dcut.1 5.9 KB

  1. .TH dcut 1 "2004-01"
  2. .SH NAME
  3. .B dcut
  4. \- Debian archive .commands file upload tool
  6. .B dcut
  7. [\fIoptions\fR]
  8. [\fIhost\fR]
  9. [\fIcommand\fR [\fB,\fR \fIcommand\fR]]
  10. .P
  11. .B dcut
  12. \fB\-U\fR \fIfilename\fR
  13. [\fIhost\fR]
  15. dcut creates and / or uploads .commands files for the Debian FTP
  16. archive upload queue.
  17. It is a companion for \fBdput\fR and uses dput configuration files.
  18. As with dput, you can specify a
  19. .I host
  20. defined in the dput configuration file. In case your host is
  21. funnily named, i.e. it could mistaken for a command, you may also use
  22. a command line option to specify the host.
  23. In default operation mode (unless you request to upload an existing
  24. file), the host description is followed by a comma-separated list of
  25. commands. (Semicolons also work but require shell escaping.)
  27. Presently supported commands are \fBrm\fR, \fBreschedule\fR and
  28. \fBcancel\fR. \fBrm\fR can be used to remove files from the
  29. UploadQueue directories. \fBdcut\fR generates commands that
  30. search the subdirectories automatically, but you can also
  31. specify \fB\-\-nosearchdirs\fR and then target individual
  32. UploadQueue directories, i.e. either filenames without path for
  33. regular incoming or \fBDELAYED/#-day/filename\fR. Wildcards
  34. are accepted. \fBreschedule changes-file #-day\fR can be used
  35. to move an upload from any \fBDEFERRED\fR queue to
  36. \fB#-day\fR (use \fB0-day\fR for immediate processing).
  37. \fBcancel changes-file\fR cancels an upload from \fBDEFERRED\fR.
  38. Both \fBreschedule\fR and \fBcancel\fR take a complete basename
  39. of a changes file as argument and operate on the whole upload,
  40. they process the changes and all files mentioned by it.
  41. The authoritative documentation for the commands interface
  42. can be found at
  43. "ftp://ftp.upload.debian.org/pub/UploadQueue/README".
  44. .P
  45. The options try to resemble dput's to the extent possible.
  46. .P
  47. Note that dcut calls debsign to sign any commands file generated.
  48. In particular, debsign does basic syntax checking on the commands you
  49. specify.
  51. .TP
  52. .B \-c \fIfilename\fR, \fB\-\-config\fR=\fIfilename\fR
  53. Use config file \fIfilename\fR.
  54. .TP
  55. .B \-d, \-\-debug
  56. Print debug messages.
  57. .TP
  58. .B \-h, \-\-help
  59. Print help information and exit.
  60. .TP
  61. .B \-\-host=\fIhost\fR
  62. Upload to \fIhost\fR (as found in the dput configuration).
  63. Use this if your host is named like one of the commands.
  64. .TP
  65. .B \-m \fImaintainer\fR, \fB\-\-maintainer\fR=\fImaintainer\fR
  66. Use \fImaintainer\fR (full email) for the uploader field and gpg key selection.
  67. This has no effect when \fB--upload\fR is used.
  68. .TP
  69. .B \-k \fIkeyid\fR, \fB\-\-keyid\fR=\fIkeyid\fR
  70. Use \fIkeyid\fR for signing. Default is to let \fBdebsign\fR choose a keyid.
  71. This has no effect when \fB--upload\fR is used.
  72. .TP
  73. .B \-O \fIfilename\fR, \fB\-\-output\fR=\fIfilename\fR
  74. Write commands file to \fIfilename\fR instead of uploading.
  75. You sould not specify a host when using this option.
  76. Also, this option should not be used with \fB--upload\fR.
  77. Both \fIfilename\fR and \fIfilename\fB.asc\fR will be overwritten.
  78. .TP
  79. .B \-P, \-\-passive
  80. Use passive ftp instead of active.
  81. .TP
  82. .B \-s, \-\-simulate
  83. Simulate an upload only.
  84. .TP
  85. .B \-U \fIfilename\fR, \fB\-\-upload\fR=\fIfilename\fR
  86. Upload commands file. Note: No checks (syntax or presence/validity of
  87. signature) are currently performed.
