123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568 |
- .TH reportbug 1
- reportbug \- reports a bug to a debbugs server
- .B reportbug
- .I "[options] <package | pseudo-package | absolute-pathname>"
- .B reportbug
- is primarily designed to report bugs in the Debian distribution; by
- default, it creates an email to the Debian bug tracking system at
- \fIsubmit@bugs.debian.org\fP with information about the bug you've
- found, and makes a carbon copy of the report for you as well.
- .PP
- Using the \fB\-\-bts\fP option, you can also report bugs to other
- servers that use the Debian bug tracking system, \fBdebbugs\fP.
- .PP
- You may specify either a package name or a filename; if you use a
- filename, it must either be an absolute filename (so beginning with a
- \fB/\fP) or if you want \fBreportbug\fP to search the system for a
- filename, see the \fB\-\-filename\fP and \fP\-\-path\fP options
- below. If installed, also \fBdlocate\fP is used to identify the
- filename location and thus the package containing it.
- .PP
- You can also specify a \fBpseudo-package\fP; these are used in the
- Debian bug tracking system to track issues that are not related to one
- specific package. Run \fBreportbug\fP without any arguments, then
- enter \fBother\fP at the package prompt, to see a list of the most
- commonly-used \fBpseudo-packages\fP.
- The program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long
- options starting with two dashes (`\fB\-\-\fP'). A summary of options
- are included below.
- .TP
- .B \-h, \-\-help
- Show summary of options.
- .TP
- .B \-\-version
- Show the version of \fBreportbug\fP and exit.
- .TP
- .B \-A FILENAME, \-\-attach=FILENAME
- Attach a file to the bug report; both text and binary files are
- acceptable; this option can be specified multiple times to attach
- several files. This routine will create a MIME attachment with the
- file included; in some cases (usually text files), it is probably
- better to use \fB\-i/\-\-include\fP option. (Please note that
- Debian's bug tracking system has limited support for MIME
- attachments.)
- This option supports also globbing (i.e. names with wildcards, like
- file.*) but remember to include them between single quotes (the
- previous example becomes: 'file.*') else the shell would expand it
- before calling reportbug leading to an error.
- Be aware that when using an external MUA to send the message (such
- as mutt), the attachment feature is not available and no file will
- be attached at all: the MUA feature to attach files must be used
- instead (so from within the MUA).
- .TP
- .B \-b, \-\-no\-query\-bts
- Don't check the Debian bug tracking system to see if this problem has
- already been reported; useful for offline use or if you're
- \fBreally\fP sure it's a bug.
- .TP
- .B \-\-query\-bts
- Check the Debian bug tracking system to see if this problem has
- already been reported (default).
- .TP
- .B \-B SYSTEM, \-\-bts=SYSTEM
- Instead of the Debian bug server (or the bug server specified in
- \fB/etc/reportbug.conf\fP, use the server specified by \fBSYSTEM\fP.
- .TP
- .B \-\-body=BODY
- Use the specified \fIBODY\fP as the body of the message. The body
- text will be wrapped at 70 columns, and the normal \fBreportbug\fP
- headers and footers will be added as appropriate. The editor prompt
- and any "special" prompting will be bypassed.
- .TP
- .B \-\-body\-file=BODYFILE, \-\-bodyfile=BODYFILE
- The contents of the (assumed to be) text file \fIBODYFILE\fP will be
- used as the message body. This file is assumed to be properly
- formatted (i.e. reasonable line lengths, etc.). The usual headers and
- footers will be added, and the editor step and "special" prompts will
- be skipped. (\fIBODYFILE\fP may also be a named pipe; using a device
- special file may lead to unusual results.)
- .TP
- .B \-c, \-\-no\-config\-files
- Omit configuration files from the bug report without asking. By
- default, you are asked if you want to include them; in some cases,
- doing so may cause sensitive information to be sent via email.
- .TP
- .B \-C CLASS, \-\-class=CLASS
- Specify report class for GNATS BTSes.
- .TP
- .B \-\-configure
- Rerun the \fBreportbug\fP first time configuration routine, and write
- a new \fB$HOME/.reportbugrc\fP file. This will erase any pre-existing
- settings in the file; however, a backup will be written as
- \fB$HOME/.reportbugrc~\fP.
