123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832 |
- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2015 - ROLI Ltd.
- Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
- a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
- b) the Affero GPL v3
- Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses
- JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
- available: visit www.juce.com for more information.
- ==============================================================================
- */
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- A path is a sequence of lines and curves that may either form a closed shape
- or be open-ended.
- To use a path, you can create an empty one, then add lines and curves to it
- to create shapes, then it can be rendered by a Graphics context or used
- for geometric operations.
- e.g. @code
- Path myPath;
- myPath.startNewSubPath (10.0f, 10.0f); // move the current position to (10, 10)
- myPath.lineTo (100.0f, 200.0f); // draw a line from here to (100, 200)
- myPath.quadraticTo (0.0f, 150.0f, 5.0f, 50.0f); // draw a curve that ends at (5, 50)
- myPath.closeSubPath(); // close the subpath with a line back to (10, 10)
- // add an ellipse as well, which will form a second sub-path within the path..
- myPath.addEllipse (50.0f, 50.0f, 40.0f, 30.0f);
- // double the width of the whole thing..
- myPath.applyTransform (AffineTransform::scale (2.0f, 1.0f));
- // and draw it to a graphics context with a 5-pixel thick outline.
- g.strokePath (myPath, PathStrokeType (5.0f));
- @endcode
- A path object can actually contain multiple sub-paths, which may themselves
- be open or closed.
- @see PathFlatteningIterator, PathStrokeType, Graphics
- */
- class JUCE_API Path
- {
- public:
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates an empty path. */
- Path();
- /** Creates a copy of another path. */
- Path (const Path&);
- /** Destructor. */
- ~Path();
- /** Copies this path from another one. */
- Path& operator= (const Path&);
- Path (Path&&) noexcept;
- Path& operator= (Path&&) noexcept;
- #endif
- bool operator== (const Path&) const noexcept;
- bool operator!= (const Path&) const noexcept;
- static const float defaultToleranceForTesting;
- static const float defaultToleranceForMeasurement;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns true if the path doesn't contain any lines or curves. */
- bool isEmpty() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the smallest rectangle that contains all points within the path. */
- Rectangle<float> getBounds() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the smallest rectangle that contains all points within the path
- after it's been transformed with the given tranasform matrix.
- */
- Rectangle<float> getBoundsTransformed (const AffineTransform& transform) const noexcept;
- /** Checks whether a point lies within the path.
- This is only relevant for closed paths (see closeSubPath()), and
- may produce false results if used on a path which has open sub-paths.
- The path's winding rule is taken into account by this method.
- The tolerance parameter is the maximum error allowed when flattening the path,
- so this method could return a false positive when your point is up to this distance
- outside the path's boundary.
- @see closeSubPath, setUsingNonZeroWinding
- */
- bool contains (float x, float y,
- float tolerance = defaultToleranceForTesting) const;
- /** Checks whether a point lies within the path.
- This is only relevant for closed paths (see closeSubPath()), and
- may produce false results if used on a path which has open sub-paths.
- The path's winding rule is taken into account by this method.
- The tolerance parameter is the maximum error allowed when flattening the path,
- so this method could return a false positive when your point is up to this distance
- outside the path's boundary.
- @see closeSubPath, setUsingNonZeroWinding
- */
- bool contains (const Point<float> point,
- float tolerance = defaultToleranceForTesting) const;
- /** Checks whether a line crosses the path.
- This will return positive if the line crosses any of the paths constituent
- lines or curves. It doesn't take into account whether the line is inside
- or outside the path, or whether the path is open or closed.
- The tolerance parameter is the maximum error allowed when flattening the path,
- so this method could return a false positive when your point is up to this distance
- outside the path's boundary.
- */
- bool intersectsLine (Line<float> line,
- float tolerance = defaultToleranceForTesting);
- /** Cuts off parts of a line to keep the parts that are either inside or
- outside this path.
- Note that this isn't smart enough to cope with situations where the
- line would need to be cut into multiple pieces to correctly clip against
- a re-entrant shape.
