123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286 |
- # database/module.mk
- # Part of Lorica, a cash ordering system.
- #
- # Copyright © 2007–2008 Cybersource Pty. Ltd.
- #
- # This is free software: see the grant of license at end of this file.
- # Makefile module for Lorica database.
- MODULE_DIR = database
- SQL_SUFFIX = .sql
- database_revision_files_regex = [[:digit:]]\+-[^/]\+${SQL_SUFFIX}
- database_revision_files = $(shell \
- | grep '${database_revision_files_regex}$$')
- database_revision_targets = $(addsuffix ${APPLY_STAMP_SUFFIX},${database_revision_files})
- database_revision_setup_files = $(wildcard ${DATABASE_REVISION_SETUP_DIR}/*${SQL_SUFFIX})
- database_revision_setup_targets = $(addsuffix ${APPLY_STAMP_SUFFIX},${database_revision_setup_files})
- PG_TMP_ROOT_DIR ?= ${DATABASE_DIR}/postgres-tmp
- pg_sock_link = ${PG_TMP_ROOT_DIR}/run
- PG_SOCK_DIR ?= $(shell \
- readlink ${pg_sock_link} || echo "/nonexistent" \
- )
- PG_LOG_NAME ?= postgresql.log
- pg_log_file = ${PG_LOG_DIR}/${PG_LOG_NAME}
- PG_DATABASE_COMMENT = "Lorica cash ordering system database"
- export PGDATABASE ?= lorica
- export PGDATA ?= ${PG_TMP_ROOT_DIR}/data
- export PGHOST ?= ${PG_SOCK_DIR}
- pg_pid_file = ${PGDATA}/postmaster.pid
- INSTALL = install
- RM = rm
- # Update this as necessary.
- PG_VERSION = 8.3
- # This format required on Debian-based systems.
- #PG_BIN_DIR = /usr/lib/postgresql/$(PG_VERSION)/bin
- # Most other systems.
- PG_BIN_DIR = /usr/bin
- INITDB = ${PG_BIN_DIR}/initdb
- INITDB_OPTS = -A "ident sameuser"
- PG_CTL = ${PG_BIN_DIR}/pg_ctl
- PG_CTL_START_OPTS = -w -o "-h \"\" -k ${PG_SOCK_DIR}" -l ${pg_log_file}
- PG_CTL_STOP_OPTS = -w -m fast
- CREATEDB = ${PG_BIN_DIR}/createdb
- CREATELANG = ${PG_BIN_DIR}/createlang
- DROPDB = ${PG_BIN_DIR}/dropdb
- PSQL = ${PG_BIN_DIR}/psql
- APPLY_REVISION = ${CODE_PROGRAM_DIR}/apply-schema-revision
- .PHONY: database-build-test
- database-build-test: database-setup-stamp database-build-stamp database-test database-clean
- ${PGDATA}:
- GENERATED_FILES += database-setup-stamp
- .PHONY: database-setup
- database-setup: database-setup-stamp
- database-setup-stamp: ${PGDATA} database-start
- touch $@
- # usage: $(call database-test-server-started)
- define database-test-server-started
- ( $(PG_CTL) status > /dev/null )
- endef
- # usage: $(call database-start-server)
- define database-start-server
- $(PG_CTL) ${PG_CTL_START_OPTS} start
- endef
- # usage: $(call database-wait-sever-started,message)
- define database-wait-server-started
- echo -n ${1} ; \
- for (( sec=0 ; $$sec < ${PG_START_TIMEOUT_SECS} ; sec++ )) ; do \
- $(call database-test-server-started) && break ; \
- echo -n "." ; \
- sleep 1 ; \
- done ; \
- echo
- endef
- ifeq (${PGHOST},${PG_SOCK_DIR})
- database-start: ${pg_pid_file}
- ${pg_pid_file}: PGHOST =
- ${pg_pid_file}: ${PG_SOCK_DIR} ${PG_LOG_DIR}
- endif
- .PHONY: database-start
- database-start:
- if ( $(call database-test-server-started) ; test $$? -ne 0 ) ; then \
- $(PG_CTL) ${PG_CTL_START_OPTS} start ; \
- sleep 2 ; \
- fi
- $(call database-wait-server-started, \
- "waiting for server to be active: ")
- $(PG_CTL) status
- .PHONY: database-stop
- database-stop: | database-drop
- if $(call database-test-server-started) ; then \
- $(PG_CTL) ${PG_CTL_STOP_OPTS} stop ; \
- fi
- $(RM) -rf ${PG_SOCK_DIR} ${pg_sock_link}
- ${PG_SOCK_DIR}: ${PGDATA} ${pg_sock_link}
- ${pg_sock_link}:
- ln -s $$(mktemp -td "postgres-${PGDATABASE}.XXXXXXXX") $@
- ${PG_LOG_DIR}:
- $(INSTALL) -d $@
- # usage: $(call database-test-database-created)
- define database-test-database-created
