dput.1 3.3 KB

  1. .TH dput 1 "2001-10-05"
  2. .SH NAME
  3. .B dput
  4. \- package upload tool for Debian
  6. .B dput
  7. [\fIoptions\fR]
  8. [\fBhost\fR]
  9. \fBpackage.changes\fR ...
  11. This is a tool for uploading Debian packages into the archive. You may specify
  12. to which host it should upload the file by passing it an
  13. .I host
  14. argument. If omitted, dput uses the host specified by
  15. .I default_host
  16. (or, historically \fIdefault_host_non-us\fR) configuration option.
  17. Also you have to pass the program one or more name of
  18. .I package.changes
  19. files and then they will be sequentially uploaded.
  20. .P
  21. This program will then upload the package for you into the archive, using a
  22. selected upload method. Currently dput supports ftp, scp, rsync, http,
  23. https, and local. The
  24. method scripts have been split from the main script so it is easy to add
  25. new methods. Look in /usr/share/dput/ for examples.
  26. Should something go wrong with your upload to destinations using the
  27. Debian upload queue daemon (e.g. ftp-master), you can remove files from
  28. the upload queue with \fBdcut\fP(1).
  30. .BR "\-c",
  31. .B \-\-config
  32. \- define a config file to use.
  33. .P
  34. .BR "\-d",
  35. .B \-\-debug
  36. \- activate debugging mode, helpful if bugs occur.
  37. .P
  38. .BR "\-D",
  39. .B \-\-dinstall
  40. \- do a dry run of dinstall after the upload.
  41. .P
  42. .BR "\-f",
  43. .B \-\-force
  44. \- force an upload of an already uploaded package.
  45. .P
  46. .BR "\-h",
  47. .B \-\-help
  48. \- print help information and exit.
  49. .P
  50. .BR "\-H",
  51. .B \-\-host\-list
  52. \- print the lists of hosts that dput knows about.
  53. .P
  54. .BR "\-l",
  55. .B \-\-lintian
  56. \- run lintian before the upload.
  57. .P
  58. .BR "\-U",
  59. .B \-\-no-upload\-log
  60. \- do not write a .upload log file after uploading.
  61. .P
  62. .BR "\-o",
  63. .B \-\-check-only
  64. \- check only the package and do not upload.
  65. .P
  66. .BR "\-p",
  67. .B \-\-print
  68. \- print the configuration that dput is using.
  69. .P
  70. .BR "\-P",
  71. .B \-\-passive
  72. \- use passive ftp instead of active. Note that passive ftp is the default
  73. unless specified otherwise in the configuration file.
  74. .P
  75. .BR "\-s",
  76. .B \-\-simulate
  77. \- simulate an upload only.
  78. .P
  79. .BR "\-u",
  80. .B \-\-unchecked
  81. \- don't check GnuPG signature on the changes file.
  82. .P
  83. .BR "\-e",
  84. .B \-\-delayed
  85. \- Upload to a DELAYED queue, rather than the usual Incoming. This
  86. takes an argument from 0 to 15. Note that a delay of 0 is different
  87. from no delay at all.
  88. .P
  89. .BR "\-v",
  90. .BR \-\-version
  91. \- print version information and exit.
  92. .P
  93. .BR "\-V",
  94. .BR \-\-check\-version
  95. \- check if the user has already installed and tested the package before
  96. putting it into the archive.
  97. .P
  99. This program doesn't depend on any environment variables. But if the variable
  100. USER is set, it will be used.
  101. .SH LICENSE
  102. This program is distributed under the terms of the GPL.
  103. .SH BUGS
  104. .P
  105. Please send bug reports to the author.
  106. .SH FILES
  107. .TP
  108. .I /etc/dput.cf
  109. global dput configuration file
  110. .TP
  111. .I ~/.dput.cf
  112. per user dput configuration file
  113. .SH SEE ALSO
  114. .PD 0
  115. .TP
  116. \fBdput.cf\fP(5)
  117. .TP
  118. \fBdcut\fP(1)
  119. .TP
  120. \fI/usr/share/doc/dput\fP
  121. .TP
  122. \fI/usr/share/dput\fP
  123. .SH AUTHOR
  124. \fIdput\fP was written Christian Kurz. The current maintainer is
  125. Thomas Viehmann <tv@beamnet.de>.
  126. Many other people have contributed to this code. See the
  127. Thanks file.
  129. The author does appreciate comments and suggestions from you.
  130. .\" Local variables:
  131. .\" mode: nroff
  132. .\" coding: utf-8
  133. .\" End:
  134. .\" vim: fileencoding=utf-8 filetype=nroff :