123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442 |
- /*\
- |*| Copyright 2015-2016 bill-auger <https://github.com/bill-auger/av-caster/issues>
- |*|
- |*| This file is part of the AvCaster program.
- |*|
- |*| AvCaster is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- |*| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3
- |*| as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- |*|
- |*| AvCaster is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- |*| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- |*| GNU General Public License for more details.
- |*|
- |*| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- |*| along with AvCaster. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- \*/
- #include "IrcClient.h"
- #ifndef DISABLE_CHAT
- #include <libirc_rfcnumeric.h>
- #include "AvCaster.h"
- #include "IrcClient.h"
- #include "../Trace/TraceIrcClient.h"
- /* IrcClient class variables */
- ValueTree IrcClient::NetworkStore ; // IrcClient()
- irc_callbacks_t IrcClient::ServerCallbacks ; // IrcClient()
- StringArray IrcClient::Nicks ; // HandleNicks()
- /* IrcClient public instance methods */
- void IrcClient::configure(bool should_create_session)
- {
- // disconnect and destroy existing network connection
- destroySession() ;
- // validate and create network session (and login asynchronously)
- if (should_create_session) createSession() ;
- }
- /* IrcClient private class methods */
- IrcClient::IrcClient(ValueTree network_store) : Thread(APP::IRC_THREAD_NAME)
- {
- // validate and initialize
- if (ServerCallbacks.event_connect != OnConnect ||
- ServerCallbacks.event_channel != OnChannelMsg ||
- ServerCallbacks.event_join != OnJoin ||
- ServerCallbacks.event_part != OnPart ||
- ServerCallbacks.event_nick != OnNickChange ||
- ServerCallbacks.event_numeric != OnNumeric )
- {
- // assign server callbacks (NOTE: there are many more)
- memset(&ServerCallbacks , 0 , sizeof(ServerCallbacks)) ;
- ServerCallbacks.event_connect = OnConnect ;
- ServerCallbacks.event_channel = OnChannelMsg ;
- ServerCallbacks.event_join = OnJoin ;
- ServerCallbacks.event_part = OnPart ;
- ServerCallbacks.event_nick = OnNickChange ;
- ServerCallbacks.event_numeric = OnNumeric ;
- }
- NetworkStore = network_store ;
- this->session = nullptr ; configure(true) ;
- }
- IrcClient::~IrcClient() { destroySession() ; NetworkStore = ValueTree::invalid ; }
- void IrcClient::OnConnect(irc_session_t* session , const char* event , const char* origin ,
- const char** params , unsigned int count )
- {
- String host = origin ;
- String message = params[1] ;
- bool is_bitlbee = message.startsWith(IRC::BITLBEE_WELCOME_MSG) ;
- String channel = STRING(NetworkStore[CONFIG::CHANNEL_ID]) ;
- // set actual connected host for this network
- AvCaster::SetValue(CONFIG::HOST_ID , host) ;
- // display connected message
- AddClientChat(IRC::LOGGED_IN_MSG + host) ; AddServerChat(message) ;
- if (is_bitlbee)
- {
- // identify with bitlbee
- String identify_cmd = IRC::BITLBEE_IDENTIFY_CMD + "this->pass" ;
- irc_cmd_msg(session , IRC::BITLBEE_ROOT_CHANNEL , CHARSTAR(identify_cmd)) ;
- //irc_cmd_join(session , IRC::BITLBEE_XMPP_CHANNEL , NULL) ; // FIXME: when to join?