- ( $(PSQL) -f /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1)
- endef
- # usage: $(call database-write-env-file)
- define database-write-env-file
- echo "# Database connection environment settings" >> ${DATABASE_ENV_FILE}
- echo "# Usage:" >> ${DATABASE_ENV_FILE}
- echo "# $$ source ${DATABASE_ENV_FILE}" >> ${DATABASE_ENV_FILE}
- echo "# $$ psql" >> ${DATABASE_ENV_FILE}
- echo >> ${DATABASE_ENV_FILE}
- echo "export PGDATA=${PGDATA}" >> ${DATABASE_ENV_FILE}
- echo "export PGHOST=${PGHOST}" >> ${DATABASE_ENV_FILE}
- echo "export PGPORT=${PGPORT}" >> ${DATABASE_ENV_FILE}
- endef
- $(call database-write-env-file)
- GENERATED_FILES += database-create-stamp
- .PHONY: database-create
- database-create: database-create-stamp
- database-create-stamp: ${DATABASE_ENV_FILE} | database-drop
- if ( $(call database-test-database-created) ; test $$? -ne 0 ) ; then \
- $(CREATELANG) plpgsql ${PGDATABASE} ; \
- fi
- touch $@
- ${database_revision_setup_targets}: database-drop database-create
- $(PSQL) -f $<
- touch $@
- ${database_revision_targets}: ${database_revision_setup_targets}
- touch $@
- GENERATED_FILES += database-build-stamp
- .PHONY: database-build
- database-build: database-build-stamp
- database-build-stamp: ${database_revision_targets}
- touch $@
- build: database-build
- .PHONY: database-nosetests
- database-nosetests: NOSETESTS_FILES = ${DATABASE_TEST_DIR}
- database-nosetests: database-build-stamp
- $(call test-output-banner, "Database test run: ")
- $(nosetests_cmd)
- .PHONY: database-test
- database-test: database-nosetests
- .PHONY: database-build-test-continuous
- database-build-test-continuous: TEST_INWAIT_FILES = ${DATABASE_TEST_INWAIT_FILES}
- database-build-test-continuous:
- while true ; do \
- clear ; \
- $(MAKE) database-build-test ; \
- $(call test-wait) ; \
- done
- # Continuous rebuild of the test database.
- #
- # Note: The touch on database/test/stamp-IGNORE.py is a kludge -
- # intended to signal a continuous 'make database-test' loop (hopefully
- # running in another window) to rerun the database tests.
- .PHONY: database-build-continuous
- database-build-continuous:
- while true ; do \
- clear ; \
- unset PGDATABASE ; \
- unset PGDATA ; \
- unset PGHOST ; \
- echo -n "Database build run: " ; \
- $(DATE) +${DATE_FORMAT} ; \
- $(MAKE) clean && \
- $(MAKE) database-build && \
- echo '===> Database successfully rebuilt.' && \
- TEST_FILE_STAMP='database/test/stamp-IGNORE.py' && \
- echo > "$$TEST_FILE_STAMP" && \
- rm -f "$$TEST_FILE_STAMP" ; \
- done
- build: database-test
- %.png: %.dot
- $(DOT) -Tpng -o $@ $<
- # Requires the environment variables set up to access the database.
- $(PGDATABASE).dot: database-build
- database-diagram: $(PGDATABASE).png
- @echo "Generated $<"
- @if [ ! -z "$(DISPLAY)" ] ; then display $< ; fi
- .PHONY: database-drop
- database-drop: database-clean
- if ( $(call database-test-database-created) ) ; then \
- fi
- $(RM) -f database-create-stamp
- .PHONY: database-teardown
- database-teardown: database-drop database-stop
- $(RM) -rf ${PG_TMP_ROOT_DIR}
- database-clean: database-drop
- clean: database-clean
- # This is free software: you may copy, modify, and/or distribute this work
- # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- # Free Software Foundation; version 3 of that license or any later version.
- #
- # No warranty expressed or implied. See the file ‘LICENSE.GPL-3’ for details,
- # or view it online at <URL:https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
- # Local variables:
- # coding: utf-8
- # mode: makefile
- # End:
- # vim: fileencoding=utf-8 filetype=make :