- .TP
- .B \-\-check\-available
- Check for newer releases of the package at \fBpackages.debian.org\fP
- (default). In \fBadvanced\fP and \fBexpert\fP mode, check
- \fBincoming.debian.org\fP and
- \fBhttp://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html\fP too.
- .TP
- .B \-\-no\-check\-available
- Do not check for newer releases of the package at
- \fBpackages.debian.org\fP.
- .TP
- .B \-\-debconf
- Include debconf settings in your report.
- .TP
- .B \-\-no\-debconf
- Do not include debconf settings from your report.
- .TP
- .B \-d, \-\-debug
- Don't send a real bug report to Debian; send it to yourself instead.
- This is primarily used for testing by the maintainer.
- .TP
- .B \-\-test
- Operate in test mode (maintainer use only).
- .TP
- .B \-\-draftpath=DRAFTPATH
- Save the draft (for example, when exiting and saving the report
- without reporting it) into \fIDRAFTPATH\fP directory.
- .TP
- .B \-e EDITOR, \-\-editor=EDITOR
- Specify the editor to use, overriding any \fBEDITOR\fP or \fBVISUAL\fP
- environment variable setting.
- .TP
- .B \-\-email=ADDRESS
- Set the email address your report should appear to be sent from
- (i.e. the address that appears in the \fBFrom\fP header). This should
- be the actual Internet email address on its own (i.e. without a real
- name or comment part, like \fBfoo@example.com\fP). This setting will
- override the \fBEMAIL\fP and \fBDEBEMAIL\fP environment variables, but
- .TP
- .B \-\-envelope\-from
- Specify the Envelope From mail header (also known as Return-path); by default
- it's the From address but it can be selected a different one in case the MTA
- doesn't canonicalize local users to public addresses.
- .TP
- .B \-\-mbox\-reader\-cmd=MBOX_READER_CMD
- Specify a command to open the bug reports mbox file. You can use
- \fB%s\fP to substitute the mbox file to be used, and \fB%%\fP to insert
- a literal percent sign. If no \fB%s\fP is specified, the mbox file name
- is supplied at the end of the argument list.
- .TP
- .B \-\-exit\-prompt
- Display a prompt before exiting; this is useful if \fBreportbug\fP is
- run in a transient terminal (i.e. from its Debian menu entry).
- .TP
- .B \-f FILENAME, \-\-filename=FILENAME
- Report a bug in the package containing \fIFILENAME\fP so you don't
- have to figure out what package the file belongs to. The path will be
- searched for an exact path for \fIFILENAME\fP before attempting to
- broaden the search to all files. If \fBdlocate\fP is installed,
- \fIFILENAME\fP is actually a regular expression.
- .TP
- .B \-\-from-buildd=BUILDD_FORMAT
- This options is a shortcut for buildd admins to report bugs from
- buildd log; the option expects a value in the format of
- \fI$source_$version\fP where \fI$source\fP is the source package the
- bug will be reported against and \fI$version\fP is its version.
- .TP
- .B \-\-path
- If the \fB\-f/\-\-filename\fP option is also specified, only search
- the path for the specified \fIFILENAME\fP. Specifying an absolute
- path with the \fB\-f/\-\-filename\fP option (i.e. one beginning with a
- \fB/\fP) overrides this behavior.
- .TP
- .B \-g, \-\-gnupg, \-\-gpg
- Attach a digital signature to the bug report using \fBGnuPG\fP (the
- GNU Privacy Guard). (This argument will be ignored if you are using
- an MUA to edit and send your report.)
- .TP
- .B \-G, \-\-gnus
- Use the Gnus mail and news reader to send your report, rather than
- using the editor.
