phrase_spam 31 KB

  1. # -*- mode: spamassassin -*-
  2. # Added some rules from Rule du Jour that I've been testing for a while
  3. #Monotone (from
  4. body MONOTONE_WORDS_2_15 /^([a-z]{2,20}[\s\.]+){15}/
  5. describe MONOTONE_WORDS_2_15 Lines with many (long) lowercase words (15+ words, 2+ letters)
  6. body MONOTONE_WORDS_2_30 /^([a-z]{2,20}[\s\.]+){30}/
  7. describe MONOTONE_WORDS_2_30 Lines with many (long) lowercase words (30+ words, 2+ letters)
  8. body MONOTONE_WORDS_3_20 /^([a-z]{3,20}[\s\.]+){20}/
  9. describe MONOTONE_WORDS_3_20 Lines with many (long) lowercase words (20+ words, 3+ letters)
  10. body MONOTONE_WORDS_5_8 /^([a-z]{5,20}[\s\.]+){8}/
  11. describe MONOTONE_WORDS_5_8 Lines with many (long) lowercase words (8+ words, 5+ letters)
  12. body MONOTONE_WORDS_5_12 /^([a-z]{5,20}[\s\.]+){12}/
  13. describe MONOTONE_WORDS_5_12 Lines with many (long) lowercase words (12+ words, 5+ letters)
  14. body MONOTONE_WORDS_5_20 /^([a-z]{5,20}[\s\.]+){20}/
  15. describe MONOTONE_WORDS_5_20 Lines with many (long) lowercase words (20+ words, 5+ letters)
  16. # Lots of auto-responders seem to have this
  17. body MDO_AUTORESP1 /online form/i
  18. score MDO_AUTORESP1 0.1
  19. body MDO_AUTORESP2 /large amount of (spam|virus)/i
  20. score MDO_AUTORESP2 0.1
  21. body MDO_AUTORESP3 /(electronically|automatically) (generated|created) (email|ack)/i
  22. score MDO_AUTORESP3 0.1
  23. body MDO_AUTORESP4 /(respond|answer) your enquiry/i
  24. score MDO_AUTORESP4 0.1
  25. body MDO_AUTORESP5 /(email|enquiry) has been received/i
  26. score MDO_AUTORESP5 0.1
  27. body MDO_AUTORESP6 /will be answered within/i
  28. score MDO_AUTORESP6 0.1
  29. body MDO_AUTORESP7 /the e-mail address to which you have written does not support incoming messages/i
  30. score MDO_AUTORESP7 0.1
  32. score MDO_AUTORESP_META1 2.0
  33. body MURPHY_DIPLOMA /dip[l1]omas?/i
  34. describe MURPHY_DIPLOMA No Diploma
  35. score MURPHY_DIPLOMA 1
  36. body MURPHY_CALORIES /calories/
  37. describe MURPHY_CALORIES No Calories
  38. score MURPHY_CALORIES 1
  39. header MURPHY_CONTENT_GIF Content-Type =~ /image\/gif/
  40. describe MURPHY_CONTENT_GIF Content contains image/gif
  41. score MURPHY_CONTENT_GIF 1
  42. # cable tv spam -- pasc 04/05/11-12
  43. body MDO_CABLE_TV1 /pay.?per.?view/i
  44. score MDO_CABLE_TV1 0.5
  45. body MDO_CABLE_TV2 /mature.?channel/i
  46. score MDO_CABLE_TV2 0.5
  47. body MDO_CABLE_TV3 /c(\@|a)ble/i
  48. score MDO_CABLE_TV3 0.5
  49. body MDO_CABLE_TV4 /rem(o|0)te.?control/i
  50. score MDO_CABLE_TV4 0.5
  52. describe MDO_CABLE_META1 Too much cable stuff
  53. score MDO_CABLE_META1 3
  54. header MDO_TAGSPAM1 Subject =~ /Unknown Tag *free* Please Fix/
  55. score MDO_TAGSPAM1 4
  57. score MDO_BAD_WORD1 2.8
  58. # blarson, 2004-04-30 -> lists --pasc 04/05/11
  59. body AFFILIATEID /affiliate.?id/i
  60. describe AFFILIATEID affiliate id
  61. score AFFILIATEID 3
  62. # blarson 2007-07-13
  63. header REFWD subject =~ /\b(?:RE|FWD?|AW)(?:\[\d+\])?\:\s*$/i
  64. describe REFWD re or fwd nothing
