70_sare_html1.cf 39 KB

  1. # SARE HTML Ruleset for SpamAssassin - ruleset 1
  2. # Version: 01.03.10
  3. # Created: 2004-03-31
  4. # Modified: 2006-06-03
  5. # Usage instructions, documentation, and change history in 70_sare_html0.cf
  6. #@@# Revision History: Full Revision History stored in 70_sare_html.log
  7. #@@# 01.03.10: June 3 2006
  8. #@@# Minor score tweaks based on recent mass-checks
  9. #@@# Modified "rule has been moved" meta flags
  10. #@@# Added to file 1 SARE_HTML_SINGLETS
  11. #@@# Archive: SARE_HTML_ALT_WAIT1
  12. #@@# Archive: SARE_HTML_A_NULL
  13. #@@# Archive: SARE_HTML_H2_CLK
  14. #@@# Archive: SARE_HTML_JSCRIPT_ENC
  15. #@@# Archive: SARE_HTML_URI_BUG
  16. #@@# Moved file 1 to 2: SARE_HTML_BR_MANY
  17. #@@# Moved file 1 to 2: SARE_HTML_ONE_LINE2
  18. #@@# Moved file 1 to 2: SARE_HTML_URI_OC
  19. #@@# Moved file 1 to 3: SARE_HTML_TITLE_MNY
  20. #@@# Moved file 1 to 3: SARE_HTML_URI_DEFASP
  21. # License: Artistic - see http://www.rulesemporium.com/license.txt
  22. # Current Maintainer: Bob Menschel - RMSA@Menschel.net
  23. # Current Home: http://www.rulesemporium.com/rules/70_sare_html1.cf
  24. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  25. # Rules renamed or moved
  26. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  40. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  41. header __CTYPE_HTML Content-Type =~ /text\/html/i
  42. rawbody __SARE_HTML_HAS_A eval:html_tag_exists('a')
  43. rawbody __SARE_HTML_HAS_BR eval:html_tag_exists('br')
  44. rawbody __SARE_HTML_HAS_DIV eval:html_tag_exists('div')
  45. rawbody __SARE_HTML_HAS_FONT eval:html_tag_exists('font')
  46. rawbody __SARE_HTML_HAS_IMG eval:html_tag_exists('img')
  47. rawbody __SARE_HTML_HAS_P eval:html_tag_exists('p')
  48. rawbody __SARE_HTML_HAS_PRE eval:html_tag_exists('pre')
  49. rawbody __SARE_HTML_HAS_TITLE eval:html_tag_exists('title')
  50. rawbody __SARE_HTML_HBODY m'<html><body>'i
  51. rawbody __SARE_HTML_BEHTML m'<body></html>'i
  52. rawbody __SARE_HTML_BEHTML2 m'^</?body></html>'i
  53. rawbody __SARE_HTML_EFONT m'^</font>'i
  54. rawbody __SARE_HTML_EHEB m'^</html></body>'i
  55. rawbody __SARE_HTML_CMT_CNTR /<center><!--/
  56. # JH: These rules test for strange color combinations. There migth be even more powerful combinations, but I haven't had time to check them all
  57. rawbody __SARE_LIGHT_FG_COLOR /[^\-a-z]color\s{0,10}(?::|=(?:3d)?(?!3d))(?:[\s\'\"]){0,10}(?![\s\'\"])(?:\#?(?!\#)(?!fff\W|ffffff)(?:[e-f]{3}\W|(?:[e-f][0-9a-f]){3})|rgb(?:\((?!\s{0,10}255\s{0,10},\s{0,10}255\s{0,10},\s{0,10}255)\s{0,10}2[2-5][0-9]\s{0,10},\s{0,10}2[2-5][0-9]\s{0,10},\s{0,10}2[2-5][0-9]\s{0,10}\)|\((?!\s{0,10}100\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}100\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}100\s{0,10}%)\s{0,10}(?:100|9[0-9]|8[6-9])\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}(?:100|9[0-9]|8[6-9])\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}(?:100|9[0-9]|8[6-9])\s{0,10}%\s{0,10}\))|(?:Light(?:Cyan|Yellow)|(?:Ghost|Floral)White|WhiteSmoke|LemonChiffon|AliceBlue|Cornsilk|Seashell|Honeydew|Azure|MintCream|Snow|Ivory|OldLace|LavenderBlush|Linen|MistyRose))/i
  58. rawbody __SARE_WHITE_FG_COLOR /[^\-a-z]color\s{0,10}(?::|=(?:3d)?(?!3d))(?:[\s\'\"]){0,10}(?![\s\'\"])(?:\#?(?!\#)(?:fff\W|ffffff)|rgb(?:\(\s{0,10}255\s{0,10},\s{0,10}255\s{0,10},\s{0,10}255\s{0,10}\)|\\s{0,10}100\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}100\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}100\s{0,10}%\s{0,10}\))|white)/i
  59. rawbody __SARE_DARK_FG_COLOR /[^\-a-z]color\s{0,10}(?::|=(?:3d)?(?!3d))(?:[\s\'\"]){0,10}(?![\s\'\"])(?:\#?(?!\#)(?!000\W|000000)(?:[01]{3}\W|(?:[01][0-9a-f]){3})|rgb(?:\((?!\s{0,10}0\s{0,10},\s{0,10}0\s{0,10},\s{0,10}0\D)\s{0,10}[0-3]?[0-9]\s{0,10},\s{0,10}[0-3]?[0-9]\s{0,10},\s{0,10}[0-3]?[0-9]\s{0,10}\)|\((?!\s{0,10}0\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}0\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}0\s{0,10}%)\s{0,10}(?:[1-3]?[0-9])\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}(?:[1-3]?[0-9])\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}(?:[1-3]?[0-9])\s{0,10}%\s{0,10}\)))/i
  60. rawbody __SARE_BLACK_FG_COLOR /[^\-a-z]color\s{0,10}(?::|=(?:3d)?(?!3d))(?:[\s\'\"]){0,10}(?![\s\'\"])(?:\#?(?!\#)(?:000\W|000000)|rgb\s{0,10}\(\s{0,10}0\s{0,10},\s{0,10}0\s{0,10},\s{0,10}0\s{0,10}\)|rgb\s{0,10}\(\s{0,10}0\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}0\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}0\s{0,10}%\s{0,10}\)|black)/i