  88. .TP
  89. .B \-i \fIfilename\fR, \fB\-\-input\fR=\fIfilename\fR
  90. Read an input changes file to create a commands file that can remove
  91. the files listed in the .changes file from the upload queue.
  92. .TP
  93. .B \-v, \-\-version
  94. Print version information and exit.
  96. The program uses the environment variables DEBEMAIL or EMAIL and
  97. DEBFULLNAME to populate the uploader field. Also, environment variables
  98. may be used in search of a suitable place for temporary files.
  100. To upload a GPG signed commands file that removes dput_0.9.2.33_all.deb
  101. file from the queue, one would have to do
  102. .in +4n
  103. .nf
  104. $ dcut rm dput_0.9.2.33_all.deb
  105. .fi
  106. .in
  107. This creates and uploads a commands file that looks like the following:
  108. .nf
  110. Hash: SHA1
  111. Uploader: Foo Bar <foo@bar.org>
  112. Commands:
  113. rm dput_0.9.2.33_all.deb
  114. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
  115. Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
  116. iEYEARECAAYKAkisYx0ACgkQ4eu+pS04mIfwLQCg85XVpae/LHLrbvzywcQNt9PS
  117. ztsAoMgw6HjcI9flfmwjgMiapcu379Pu
  118. =fjp0
  119. -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
  120. .fi
  121. To upload a GPG signed commands file that removes files named in
  122. dput_0.9.4_i386.changes from the queue, one would have to do
  123. .in +4n
  124. .nf
  125. $ dcut \-\-input dput_0.9.4_i386.changes
  126. .fi
  127. .in
  128. This creates and uploads a commands file that looks like the following:
  129. .nf
  131. Hash: SHA1
  132. Uploader: Foo Bar <foo@bar.org>
  133. Commands:
  134. rm \-\-searchdirs dput_0.9.4.dsc
  135. rm \-\-searchdirs dput_0.9.4.tar.gz
  136. rm \-\-searchdirs dput_0.9.4_all.deb
  137. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
  138. Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
  139. iEYEARECAAYKAkisYx0ACgkQ4eu+pS04mIfwLQCg85XVpae/LHLrbvzywcQNt9PS
  140. ztsAoMgw6HjcI9flfmwjgMiapcu379Pu
  141. =fjp0
  142. -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
  143. .fi
  144. If you've uploaded packages with the \-\-delayed option (uploaded to
  145. \fBDEFERRED\fR queue), then use the \fBcancel\fR command with a .changes
  146. file.
  147. .in +4n
  148. .nf
  149. $ dcut cancel dput_0.9.4_i386.changes
  150. .fi
  151. .in
  152. This creates and uploads a commands file just like the other commands.
  153. .nf
  154. .SH LICENSE
  155. This program is distributed under the terms of the Gnu General Public
  156. License, Version 2 or later.
  157. .SH BUGS
  158. Please direct bug reports and comments to the author.
  159. Your feedback is appreciated.
  160. If you're using Debian packages, file bugs against the dput package.
  161. .SH FILES
  162. dcut makes use of the dput configuration files:
  163. .TP
  164. .I /etc/dput.cf
  165. System dput configuration file.
  166. .TP
  167. .I ~/.dput.cf
  168. User dput configuration file.
  169. Much helpful input and some stolen code from dput author Christian Kurz.
  170. .SH SEE ALSO
  171. .BR dput (1),
  172. .BR dput.cf (5)
  173. .br
  174. ftp://ftp.upload.debian.org/pub/UploadQueue/README
  175. .SH AUTHOR
  176. Thomas Viehmann <tv@beamnet.de>
  177. .\" Local variables:
  178. .\" mode: nroff
  179. .\" coding: utf-8
  180. .\" End:
  181. .\" vim: fileencoding=utf-8 filetype=nroff :