- @param line the line to clip
- @param keepSectionOutsidePath if true, it's the section outside the path
- that will be kept; if false its the section inside
- the path
- */
- Line<float> getClippedLine (Line<float> line, bool keepSectionOutsidePath) const;
- /** Returns the length of the path.
- @see getPointAlongPath
- */
- float getLength (const AffineTransform& transform = AffineTransform(),
- float tolerance = defaultToleranceForMeasurement) const;
- /** Returns a point that is the specified distance along the path.
- If the distance is greater than the total length of the path, this will return the
- end point.
- @see getLength
- */
- Point<float> getPointAlongPath (float distanceFromStart,
- const AffineTransform& transform = AffineTransform(),
- float tolerance = defaultToleranceForMeasurement) const;
- /** Finds the point along the path which is nearest to a given position.
- This sets pointOnPath to the nearest point, and returns the distance of this point from the start
- of the path.
- */
- float getNearestPoint (Point<float> targetPoint,
- Point<float>& pointOnPath,
- const AffineTransform& transform = AffineTransform(),
- float tolerance = defaultToleranceForMeasurement) const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Removes all lines and curves, resetting the path completely. */
- void clear() noexcept;
- /** Begins a new subpath with a given starting position.
- This will move the path's current position to the coordinates passed in and
- make it ready to draw lines or curves starting from this position.
- After adding whatever lines and curves are needed, you can either
- close the current sub-path using closeSubPath() or call startNewSubPath()
- to move to a new sub-path, leaving the old one open-ended.
- @see lineTo, quadraticTo, cubicTo, closeSubPath
- */
- void startNewSubPath (float startX, float startY);
- /** Begins a new subpath with a given starting position.
- This will move the path's current position to the coordinates passed in and
- make it ready to draw lines or curves starting from this position.
- After adding whatever lines and curves are needed, you can either
- close the current sub-path using closeSubPath() or call startNewSubPath()
- to move to a new sub-path, leaving the old one open-ended.
- @see lineTo, quadraticTo, cubicTo, closeSubPath
- */
- void startNewSubPath (const Point<float> start);
- /** Closes a the current sub-path with a line back to its start-point.
- When creating a closed shape such as a triangle, don't use 3 lineTo()
- calls - instead use two lineTo() calls, followed by a closeSubPath()
- to join the final point back to the start.
- This ensures that closes shapes are recognised as such, and this is
- important for tasks like drawing strokes, which needs to know whether to
- draw end-caps or not.
- @see startNewSubPath, lineTo, quadraticTo, cubicTo, closeSubPath
- */
- void closeSubPath();
- /** Adds a line from the shape's last position to a new end-point.
- This will connect the end-point of the last line or curve that was added
- to a new point, using a straight line.
- See the class description for an example of how to add lines and curves to a path.
- @see startNewSubPath, quadraticTo, cubicTo, closeSubPath
- */
- void lineTo (float endX, float endY);
- /** Adds a line from the shape's last position to a new end-point.
- This will connect the end-point of the last line or curve that was added
- to a new point, using a straight line.
- See the class description for an example of how to add lines and curves to a path.
- @see startNewSubPath, quadraticTo, cubicTo, closeSubPath
- */
- void lineTo (const Point<float> end);
- /** Adds a quadratic bezier curve from the shape's last position to a new position.
- This will connect the end-point of the last line or curve that was added
- to a new point, using a quadratic spline with one control-point.
- See the class description for an example of how to add lines and curves to a path.
- @see startNewSubPath, lineTo, cubicTo, closeSubPath
- */
- void quadraticTo (float controlPointX,
- float controlPointY,
- float endPointX,
- float endPointY);
- /** Adds a quadratic bezier curve from the shape's last position to a new position.
- This will connect the end-point of the last line or curve that was added
- to a new point, using a quadratic spline with one control-point.
- See the class description for an example of how to add lines and curves to a path.