  61. rawbody __SARE_LIGHT_BG_COLOR /(?:bg|background\-)color\s{0,10}(?::|=(?:3d)?(?!3d))(?:[\s\'\"]){0,10}(?![\s\'\"])(?:\#?(?!\#)(?!ffffff|fff\W)(?:[e-f]{3}\W|(?:[e-f][0-9a-f]){3})|rgb(?:\((?!\s{0,10}255\s{0,10},\s{0,10}255\s{0,10},\s{0,10}255)\s{0,10}2[2-5][0-9]\s{0,10},\s{0,10}2[2-5][0-9]\s{0,10},\s{0,10}2[2-5][0-9]\s{0,10}\)|\((?!\s{0,10}100\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}100\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}100\s{0,10}%)\s{0,10}(?:100|9[0-9]|8[6-9])\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}(?:100|9[0-9]|8[6-9])\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}(?:100|9[0-9]|8[6-9])\s{0,10}%\s{0,10}\))|(?:Light(?:Cyan|Yellow)|(?:Ghost|Floral)White|WhiteSmoke|LemonChiffon|AliceBlue|Cornsilk|Seashell|Honeydew|Azure|MintCream|Snow|Ivory|OldLace|LavenderBlush|Linen|MistyRose))/i
  62. rawbody __SARE_WHITE_BG_COLOR /(?:bg|background\-)color\s{0,10}(?::|=(?:3d)?(?!3d))(?:[\s\'\"]){0,10}(?![\s\'\"])(?:\#?(?!\#)(?:fff\W|ffffff)|rgb(?:\(\s{0,10}255\s{0,10},\s{0,10}255\s{0,10},\s{0,10}255\s{0,10}\)|\(\s{0,10}100\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}100\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}100\s{0,10}%\s{0,10}\))|white)/i
  63. rawbody __SARE_DARK_BG_COLOR /(?:bg|background\-)color\s{0,10}(?::|=(?:3d)?(?!3d))(?:[\s\'\"]){0,10}(?![\s\'\"])(?:\#?(?!\#)(?!000\W|000000)(?:[01]{3}\W|(?:[01][0-9a-f]){3})|rgb(?:\((?!\s{0,10}0\s{0,10},\s{0,10}0\s{0,10},\s{0,10}0\D)\s{0,10}[0-3]?[0-9]\s{0,10},\s{0,10}[0-3]?[0-9]\s{0,10},\s{0,10}[0-3]?[0-9]\s{0,10}\)|\((?!\s{0,10}0\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}0\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}0\s{0,10}%)\s{0,10}(?:[1-3]?[0-9])\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}(?:[1-3]?[0-9])\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}(?:[1-3]?[0-9])\s{0,10}%\s{0,10}\)))/i
  64. rawbody __SARE_BLACK_BG_COLOR /(?:bg|background\-)color\s{0,10}(?::|=(?:3d)?(?!3d))(?:[\s\'\"]){0,10}(?![\s\'\"])(?:\#?(?!\#)(?:000\W|000000)|rgb\s{0,10}\(\s{0,10}0\s{0,10},\s{0,10}0\s{0,10},\s{0,10}0\s{0,10}\)|rgb\s{0,10}\(\s{0,10}0\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}0\s{0,10}%\s{0,10},\s{0,10}0\s{0,10}%\s{0,10}\)|black)/i
  65. rawbody __SARE_HAS_BG_COLOR /(?:bg|background\-)color\s{0,10}(?::|=)/i
  66. rawbody __SARE_HAS_FG_COLOR /[^\-a-z]color\s{0,10}(?::|=)/i
  67. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  68. # Is there a message?
  69. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  70. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  71. # <HTML> and <BODY> tag spamsign
  72. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  73. full SARE_HTML_HTML_QUOT /<HTML>.{0,2}&quot;/is
  74. describe SARE_HTML_HTML_QUOT Message body has very strange HTML sequence
  75. score SARE_HTML_HTML_QUOT 1.666
  76. #ham SARE_HTML_HTML_QUOT verified (2)
  78. #counts SARE_HTML_HTML_QUOT 197s/0h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  79. #max SARE_HTML_HTML_QUOT 236s/0h of 114422 corpus (81069s/33353h RM) 01/16/05
  80. #counts SARE_HTML_HTML_QUOT 23s/0h of 9991 corpus (5656s/4335h AxB) 05/14/06
  81. #counts SARE_HTML_HTML_QUOT 16s/0h of 13287 corpus (7414s/5873h CT) 05/14/06
  82. #counts SARE_HTML_HTML_QUOT 82s/0h of 42454 corpus (34336s/8118h FVGT) 05/15/06
  83. #counts SARE_HTML_HTML_QUOT 38s/0h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  84. #counts SARE_HTML_HTML_QUOT 159s/0h of 105856 corpus (72598s/33258h ML) 05/14/06
  85. #counts SARE_HTML_HTML_QUOT 5s/0h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  86. #max SARE_HTML_HTML_QUOT 98s/0h of 47221 corpus (42968s/4253h MY) 06/18/05
  87. #counts SARE_HTML_HTML_QUOT 0s/0h of 4676 corpus (808s/3868h ft) 05/28/05
  88. full SARE_HTML_HTML_TBL /<html>.{0,2}<table/is
  89. describe SARE_HTML_HTML_TBL Message body has very strange HTML sequence
  90. score SARE_HTML_HTML_TBL 0.646
  92. #counts SARE_HTML_HTML_TBL 94s/3h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  93. #max SARE_HTML_HTML_TBL 287s/0h of 114422 corpus (81069s/33353h RM) 01/16/05
  94. #counts SARE_HTML_HTML_TBL 10s/0h of 56024 corpus (51686s/4338h AxB2) 05/15/06
  95. #counts SARE_HTML_HTML_TBL 10s/0h of 13287 corpus (7414s/5873h CT) 05/14/06
  96. #counts SARE_HTML_HTML_TBL 3s/3h of 42454 corpus (34336s/8118h FVGT) 05/15/06
  97. #counts SARE_HTML_HTML_TBL 11s/0h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  98. #max SARE_HTML_HTML_TBL 140s/0h of 38858 corpus (15368s/23490h JH-SA3.0rc1) 08/22/04
  99. #counts SARE_HTML_HTML_TBL 22s/0h of 105856 corpus (72598s/33258h ML) 05/14/06