  65. score REFWD 3.5
  66. # blarson 2005-11-11
  67. header ONEWORD subject =~ /^(?:Fw:|re:)?\s*\S+\s*$/i
  68. describe ONEWORD one word subject
  69. score ONEWORD 2
  70. rawbody ONEWORDBODY /^\s*\S+\s*$/s
  71. describe ONEWORDBODY One word body
  72. score ONEWORDBODY 2
  74. describe ONEWORDALL Both subject and body contain one word
  75. score ONEWORDALL 4
  76. # robot101, 2003-09-22
  77. header CROSSWALK X-UnityUser =~ /^, Inc/
  78. describe CROSSWALK Crosswalk bible mailing list
  79. score CROSSWALK 3
  80. header CROSSWALK_SPAM From =~ /Crosswalk/
  81. describe CROSSWALK_SPAM Crosswalk Spam
  82. score CROSSWALK_SPAM 1
  83. # -- joy, 2003-06-28
  84. header BOMDIA Subject =~ /Bom dia /
  85. describe BOMDIA Bom dia, usually some Romanic language spam
  86. score BOMDIA 2
  87. header RCVD_FROM_UNCONF_HOST Received =~ /^from localhost.localdomain/
  88. describe RCVD_FROM_UNCONF_HOST Mail comes from a host with unconfigured mailer daemon
  90. # joy, 2003/01/25
  91. body ECOSPAM /Corridas de Toros para los turistas Ingleses en Barcelona/
  92. describe ECOSPAM Eco-spam all right
  93. score ECOSPAM 5.0
  94. # cjwatson, 2003/02/24
  95. body SPANISH_FORM_CGI /Este formulario fue enviado por/
  96. describe SPANISH_FORM_CGI "Below is the result of your feedback form", eh?
  97. score SPANISH_FORM_CGI 4.0
  98. # joy, 2003-06-18
  99. body TRAFFICMAGNET /Become a TrafficMagnet Reseller/
  100. describe TRAFFICMAGNET SpamMagnet
  101. score TRAFFICMAGNET 4
  102. # joy, 2003-06-27
  103. header BKR Subject =~ /^bkr/
  104. describe BKR bkr spam
  105. score BKR 4
  106. # joy, 2003-06-27
  107. header RISEANDSHINE Subject =~ /^Rise and Shine in 15 minutes/
  108. describe RISEANDSHINE Rise and Shine in 15 minutes spam
  109. score RISEANDSHINE 4
  110. # joy, 2003-09-20
  111. header UNIVDIP Subject =~ /U N I V E R S I T Y . D I P L O M A S/i
  112. describe UNIVDIP university diplomas spam
  113. score UNIVDIP 4
  114. # joy, 2003-09-21
  115. header YOUTHERE Subject =~ /^(Re: )?You/i
  116. describe YOUTHERE Who, me? Likely spam
  117. score YOUTHERE 2
  118. # cjwatson, 2003-11-20
  119. header HOUSECLEANING Subject =~ /^Affordable Housecleaning Service/
  120. describe HOUSECLEANING let's clean out the spam instead
  121. score HOUSECLEANING 3
  122. # cjwatson, 2003-12-11
  123. header OTC_FIRST Subject =~ /OTC FIRST ALERT/
  124. describe OTC_FIRST OTC spam
  125. score OTC_FIRST 3
  126. # joy, 2004-01-03
  127. body AVAILABLENOW /available now/i
  128. describe AVAILABLENOW must be selling some shit
  129. score AVAILABLENOW 1
  130. # cjwatson, 2004-01-16
  131. body TEDIOUS_WITTER /If not i included it below so let me know if you like it/
  132. describe TEDIOUS_WITTER annoying wittering spam, I think
  133. score TEDIOUS_WITTER 2
  134. # cjwatson, 2004-03-12
  135. # blarson 2004-06-09
  136. header UNI_DIPLOMA subject =~ /\b(?:university|college|doctora+te|bache+lor|maste+rs?)[\/\s]+(?:(dip[l1][o0]ma|cert|degree)|(?:university|college|doctora+te|bache+lor|maste+rs?))/i