- @see startNewSubPath, lineTo, cubicTo, closeSubPath
- */
- void quadraticTo (const Point<float> controlPoint,
- const Point<float> endPoint);
- /** Adds a cubic bezier curve from the shape's last position to a new position.
- This will connect the end-point of the last line or curve that was added
- to a new point, using a cubic spline with two control-points.
- See the class description for an example of how to add lines and curves to a path.
- @see startNewSubPath, lineTo, quadraticTo, closeSubPath
- */
- void cubicTo (float controlPoint1X,
- float controlPoint1Y,
- float controlPoint2X,
- float controlPoint2Y,
- float endPointX,
- float endPointY);
- /** Adds a cubic bezier curve from the shape's last position to a new position.
- This will connect the end-point of the last line or curve that was added
- to a new point, using a cubic spline with two control-points.
- See the class description for an example of how to add lines and curves to a path.
- @see startNewSubPath, lineTo, quadraticTo, closeSubPath
- */
- void cubicTo (const Point<float> controlPoint1,
- const Point<float> controlPoint2,
- const Point<float> endPoint);
- /** Returns the last point that was added to the path by one of the drawing methods.
- */
- Point<float> getCurrentPosition() const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Adds a rectangle to the path.
- The rectangle is added as a new sub-path. (Any currently open paths will be left open).
- @see addRoundedRectangle, addTriangle
- */
- void addRectangle (float x, float y, float width, float height);
- /** Adds a rectangle to the path.
- The rectangle is added as a new sub-path. (Any currently open paths will be left open).
- @see addRoundedRectangle, addTriangle
- */
- template <typename ValueType>
- void addRectangle (const Rectangle<ValueType>& rectangle)
- {
- addRectangle (static_cast<float> (rectangle.getX()), static_cast<float> (rectangle.getY()),
- static_cast<float> (rectangle.getWidth()), static_cast<float> (rectangle.getHeight()));
- }
- /** Adds a rectangle with rounded corners to the path.
- The rectangle is added as a new sub-path. (Any currently open paths will be left open).
- @see addRectangle, addTriangle
- */
- void addRoundedRectangle (float x, float y, float width, float height,
- float cornerSize);
- /** Adds a rectangle with rounded corners to the path.
- The rectangle is added as a new sub-path. (Any currently open paths will be left open).
- @see addRectangle, addTriangle
- */
- void addRoundedRectangle (float x, float y, float width, float height,
- float cornerSizeX,
- float cornerSizeY);
- /** Adds a rectangle with rounded corners to the path.
- The rectangle is added as a new sub-path. (Any currently open paths will be left open).
- @see addRectangle, addTriangle
- */
- void addRoundedRectangle (float x, float y, float width, float height,
- float cornerSizeX, float cornerSizeY,
- bool curveTopLeft, bool curveTopRight,
- bool curveBottomLeft, bool curveBottomRight);
- /** Adds a rectangle with rounded corners to the path.
- The rectangle is added as a new sub-path. (Any currently open paths will be left open).
- @see addRectangle, addTriangle
- */
- template <typename ValueType>
- void addRoundedRectangle (const Rectangle<ValueType>& rectangle, float cornerSizeX, float cornerSizeY)
- {
- addRoundedRectangle (static_cast<float> (rectangle.getX()), static_cast<float> (rectangle.getY()),
- static_cast<float> (rectangle.getWidth()), static_cast<float> (rectangle.getHeight()),
- cornerSizeX, cornerSizeY);
- }
- /** Adds a rectangle with rounded corners to the path.
- The rectangle is added as a new sub-path. (Any currently open paths will be left open).
- @see addRectangle, addTriangle
- */
- template <typename ValueType>
- void addRoundedRectangle (const Rectangle<ValueType>& rectangle, float cornerSize)
- {
- addRoundedRectangle (rectangle, cornerSize, cornerSize);
- }
- /** Adds a triangle to the path.