- .TP
- .B \-H HEADER, \-\-header=HEADER
- Add a custom RFC2822 header to your email; for example, to send a
- carbon copy of the report to \fBdebian-68k@lists.linux-m68k.org\fP you
- could use
- .I \-H 'X\-Debbugs\-CC: debian\-68k@lists.linux\-m68k.org'
- .TP
- .B \-i FILE, \-\-include=FILE
- Include the specified \fIFILE\fP as part of the body of the message to
- be edited. Can be used multiple times to add multiple files;
- text-only please! From a suggestion by Michael Alan Dorman in the
- \fBbug\fP mailing list. (See also the \fB\-a/\-\-attach\fP option.)
- .TP
- .B \-I, \-\-no\-check\-installed
- Do not check whether the package is installed before filing a report.
- This is generally only useful when filing a report on a package you
- know is not installed on your system.
- .TP
- .B \-\-check\-installed
- Check if the specified package is installed when filing reports.
- (This is the default behavior of \fBreportbug\fP.)
- .TP
- .B \-j JUSTIFICATION, \-\-justification=JUSTIFICATION
- Bugs in Debian that have \fBserious\fP, \fBgrave\fP, or \fBcritical\fP
- severities must meet certain criteria to be classified as such. This
- option allows you to specify the justification for a release-critical
- bug, instead of being prompted for it.
- .TP
- .B \-k, \-\-kudos
- Send appreciative email to the recorded maintainer address, rather
- than filing a bug report. (You can also send kudos to
- \fIpackagename@packages.debian.org\fP, for packages in the Debian
- archive; however, this option uses the Maintainer address from the
- control file, so it works with other package sources too.)
- .TP
- .B \-K KEYID, \-\-keyid=KEYID
- Private key to use for PGP/GnuPG signatures. If not specified, the
- first key in the secret keyring that matches your email address will
- be used.
- .TP
- .B \-\-latest-first
- Display the bug reports list sorted and with the latest reports at the top.
- .TP
- .B \-\-license
- Show \fBreportbug\fP's copyright and license information on standard
- output.
- .TP
- .B \-\-list\-cc=ADDRESS
- Send a carbon copy of the report to the specified list after a report
- number is assigned; this is the equivalent to the option
- \fI\-H 'X\-Debbugs\-CC: ADDRESS'\fP. This option will only work as
- intended with \fBdebbugs\fP systems.
- .TP
- .B \-m, \-\-maintonly
- Only send the bug to the package maintainer; the bug tracking system
- will not send a copy to the bug report distribution lists.
- .TP
- .B \-\-max-attachment-size=MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE
- Specify the maximum size any attachment file can have (this also include the file for \-\-body-file option). If an attachment file is too big, there could be problems in delivering the email (and also to compose it), so we set a limit to attachment size. By default this is 10 megabytes.
- .TP
- .B \-\-mirror=MIRRORS
- Add a BTS mirror.
- .TP
- .B \-\-mode=MODE
- Set the operating mode for \fBreportbug\fP. \fBreportbug\fP
- currently has four operating modes: \fBnovice\fP (the
- default), \fBstandard\fP, \fBadvanced\fP, and \fBexpert\fP.
- \fBnovice\fP mode is designed to minimize prompting about things that
- "ordinary users" would be unlikely to know or care about, shifting the
- triage burden onto the maintainer. Checking for new versions is only
- done for the stable distribution in this mode. It is currently the
- default mode.
- \fBstandard\fP mode includes a relatively large number of prompts and
- tries to encourage users to not file frivolous or duplicate bug
- reports.
- \fBadvanced\fP mode is like \fBstandard\fP mode, but may include
- shortcuts suitable for more advanced users of Debian, without being as
- close to the metal (and potential flamage) as \fBexpert\fP mode.
- (Currently, the only differences from \fBstandard\fP mode are that it
- assumes familiarity with the "incoming" queue; it allows the reporting
- of bugs on "dependency" packages; and it does not prompt where to
- insert the report text in the editor.)
- \fBexpert\fP mode is designed to minimize prompts that are designed to
- discourage frivolous or unnecessary bug reports, "severity inflation,"
- and the like. In \fBexpert\fP mode, \fBreportbug\fP assumes the user
- is thoroughly familiar with Debian policies. In practice, this means
- that reporters are no longer required to justify setting a high
- severity on a bug report, and certain automated cleanups of the
- message are bypassed. Individuals who do not regularly contribute to
- the Debian project are \fIhighly\fP discouraged from using expert
- mode, as it can lead to flamage from maintainers when used improperly.