- }
- else irc_cmd_join(session , CHARSTAR(channel) , NULL) ;
- // reset retries counter
- SetRetries(IRC::MAX_N_RETRIES) ;
- }
- /* TODO: handle nickserv
- static void event_notice (irc_session_t * session, const char * event,
- const char * origin, const char ** params, unsigned int count)
- {
- char buf[256];
- if ( !origin )
- return;
- if ( strcasecmp (origin, "nickserv") )
- return;
- if ( strstr (params[1], "This nick is not registered") == params[1] )
- {
- sprintf (buf, "REGISTER %s NOMAIL", gCfg.irc_nickserv_password);
- irc_cmd_msg(session, "nickserv", buf);
- }
- else if ( strstr (params[1], "This nickname is registered and protected") == params[1] )
- {
- sprintf (buf, "IDENTIFY %s", gCfg.irc_nickserv_password);
- irc_cmd_msg(session, "nickserv", buf);
- }
- else if ( strstr (params[1], "Password accepted - you are now recognized") == params[1] )
- printf ("Nickserv authentication succeed.");
- }
- */
- void IrcClient::OnChannelMsg(irc_session_t* session , const char* event , const char* origin ,
- const char** params , unsigned int count )
- {
- if (!origin || count != 2) return ;
- char nickbuf[128] ; irc_target_get_nick(origin , nickbuf , sizeof(nickbuf)) ;
- String user_id = String(origin ) ;
- String nick = String(nickbuf) ;
- String channel = CharPointer_UTF8(params[0]) ;
- String filtered_message = ProcessTextMeta (params[1]) ;
- StringArray processed_message = ProcessTimestamp(filtered_message) ;
- String timestamp = processed_message[0].trim() ;
- String message = processed_message[1].trim() ;
- bool is_root_user = IRC::BITLBEE_ROOT_USERS.contains(user_id) ;
- bool is_root_channel = channel == String(IRC::BITLBEE_ROOT_CHANNEL ) ;
- bool is_xmpp_channel = channel == String(IRC::BITLBEE_XMPP_CHANNEL ) ;
- bool is_login_blocked = message.endsWith (IRC::BITLBEE_LOGIN_BLOCKED_MSG) ;
- bool has_kicked_self = message.endsWith (IRC::BITLBEE_KICKED_SELF_MSG ) ;
- bool is_logged_in = message.endsWith (IRC::BITLBEE_CONNECTED_MSG ) ||
- has_kicked_self ;
- // handle login confirmation from the bee
- if (is_root_user && is_root_channel)
- if (is_login_blocked) AddClientChat(IRC::BITLBEE_SESSION_BLOCKED_MSG) ;
- else if (is_logged_in ) irc_cmd_join(session , IRC::BITLBEE_XMPP_CHANNEL , NULL) ;
- if (is_root_user || is_root_channel) return ;
- // handle peer messages
- AddUserChat(timestamp , nick , message) ;
- }
- void IrcClient::OnJoin(irc_session_t* session , const char* event , const char* origin ,
- const char** params , unsigned int count )
- {
- char nickbuf[128] ; irc_target_get_nick(origin , nickbuf , sizeof(nickbuf)) ;
- String nick = nickbuf ;
- String channel = params[0] ;
- String network = STRING(NetworkStore[CONFIG::NETWORK_ID ]) ;
- String this_nick = STRING(NetworkStore[CONFIG::NICK_ID ]) ;
- String peer_greeting = STRING(NetworkStore[CONFIG::GREETING_ID ]) ;
- bool should_show_joinparts = bool (NetworkStore[CONFIG::JOINPARTS_ID]) ;
- bool is_local_nick = nick == this_nick ;
- String greeting = (is_local_nick) ? IRC::LOGIN_GREETING : peer_greeting ;
- irc_cmd_user_mode(session , "+i") ;
- // if (channel_name == IRC::BITLBEE_ROOT_CHANNEL) return ; // FIXME: probably redundant now
- if (should_show_joinparts && !is_local_nick)
- AddClientChat(nick + " just joined " + network + " channel " + channel) ;
- irc_cmd_msg(session , CHARSTAR(channel) , CHARSTAR(greeting)) ;
- // irc_cmd_names(session , CHARSTAR(channel_name)) ; // FIXME: this maybe redundant
- }
- void IrcClient::OnPart(irc_session_t* session , const char* event , const char* origin ,
- const char** params , unsigned int count )
- {
- char nickbuf[128] ; irc_target_get_nick(origin , nickbuf , sizeof(nickbuf)) ;
