CHANGES.txt 2.2 KB

  1. Change log for Adventure versions
  2. #################################
  3. Version NEXT
  4. ============
  5. :Released: FUTURE
  6. :Maintainer: UNKNOWN
  7. * Update outdated link to repository in Distutils configuration.
  8. * Add top-level README for visitors to GitHub.
  9. Version 1.4
  10. ===========
  11. :Released: 2016-01-31
  12. :Maintainer: Brandon Craig Rhodes <>
  13. * Import readline to support command line editing.
  14. * Add Apache 2.0 license terms.
  15. * Bug fix: A motion-based death was going undetected.
  16. * Test fix: Run README.txt as doctest in a temp directory.
  17. Version 1.3
  18. ===========
  19. :Released: 2012-04-27
  20. :Maintainer: Brandon Craig Rhodes <>
  21. * Installs on Windows.
  22. Specify encoding when opening the README.
  23. * Fixed undefined commands.
  24. Make sure that no verbs are unimplemented and raise an exception.
  25. Version 1.2
  26. ===========
  27. :Released: 2012-04-05
  28. :Maintainer: Brandon Craig Rhodes <>
  29. * Restoring saves from command line.
  30. Give "python -m adventure" a real argparse command line, that can
  31. take a savefile filename to restore; previously there was no way for
  32. someone using plain console mode to restore a saved game.
  33. * 5-letter commands.
  34. Adjust game vocabulary to accept the old 5-letter command
  35. abbreviations.
  36. Version 1.1
  37. ===========
  38. :Released: 2011-03-12
  39. :Maintainer: Brandon Craig Rhodes <>
  40. * Traditional mode.
  41. Add an authentic traditional Adventure game prompt that runs at 1200
  42. baud.
  43. * More flexible Python syntax.
  44. Instead of play() installing symbols into the "builtins" module but
  45. having to skip one or two important functions, Adventure commands
  46. now get installed into the caller's global namespace, leaving
  47. "builtins" intact and unchanged with open() and exit() still
  48. available.
  49. Version 1.0
  50. ===========
  51. :Released: 2011-02-15
  52. :Maintainer: Brandon Craig Rhodes <>
  53. * 100% test coverage.
  54. * Feature-complete.
  55. Version 0.3
  56. ===========
  57. :Released: 2011-01-31
  58. :Maintainer: Brandon Craig Rhodes <>
  59. * First public release.
  60. ..
  61. Local variables:
  62. coding: utf-8
  63. mode: text
  64. mode: rst
  65. End:
  66. vim: fileencoding=utf-8 filetype=rst :