- .TP
- .B \-M, \-\-mutt
- Instead of spawning an editor to revise the bug report, use the
- \fBmutt\fP mail reader to edit and send it.
- .TP
- .B \-\-mta=MTA
- Specify an alternate \fIMTA\fP, instead of \fB/usr/sbin/sendmail\fP
- (the default). Any \fBsmtphost\fP setting will override this one.
- .TP
- .B \-\-mua=MUA
- Instead of spawning an editor to revise the bug report, use the
- specified \fIMUA\fP (mail user agent) to edit and send
- it. \fB--mutt\fP and \fB--nmh\fP options are processed.
- .TP
- .B \-n, \-\-mh, \-\-nmh
- Instead of spawning an editor to revise the bug report, use the
- \fBcomp\fP command (part of the \fBnmh\fP and \fBmh\fP mail systems)
- to edit and send it.
- .TP
- .B \-N BUGNUMBER, \-\-bugnumber BUGNUMBER
- Run \fBreportbug\fP against the specified bug report, useful when
- following-up a bug and its number is already known.
- .TP
- .B \-\-no\-bug\-script
- Do not execute the bug script (if present); this option can be useful
- together with \-\-template to suppress every interactive actions,
- since some bug scripts can ask questions.
- .TP
- .B \-\-no\-cc\-menu
- Don't display the menu to enter additional addresses (CC).
- .TP
- .B \-\-no\-tags\-menu
- Don't display the menu to enter additional tags.
- .TP
- .B \-o FILE, \-\-output=FILE
- Instead of sending an email, redirect it to the specified filename.
- The output file is a full dump of the email message, so it contains
- both headers and mail body. If you want to use it as a template to
- create a new bug report, then you have to remove all the headers (mind
- the \fBSubject\fP one, though) and start the report at the
- \fBPackage\fP pseudo-header.
- .TP
- .B \-O, \-\-offline
- Disable all external queries. Currently has the same effect as
- \fB\-\-no\-check\-available \-\-no\-query\-bts\fP.
- .TP
- .B \-p, \-\-print
- Instead of sending an email, print the bug report to standard output,
- so you can redirect it to a file or pipe it to another program.
- This option only outputs a template for a bug report (but, differently
- from \fB\-\-template\fP it's more interactive); you will need to fill
- in the long description.
- .TP
- .B \-\-paranoid
- Show the contents of the message before it is sent, including all
- headers. Automatically disabled if in template mode.
- .TP
- .B \-\-no\-paranoid
- Don't show the full contents of the message before it is sent
- (default).
- .TP
- .B \-\-pgp
- Attach a digital signature to the bug report using \fBPGP\fP (Pretty
- Good Privacy). Please note, however, that the Debian project is
- phasing out the use of \fBPGP\fP in favor of \fBGnuPG\fP. (This
- argument will be ignored if using an MUA to edit and send your
- report.)
- .TP
- .B \-\-proxy=PROXY, \-\-http_proxy=PROXY
- Specify the WWW proxy server to use to handle the query of the bug
- tracking system. You should only need this parameter if you are
- behind a firewall. The \fIPROXY\fP argument should be formatted as a
- valid HTTP URL, including (if necessary) a port number; for example,
- \fBhttp://\fP.
- .TP
- .B \-P PSEUDO-HEADER, \-\-pseudo\-header=PSEUDO-HEADER
- Add a custom pseudo-header to your report; for example, to add the
- \fImytag\fP usertag for the user \fIhumberto@example.com\fP to the
- bug, you could use \fI\-P 'User: humberto@example.com' \-P 'Usertags:
- mytag'\fP.
- .TP
- .B \-q, \-\-quiet
- Suppress diagnostic messages to standard error.
- .TP
- .B \-Q, \-\-query\-only
- Do not submit a bug report; just query the BTS. Option ignored if you
- specify \fB\-\-no\-bts\-query\fP.
- .TP
- .B \-\-query\-source
- Query on all binary packages built by the same source, not just the
- binary package specified.