- String nick = nickbuf ;
- String channel = params[0] ;
- String network = STRING(NetworkStore[CONFIG::NETWORK_ID ]) ;
- String this_nick = STRING(NetworkStore[CONFIG::NICK_ID ]) ;
- bool should_show_joinparts = bool (NetworkStore[CONFIG::JOINPARTS_ID]) ;
- bool is_local_nick = nick == this_nick ;
- if (should_show_joinparts && !is_local_nick)
- AddClientChat(nick + " just parted " + network + " channel " + channel) ;
- // irc_cmd_names(session , CHARSTAR(channel_name)) ; // FIXME: this maybe redundant
- }
- void IrcClient::OnNickChange(irc_session_t* session , const char* event , const char* origin ,
- const char** params , unsigned int count )
- {
- String from_nick = origin ;
- String to_nick = params[0] ;
- String network = STRING(NetworkStore[CONFIG::NETWORK_ID]) ;
- String channel = STRING(NetworkStore[CONFIG::CHANNEL_ID]) ;
- // DUMP_SERVER_PARAMS // TODO: nick changes nyi
- // irc_cmd_names(session , CHARSTAR(channel_name)) ; // FIXME: this maybe redundant
- }
- void IrcClient::OnNumeric(irc_session_t* session , unsigned int event , const char* origin ,
- const char** params , unsigned int count )
- {
- String nicks = params[3] ;
- if (event == LIBIRC_RFC_RPL_NAMREPLY ) HandleNicks(nicks) ;
- else if (event == LIBIRC_RFC_RPL_ENDOFNAMES) UpdateNicks() ;
- }
- bool IrcClient::IsSufficientVersion()
- {
- unsigned int major_version , minor_version ;
- irc_get_version(&major_version , &minor_version) ;
- return major_version >= IRC::MIN_MAJOR_VERSION &&
- minor_version >= IRC::MIN_MINOR_VERSION ;
- }
- void IrcClient::SetRetries(int n_retries)
- {
- NetworkStore.setProperty(CONFIG::RETRIES_ID , n_retries , nullptr) ;
- }
- void IrcClient::HandleNicks(String nicks)
- {
- String network = STRING(NetworkStore[CONFIG::NETWORK_ID]) ;
- String channel = STRING(NetworkStore[CONFIG::CHANNEL_ID]) ;
- if (IRC::BITLBEE_HOSTS.contains(network) && channel == IRC::BITLBEE_ROOT_CHANNEL) return ;
- Nicks.addTokens (nicks , false) ;
- Nicks.removeEmptyStrings() ;
- Nicks.removeString (IRC::BITLBEE_ROOT_NICK) ;
- }
- void IrcClient::UpdateNicks()
- {
- Nicks.clear() ; int n_nicks = 100 ;
- while (n_nicks--) Nicks.add("MockNick" + String(n_nicks)) ;
- #endif // MOCK_CHAT_NICKS
- AvCaster::UpdateChatters(Nicks) ; Nicks.clear() ;
- }
- String IrcClient::ProcessTextMeta(const char* message)
- {
- // filter formatting markup tokens
- // TODO: for now we just strip these
- // e.g. "The tree[U]s[/U] are [COLOR=GREEN/BLACK]green[/COLOR]"
- char* msg_cstr = irc_color_convert_from_mirc(message) ;
- String converted_msg = CharPointer_UTF8(msg_cstr) ; delete msg_cstr ;
- String filtered_msg = converted_msg.replace(IRC::BOLD_BEGIN , "").replace(IRC::BOLD_END , "")
- .replace(IRC::ITALIC_BEGIN , "").replace(IRC::ITALIC_END , "")
- .replace(IRC::ULINE_BEGIN , "").replace(IRC::ULINE_END , "")
- .replace(IRC::COLOR_END , "") ;
- while (filtered_msg.contains(IRC::COLOR_BEGIN))
- filtered_msg.replace(filtered_msg.fromFirstOccurrenceOf(IRC::COLOR_BEGIN , true , false)
- .upToFirstOccurrenceOf("]" , true , false) , "") ;
- return filtered_msg ;
- }
- StringArray IrcClient::ProcessTimestamp(String message)
- {
- String timestamp = message .fromFirstOccurrenceOf("[" , true , false)
- .upToFirstOccurrenceOf("]" , true , false) ;
- String processed_msg = message .replace(timestamp , "") ;
- bool is_timestamp = timestamp.isNotEmpty() &&
- timestamp.replaceCharacters("[:]" , "000")
- .containsOnly(APP::DIGITS) ;
- return (is_timestamp) ? StringArray::fromLines(timestamp + "\n" + processed_msg) :
- StringArray::fromLines( "\n" + message ) ;
- }
