123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869 |
- """Cement core foundation module."""
- import re
- import os
- import sys
- import signal
- from ..core import backend, exc, handler, hook, log, config, plugin
- from ..core import output, extension, arg, controller, meta, cache
- from ..ext import ext_configparser, ext_argparse, ext_logging
- from ..ext import ext_nulloutput, ext_plugin
- from ..utils.misc import is_true, minimal_logger
- from ..utils import fs
- if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
- from imp import reload # pragma: nocover
- LOG = minimal_logger(__name__)
- class NullOut(object):
- def write(self, s):
- pass
- def flush(self):
- pass
- def cement_signal_handler(signum, frame):
- """
- Catch a signal, run the 'signal' hook, and then raise an exception
- allowing the app to handle logic elsewhere.
- :param signum: The signal number
- :param frame: The signal frame.
- :raises: cement.core.exc.CaughtSignal
- """
- LOG.debug('Caught signal %s' % signum)
- for res in hook.run('signal', signum, frame):
- pass
- raise exc.CaughtSignal(signum, frame)
- class CementApp(meta.MetaMixin):
- """
- The primary class to build applications from.
- Usage:
- The following is the simplest CementApp:
- .. code-block:: python
- from cement.core import foundation
- app = foundation.CementApp('helloworld')
- try:
- app.setup()
- app.run()
- finally:
- app.close()
- A more advanced example looks like:
- .. code-block:: python
- from cement.core import foundation, controller
- class MyController(controller.CementBaseController):
- class Meta:
- label = 'base'
- arguments = [
- ( ['-f', '--foo'], dict(help='Notorious foo option') ),
- ]
- config_defaults = dict(
- debug=False,
- some_config_param='some_value',
- )
- @controller.expose(help='This is the default command', hide=True)
- def default(self):
- print('Hello World')
- class MyApp(foundation.CementApp):
- class Meta:
- label = 'helloworld'
- extensions = ['daemon','json',]
- base_controller = MyController
- app = MyApp()
- try:
- app.setup()
- app.run()
- finally:
- app.close()
- """
- class Meta:
- """
- Application meta-data (can also be passed as keyword arguments to the
- parent class).
- """
- label = None
- """
- The name of the application. This should be the common name as you
- would see and use at the command line. For example 'helloworld', or
- 'my-awesome-app'.
- """
- debug = False
- """
- Used internally, and should not be used by developers. This is set
- to `True` if `--debug` is passed at command line."""
- config_files = None
- """
- List of config files to parse.
- Note: Though Meta.config_section defaults to None, Cement will
- set this to a default list based on Meta.label (or in other words,
- the name of the application). This will equate to:
- .. code-block:: python
- ['/etc/<app_label>/<app_label>.conf',
- '~/.<app_label>.conf',
- '~/.<app_label>/config']
- """
- plugins = []
- """
- A list of plugins to load. This is generally considered bad
- practice since plugins should be dynamically enabled/disabled
- via a plugin config file.
- """
- plugin_config_dir = None
- """
- A directory path where plugin config files can be found. Files
- must end in '.conf'. By default, this setting is also overridden
- by the '[base] -> plugin_config_dir' config setting parsed in any
- of the application configuration files.
- Note: Though the meta default is None, Cement will set this to
- ``/etc/<app_label>/plugins.d/`` if not set during app.setup().
- """
- plugin_bootstrap = None
- """
- A python package (dotted import path) where plugin code can be
- loaded from. This is generally something like 'myapp.plugins'
- where a plugin file would live at ``myapp/plugins/myplugin.py``.
- This provides a facility for applications that use 'namespace'
- packages allowing plugins to share the applications python
- namespace.
- Note: Though the meta default is None, Cement will set this to
- ``<app_label>.plugins`` if not set during app.setup().
- """
- plugin_dir = None
- """
- A directory path where plugin code (modules) can be loaded from.
- By default, this setting is also overridden by the
- '[base] -> plugin_dir' config setting parsed in any of the
- application configuration files (where [base] is the
- base configuration section of the application which is determined
- by Meta.config_section but defaults to Meta.label).