  100. #counts SARE_HTML_HTML_TBL 13s/3h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  101. #max SARE_HTML_HTML_TBL 30s/3h of 57287 corpus (52272s/5015h MY) 09/22/05
  102. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  103. # <TITLE> Tag Tests
  104. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  105. rawbody SARE_HTML_TITLE_1WD m'^<title>[a-z]+</title>$'
  106. describe SARE_HTML_TITLE_1WD strange document title
  107. score SARE_HTML_TITLE_1WD 1.591
  108. #hist SARE_HTML_TITLE_1WD Loren Wilton LW_FUNNY_TITLE
  109. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_1WD 1125s/4h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  110. #max SARE_HTML_TITLE_1WD 2076s/18h of 689155 corpus (348140s/341015h RM) 09/18/05
  111. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_1WD 34s/0h of 56024 corpus (51686s/4338h AxB2) 05/15/06
  112. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_1WD 105s/0h of 13287 corpus (7414s/5873h CT) 05/14/06
  113. #max SARE_HTML_TITLE_1WD 143s/0h of 10629 corpus (5847s/4782h CT) 09/18/05
  114. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_1WD 0s/0h of 42454 corpus (34336s/8118h FVGT) 05/15/06
  115. #max SARE_HTML_TITLE_1WD 1s/0h of 4676 corpus (808s/3868h ft) 05/28/05
  116. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_1WD 123s/2h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  117. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_1WD 174s/0h of 105856 corpus (72598s/33258h ML) 05/14/06
  118. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_1WD 53s/1h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  119. #max SARE_HTML_TITLE_1WD 151s/1h of 47221 corpus (42968s/4253h MY) 06/18/05
  120. rawbody SARE_HTML_TITLE_2WD m'^<title>[a-z]+\s[a-z]+</title>$' # no /i
  121. score SARE_HTML_TITLE_2WD 0.660
  122. describe SARE_HTML_TITLE_2WD strange document title
  123. #hist SARE_HTML_TITLE_2WD Loren Wilton LW_FUNNY_TITLE1
  124. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_2WD 85s/7h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  125. #max SARE_HTML_TITLE_2WD 314s/9h of 689155 corpus (348140s/341015h RM) 09/18/05
  126. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_2WD 18s/0h of 56024 corpus (51686s/4338h AxB2) 05/15/06
  127. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_2WD 14s/0h of 13287 corpus (7414s/5873h CT) 05/14/06
  128. #max SARE_HTML_TITLE_2WD 15s/0h of 11260 corpus (6568s/4692h CT) 06/17/05
  129. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_2WD 6s/1h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  130. #max SARE_HTML_TITLE_2WD 19s/1h of 54089 corpus (16916s/37173h JH-3.01) 02/25/05
  131. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_2WD 29s/0h of 105856 corpus (72598s/33258h ML) 05/14/06
  132. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_2WD 18s/0h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  133. #max SARE_HTML_TITLE_2WD 40s/0h of 57287 corpus (52272s/5015h MY) 09/22/05
  134. rawbody SARE_HTML_TITLE_DAY /<title>(monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday)<\/title>/i
  135. describe SARE_HTML_TITLE_DAY HTML contains day of week in title
  136. score SARE_HTML_TITLE_DAY 1.081
  137. #hist SARE_HTML_TITLE_DAY Tim Jackson, May 12 2005
  138. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_DAY 184s/0h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  139. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_DAY 2s/0h of 56024 corpus (51686s/4338h AxB2) 05/15/06
  140. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_DAY 0s/0h of 13287 corpus (7414s/5873h CT) 05/14/06
  141. #max SARE_HTML_TITLE_DAY 25s/0h of 10826 corpus (6364s/4462h CT) 05/28/05
  142. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_DAY 2s/0h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  143. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_DAY 1s/1h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  144. #max SARE_HTML_TITLE_DAY 16s/1h of 57287 corpus (52272s/5015h MY) 09/22/05
  145. rawbody SARE_HTML_TITLE_LWORD /<title>[a-zA-Z]{15,}<\/title>/i
  146. describe SARE_HTML_TITLE_LWORD HTML Title contains looong word
  147. score SARE_HTML_TITLE_LWORD 0.665
  148. #ham SARE_HTML_TITLE_LWORD Rite Aid Single Check Rebates <rebates@rebates.riteaid.com>
  149. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_LWORD 485s/31h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  150. #max SARE_HTML_TITLE_LWORD 732s/40h of 689155 corpus (348140s/341015h RM) 09/18/05
  151. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_LWORD 42s/1h of 56024 corpus (51686s/4338h AxB2) 05/15/06