  137. describe UNI_DIPLOMA Got a diploma, thanks
  138. score UNI_DIPLOMA 4
  139. # blarson 2004-04-27
  140. body UNI2 /university\s+(diploma|cert|degree)/i
  141. describe UNI2 Got one, thanks
  142. score UNI2 4
  143. # don 2007-11-03
  144. body UNI3 /(?:(?:maste+rs|batche+lor|m\s*b\s*a\s*|ph\.?\s*d|doctora+te)\s*[,.\/]?\s*){2,}/i
  145. describe UNI3 multiple types of degrees
  146. score UNI3 2
  147. # cjwatson, 2004-03-12
  148. header JOB_CONFIRM Subject =~ /Job confirmation/
  149. describe JOB_CONFIRM Got one of these too, thanks
  150. score JOB_CONFIRM 3
  151. # blarson 2005-09-20
  152. header MESSAGESUB subject =~ /^\s*\(?message\s*(subject)?\)?$/i
  153. describe MESSAGESUB really descriptive subject
  154. score MESSAGESUB 3
  155. # blarson 2006-03-16 2007-09-18 not working, replaced 2007-12-08
  156. # body DEARDIGIT /^(?:well\s+)?(?:Dear|Hey|H[ea]y?ll?.?o|To|Attention|Hi+|Hey+a?|Bonjorno|(?:Yo\s*)+|(?:g[o0]+d\s*)?(?:d?ay|morning|evening?|afternoon|night)|what.?i?s\s+up|wa(?:s|z)+up|greetings?|Salutations|(Mail|News)\s+to|how(?:.?s|\s+is)?\s*(?:(?:it)?(?:\s+is)??\s*going|have\s+you\s+been|are you).?\s*(?:there|to\s+you)?|compliments|Regards|Adieu)\,?\s+(?:Account\s+\#?|\=?3d|)(?:bro|there|sir|Mr\.?)\s*?\d{3,}/i
  157. body DEARDIGIT /^\s*(?:Good\s*)?(?:evenin|night|day|hi|hello|greetin|Compliment|Wa[sz]+up|dear|Regard|Mornin|(?:yo\s*)+)[sg]?\s+(?:there\s+)?\d{3,}/i
  158. describe DEARDIGIT Dear number
  159. score DEARDIGIT 3.9
  160. # blarson 2004-11-08
  161. header SIZEMATTERS subject =~ /^S.ze matters$/i
  162. describe SIZEMATTERS Size matters spammer
  163. score SIZEMATTERS 3
  164. # cjwatson 2005-01-02
  165. header RNDMX subject =~ /^<rndmx/
  166. describe RNDMX weird empty spam
  167. score RNDMX 4
  168. # blarson 2005-01-06
  169. header VERIFYCAT subject =~ /verifycation mail/
  170. describe VERIFYCAT verifycation spam
  171. score VERIFYCAT 4
  172. # blarson 2005-01-10
  173. header D0WNLOAD subject =~ /\bd[o0]wn[l1][o0]ad.*(?:m[o0]v[i1]e|mp3|tune|music)/i
  174. describe D0WNLOAD download spam
  175. score D0WNLOAD 3
  176. # blarson 2005-02-11
  177. header REDUCESPAM subject =~ /Reduce Spam\b/i
  178. describe REDUCESPAM reduce spam spam
  179. score REDUCESPAM 2
  180. # blarson 2005-04-15
  181. body DIRT /\.(?:the|\d|)dirty?\d+\.info\//
  182. describe DIRT dirty spammer
  183. score DIRT 3
  184. # blarson 2005-04-17
  185. body RNDWORD /^RND_WORD\s*$/
  186. describe RNDWORD RND_WORD
  187. score RNDWORD 3
  188. # blarson 2005-08-18
  189. header D3GREE subject =~ /\bd(?:3gres?|esgre|eerge|eeerg|reege|egres)e?s?\b/i
  190. describe D3GREE Want a used paper from someone who can't spell
  191. score D3GREE 3
  192. # blarson 2005-08-19
  193. body FINALNOTE /\bfinal\s+notif/i
  194. describe FINALNOTE yet another final notification
  195. score FINALNOTE 2
  196. # blarson 2005-08-23
  197. header HIITS subject =~ /\bHi\! It\'s\b/i
  198. describe HIITS hi its
  199. score HIITS 3
  200. # blarson 2005-08-23
  201. header GOTONE subject =~ /\bgot one$/i