- Note: Though the meta default is None, Cement will set this to
- ``/usr/lib/<app_label>/plugins/`` if not set during app.setup()
- """
- argv = None
- """
- A list of arguments to use for parsing command line arguments
- and options.
- Note: Though Meta.argv defaults to None, Cement will set this to
- ``list(sys.argv[1:])`` if no argv is set in Meta during setup().
- """
- arguments_override_config = False
- """
- A boolean to toggle whether command line arguments should
- override configuration values if the argument name matches the
- config key. I.e. --foo=bar would override config['myapp']['foo'].
- This is different from ``override_arguments`` in that if
- ``arguments_override_config`` is ``True``, then all arguments will
- override (you don't have to list them all).
- """
- override_arguments = ['debug']
- """
- List of arguments that override their configuration counter-part.
- For example, if ``--debug`` is passed (and it's config value is
- ``debug``) then the ``debug`` key of all configuration sections will
- be overridden by the value of the command line option (``True`` in
- this example).
- This is different from ``arguments_override_config`` in that this is
- a selective list of specific arguments to override the config with
- (and not all arguments that match the config). This list will take
- affect whether ``arguments_override_config`` is ``True`` or ``False``.
- """
- config_section = None
- """
- The base configuration section for the application.
- Note: Though Meta.config_section defaults to None, Cement will
- set this to the value of Meta.label (or in other words, the name
- of the application).
- """
- config_defaults = None
- """Default configuration dictionary. Must be of type 'dict'."""
- catch_signals = [signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT]
- """
- List of signals to catch, and raise exc.CaughtSignal for.
- Can be set to None to disable signal handling.
- """
- signal_handler = cement_signal_handler
- """A function that is called to handle any caught signals."""
- config_handler = ext_configparser.ConfigParserConfigHandler
- """
- A handler class that implements the IConfig interface. This can
- be a string (label of a registered handler), an uninstantiated
- class, or an instantiated class object.
- """
- extension_handler = extension.CementExtensionHandler
- """
- A handler class that implements the IExtension interface. This can
- be a string (label of a registered handler), an uninstantiated
- class, or an instantiated class object.
- """
- log_handler = ext_logging.LoggingLogHandler
- """
- A handler class that implements the ILog interface. This can
- be a string (label of a registered handler), an uninstantiated
- class, or an instantiated class object.
- """
- plugin_handler = ext_plugin.CementPluginHandler
- """
- A handler class that implements the IPlugin interface. This can
- be a string (label of a registered handler), an uninstantiated
- class, or an instantiated class object.
- """
- argument_handler = ext_argparse.ArgParseArgumentHandler
- """
- A handler class that implements the IArgument interface. This can
- be a string (label of a registered handler), an uninstantiated
- class, or an instantiated class object.
- """
- output_handler = ext_nulloutput.NullOutputHandler
- """
- A handler class that implements the IOutput interface. This can
- be a string (label of a registered handler), an uninstantiated
- class, or an instantiated class object.
- """
- cache_handler = None
- """
- A handler class that implements the ICache interface. This can
- be a string (label of a registered handler), an uninstantiated
- class, or an instantiated class object.
- """
- base_controller = None
- """
- This is the base application controller. If a controller is set,
- runtime operations are passed to the controller for command
- dispatch and argument parsing when CementApp.run() is called.
- Note that cement will automatically set the `base_controller` to a
- registered controller whose label is 'base' (only if `base_controller`
- is not currently set).
- """
- extensions = []
- """List of additional framework extensions to load."""
- bootstrap = None
- """
- A bootstrapping module to load after app creation, and before
- app.setup() is called. This is useful for larger applications
- that need to offload their bootstrapping code such as registering
- hooks/handlers/etc to another file.
- This must be a dotted python module path.
- I.e. 'myapp.bootstrap' (myapp/bootstrap.py). Cement will then
- import the module, and if the module has a 'load()' function, that
- will also be called. Essentially, this is the same as an
- extension or plugin, but as a facility for the application itself
- to bootstrap 'hardcoded' application code. It is also called
- before plugins are loaded.
