index.rst 4.9 KB

  1. .. Cement documentation master file, created by
  2. sphinx-quickstart on Mon Aug 22 17:52:04 2011.
  3. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
  4. contain the root `toctree` directive.
  5. Cement Framework
  6. ================
  7. Cement is an advanced CLI Application Framework for Python. Its goal is to
  8. introduce a standard, and feature-full platform for both simple and complex
  9. command line applications as well as support rapid development needs without
  10. sacrificing quality. Cement is flexible, and it's use cases span from the
  11. simplicity of a micro-framework to the complexity of a mega-framework.
  12. Whether it's a single file script, or a multi-tier application, Cement is the
  13. foundation you've been looking for.
  14. The first commit to Git was on Dec 4, 2009. Since then, the framework has
  15. seen several iterations in design, and has continued to grow and improve
  16. since it's inception. Cement is the most stable, and complete framework for
  17. command line and backend application development.
  18. .. image::
  19. :target:!/datafolklabs/cement
  20. .. image::
  21. :target:
  22. Core features include (but are not limited to):
  23. * Core pieces of the framework are customizable via handlers/interfaces
  24. * Extension handler interface to easily extend framework functionality
  25. * Config handler supports parsing multiple config files into one config
  26. * Argument handler parses command line arguments and merges with config
  27. * Log handler supports console and file logging
  28. * Plugin handler provides an interface to easily extend your application
  29. * Hook support adds a bit of magic to apps and also ties into framework
  30. * Handler system connects implementation classes with Interfaces
  31. * Output handler interface renders return dictionaries to console
  32. * Cache handler interface adds caching support for improved performance
  33. * Controller handler supports sub-commands, and nested controllers
  34. * Zero external dependencies* of the core library
  35. * 100% test coverage using ``nose``
  36. * 100% PEP8 compliant using ``pep8`` and ``autopep8`` tools
  37. * Extensive Sphinx documentation
  38. * Tested on Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
  39. *Note that argparse is required as an external dependency for Python < 2.7
  40. and < 3.2. Additionally, some optional extensions that are shipped with
  41. the mainline Cement sources do require external dependencies. It is the
  42. responsibility of the application developer to include these dependencies
  43. along with their application if they intend to use any optional extensions
  44. that have external dependencies, as Cement explicitly does not include them.*
  45. Getting More Information
  46. ------------------------
  47. * DOCS:
  48. * CODE:
  49. * PYPI:
  50. * SITE:
  51. * T-CI:
  52. * HELP: - #cement -
  53. Mailing List
  54. ------------
  55. Sign up for the Cement Framework mailing list to recieve updates regarding
  56. new releases, important features, and other related news. This not an open
  57. email thread, but rather an extremely minimal, low noise announcement only
  58. list. You can unsubscribe at any time.
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  79. Documentation
  80. -------------
  81. .. toctree::
  82. :maxdepth: 1
  83. changes
  84. license
  85. contributors
  86. upgrading
  87. whats_new
  88. projects_built_on_cement
  89. faq
  90. api/index
  91. .. toctree::
  92. :maxdepth: 2
  93. dev/index
  94. .. toctree::
  95. :maxdepth: 2
  96. examples/index