- The triangle is added as a new closed sub-path. (Any currently open paths will be left open).
- Note that whether the vertices are specified in clockwise or anticlockwise
- order will affect how the triangle is filled when it overlaps other
- shapes (the winding order setting will affect this of course).
- */
- void addTriangle (float x1, float y1,
- float x2, float y2,
- float x3, float y3);
- /** Adds a triangle to the path.
- The triangle is added as a new closed sub-path. (Any currently open paths will be left open).
- Note that whether the vertices are specified in clockwise or anticlockwise
- order will affect how the triangle is filled when it overlaps other
- shapes (the winding order setting will affect this of course).
- */
- void addTriangle (Point<float> point1,
- Point<float> point2,
- Point<float> point3);
- /** Adds a quadrilateral to the path.
- The quad is added as a new closed sub-path. (Any currently open paths will be left open).
- Note that whether the vertices are specified in clockwise or anticlockwise
- order will affect how the quad is filled when it overlaps other
- shapes (the winding order setting will affect this of course).
- */
- void addQuadrilateral (float x1, float y1,
- float x2, float y2,
- float x3, float y3,
- float x4, float y4);
- /** Adds an ellipse to the path.
- The shape is added as a new sub-path. (Any currently open paths will be left open).
- @see addArc
- */
- void addEllipse (float x, float y, float width, float height);
- /** Adds an ellipse to the path.
- The shape is added as a new sub-path. (Any currently open paths will be left open).
- @see addArc
- */
- void addEllipse (Rectangle<float> area);
- /** Adds an elliptical arc to the current path.
- Note that when specifying the start and end angles, the curve will be drawn either clockwise
- or anti-clockwise according to whether the end angle is greater than the start. This means
- that sometimes you may need to use values greater than 2*Pi for the end angle.
- @param x the left-hand edge of the rectangle in which the elliptical outline fits
- @param y the top edge of the rectangle in which the elliptical outline fits
- @param width the width of the rectangle in which the elliptical outline fits
- @param height the height of the rectangle in which the elliptical outline fits
- @param fromRadians the angle (clockwise) in radians at which to start the arc segment (where 0 is the
- top-centre of the ellipse)
- @param toRadians the angle (clockwise) in radians at which to end the arc segment (where 0 is the
- top-centre of the ellipse). This angle can be greater than 2*Pi, so for example to
- draw a curve clockwise from the 9 o'clock position to the 3 o'clock position via
- 12 o'clock, you'd use 1.5*Pi and 2.5*Pi as the start and finish points.
- @param startAsNewSubPath if true, the arc will begin a new subpath from its starting point; if false,
- it will be added to the current sub-path, continuing from the current postition
- @see addCentredArc, arcTo, addPieSegment, addEllipse
- */
- void addArc (float x, float y, float width, float height,
- float fromRadians,
- float toRadians,
- bool startAsNewSubPath = false);
- /** Adds an arc which is centred at a given point, and can have a rotation specified.
- Note that when specifying the start and end angles, the curve will be drawn either clockwise
- or anti-clockwise according to whether the end angle is greater than the start. This means
- that sometimes you may need to use values greater than 2*Pi for the end angle.
- @param centreX the centre x of the ellipse
- @param centreY the centre y of the ellipse
- @param radiusX the horizontal radius of the ellipse
- @param radiusY the vertical radius of the ellipse
- @param rotationOfEllipse an angle by which the whole ellipse should be rotated about its centre, in radians (clockwise)
- @param fromRadians the angle (clockwise) in radians at which to start the arc segment (where 0 is the
- top-centre of the ellipse)
- @param toRadians the angle (clockwise) in radians at which to end the arc segment (where 0 is the
- top-centre of the ellipse). This angle can be greater than 2*Pi, so for example to
- draw a curve clockwise from the 9 o'clock position to the 3 o'clock position via
- 12 o'clock, you'd use 1.5*Pi and 2.5*Pi as the start and finish points.