  152. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_LWORD 3s/0h of 13287 corpus (7414s/5873h CT) 05/14/06
  153. #max SARE_HTML_TITLE_LWORD 3s/0h of 10826 corpus (6364s/4462h CT) 05/28/05
  154. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_LWORD 4s/3h of 42454 corpus (34336s/8118h FVGT) 05/15/06
  155. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_LWORD 32s/1h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  156. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_LWORD 161s/0h of 105856 corpus (72598s/33258h ML) 05/14/06
  157. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_LWORD 84s/4h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  158. #max SARE_HTML_TITLE_LWORD 202s/1h of 47221 corpus (42968s/4253h MY) 06/18/05
  159. rawbody SARE_HTML_TITLE_SEX /<title>.{0,15}\bSex.{0,15}<\/title>/i
  160. score SARE_HTML_TITLE_SEX 0.689
  161. #ham SARE_HTML_TITLE_SEX confirmed (2)
  163. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_SEX 4s/0h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  164. #max SARE_HTML_TITLE_SEX 167s/2h of 196681 corpus (96193s/100488h RM) 02/22/05
  165. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_SEX 1s/0h of 56024 corpus (51686s/4338h AxB2) 05/15/06
  166. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_SEX 0s/0h of 13287 corpus (7414s/5873h CT) 05/14/06
  167. #max SARE_HTML_TITLE_SEX 7s/0h of 6944 corpus (3188s/3756h CT) 05/19/04
  168. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_SEX 7s/0h of 42454 corpus (34336s/8118h FVGT) 05/15/06
  169. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_SEX 5s/0h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  170. #max SARE_HTML_TITLE_SEX 14s/0h of 54283 corpus (17106s/37177h JH-3.01) 02/13/05
  171. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_SEX 1s/0h of 105856 corpus (72598s/33258h ML) 05/14/06
  172. #counts SARE_HTML_TITLE_SEX 6s/0h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  173. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  174. # <A> and HREF rules
  175. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  176. full SARE_HTML_A_BODY /(?!<body>\n\n<a href)<body>.{0,4}<a href/is
  177. describe SARE_HTML_A_BODY Message body has very strange HTML sequence
  178. score SARE_HTML_A_BODY 0.742
  180. #counts SARE_HTML_A_BODY 419s/2h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  181. #max SARE_HTML_A_BODY 1527s/18h of 689155 corpus (348140s/341015h RM) 09/18/05
  182. #counts SARE_HTML_A_BODY 20s/1h of 56024 corpus (51686s/4338h AxB2) 05/15/06
  183. #counts SARE_HTML_A_BODY 2s/0h of 13287 corpus (7414s/5873h CT) 05/14/06
  184. #max SARE_HTML_A_BODY 92s/3h of 10826 corpus (6364s/4462h CT) 05/28/05
  185. #counts SARE_HTML_A_BODY 30s/0h of 42454 corpus (34336s/8118h FVGT) 05/15/06
  186. #counts SARE_HTML_A_BODY 359s/25h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  187. #counts SARE_HTML_A_BODY 134s/0h of 105856 corpus (72598s/33258h ML) 05/14/06
  188. #counts SARE_HTML_A_BODY 10s/0h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  189. #max SARE_HTML_A_BODY 50s/0h of 26326 corpus (22886s/3440h MY) 02/15/05
  190. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  191. # Spamsign character sets and fonts
  192. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  193. rawbody SARE_HTML_FONT_EBEF m'</body></font>'i
  194. describe SARE_HTML_FONT_EBEF Message body has very strange HTML sequence
  195. score SARE_HTML_FONT_EBEF 0.658
  196. #ham SARE_HTML_FONT_EBEF verified (1)
  198. #counts SARE_HTML_FONT_EBEF 0s/0h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  199. #max SARE_HTML_FONT_EBEF 44s/1h of 281655 corpus (110173s/171482h RM) 05/05/05
  200. #counts SARE_HTML_FONT_EBEF 36s/0h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  201. #max SARE_HTML_FONT_EBEF 123s/0h of 38858 corpus (15368s/23490h JH-SA3.0rc1) 08/22/04
  202. #counts SARE_HTML_FONT_EBEF 1s/1h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  203. #max SARE_HTML_FONT_EBEF 50s/1h of 31513 corpus (27912s/3601h MY) 03/09/05
  204. #counts SARE_HTML_FONT_EBEF 0s/0h of 10629 corpus (5847s/4782h CT) 09/18/05
  205. rawbody SARE_HTML_FONT_SPL /^\#[a-z0-9]{6}>/i
  206. describe SARE_HTML_FONT_SPL Message uses suspicious font size and/or color
  207. score SARE_HTML_FONT_SPL 0.650
  208. #ham SARE_HTML_FONT_SPL verified (1)
  209. #hist SARE_HTML_FONT_SPL Charles Gregory
  210. #overlap SARE_HTML_FONT_SPL Overlaps strongly with SARE_HTML_A_INV, though there's no regex overlap
  211. #overlap SARE_HTML_FONT_SPL Overlaps strongly with SARE_HTML_FONT_SPLIT for obvious reasons, but not enough to warrant dropping one.