- """
- core_extensions = [
- 'cement.ext.ext_nulloutput',
- 'cement.ext.ext_plugin',
- 'cement.ext.ext_configparser',
- 'cement.ext.ext_logging',
- 'cement.ext.ext_argparse',
- ]
- """
- List of Cement core extensions. These are generally required by
- Cement and should only be modified if you know what you're
- doing. Use 'extensions' to add to this list, rather than
- overriding core extensions. That said if you want to prune down
- your application, you can remove core extensions if they are
- not necessary (for example if using your own log handler
- extension you likely don't want/need LoggingLogHandler to be
- registered).
- """
- core_meta_override = [
- 'debug',
- 'plugin_config_dir',
- 'plugin_dir',
- 'ignore_deprecation_warnings',
- 'template_dir',
- ]
- """
- List of meta options that can/will be overridden by config options
- of the '[base]' config section (where [base] is the base
- configuration section of the application which is determined by
- Meta.config_section but defaults to Meta.label). These overrides
- are required by the framework to function properly and should not
- be used by end user (developers) unless you really know what
- you're doing. To add your own extended meta overrides please use
- 'meta_override'.
- """
- meta_override = []
- """
- List of meta options that can/will be overridden by config options
- of the '[base]' config section (where [base] is the
- base configuration section of the application which is determined
- by Meta.config_section but defaults to Meta.label).
- """
- ignore_deprecation_warnings = False
- """Disable deprecation warnings from being logged by Cement."""
- template_module = None
- """
- A python package (dotted import path) where template files can be
- loaded from. This is generally something like 'myapp.templates'
- where a plugin file would live at ``myapp/templates/mytemplate.txt``.
- Templates are first loaded from ``CementApp.Meta.template_dir``, and
- and secondly from ``CementApp.Meta.template_module``.
- """
- template_dir = None
- """
- A directory path where template files can be loaded from. By default,
- this setting is also overridden by the '[base] -> template_dir' config
- setting parsed in any of the application configuration files (where
- [base] is the base configuration section of the application which is
- determinedby Meta.config_section but defaults to Meta.label).
- Note: Though the meta default is None, Cement will set this to
- ``/usr/lib/<app_label>/templates/`` if not set during app.setup()
- """
- def __init__(self, label=None, **kw):
- super(CementApp, self).__init__(**kw)
- # for convenience we translate this to _meta
- if label:
- self._meta.label = label
- self._validate_label()
- self._loaded_bootstrap = None
- self._parsed_args = None
- self._last_rendered = None
- self.ext = None
- self.config = None
- self.log = None
- self.plugin = None
- self.args = None
- self.output = None
- self.controller = None
- self.cache = None
- # setup argv... this has to happen before lay_cement()
- if self._meta.argv is None:
- self._meta.argv = list(sys.argv[1:])
- # hack for command line --debug
- if '--debug' in self.argv:
- self._meta.debug = True
- # setup the cement framework
- self._lay_cement()
- @property
- def debug(self):
- """
- Returns boolean based on whether `--debug` was passed at command line
- or set via the application's configuration file.
- :returns: boolean
- """
- return self._meta.debug
- @property
- def argv(self):
- """The arguments list that will be used when self.run() is called."""
- return self._meta.argv
- def extend(self, member_name, member_object):
- """
- Extend the CementApp() object with additional functions/classes such
- as 'app.my_custom_function()', etc. It provides an interface for
- extensions to provide functionality that travel along with the
- application object.
- :param member_name: The name to attach the object to.
- :type member_name: str
- :param member_object: The function or class object to attach to
- CementApp().
- :raises: cement.core.exc.FrameworkError
- """
- if hasattr(self, member_name):
- raise exc.FrameworkError("App member '%s' already exists!" %
- member_name)
- LOG.debug("extending appication with '.%s' (%s)" %
- (member_name, member_object))
- setattr(self, member_name, member_object)
- def _validate_label(self):
- if not self._meta.label:
- raise exc.FrameworkError("Application name missing.")