- @param startAsNewSubPath if true, the arc will begin a new subpath from its starting point; if false,
- it will be added to the current sub-path, continuing from the current postition
- @see addArc, arcTo
- */
- void addCentredArc (float centreX, float centreY,
- float radiusX, float radiusY,
- float rotationOfEllipse,
- float fromRadians,
- float toRadians,
- bool startAsNewSubPath = false);
- /** Adds a "pie-chart" shape to the path.
- The shape is added as a new sub-path. (Any currently open paths will be
- left open).
- Note that when specifying the start and end angles, the curve will be drawn either clockwise
- or anti-clockwise according to whether the end angle is greater than the start. This means
- that sometimes you may need to use values greater than 2*Pi for the end angle.
- @param x the left-hand edge of the rectangle in which the elliptical outline fits
- @param y the top edge of the rectangle in which the elliptical outline fits
- @param width the width of the rectangle in which the elliptical outline fits
- @param height the height of the rectangle in which the elliptical outline fits
- @param fromRadians the angle (clockwise) in radians at which to start the arc segment (where 0 is the
- top-centre of the ellipse)
- @param toRadians the angle (clockwise) in radians at which to end the arc segment (where 0 is the
- top-centre of the ellipse)
- @param innerCircleProportionalSize if this is > 0, then the pie will be drawn as a curved band around a hollow
- ellipse at its centre, where this value indicates the inner ellipse's size with
- respect to the outer one.
- @see addArc
- */
- void addPieSegment (float x, float y,
- float width, float height,
- float fromRadians,
- float toRadians,
- float innerCircleProportionalSize);
- /** Adds a "pie-chart" shape to the path.
- The shape is added as a new sub-path. (Any currently open paths will be left open).
- Note that when specifying the start and end angles, the curve will be drawn either clockwise
- or anti-clockwise according to whether the end angle is greater than the start. This means
- that sometimes you may need to use values greater than 2*Pi for the end angle.
- @param segmentBounds the outer rectangle in which the elliptical outline fits
- @param fromRadians the angle (clockwise) in radians at which to start the arc segment (where 0 is the
- top-centre of the ellipse)
- @param toRadians the angle (clockwise) in radians at which to end the arc segment (where 0 is the
- top-centre of the ellipse)
- @param innerCircleProportionalSize if this is > 0, then the pie will be drawn as a curved band around a hollow
- ellipse at its centre, where this value indicates the inner ellipse's size with
- respect to the outer one.
- @see addArc
- */
- void addPieSegment (Rectangle<float> segmentBounds,
- float fromRadians,
- float toRadians,
- float innerCircleProportionalSize);
- /** Adds a line with a specified thickness.
- The line is added as a new closed sub-path. (Any currently open paths will be
- left open).
- @see addArrow
- */
- void addLineSegment (const Line<float>& line, float lineThickness);
- /** Adds a line with an arrowhead on the end.
- The arrow is added as a new closed sub-path. (Any currently open paths will be left open).
- @see PathStrokeType::createStrokeWithArrowheads
- */
- void addArrow (const Line<float>& line,
- float lineThickness,
- float arrowheadWidth,
- float arrowheadLength);
- /** Adds a polygon shape to the path.
- @see addStar
- */
- void addPolygon (const Point<float> centre,
- int numberOfSides,
- float radius,
- float startAngle = 0.0f);
- /** Adds a star shape to the path.
- @see addPolygon
- */
- void addStar (const Point<float> centre,
- int numberOfPoints,
- float innerRadius,
- float outerRadius,
- float startAngle = 0.0f);
- /** Adds a speech-bubble shape to the path.
- @param bodyArea the area of the body of the bubble shape
- @param maximumArea an area which encloses the body area and defines the limits within which
- the arrow tip can be drawn - if the tip lies outside this area, the bubble
- will be drawn without an arrow
- @param arrowTipPosition the location of the tip of the arrow
- @param cornerSize the size of the rounded corners
- @param arrowBaseWidth the width of the base of the arrow where it joins the main rectangle
- */
- void addBubble (const Rectangle<float>& bodyArea,
- const Rectangle<float>& maximumArea,
- const Point<float> arrowTipPosition,
- const float cornerSize,
- const float arrowBaseWidth);
- /** Adds another path to this one.