  212. #counts SARE_HTML_FONT_SPL 3s/0h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  213. #max SARE_HTML_FONT_SPL 360s/0h of 85073 corpus (62478s/22595h RM) 06/07/04
  214. #counts SARE_HTML_FONT_SPL 5s/0h of 9991 corpus (5656s/4335h AxB) 05/14/06
  215. #counts SARE_HTML_FONT_SPL 1s/0h of 13287 corpus (7414s/5873h CT) 05/14/06
  216. #max SARE_HTML_FONT_SPL 14s/0h of 6944 corpus (3188s/3756h CT) 05/19/04
  217. #counts SARE_HTML_FONT_SPL 5s/0h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  218. #max SARE_HTML_FONT_SPL 53s/0h of 38858 corpus (15368s/23490h JH-SA3.0rc1) 08/22/04
  219. #counts SARE_HTML_FONT_SPL 3s/0h of 105856 corpus (72598s/33258h ML) 05/14/06
  220. #counts SARE_HTML_FONT_SPL 0s/0h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  221. #max SARE_HTML_FONT_SPL 1s/0h of 47221 corpus (42968s/4253h MY) 06/18/05
  222. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  223. # Invalid or Suspicious URI Tests
  224. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  225. rawbody SARE_HTML_URI_ESCWWW /(?:%77w%77|w%77%77|%77%77w)/i
  226. describe SARE_HTML_URI_ESCWWW URI with obfuscated destination
  227. score SARE_HTML_URI_ESCWWW 2.222
  229. #overlap SARE_HTML_URI_ESCWWW Overlaps with SARE_HTML_FSIZE_1ALL
  230. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_ESCWWW 2572s/0h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  231. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_ESCWWW 16s/0h of 56024 corpus (51686s/4338h AxB2) 05/15/06
  232. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_ESCWWW 0s/0h of 13287 corpus (7414s/5873h CT) 05/14/06
  233. #max SARE_HTML_URI_ESCWWW 3s/0h of 6944 corpus (3188s/3756h CT) 05/19/04
  234. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_ESCWWW 117s/0h of 42454 corpus (34336s/8118h FVGT) 05/15/06
  235. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_ESCWWW 0s/0h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  236. #max SARE_HTML_URI_ESCWWW 16s/0h of 38858 corpus (15368s/23490h JH-SA3.0rc1) 08/22/04
  237. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_ESCWWW 70s/0h of 105856 corpus (72598s/33258h ML) 05/14/06
  238. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_ESCWWW 0s/0h of 47221 corpus (42968s/4253h MY) 06/18/05
  239. #max SARE_HTML_URI_ESCWWW 1s/0h of 26326 corpus (22886s/3440h MY) 02/15/05
  240. uri SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST30 m*^https?://[a-z0-9]{30}\.*i
  241. describe SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST30 Long unbroken string within URI
  242. score SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST30 1.666
  243. #hist SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST30 Fred T (originally 40,)
  244. #ham SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST30 30: www.rebuildingthevillagefoundation.org
  245. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST30 301s/0h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  246. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST30 18s/0h of 56024 corpus (51686s/4338h AxB2) 05/15/06
  247. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST30 6s/0h of 13287 corpus (7414s/5873h CT) 05/14/06
  248. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST30 27s/0h of 42454 corpus (34336s/8118h FVGT) 05/15/06
  249. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST30 0s/0h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  250. #max SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST30 3s/0h of 38858 corpus (15368s/23490h JH-SA3.0rc1) 08/22/04
  251. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST30 128s/0h of 105856 corpus (72598s/33258h ML) 05/14/06
  252. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST30 5s/0h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  253. #max SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST30 13s/0h of 57287 corpus (52272s/5015h MY) 09/22/05
  254. uri SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST31 m*^https?://[a-z0-9]{31,}\.*i
  255. describe SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST31 Long unbroken string within URI
  256. score SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST31 1.666
  257. #hist SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST31 Fred T (originally 40,)
  258. #ham SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST31 30: www.rebuildingthevillagefoundation.org
  259. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST31 776s/0h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  260. #max SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST31 840s/15h of 689155 corpus (348140s/341015h RM) 09/18/05
  261. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST31 90s/0h of 56024 corpus (51686s/4338h AxB2) 05/15/06
  262. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST31 99s/0h of 13287 corpus (7414s/5873h CT) 05/14/06
  263. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST31 125s/0h of 42454 corpus (34336s/8118h FVGT) 05/15/06
  264. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST31 456s/0h of 105856 corpus (72598s/33258h ML) 05/14/06
  265. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST31 94s/0h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  266. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_LHOST31 21s/0h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  267. uri SARE_HTML_URI_NOMORE m'/nomore\.htm'i