  202. describe GOTONE got this spam already
  203. score GOTONE 3
  204. # blarson 2005-09-06
  205. body IMMEDIATEREV /^ATTENTION- For your immediate review:/
  206. describe IMMEDIATEREV immediate discard
  207. score IMMEDIATEREV 3
  208. # blarson 2005-09-12
  210. describe CLIENTALERT client alert
  211. score CLIENTALERT 3
  212. # cjwatson 2005-10-20
  213. header DEBIANTUX23 From =~ /DebianTux23|wieseltux23/i
  214. describe DEBIANTUX23 Linux spammer, sigh
  215. score DEBIANTUX23 5
  216. # blarson 2005-10-29
  217. body SHITBRO /^\s*sh[i1]+t\s+bro/i
  218. describe SHITBRO shitty spam
  219. score SHITBRO 3
  220. # blarson 2005-12-05
  221. header POPPROG subject =~ /popular programs for everyday use/i
  222. describe POPPROG unpopular spam
  223. score POPPROG 3
  224. # blarson 2006-02-03
  225. body GREET /^\%(?:GREET|EXIT)/
  226. describe GREET broken spamware
  227. score GREET 3
  228. # blarson 2006-10-18
  229. header WROTE subject =~ /\bwrote\:\s*$/i
  230. describe WROTE stock scam
  231. score WROTE 2
  232. body DEGREE_SPAM /earn.+degree.+transcripts/i
  233. describe DEGREE_SPAM earn a degree with transcripts spam
  234. score DEGREE_SPAM 2.5
  235. # blarson 2006-10-23
  236. body BLUEPILL /blue pill/i
  237. describe BLUEPILL Blue pill spam
  238. score BLUEPILL 2
  239. # blarson 2006-11-04
  240. header PHOTOQUEST subject =~ /question about your photo/i
  241. describe PHOTOQUEST questioning photo
  242. score PHOTOQUEST 2
  243. # blarson 2006-11-08
  244. body KBDP /Knowledge Based Degree Program/i
  245. describe KBDP degree spam
  246. score KBDP 4
  247. # blarson 2006-11-13
  248. body CRITERIAHAS /\bOur criteria has changed\b/i
  249. describe CRITERIAHAS Diploma salesman with bad english
  250. score CRITERIAHAS 3
  251. # blarson 2006-11-18
  252. body TORA08 /\b\d{6} \d{7} \d{6} \d \d{7} \d{7}/
  253. describe TORA08 TORA.08 spam
  254. score TORA08 3
  255. # blarson 2006-11-21
  256. body SERIOUSBRO /^Seriously bro\b/i
  257. describe SERIOUSBRO Seriously bro
  258. score SERIOUSBRO 3
  259. # blarson 2006-12-06
  260. body INSETET /\bwilson\@insitetcnologia\.com\.br\b/
  261. describe INSETET please send spammer
  262. score INSETET 4
  263. # blarson 2006-12-09
  264. body USUARIO /\bEl usuario destinatario no es un usuario valido/
  265. describe USUARIO No such user -- sent in infinite loop
  266. score USUARIO 3
  267. # don 2006-12-13
  268. body NOMAILRECBI /no recibi tu mail/i
  269. describe NOMAILRECBI No recbi of mail -- was closing way to many bugs
  270. score NOMAILRECBI 3
  271. # blarson 2007-02-13
  272. header URHELP subject =~ /\bi need ur help\b/
  273. describe URHELP blank spam
  274. score URHELP 3
  275. # blarson 2006-12-08
  276. header ACRO8PR0 subject =~ /\bAcr[0o]bat\s*[78]\s+(?:PR[0O]\b|\$?\d+\$?)/i
  277. describe ACRO8PR0 sales spam
  278. score ACRO8PR0 4
  279. # blarson 2007-10-05
  281. describe WBRS stock spam
  282. score WBRS 4
  283. body FOURLA /\b([A-Z]\s?){4}\b/
  284. describe FOURLA Four letter acronym (stock spam?)