- The new path is added as a new sub-path. (Any currently open paths in this
- path will be left open).
- @param pathToAppend the path to add
- */
- void addPath (const Path& pathToAppend);
- /** Adds another path to this one, transforming it on the way in.
- The new path is added as a new sub-path, its points being transformed by the given
- matrix before being added.
- @param pathToAppend the path to add
- @param transformToApply an optional transform to apply to the incoming vertices
- */
- void addPath (const Path& pathToAppend,
- const AffineTransform& transformToApply);
- /** Swaps the contents of this path with another one.
- The internal data of the two paths is swapped over, so this is much faster than
- copying it to a temp variable and back.
- */
- void swapWithPath (Path&) noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Preallocates enough space for adding the given number of coordinates to the path.
- If you're about to add a large number of lines or curves to the path, it can make
- the task much more efficient to call this first and avoid costly reallocations
- as the structure grows.
- The actual value to pass is a bit tricky to calculate because the space required
- depends on what you're adding - e.g. each lineTo() or startNewSubPath() will
- require 3 coords (x, y and a type marker). Each quadraticTo() will need 5, and
- a cubicTo() will require 7. Closing a sub-path will require 1.
- */
- void preallocateSpace (int numExtraCoordsToMakeSpaceFor);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Applies a 2D transform to all the vertices in the path.
- @see AffineTransform, scaleToFit, getTransformToScaleToFit
- */
- void applyTransform (const AffineTransform& transform) noexcept;
- /** Rescales this path to make it fit neatly into a given space.
- This is effectively a quick way of calling
- applyTransform (getTransformToScaleToFit (x, y, w, h, preserveProportions))
- @param x the x position of the rectangle to fit the path inside
- @param y the y position of the rectangle to fit the path inside
- @param width the width of the rectangle to fit the path inside
- @param height the height of the rectangle to fit the path inside
- @param preserveProportions if true, it will fit the path into the space without altering its
- horizontal/vertical scale ratio; if false, it will distort the
- path to fill the specified ratio both horizontally and vertically
- @see applyTransform, getTransformToScaleToFit
- */
- void scaleToFit (float x, float y, float width, float height,
- bool preserveProportions) noexcept;
- /** Returns a transform that can be used to rescale the path to fit into a given space.
- @param x the x position of the rectangle to fit the path inside
- @param y the y position of the rectangle to fit the path inside
- @param width the width of the rectangle to fit the path inside
- @param height the height of the rectangle to fit the path inside
- @param preserveProportions if true, it will fit the path into the space without altering its
- horizontal/vertical scale ratio; if false, it will distort the
- path to fill the specified ratio both horizontally and vertically
- @param justificationType if the proportions are preseved, the resultant path may be smaller
- than the available rectangle, so this describes how it should be
- positioned within the space.
- @returns an appropriate transformation
- @see applyTransform, scaleToFit
- */
- AffineTransform getTransformToScaleToFit (float x, float y, float width, float height,
- bool preserveProportions,
- Justification justificationType = Justification::centred) const;
- /** Returns a transform that can be used to rescale the path to fit into a given space.
- @param area the rectangle to fit the path inside
- @param preserveProportions if true, it will fit the path into the space without altering its
- horizontal/vertical scale ratio; if false, it will distort the
- path to fill the specified ratio both horizontally and vertically
- @param justificationType if the proportions are preseved, the resultant path may be smaller
- than the available rectangle, so this describes how it should be
- positioned within the space.
- @returns an appropriate transformation
- @see applyTransform, scaleToFit
- */
- AffineTransform getTransformToScaleToFit (const Rectangle<float>& area,
- bool preserveProportions,
- Justification justificationType = Justification::centred) const;
- /** Creates a version of this path where all sharp corners have been replaced by curves.