- void IrcClient::AddServerChat(String message)
- {
- AvCaster::AddChatLine(String::empty , GUI::SERVER_NICK , message) ;
- }
- void IrcClient::AddClientChat(String message)
- {
- AvCaster::AddChatLine(String::empty , GUI::CLIENT_NICK , message) ;
- }
- void IrcClient::AddUserChat(String prefix , String nick , String message)
- {
- AvCaster::AddChatLine(prefix , nick , message) ;
- }
- /* IrcClient private instance methods */
- void IrcClient::createSession()
- {
- if (!NetworkStore.isValid()) return ;
- // create network session (and login asynchronously)
- this->session = irc_create_session(&ServerCallbacks) ;
- String network = STRING(NetworkStore[CONFIG::NETWORK_ID ]) ;
- unsigned short port = int (NetworkStore[CONFIG::PORT_ID ]) ;
- String nick = STRING(NetworkStore[CONFIG::NICK_ID ]) ;
- String pass = STRING(NetworkStore[CONFIG::PASS_ID ]) ;
- String channel = STRING(NetworkStore[CONFIG::CHANNEL_ID ]) ;
- String greeting = STRING(NetworkStore[CONFIG::GREETING_ID]) ;
- bool is_valid_session = this->session != 0 ;
- bool is_valid_network = network.isNotEmpty() ;
- bool is_valid_port = IRC::PORT_RANGE.contains(uint16(port)) ;
- bool is_valid_nick = nick .isNotEmpty() ;
- bool is_valid_channel = channel.isNotEmpty() ;
- // NOTE: text editors are implicitly sanitized in Config::Config() -> MainContent->configureTextEditor()
- // NOTE: irc_option_set(session , LIBIRC_OPTION_STRIPNICKS) ;
- // NOTE: See LIBIRC_OPTION_SSL_NO_VERIFY for servers which use self-signed SSL certificates
- // set retries counter or desroy invalid session
- if (is_valid_session && is_valid_network && is_valid_port &&
- is_valid_nick && is_valid_channel ) SetRetries(IRC::MAX_N_RETRIES) ;
- else if (is_valid_session) destroySession() ;
- }
- void IrcClient::destroySession()
- {
- if (this->session == nullptr) return ;
- // display login message and clear peers list
- if (irc_is_connected(this->session))
- {
- AddClientChat(IRC::LOGGING_OUT_MSG + network) ;
- Nicks.clear() ; UpdateNicks() ;
- }
- // disconnect and destroy network session
- irc_cmd_quit (this->session , CHARSTAR(IRC::LOGOUT_GREETING)) ;
- irc_disconnect (this->session) ;
- irc_destroy_session(this->session) ;
- this->session = nullptr ;
- }
- void IrcClient::run()
- {
- if (this->session == nullptr) return ;
- if (irc_is_connected(this->session))
- {
- // pump IRC client
- struct timeval timeout ;
- timeout.tv_usec = 250000 ;
- timeout.tv_sec = 0 ;
- int maxfd = 0 ;
- fd_set in_set , out_set ;
- FD_ZERO(&in_set) ; FD_ZERO(&out_set) ;
- irc_add_select_descriptors(this->session , &in_set , &out_set , &maxfd) ;
- if (select(maxfd + 1 , &in_set , &out_set , 0 , &timeout) < 0 ||
- irc_process_select_descriptors(this->session , &in_set , &out_set)) return ;
- }
- else login() ;
- }
- bool IrcClient::login()
- {
- String network = STRING(NetworkStore[CONFIG::NETWORK_ID]) ;
- unsigned short port = int (NetworkStore[CONFIG::PORT_ID ]) ;
- String nick = STRING(NetworkStore[CONFIG::NICK_ID ]) ;
- int n_retries = int (NetworkStore[CONFIG::RETRIES_ID]) ;
- // fail after nRetries connection attempts
- if (n_retries != IRC::STATE_FAILED) SetRetries(--n_retries) ;
- if (n_retries == IRC::STATE_FAILED) return true ;
- // display login message
- AddClientChat(IRC::LOGGING_IN_MSG + network) ;
- bool is_err = irc_connect(this->session , CHARSTAR(network) , port ,
- nullptr , CHARSTAR(nick ) , nullptr , nullptr) ;
- return !is_err ;
- }
- void IrcClient::sendChat(String chat_message)
- {
- String channel = STRING(NetworkStore[CONFIG::CHANNEL_ID]) ;
- irc_cmd_msg(this->session , CHARSTAR(channel) , CHARSTAR(chat_message)) ;
- }
- #endif // DISABLE_CHAT