- .TP
- .B \-\-no\-query\-source
- Only query on the binary package specified on the command line.
- .TP
- .B \-\-realname=NAME
- Set the real name (human-readable name) to use for your report.
- .TP
- .B \-\-report\-quiet
- Register the bug in the bug tracking system, but don't send a report
- to the package maintainer or anyone else. Don't do this unless you're
- the maintainer of the package in question, or you really know what you
- are doing.
- .TP
- .B \-\-reply-to=ADDRESS, \-\-replyto=ADDRESS
- Set the \fBReply-To\fP address header in your report.
- .TP
- .B \-s SUBJECT, \-\-subject=SUBJECT
- Set the subject of the bug report (i.e. a brief explanation of the
- problem, less than 60 characters). If you do not specify this switch,
- you will be prompted for a subject.
- .TP
- .B \-\-security\-team
- If the 'security' tag is set, this option will explicitly specify to send the
- report only to the Debian Security Team, as this is an undisclosed
- vulnerability.
- .TP
- .B \-\-no\-security\-team
- If the 'security' tag is set, this option will explicitly specify to not send
- the report only to the Debian Security Team, as this is not an undisclosed
- vulnerability.
- .TP
- .B \-S SEVERITY, \-\-severity=SEVERITY
- Specify a severity level, from \fBcritical\fP, \fBgrave\fP,
- \fBserious\fP, \fBimportant\fP, \fBnormal\fP, \fBminor\fP, and
- \fBwishlist\fP.
- .TP
- .B \-\-smtphost=HOST[:PORT]
- Use the mail transport agent (MTA) at \fBHOST\fP to send your report,
- instead of your local \fB/usr/sbin/sendmail\fP program. This should
- generally be your ISP's outgoing mail server; you can also
- use 'localhost' if you have a working mail server running on your
- machine. If the \fBPORT\fP is omitted, the standard port for SMTP,
- port 25, is used.
- .TP
- .B \-\-timeout=SECONDS
- Specify the network timeout, the number of seconds to wait for a
- resource to respond. If nothing is specified, a default timeout of 1
- minute is selected.
- In case of a network error, there are chances it's due to a too low
- timeout: try passing the \-\-timeout option with a higher value than
- default.
- .TP
- .B \-\-tls
- If using SMTP, use Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption to secure
- the connection to the mail server. Some SMTP servers may require this
- option.
- .TP
- .B \-\-smtpuser=USERNAME
- If using SMTP, use the specified \fIUSERNAME\fP for authentication.
- .TP
- .B \-\-smtppasswd=PASSWORD
- If using SMTP, use the specified \fIPASSWORD\fP for authentication.
- If the password isn't specified on the command line or in the
- configuration file, a prompt will be displayed asking for it.
- Use of this option is insecure on multiuser systems. Instead, you
- should set this option in \fB$HOME/.reportbugrc\fP and ensure it is
- only readable by your user (e.g. with \fBchmod 600
- $HOME/.reportbugrc\fP).
- .TP
- .B \-\-src, \-\-source
- Specify to report the bug against the source package, and not the
- binary package (default behaviour). In order for this option to work,
- you have to populate the relevant 'deb-src' lines in
- /etc/apt/sources.list so that apt cache will know about source packages
- too.
- .TP
- .B \-t TYPE, \-\-type=TYPE
- Specify the type of report to be submitted; currently accepts either
- \fBgnats\fP or \fBdebbugs\fP.
- .TP
- .B \-T TAG, \-\-tag=TAG
- Specify a tag to be filed on this report, for example
- \fB\-\-tag=patch\fP. Multiple tags can be specified using multiple
- \fB\-T/\-\-tag\fP arguments.
- Alternatively, you can specify the 'tag' \fBnone\fP to bypass the tags
- prompt without specifying any tags; this will also ignore any tags
- specified on the command line.
- .TP
- .B \-\-template
- Output a template report to standard output. Differently from
- \fP\-p/\-\-print\fP, it tries to be not interactive, and presents a
- template without user's input.
