howto.txt 3.5 KB

  1. * Making a working tree
  2. mkvirtualenv -p /usr/local/pythonz/pythons/CPython-2.7.11/bin/python coverage
  3. pip install -U pip
  4. pip install -r requirements/dev.pip
  5. * Release checklist
  6. - Version number in coverage/
  7. version_info = (4, 0, 2, 'alpha', 1)
  8. version_info = (4, 0, 2, 'beta', 1)
  9. version_info = (4, 0, 2, 'candidate', 1)
  10. version_info = (4, 0, 2, 'final', 0)
  11. - Python version number in classifiers in
  12. - Copyright date in NOTICE.txt
  13. - Update CHANGES.rst, including release date.
  14. - Update README.rst, including "New in x.y:"
  15. - Update docs
  16. - Version, date, and changes in doc/changes.rst
  17. - Version, date and python versions in doc/index.rst
  18. - Version and copyright date in doc/
  19. - Don't forget the man page: doc/python-coverage.1.txt
  20. - Check that the docs build correctly:
  21. $ tox -e doc
  22. - Done with changes to source files, check them in.
  23. - hg push
  24. - Generate new sample_html to get the latest, incl footer version number:
  25. pip install -e .
  26. cd ~/cog/trunk
  27. rm -rf htmlcov
  28. coverage run --branch --source=cogapp -m nose cogapp/
  29. coverage combine
  30. coverage html
  31. - IF BETA:
  32. rm -f ~/coverage/trunk/doc/sample_html_beta/*.*
  33. cp -r htmlcov/ ~/coverage/trunk/doc/sample_html_beta/
  34. - ELSE:
  35. rm -f ~/coverage/trunk/doc/sample_html/*.*
  36. cp -r htmlcov/ ~/coverage/trunk/doc/sample_html/
  37. cd ~/coverage/trunk
  38. check in the new sample html
  39. - IF BETA:
  40. - Build and publish docs:
  41. $ make publishbeta
  42. - ELSE:
  43. - Build and publish docs:
  44. $ make publish
  45. - Kits:
  46. - Source kit and wheels:
  47. - $ make clean kit wheel
  48. - Windows kits
  49. - wait for over an hour for Appveyor to build kits.
  50. -
  51. - $ make download_appveyor
  52. - examine the dist directory, and remove anything that looks malformed.
  53. - Update PyPi:
  54. - $ make pypi
  55. - upload kits:
  56. - $ make kit_upload
  57. - Visit :
  58. - show/hide the proper versions.
  59. - Tag the tree
  60. - hg tag -m "Coverage 3.0.1" coverage-3.0.1
  61. - Update
  62. - Blog post?
  63. - Update readthedocs
  64. - visit
  65. - find the latest tag in the inactive list, edit it, make it active.
  66. - IF NOT BETA:
  67. - visit
  68. - change the default version to the new version
  69. - Update bitbucket:
  70. - Issue tracker should get new version number in picker.
  71. # Note: don't delete old version numbers: it marks changes on the tickets
  72. # with that number.
  73. - Announce on .
  74. - Announce on TIP.
  75. * Building
  76. - Create PythonXX\Lib\distutils\distutils.cfg::
  77. [build]
  78. compiler = mingw32
  79. * Testing
  80. - Testing of Python code is handled by tox.
  81. - Create and activate a virtualenv
  82. - pip install -r requirements/dev.pip
  83. - $ tox
  84. - For complete coverage testing:
  85. $ make metacov
  86. This will run under its own measurement. You can do this in
  87. different environments (Linux vs. Windows, for example), then copy the data
  88. files (.metacov.*) to one machine for combination and reporting. To
  89. combine and report:
  90. $ make metahtml
  91. - To run the Javascript tests:
  92. open tests/js/index.html in variety of browsers.