- # validate the name is ok
- ok = ['_', '-']
- for char in self._meta.label:
- if char in ok:
- continue
- if not char.isalnum():
- raise exc.FrameworkError(
- "App label can only contain alpha-numeric, dashes, " +
- "or underscores."
- )
- def setup(self):
- """
- This function wraps all '_setup' actons in one call. It is called
- before self.run(), allowing the application to be _setup but not
- executed (possibly letting the developer perform other actions
- before full execution.).
- All handlers should be instantiated and callable after setup is
- complete.
- """
- LOG.debug("now setting up the '%s' application" % self._meta.label)
- if self._meta.bootstrap is not None:
- LOG.debug("importing bootstrap code from %s" %
- self._meta.bootstrap)
- if self._meta.bootstrap not in sys.modules \
- or self._loaded_bootstrap is None:
- __import__(self._meta.bootstrap, globals(), locals(), [], 0)
- if hasattr(sys.modules[self._meta.bootstrap], 'load'):
- sys.modules[self._meta.bootstrap].load()
- self._loaded_bootstrap = sys.modules[self._meta.bootstrap]
- else:
- reload(self._loaded_bootstrap)
- for res in hook.run('pre_setup', self):
- pass
- self._setup_signals()
- self._setup_extension_handler()
- self._setup_config_handler()
- self._setup_cache_handler()
- self._setup_log_handler()
- self._setup_plugin_handler()
- self._setup_arg_handler()
- self._setup_output_handler()
- self._setup_controllers()
- for res in hook.run('post_setup', self):
- pass
- def run(self):
- """
- This function wraps everything together (after self._setup() is
- called) to run the application.
- """
- for res in hook.run('pre_run', self):
- pass
- # If controller exists, then pass controll to it
- if self.controller:
- self.controller._dispatch()
- else:
- self._parse_args()
- for res in hook.run('post_run', self):
- pass
- def close(self):
- """
- Close the application. This runs the pre_close and post_close hooks
- allowing plugins/extensions/etc to 'cleanup' at the end of program
- execution.
- """
- for res in hook.run('pre_close', self):
- pass
- LOG.debug("closing the application")
- for res in hook.run('post_close', self):
- pass
- def render(self, data, template=None):
- """
- This is a simple wrapper around self.output.render() which simply
- returns an empty string if no self.output handler is defined.
- :param data: The data dictionary to render.
- :param template: The template to render to. Default: None (some
- output handlers do not use templates).
- """
- for res in hook.run('pre_render', self, data):
- if not type(res) is dict:
- LOG.debug("pre_render hook did not return a dict().")
- else:
- data = res
- if self.output is None:
- LOG.debug('render() called, but no output handler defined.')
- out_text = ''
- else:
- out_text = self.output.render(data, template)
- for res in hook.run('post_render', self, out_text):
- if not type(res) is str:
- LOG.debug('post_render hook did not return a str()')
- else:
- out_text = str(res)
- self._last_rendered = (data, out_text)
- return out_text
- def get_last_rendered(self):
- """
- DEPRECATION WARNING: This function is deprecated as of Cement 2.1.3
- in favor of the `self.last_rendered` property, and will be removed in
- future versions of Cement.
- Return the (data, output_text) tuple of the last time self.render()
- was called.
- :returns: tuple (data, output_text)
- """
- if not is_true(self._meta.ignore_deprecation_warnings):
- self.log.warn("Cement Deprecation Warning: " +
- "CementApp.get_last_rendered() has been " +
- "deprecated, and will be removed in future " +
- "versions of Cement. You should use the " +
- "CementApp.last_rendered property instead.")
- return self._last_rendered
- @property
- def last_rendered(self):
- """
- Return the (data, output_text) tuple of the last time self.render() was
- called.
- :returns: tuple (data, output_text)
- """
- return self._last_rendered
- @property
- def pargs(self):
- """
- Returns the `parsed_args` object as returned by self.args.parse().
- """
- return self._parsed_args
- def add_arg(self, *args, **kw):
- """A shortcut for self.args.add_argument."""