- .TP
- .B \-u INTERFACE, \-\-interface=INTERFACE, \-\-ui=INTERFACE
- Specify the user interface to use. Valid options are \fBtext\fP,
- \fBurwid\fP, and \fBgtk2\fP; default is taken from the \fBreportbug\fP
- configuration files.
- .TP
- .B \-v, \-\-verify
- Verify the integrity of the package (if installed) using \fBdebsums\fP
- before reporting.
- .TP
- .B \-\-no\-verify
- Do not verify the integrity of the package with \fBdebsums\fP.
- .TP
- .B \-V VERSION, \-\-package\-version=VERSION
- Specify the version of the package the problem was found in. This is
- probably most useful if you are reporting a bug in a package that is
- not installable or installed on a different system.
- .TP
- .B \-x, \-\-no\-cc
- Don't send a blind carbon copy (BCC) of the bug report to the
- submitter (i.e. yourself).
- .TP
- .B \-z, \-\-no\-compress
- Don't compress configuration files by removing comments and blank
- lines.
- .TP
- .B reportbug lynx-ssl
- Report a bug in the lynx-ssl package.
- .TP
- .B reportbug \-\-path \-\-filename=ls
- Report a bug in the installed package that includes a program in your
- path called \fBls\fP.
- From version 0.22 on, \fBreportbug\fP has supported a simple run
- control file syntax. Commands are read from \fB/etc/reportbug.conf\fP
- and \fB$HOME/.reportbugrc\fP with commands in the latter overriding
- those in the former.
- Commands are not case sensitive, and currently take 0 or 1 argument;
- arguments containing whitespace must be enclosed in quotes.
- Any line starting with \fB#\fP is taken to be a comment and will be
- ignored.
- Generally, options corresponding to the long options for
- \fBreportbug\fP are supported, without leading \fB\-\-\fP sequences.
- See \fBreportbug.conf(5)\fP for all acceptable options and detailed
- information.
- .TP
- Editor to use for editing your bug report.
- .TP
- Editor to use for editing the bug report (overridden by \fBVISUAL\fP).
- .TP
- Email address to use as your from address (in this order). If no
- environment variable exists, the default is taken from your user name
- and \fB/etc/mailname\fP.
- .TP
- Real name to use; default is taken from \fB/etc/passwd\fP.
- .TP
- Address for \fBReply-To\fP header in outgoing mail.
- .TP
- Use the specified CC address on your email. Note you can also use the
- \fB-H\fP option for this (and for Bcc's too).
- .TP
- Use the specified BCC address, instead of your email address. (CC and
- BCC based on suggestions from Herbert Thielen in the \fBbug\fP
- wishlist).
- .TP
- .B http_proxy
- Provides the address of a proxy server to handle the BTS query. This
- should be a valid \fBhttp\fP URL for a proxy server, including any
- required port number (simply specifying a hostname, or omitting a port
- other than 80, WILL NOT WORK).
- .B reportbug
- should probably be compatible with other bug tracking systems, like
- \fBbugzilla\fP (used by the GNOME and Mozilla projects) and
- \fBjitterbug\fP (used by Samba, AbiSource and FreeCiv) but it isn't.
- reportbug.conf(5),
- .I http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Developer#tags
- for available tags, querybts(1)
- Chris Lawrence <lawrencc@debian.org>,
- Sandro Tosi <morph@debian.org>.
- \" LocalWords: reportbug debbugs pathname Debian bts fBdebbugs fP filename fB
- \" LocalWords: Debian's BODYFILE config reportbugrc pre DEBEMAIL gnupg gpg
- \" LocalWords: REPORTBUGEMAIL GnuPG MUA debian Dorman severities KEYID keyid
- \" LocalWords: PGP maintonly mta MTA smtphost mua nmh mh pgp http realname
- \" LocalWords: replyto wishlist ISP's localhost SMTP tls smtpuser USERNAME
- \" LocalWords: smtppasswd multiuser chmod debsums uninstallable BCC ssl Bcc's
- \" LocalWords: whitespace DEBFULLNAME DEBNAME MAILCC MAILBCC Thielen hostname
- \" LocalWords: getopt bugzilla Mozilla AbiSource FreeCiv querybts