  268. describe SARE_HTML_URI_NOMORE URI to page name which suggests spammer's page
  269. score SARE_HTML_URI_NOMORE 0.906
  270. #ham SARE_HTML_URI_NOMORE http://www.afsc.org/nomore.htm; Student Peace Action Network (SPAN)
  271. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_NOMORE 2s/0h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  272. #max SARE_HTML_URI_NOMORE 1200s/0h of 92209 corpus (74874s/17335h RM) 01/17/04
  273. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_NOMORE 7s/0h of 56024 corpus (51686s/4338h AxB2) 05/15/06
  274. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_NOMORE 0s/0h of 13287 corpus (7414s/5873h CT) 05/14/06
  275. #max SARE_HTML_URI_NOMORE 69s/0h of 10826 corpus (6364s/4462h CT) 05/28/05
  276. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_NOMORE 54s/0h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  277. #max SARE_HTML_URI_NOMORE 68s/0h of 38858 corpus (15368s/23490h JH-SA3.0rc1) 08/22/04
  278. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_NOMORE 0s/0h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  279. #max SARE_HTML_URI_NOMORE 4s/0h of 26326 corpus (22886s/3440h MY) 02/15/05
  280. uri SARE_HTML_URI_OUTPHP /\bout\.php/i
  281. describe SARE_HTML_URI_OUTPHP text uri to unsubscribe link
  282. score SARE_HTML_URI_OUTPHP 0.907
  284. #ham SARE_HTML_URI_OUTPHP Bravenet ad attached to reply form email
  285. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_OUTPHP 80s/3h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  286. #max SARE_HTML_URI_OUTPHP 144s/2h of 689155 corpus (348140s/341015h RM) 09/18/05
  287. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_OUTPHP 88s/0h of 56024 corpus (51686s/4338h AxB2) 05/15/06
  288. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_OUTPHP 10s/0h of 13287 corpus (7414s/5873h CT) 05/14/06
  289. #max SARE_HTML_URI_OUTPHP 21s/0h of 6944 corpus (3188s/3756h CT) 05/19/04
  290. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_OUTPHP 4s/0h of 42454 corpus (34336s/8118h FVGT) 05/15/06
  291. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_OUTPHP 13s/0h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  292. #max SARE_HTML_URI_OUTPHP 25s/0h of 38858 corpus (15368s/23490h JH-SA3.0rc1) 08/22/04
  293. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_OUTPHP 58s/0h of 105856 corpus (72598s/33258h ML) 05/14/06
  294. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_OUTPHP 0s/0h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  295. #max SARE_HTML_URI_OUTPHP 17s/0h of 57287 corpus (52272s/5015h MY) 09/22/05
  296. uri SARE_HTML_URI_PARTID m|/[\?\&]partid=|i
  297. describe SARE_HTML_URI_PARTID Partner Id in URL
  298. score SARE_HTML_URI_PARTID 0.166
  299. #hist SARE_HTML_URI_PARTID Loren Wilton <lwilton@earthlink.net>, Sat, 3 Apr 2004 20:29:32 -0800
  300. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_PARTID 0s/0h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  301. #max SARE_HTML_URI_PARTID 1264s/0h of 85073 corpus (62478s/22595h RM) 06/07/04
  302. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_PARTID 0s/0h of 13287 corpus (7414s/5873h CT) 05/14/06
  303. #max SARE_HTML_URI_PARTID 37s/0h of 6944 corpus (3188s/3756h CT) 05/19/04
  304. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_PARTID 81s/6h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  305. #max SARE_HTML_URI_PARTID 302s/0h of 38858 corpus (15368s/23490h JH-SA3.0rc1) 08/22/04
  306. #counts SARE_HTML_URI_PARTID 3s/0h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  307. #max SARE_HTML_URI_PARTID 26s/0h of 47221 corpus (42968s/4253h MY) 06/18/05
  308. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  309. # <!-- Comment tag tests
  310. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  312. describe SARE_HTML_CMT_CNTR Message has a center followed by a comment
  313. score SARE_HTML_CMT_CNTR 0.676
  315. #ham SARE_HTML_CMT_CNTR Strategic Developer <strategicdeveloper@newsletter.infoworld.com>, Thursday, January 27, 2005, 10:57:37 AM
  316. #counts SARE_HTML_CMT_CNTR 9s/2h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  317. #max SARE_HTML_CMT_CNTR 173s/7h of 689155 corpus (348140s/341015h RM) 09/18/05
  318. #counts SARE_HTML_CMT_CNTR 1s/0h of 42454 corpus (34336s/8118h FVGT) 05/15/06
  319. #counts SARE_HTML_CMT_CNTR 53s/0h of 54283 corpus (17106s/37177h JH-3.01) 02/13/05
  320. #max SARE_HTML_CMT_CNTR 196s/0h of 32260 corpus (8983s/23277h JH) 05/14/04
  321. #counts SARE_HTML_CMT_CNTR 2s/0h of 105856 corpus (72598s/33258h ML) 05/14/06
  322. #counts SARE_HTML_CMT_CNTR 21s/1h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  323. #counts SARE_HTML_CMT_CNTR 1s/0h of 56024 corpus (51686s/4338h AxB2) 05/15/06
  324. #counts SARE_HTML_CMT_CNTR 0s/0h of 10826 corpus (6364s/4462h CT) 05/28/05
  325. #max SARE_HTML_CMT_CNTR 7s/0h of 6944 corpus (3188s/3756h CT) 05/19/04
  326. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  327. # Image tag tests
  328. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  329. rawbody SARE_HTML_IMG_2AT /IMG\s*SRC\s*=s*"cid:part1\.\d{8}.\d{8}\@[a-z]+\@[\w\.]+"/is
  330. describe SARE_HTML_IMG_2AT strange internal image link
  331. score SARE_HTML_IMG_2AT 1.216
  332. #hist SARE_HTML_IMG_2AT Loren Wilton: LW_DOUBLE_AT
  333. #hist SARE_HTML_IMG_2AT Apr 2 2005, Bob Menschel, Added spaces around "="
  334. #hist SARE_HTML_IMG_2AT Apr 16 2005, Bob Menschel, replaced spaces with \s