- Wherever two lines meet at an angle, this will replace the corner with a curve
- of the given radius.
- */
- Path createPathWithRoundedCorners (float cornerRadius) const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Changes the winding-rule to be used when filling the path.
- If set to true (which is the default), then the path uses a non-zero-winding rule
- to determine which points are inside the path. If set to false, it uses an
- alternate-winding rule.
- The winding-rule comes into play when areas of the shape overlap other
- areas, and determines whether the overlapping regions are considered to be
- inside or outside.
- Changing this value just sets a flag - it doesn't affect the contents of the
- path.
- @see isUsingNonZeroWinding
- */
- void setUsingNonZeroWinding (bool isNonZeroWinding) noexcept;
- /** Returns the flag that indicates whether the path should use a non-zero winding rule.
- The default for a new path is true.
- @see setUsingNonZeroWinding
- */
- bool isUsingNonZeroWinding() const { return useNonZeroWinding; }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Iterates the lines and curves that a path contains.
- @see Path, PathFlatteningIterator
- */
- class JUCE_API Iterator
- {
- public:
- //==============================================================================
- Iterator (const Path& path) noexcept;
- ~Iterator() noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Moves onto the next element in the path.
- If this returns false, there are no more elements. If it returns true,
- the elementType variable will be set to the type of the current element,
- and some of the x and y variables will be filled in with values.
- */
- bool next() noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- enum PathElementType
- {
- startNewSubPath, /**< For this type, x1 and y1 will be set to indicate the first point in the subpath. */
- lineTo, /**< For this type, x1 and y1 indicate the end point of the line. */
- quadraticTo, /**< For this type, x1, y1, x2, y2 indicate the control point and endpoint of a quadratic curve. */
- cubicTo, /**< For this type, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 indicate the two control points and the endpoint of a cubic curve. */
- closePath /**< Indicates that the sub-path is being closed. None of the x or y values are valid in this case. */
- };
- PathElementType elementType;
- float x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;
- //==============================================================================
- private:
- const Path& path;
- size_t index;
- };
- //==============================================================================
- /** Loads a stored path from a data stream.
- The data in the stream must have been written using writePathToStream().
- Note that this will append the stored path to whatever is currently in
- this path, so you might need to call clear() beforehand.
- @see loadPathFromData, writePathToStream
- */
- void loadPathFromStream (InputStream& source);
- /** Loads a stored path from a block of data.
- This is similar to loadPathFromStream(), but just reads from a block
- of data. Useful if you're including stored shapes in your code as a
- block of static data.
- @see loadPathFromStream, writePathToStream
- */
- void loadPathFromData (const void* data, size_t numberOfBytes);
- /** Stores the path by writing it out to a stream.
- After writing out a path, you can reload it using loadPathFromStream().
- @see loadPathFromStream, loadPathFromData
- */
- void writePathToStream (OutputStream& destination) const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates a string containing a textual representation of this path.
- @see restoreFromString
- */
- String toString() const;
- /** Restores this path from a string that was created with the toString() method.
- @see toString()
- */
- void restoreFromString (StringRef stringVersion);
- private:
- //==============================================================================
- friend class PathFlatteningIterator;
- friend class Path::Iterator;
- ArrayAllocationBase<float, DummyCriticalSection> data;
- size_t numElements;
- struct PathBounds
- {
- PathBounds() noexcept;
- Rectangle<float> getRectangle() const noexcept;
- void reset() noexcept;
- void reset (float, float) noexcept;
- void extend (float, float) noexcept;
- void extend (float, float, float, float) noexcept;
- float pathXMin, pathXMax, pathYMin, pathYMax;
- };
- PathBounds bounds;
- bool useNonZeroWinding;
- static const float lineMarker;
- static const float moveMarker;
- static const float quadMarker;
- static const float cubicMarker;
- static const float closeSubPathMarker;
- };