKeyStartsLine="0"
- readonly="1" scrollbars="1" caret="0" popupmenu="1"/>
- <GROUPCOMPONENT name="chatEntryGroup" id="da473ae049822d5c" memberName="chatEntryGroup"
- virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="1" pos="28 68R 56M 38" outlinecol="ffffffff"
- textcol="ffffffff" title=""/>
- <TEXTEDITOR name="chatEntryText" id="1dd802ce165b4013" memberName="chatEntryText"
- virtualName="" explicitFocusOrder="2" pos="32 58R 64M 24" textcol="ffffffff"
- bkgcol="ff202020" initialText="" multiline="0" retKeyStartsLine="0"
- readonly="0" scrollbars="0" caret="1" popupmenu="1"/>
- <GENERICCOMPONENT name="chatList" id="90795555172fbed0" memberName="chatList" virtualName=""
- explicitFocusOrder="2" pos="160R 32 128 48" class="ChatList"
- params=""/>
- */
- #endif
- //[EndFile] You can add extra defines here...
- //[/EndFile]