dput.cf.5 6.1 KB

  1. .TH dput.cf 5 "2001-04-08"
  2. .SH NAME
  3. .B dput.cf
  4. \- Debian package upload tool configuration file
  6. This manpage gives a brief overview of dput's configuration file and the
  7. available options in it.
  8. \fBdput\fP is a tool to upload Debian packages to the archive.
  9. .PP
  10. .SH FORMAT
  11. dput.cf consists of different groups of configuration options, one for each
  12. host where you want to be able to upload packages. Hosts are defined using an
  13. identifier header with a short name for the host, enclosed in square brackets.
  14. Note that only if multiple such headers are encountered in the
  15. configuration, only the group following the last header is considered. This
  16. is done to avoid confusion when overriding a global configuration file with
  17. a user-specific one.
  18. There's a special identifier, [DEFAULT], which holds default parameters for
  19. all the hosts. The defaults can be overridden by redefining them again in
  20. each host section. The available parameters are listed below:
  21. .TP
  22. .B fqdn
  23. This is the fully qualified domain name that will be used (can be specified
  24. as host:port for HTTP, HTTPS and FTP).
  25. .TP
  26. .B login
  27. Your login on the machine named before. A single asterisk \fB*\fR will
  28. cause the scp and rsync uploaders to not use supply a login name when
  29. calling to ssh, scp, and rsync.
  30. .TP
  31. .B incoming
  32. The directory that you should upload the files to.
  33. .TP
  34. .B method
  35. The method that you want to use for uploading the files.
  36. Currently, dput accepts the following values for \fBmethod\fR:
  37. .RS
  38. .TP
  39. .I ftp
  40. the package will be uploaded via ftp, either anonymously or using a
  41. login/password. Note that ftp is unencrypted so you should not use
  42. password authentication with this.
  43. .TP
  44. \fIhttp\fR and \fIhttps\fR
  45. the package will be uploaded via http or https using the PUT method
  46. as specified in WebDAV. The upload method will prompt for a password
  47. if necessary.
  48. .TP
  49. .I scp
  50. the package will be uploaded using ssh's scp. This transfers files using a
  51. secure ssh tunnel, and needs an account on the upload machine.
  52. .TP
  53. .I rsync
  54. the package will be uploaded using rsync over ssh. This is similar to scp,
  55. but can save some bandwidth if the destination file already exists on the
  56. upload server. It also needs a login on the remote machine as it uses ssh.
  57. .TP
  58. .I local
  59. the package will be "uploaded" locally using /usr/bin/install. This
  60. transfers files to a local incoming directory, and needs appropriate
  61. permissions set on that directory.
  62. .RE
  63. .TP
  64. .B hash
  65. The hash algorithm that should be used in calculating the checksum of
  66. the files before uploading them. Currently, dput accepts the following values
  67. for \fBhash\fR:
  68. .RS
  69. .TP
  70. .I md5
  71. use the md5 algorithm for calculation
  72. .TP
  73. .I sha
  74. use the sha algorithm for calculation
  75. .RE
  76. .TP
  77. .B allow_unsigned_uploads
  78. This defines if you are allowed to upload files without a GnuPG
  79. signature to this host or not.
  80. .TP
  81. .B allow_dcut
  82. This defines if you are allowed to upload a dcut changes file to the
  83. queue to remove or move files.
  84. .TP
  85. .B distributions
  86. This defines a comma-separated list of distributions that this host accepts,
  87. used to guess the host to use when none is given on the command line.
  88. .TP
  89. .B allowed_distributions
  90. A regular expression (of Python \fBre\fR module syntax) that the
  91. distribution field must match or dput will refuse the upload.
  92. .TP
  93. .B delayed
  94. Set a numeric default parameter for delayed uploads (i.e. uploads to this
  95. queue will be delayed the specified number of days. Defaults to the
  96. empty string, meaning no delay. This only works with upload queues
  97. that support delayed uploads.
  98. .TP
  99. .B run_lintian
  100. This option defines if lintian should be run before the package will
  101. be uploaded or not. If the package is not lintian clean, the upload will
  102. not happen.
  103. .TP
  104. .B run_dinstall
  105. This options defines if dinstall \-n should be run after the package has
  106. been uploaded or not. This is an easy way to test if your package would be
  107. installed into the archive or not.
  108. .TP
  109. .B check_version
  110. This option defines if dput should check if the user has installed the package
  111. in his system for testing it before putting it into the archive. If the
  112. user has not installed and tested it, dput will reject the upload.
  113. .TP
  114. .B passive_ftp
  115. This option defines if dput should use passive ftp or active ftp for uploading
  116. a package to one of the upload queues. By default, dput uses passive ftp
  117. connections. If you need to use active ftp connections, set
  118. passive_ftp to 0.
  119. .TP
  120. .B progress_indicator
  121. This integer option defines if dput should display a progress indicator for
  122. the upload. (Currently implemented in ftp only.)
  123. .br
  124. Supported values: 0 (default) \- no progress, 1 \- rotating progress
  125. indicator, and 2 \- kilobyte counter.
  126. .TP
  127. .B scp_compress
  128. This option defines if the scp upload to the host will be compressed, or not.
  129. This option is only used for the 'scp' upload method, and has been found to
  130. decrease upload time for slow links, and increase upload times for faster
  131. links.
  132. .TP
  133. .B ssh_config_options
  134. The arguments of this config options should be ssh config file options in
  135. the style documented in \&\fBssh_config\fR\|(5). They will be passed to all
  136. automatic invocations of \fIssh\fR and \fIscp\fR by dput. Note that you can
  137. define multiline (dput) configuration options by indenting the second
  138. line with whitespace (i.e. similar to RFC822 header continuations).
  139. .TP
  140. .B post_upload_command
  141. This option defines a command to be run by dput after a successful upload.
  142. .TP
  143. .B pre_upload_command
  144. This option defines a command to be run by dput before a upload happens.
  145. .TP
  146. .B default_host_main
  147. This defines the default host for packages that are allowed to be uploaded
  148. to the main archive. This variable is used when guessing the host to upload to.
  149. .SH BUGS
  150. .P
  151. Please send bug reports to the author.
  152. .SH FILES
  153. .TP
  154. .I /etc/dput.cf
  155. global dput configuration file
  156. .TP
  157. .I ~/.dput.cf
  158. per user dput configuration file
  159. .SH AUTHOR
  160. Christian Kurz. Updated by Thomas Viehmann <\fBtv@beamnet.de\fR>.
  161. Many other people have contributed to this code. See the
  162. Thanks file.
  163. .SH SEE ALSO
  164. .PD 0
  165. .TP
  166. \&\fBdput\fR\|(1)
  167. .TP
  168. \fI/usr/share/doc/dput\fP
  170. The author appreciates comments and suggestions from you, if any.
  171. .\" Local variables:
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