- self.args.add_argument(*args, **kw)
- def _lay_cement(self):
- """Initialize the framework."""
- LOG.debug("laying cement for the '%s' application" %
- self._meta.label)
- # overrides via command line
- suppress_output = False
- if '--debug' in self._meta.argv:
- self._meta.debug = True
- else:
- # the following are hacks to suppress console output
- for flag in ['--quiet', '--json', '--yaml']:
- if flag in self._meta.argv:
- suppress_output = True
- break
- if suppress_output:
- LOG.debug('suppressing all console output per runtime config')
- backend.__saved_stdout__ = sys.stdout
- backend.__saved_stderr__ = sys.stderr
- sys.stdout = NullOut()
- sys.stderr = NullOut()
- # start clean
- backend.__hooks__ = {}
- backend.__handlers__ = {}
- # define framework hooks
- hook.define('pre_setup')
- hook.define('post_setup')
- hook.define('pre_run')
- hook.define('post_run')
- hook.define('pre_argument_parsing')
- hook.define('post_argument_parsing')
- hook.define('pre_close')
- hook.define('post_close')
- hook.define('signal')
- hook.define('pre_render')
- hook.define('post_render')
- # define and register handlers
- handler.define(extension.IExtension)
- handler.define(log.ILog)
- handler.define(config.IConfig)
- handler.define(plugin.IPlugin)
- handler.define(output.IOutput)
- handler.define(arg.IArgument)
- handler.define(controller.IController)
- handler.define(cache.ICache)
- # extension handler is the only thing that can't be loaded... as,
- # well, an extension. ;)
- handler.register(extension.CementExtensionHandler)
- def _parse_args(self):
- for res in hook.run('pre_argument_parsing', self):
- pass
- self._parsed_args = self.args.parse(self.argv)
- if self._meta.arguments_override_config is True:
- for member in dir(self._parsed_args):
- if member and member.startswith('_'):
- continue
- # don't override config values for options that weren't passed
- # or in otherwords are None
- elif getattr(self._parsed_args, member) is None:
- continue
- for section in self.config.get_sections():
- if member in self.config.keys(section):
- self.config.set(section, member,
- getattr(self._parsed_args, member))
- for member in self._meta.override_arguments:
- for section in self.config.get_sections():
- if member in self.config.keys(section):
- self.config.set(section, member,
- getattr(self._parsed_args, member))
- for res in hook.run('post_argument_parsing', self):
- pass
- def _setup_signals(self):
- if self._meta.catch_signals is None:
- LOG.debug("catch_signals=None... not handling any signals")
- return
- for signum in self._meta.catch_signals:
- LOG.debug("adding signal handler for signal %s" % signum)
- signal.signal(signum, self._meta.signal_handler)
- def _resolve_handler(self, handler_type, handler_def, raise_error=True):
- han = handler.resolve(handler_type, handler_def, raise_error)
- if han is not None:
- han._setup(self)
- return han
- def _setup_extension_handler(self):
- LOG.debug("setting up %s.extension handler" % self._meta.label)
- self.ext = self._resolve_handler('extension',
- self._meta.extension_handler)
- self.ext.load_extensions(self._meta.core_extensions)
- self.ext.load_extensions(self._meta.extensions)
- def _setup_config_handler(self):
- LOG.debug("setting up %s.config handler" % self._meta.label)
- self.config = self._resolve_handler('config',
- self._meta.config_handler)
- if self._meta.config_section is None:
- self._meta.config_section = self._meta.label
- self.config.add_section(self._meta.config_section)
- if not self._meta.config_defaults is None:
- self.config.merge(self._meta.config_defaults)
- if self._meta.config_files is None:
- label = self._meta.label
- if 'HOME' in os.environ:
- user_home = fs.abspath(os.environ['HOME'])
- else:
- # Kinda dirty, but should resolve issues on Windows per #183
- user_home = fs.abspath('~') # pragma: nocover
- self._meta.config_files = [
