1. dput — Debian package upload toolkit
  2. History
  3. =======
  4. Christian Kurz writes:
  5. `dput` has been developed because `dupload`, the only tool for
  6. doing uploads, has quite a few open bug reports and the code is in
  7. my opinion not very clean.
  8. So I decided to start again and create a new tool for uploading
  9. packages into debian. This tool is `dput`, which will include more
  10. features and be (hopefully) bug free. It is written in Python,
  11. since the author believes that Python is a very good language.
  12. Features
  13. ========
  14. The features include:
  15. * Test of the GnuPG signature on the source control file (``*.dsc``).
  16. * Verification of the checksums in the source control file.
  17. * Support for MD5 and SHA checksums.
  18. * Check for unnecessary or missing tarballs.
  19. * Running Lintian before putting the package into the archive.
  20. * Running Dinstall after the package is in the archive and making sure that
  21. the package will be put on the correct server.
  22. * Running user-defined commands before and after an upload.
  23. A lot of the tests can be run without really putting the package
  24. into the archive.
  25. Encryption
  26. ==========
  27. If you are still using PGP instead of GnuPG, please consider switching
  28. to GnuPG instead. You can find a “how to” document about “Replacing
  29. PGP 2.x with GnuPG” at: `<>`_.
  30. License
  31. =======
  32. This work is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  33. under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  34. the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of that License, or
  35. (at your option) any later version. No warranty expressed or implied.
  36. On Debian systems, a copy of version 2 of this license can be found at
  37. `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2`.
  38. Collaboration
  39. =============
  40. The source code and the current repository can always be accessed via
  41. `<git://>`_ or
  42. `<>`_. See
  43. `<>`_.
  44. Patches for Bugfixing, Improvement, etc. are always welcome and should
  45. be against the latest version.
  46. Contributors
  47. ============
  48. * Christian Kurz <>
  49. * Jordi Mallach <>
  50. * Sean 'Shaleh' Perry <>
  51. * Ben Finney <>
  52. ..
  53. Local variables:
  54. coding: utf-8
  55. mode: text
  56. mode: rst
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  58. vim: fileencoding=utf-8 filetype=rst :