  335. #counts SARE_HTML_IMG_2AT 328s/13h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  336. #max SARE_HTML_IMG_2AT 3648s/4h of 689155 corpus (348140s/341015h RM) 09/18/05
  337. #counts SARE_HTML_IMG_2AT 222s/0h of 9991 corpus (5656s/4335h AxB) 05/14/06
  338. #counts SARE_HTML_IMG_2AT 69s/0h of 13287 corpus (7414s/5873h CT) 05/14/06
  339. #counts SARE_HTML_IMG_2AT 828s/1h of 42454 corpus (34336s/8118h FVGT) 05/15/06
  340. #counts SARE_HTML_IMG_2AT 57s/0h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  341. #counts SARE_HTML_IMG_2AT 280s/0h of 105856 corpus (72598s/33258h ML) 05/14/06
  342. #counts SARE_HTML_IMG_2AT 0s/0h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  343. #max SARE_HTML_IMG_2AT 105s/0h of 47221 corpus (42968s/4253h MY) 06/18/05
  344. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  345. # <tag ... ALT= ...> tag tests
  346. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  347. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  348. # Javascript and object tests
  349. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  350. full SARE_HTML_IMG_ONLY m'<(?:html|body).{1,200}<a.{12,145}<img.{11,200}</(?:body|html)>'is
  351. describe SARE_HTML_IMG_ONLY Short HTML msg, IMG and A HREF, maybe naught else
  352. score SARE_HTML_IMG_ONLY 1.666
  353. #ham SARE_HTML_IMG_ONLY Verified (image-only ham)
  354. #hist SARE_HTML_IMG_ONLY Originally Fred T: FVGT_m_IMAGE_ONLY
  355. #hist SARE_HTML_IMG_ONLY Enhanced May 29 2004 by Bob Menschel, incorporate all tests in one regex
  356. #ham SARE_HTML_IMG_ONLY 5: Oct 2002 Yahoo webmail with automatically inserted FAULTY flamingtext.com advertisement
  357. #overlap SARE_HTML_IMG_ONLY Rules that completely overlap this one: SARE_HTML_PILL3, SARE_HTML_PILL4
  358. #counts SARE_HTML_IMG_ONLY 14904s/16h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  359. #counts SARE_HTML_IMG_ONLY 70s/1h of 56024 corpus (51686s/4338h AxB2) 05/15/06
  360. #counts SARE_HTML_IMG_ONLY 154s/0h of 13287 corpus (7414s/5873h CT) 05/14/06
  361. #counts SARE_HTML_IMG_ONLY 4131s/6h of 42454 corpus (34336s/8118h FVGT) 05/15/06
  362. #counts SARE_HTML_IMG_ONLY 261s/0h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  363. #max SARE_HTML_IMG_ONLY 553s/0h of 38858 corpus (15368s/23490h JH-SA3.0rc1) 08/22/04
  364. #counts SARE_HTML_IMG_ONLY 4730s/0h of 105856 corpus (72598s/33258h ML) 05/14/06
  365. #counts SARE_HTML_IMG_ONLY 7s/7h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  366. #max SARE_HTML_IMG_ONLY 141s/0h of 26326 corpus (22886s/3440h MY) 02/15/05
  367. rawbody SARE_HTML_JVS_FLASH m'codebase="https://download\.macromedia\.com/pub/shockwave'i
  368. describe SARE_HTML_JVS_FLASH Tries to load flash animation
  369. score SARE_HTML_JVS_FLASH 1.246
  370. #ham SARE_HTML_JVS_FLASH verified (1) cbs.marketwatch.com
  371. #hist SARE_HTML_JVS_FLASH Mike Kuentz <JunkEmail@rapidigm.com>
  372. #counts SARE_HTML_JVS_FLASH 444s/3h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  373. #counts SARE_HTML_JVS_FLASH 33s/0h of 56024 corpus (51686s/4338h AxB2) 05/15/06
  374. #counts SARE_HTML_JVS_FLASH 0s/0h of 13287 corpus (7414s/5873h CT) 05/14/06
  375. #max SARE_HTML_JVS_FLASH 4s/0h of 11260 corpus (6568s/4692h CT) 06/17/05
  376. #counts SARE_HTML_JVS_FLASH 0s/0h of 54283 corpus (17106s/37177h JH-3.01) 02/13/05
  377. #max SARE_HTML_JVS_FLASH 7s/0h of 29366 corpus (5882s/23484h JH) 07/23/04 TM2 SA3.0-pre2
  378. #counts SARE_HTML_JVS_FLASH 53s/0h of 105856 corpus (72598s/33258h ML) 05/14/06
  379. #counts SARE_HTML_JVS_FLASH 0s/0h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  380. #max SARE_HTML_JVS_FLASH 28s/0h of 47221 corpus (42968s/4253h MY) 06/18/05
  381. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  382. # Obviously invalid html tag
  383. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  384. header __CT_TEXT_PLAIN Content-Type =~ /^text\/plain\b/i
  385. rawbody __SARE_HTML_INV_TAG /\w<\!\w{18,60}>\w/i
  386. rawbody __SARE_HTML_INV_TAG2 m'\w</?(?!(?:blockquote|optiongroup|plaintext|fontfamily|underline|cf.+))[a-z]{9,17}>\w'
  387. rawbody __SARE_HTML_INV_TAG3 m'\w<[/!]?(?!cf.+)\w{11,20}>\w'i
  388. rawbody __SARE_HTML_INV_TAG4 m'\w(?!</?cf.{1,8}>)<[/!]?[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]{5,9}>\w'i
  390. describe SARE_HTML_INV_TAG Message contains invalid HTML tag
  391. score SARE_HTML_INV_TAG 2.222
  392. #ham SARE_HTML_INV_TAG Monotone source code included within body of email
  393. #hist SARE_HTML_INV_TAG Combined three invalid-tag rules into one, added \w front and back, to test for
  394. #hist SARE_HTML_INV_TAG obfuscation of surrounding text, added tests against __CT_TEXT_PLAIN to give
  395. #hist SARE_HTML_INV_TAG higher scores to HTML email than to plain text email. Enhancements due to
  396. #hist SARE_HTML_INV_TAG ideas suggested by Jesse Houwing, Nicolas Riendeau, and Bob Menschel
  397. #counts SARE_HTML_INV_TAG 36s/0h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  398. #max SARE_HTML_INV_TAG 5650s/0h of 114422 corpus (81069s/33353h RM) 01/16/05
  399. #counts SARE_HTML_INV_TAG 8s/0h of 13287 corpus (7414s/5873h CT) 05/14/06
  400. #max SARE_HTML_INV_TAG 66s/0h of 10826 corpus (6364s/4462h CT) 05/28/05
  401. #counts SARE_HTML_INV_TAG 21s/0h of 42454 corpus (34336s/8118h FVGT) 05/15/06
  402. #counts SARE_HTML_INV_TAG 386s/0h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  403. #max SARE_HTML_INV_TAG 930s/0h of 38766 corpus (15284s/23482h JH-SA3.0rc1) 09/03/04