- os.path.join('/', 'etc', label, '%s.conf' % label),
- os.path.join(user_home, '.%s.conf' % label),
- os.path.join(user_home, '.%s' % label, 'config'),
- ]
- for _file in self._meta.config_files:
- self.config.parse_file(_file)
- self.validate_config()
- # hack for --debug
- if '--debug' in self.argv:
- self.config.set(self._meta.config_section, 'debug', True)
- # override select Meta via config
- base_dict = self.config.get_section_dict(self._meta.config_section)
- for key in base_dict:
- if key in self._meta.core_meta_override or \
- key in self._meta.meta_override:
- # kind of a hack for core_meta_override
- if key in ['debug']:
- setattr(self._meta, key, is_true(base_dict[key]))
- else:
- setattr(self._meta, key, base_dict[key])
- def _setup_log_handler(self):
- LOG.debug("setting up %s.log handler" % self._meta.label)
- self.log = self._resolve_handler('log', self._meta.log_handler)
- def _setup_plugin_handler(self):
- LOG.debug("setting up %s.plugin handler" % self._meta.label)
- # modify app defaults if not set
- if self._meta.plugin_config_dir is None:
- self._meta.plugin_config_dir = '/etc/%s/plugins.d/' % \
- self._meta.label
- if self._meta.plugin_dir is None:
- self._meta.plugin_dir = '/usr/lib/%s/plugins' % self._meta.label
- if self._meta.plugin_bootstrap is None:
- self._meta.plugin_bootstrap = '%s.plugins' % self._meta.label
- self.plugin = self._resolve_handler('plugin',
- self._meta.plugin_handler)
- self.plugin.load_plugins(self._meta.plugins)
- self.plugin.load_plugins(self.plugin.get_enabled_plugins())
- def _setup_output_handler(self):
- if self._meta.output_handler is None:
- LOG.debug("no output handler defined, skipping.")
- return
- LOG.debug("setting up %s.output handler" % self._meta.label)
- self.output = self._resolve_handler('output',
- self._meta.output_handler,
- raise_error=False)
- if self._meta.template_module is None:
- self._meta.template_module = '%s.templates' % self._meta.label
- if self._meta.template_dir is None:
- self._meta.template_dir = '/usr/lib/%s/templates' % \
- self._meta.label
- def _setup_cache_handler(self):
- if self._meta.cache_handler is None:
- LOG.debug("no cache handler defined, skipping.")
- return
- LOG.debug("setting up %s.cache handler" % self._meta.label)
- self.cache = self._resolve_handler('cache',
- self._meta.cache_handler,
- raise_error=False)
- def _setup_arg_handler(self):
- LOG.debug("setting up %s.arg handler" % self._meta.label)
- self.args = self._resolve_handler('argument',
- self._meta.argument_handler)
- self.args.add_argument('--debug', dest='debug',
- action='store_true',
- help='toggle debug output')
- self.args.add_argument('--quiet', dest='suppress_output',
- action='store_true',
- help='suppress all output')
- def _setup_controllers(self):
- LOG.debug("setting up application controllers")
- if self._meta.base_controller is not None:
- cntr = self._resolve_handler('controller',
- self._meta.base_controller)
- self.controller = cntr
- self._meta.base_controller = self.controller
- elif self._meta.base_controller is None:
- if handler.registered('controller', 'base'):
- self.controller = self._resolve_handler('controller', 'base')
- self._meta.base_controller = self.controller
- # This is necessary for some backend usage
- if self._meta.base_controller is not None:
- if self._meta.base_controller._meta.label != 'base':
- raise exc.FrameworkError("Base controllers must have " +
- "a label of 'base'.")
- def validate_config(self):
- """
- Validate application config settings.
- Usage:
- .. code-block:: python
- import os
- from cement.core import foundation
- class MyApp(foundation.CementApp):
- class Meta:
- label = 'myapp'
- def validate_config(self):
- # test that the log file directory exist, if not create it
- logdir = os.path.dirname(self.config.get('log', 'file'))
- if not os.path.exists(logdir):
- os.makedirs(logdir)
- """
- pass