  404. #counts SARE_HTML_INV_TAG 17s/0h of 105856 corpus (72598s/33258h ML) 05/14/06
  405. #counts SARE_HTML_INV_TAG 0s/0h of 26326 corpus (22886s/3440h MY) 02/15/05
  406. #max SARE_HTML_INV_TAG 952s/0h of 19469 corpus (16883s/2586h MY) 09/03/04
  407. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  408. # Paragraphs, breaks, and spacings
  409. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  410. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  411. # Suspicious tag combinations
  412. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  413. rawbody SARE_HTML_CNTR_TBL /<center>\s*<table>/im
  414. describe SARE_HTML_CNTR_TBL Contains centred table
  415. score SARE_HTML_CNTR_TBL 1.666
  416. #ham SARE_HTML_CNTR_TBL verified (1)
  417. #hist SARE_HTML_CNTR_TBL Tim Jackson, May 25 2005
  418. #counts SARE_HTML_CNTR_TBL 745s/0h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  419. #counts SARE_HTML_CNTR_TBL 1188s/2h of 56024 corpus (51686s/4338h AxB2) 05/15/06
  420. #counts SARE_HTML_CNTR_TBL 0s/0h of 13287 corpus (7414s/5873h CT) 05/14/06
  421. #max SARE_HTML_CNTR_TBL 3s/0h of 10826 corpus (6364s/4462h CT) 05/28/05
  422. #counts SARE_HTML_CNTR_TBL 27s/1h of 42454 corpus (34336s/8118h FVGT) 05/15/06
  423. #counts SARE_HTML_CNTR_TBL 0s/0h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  424. #counts SARE_HTML_CNTR_TBL 2s/0h of 105856 corpus (72598s/33258h ML) 05/14/06
  425. #counts SARE_HTML_CNTR_TBL 32s/0h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  426. #max SARE_HTML_CNTR_TBL 57s/0h of 57287 corpus (52272s/5015h MY) 09/22/05
  427. rawbody __SARE_HTML_SINGLET1 /> [a-z] </i
  428. rawbody __SARE_HTML_SINGLET2 />[a-z]</i
  430. describe SARE_HTML_SINGLETS spam pattern in HTML email
  431. score SARE_HTML_SINGLETS 1.666
  432. #hist SARE_HTML_SINGLETS Robert Brooks, March 2006
  433. #ham SARE_HTML_SINGLETS verified (amateur webmaster sample page attached to email)
  434. #counts SARE_HTML_SINGLETS 26498s/3h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  435. #counts SARE_HTML_SINGLETS 3660s/2h of 55981 corpus (51658s/4323h AxB2) 05/15/06
  436. #counts SARE_HTML_SINGLETS 130s/0h of 13285 corpus (7413s/5872h CT) 05/14/06
  437. #counts SARE_HTML_SINGLETS 2016s/0h of 155481 corpus (103930s/51551h DOC) 05/15/06
  438. #counts SARE_HTML_SINGLETS 65s/2h of 42253 corpus (34139s/8114h FVGT) 05/15/06
  439. #counts SARE_HTML_SINGLETS 5798s/1h of 106183 corpus (72941s/33242h ML) 05/14/06
  440. #counts SARE_HTML_SINGLETS 20s/1h of 22939 corpus (17232s/5707h MY) 05/14/06
  441. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  442. # Useless tags (tag structures that do nothing)
  443. # Largely submitted by Matt Yackley, with contributions by
  444. # Carl Friend, Jennifer Wheeler, Scott Sprunger, Larry Gilson
  445. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  446. rawbody SARE_HTML_USL_FONT m'^<FONT[^>]{0,20}></FONT><'
  447. describe SARE_HTML_USL_FONT Another spam attempt
  448. score SARE_HTML_USL_FONT 0.797
  449. #hist SARE_HTML_USL_FONT Loren Wilton Apr 11 2005
  450. #counts SARE_HTML_USL_FONT 54s/2h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  451. #max SARE_HTML_USL_FONT 5192s/1h of 269462 corpus (128310s/141152h RM) 06/17/05
  452. #counts SARE_HTML_USL_FONT 0s/0h of 13287 corpus (7414s/5873h CT) 05/14/06
  453. #max SARE_HTML_USL_FONT 1s/0h of 10826 corpus (6364s/4462h CT) 05/28/05
  454. #counts SARE_HTML_USL_FONT 0s/0h of 42454 corpus (34336s/8118h FVGT) 05/15/06
  455. #max SARE_HTML_USL_FONT 9s/0h of 6804 corpus (1336s/5468h ft) 06/17/05
  456. #counts SARE_HTML_USL_FONT 7s/0h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  457. #counts SARE_HTML_USL_FONT 32s/0h of 105856 corpus (72598s/33258h ML) 05/14/06
  458. #counts SARE_HTML_USL_FONT 81s/1h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  459. #max SARE_HTML_USL_FONT 1047s/1h of 57287 corpus (52272s/5015h MY) 09/22/05
  460. rawbody SARE_HTML_USL_OBFU m'\w<(\w+)(?: [^>]*)?></\1[^>]*>\w'
  461. describe SARE_HTML_USL_OBFU Message body has very strange HTML sequence
  462. score SARE_HTML_USL_OBFU 1.666
  463. #match SARE_HTML_USL_OBFU partialword<tag></tag>restofword
  464. #hist SARE_HTML_USL_OBFU Created by Bob Menschel Aug 12 2004
  465. #counts SARE_HTML_USL_OBFU 393s/3h of 333405 corpus (262498s/70907h RM) 05/12/06
  466. #max SARE_HTML_USL_OBFU 520s/6h of 196718 corpus (96193s/100525h RM) 02/22/05
  467. #counts SARE_HTML_USL_OBFU 14s/0h of 9991 corpus (5656s/4335h AxB) 05/14/06
  468. #counts SARE_HTML_USL_OBFU 0s/0h of 10629 corpus (5847s/4782h CT) 09/18/05
  469. #max SARE_HTML_USL_OBFU 16s/0h of 10826 corpus (6364s/4462h CT) 05/28/05
  470. #counts SARE_HTML_USL_OBFU 88s/0h of 42454 corpus (34336s/8118h FVGT) 05/15/06
  471. #counts SARE_HTML_USL_OBFU 298s/0h of 54067 corpus (16890s/37177h JH-3.01) 06/18/05
  472. #max SARE_HTML_USL_OBFU 457s/0h of 54283 corpus (17106s/37177h JH-3.01) 02/13/05
  473. #counts SARE_HTML_USL_OBFU 111s/0h of 105856 corpus (72598s/33258h ML) 05/14/06
  474. #counts SARE_HTML_USL_OBFU 21s/0h of 23074 corpus (17350s/5724h MY) 05/14/06
  475. #max SARE_HTML_USL_OBFU 148s/0h of 17145 corpus (14677s/2468h MY) 08/12/04
  476. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  477. # Miscellaneous tag tests
  478. ######## ###################### ##################################################
  479. # EOF