  285. score FOURLA 0.1
  287. describe STOCKLIKE Four letter acronyms with money; stock scam
  288. score STOCKLIKE 1
  289. # blarson 2007-01-26
  290. header ACROBAT8 subject =~ /\badobe acr[o0]bat 8\b/i
  291. describe ACROBAT8 more sales spam
  292. score ACROBAT8 3
  293. # blarson 2007-03-14
  294. header VLSTA subject =~ /VlSTA|0FFlCE|ACR0B8T/i
  295. describe VLSTA misspelled microshit software
  296. score VLSTA 3
  297. # blarson 2007-04-19
  298. header ANGEKUEN subject =~ /\bTrauer angekuendigt\b/
  299. describe ANGEKUEN german spam
  300. score ANGEKUEN 3
  301. # blarson 2007-05-06
  302. body INTCAFE /\binternet caff?e\b/i
  303. describe INTCAFE internet cafe spam
  304. score INTCAFE 2
  305. # blarson 2007-07-14
  306. header VERIFIC subject =~ /Your email requires verification/
  307. describe VERIFIC some people prefer you get their spam
  308. score VERIFIC 3
  309. # blarson 2007-07-14
  310. header WHITELIST subject =~ /You have been added to .* whitelist/
  311. describe WHITELIST whitelist spam
  312. score WHITELIST 3
  313. # blarson 2007-07-15
  314. body CASNIO /^Please be advised that your casnio account is still inactive/
  315. describe CASNIO casnio account
  316. score CASNIO 3
  317. # don 2007-07-17
  318. header AUTOREPLY subject =~ /\bauto(?:mated|matic|)[\s-]+re(?:spon[cs]e|ply)\b/i
  319. describe AUTOREPLY Automatic reply
  320. score AUTOREPLY 2
  321. # blarson 2007-07-18
  322. body CONFSERV /^Thanks for using our confidential service/
  323. describe CONFSERV confidential service
  324. score CONFSERV 3
  325. # blarson 2007-07-18
  326. body CONTENC /^Confirmation has been enclosed/
  327. describe CONTENC more pdf spam
  328. score CONTENC 4
  329. # blarson 2007-07-23
  330. header PHONE subject =~ /\b(tele)?phone\b/i
  331. describe PHONE phone spam
  332. score PHONE 2
  333. # blarson 2007-07-30
  334. body ASPDF /^We send our messages as Portable Document Format/
  335. describe ASPDF more pdf spam
  336. score ASPDF 3
  337. # blarson 2007-08-20
  338. body DELAFT /Please delete your private message after reading/
  339. describe DELAFT more pdf spam
  340. score DELAFT 3
  341. # blarson 2007-09-13
  342. header OFF1CE subject =~ /\b[O0Q]f+[1i7l|]ce\s*\W?2[O0Qk]+7\b/i
  343. describe OFF1CE off1ce spam
  344. score OFF1CE 4
  345. # blarson 2007-09-13
  346. header SOFTSALE subject =~ /\bsoftware sales\b/i
  347. describe SOFTSALE software spam
  348. score SOFTSALE 3
  349. # blarson 2007-09-18
  350. body SUPERMACHO /\bBe a supermacho/i
  351. describe SUPERMACHO supermacho
  352. score SUPERMACHO 4
  353. # blarson 2007-09-19
  354. body BIGINTER /\bBig international commercial organization\b/i
  355. describe BIGINTER job spam
  356. score BIGINTER 4
  357. # blarson 2007-09-20
  358. header HASSENT subject =~ /\b(?:sent you a (?:personal|confidential)?\s*(?:message|note))\b/i
  359. describe HASSENT sent a message
  360. score HASSENT 4
  361. # don 2008-04-19
  362. header WANTTOCHAT subject =~ /\b(?:(?:would like|wants|feels?) (?:to chat|like chatting|to keep up with you))\b/i
  363. describe WANTTOCHAT I want to chat/keep up with spam
  364. score WANTTOCHAT 5.5
  365. # blarson 2007-09-20
  366. header ORDERNUM subject =~ /\b(?:Order|Recipet)\s*.?\d{3,}/i
  367. describe ORDERNUM order number
  368. score ORDERNUM 3
  369. # don 2007-09-20
  370. header DICTIONARYSEQ subject =~ /\b(\w{3})\w*(?:\s+\1\w*){2}/i
  371. describe DICTIONARYSEQ Ventricular Vents Venting Ventures
  372. score DICTIONARYSEQ 3.5
  373. # blarson 2007-09-21
  374. header NOLET subject =~ /^\W{4,}$/
  375. describe NOLET swearing subject
  376. score NOLET 2
  377. # blarson 2007-09-21
  378. body SSIST /^ssistant Manager/
  379. describe SSIST ssistant Manager
  380. score SSIST 4
  381. # blarson 2007-09-21
  382. body GRADUATEUNDER /\bgraduate in under\b/i
  383. describe GRADUATEUNDER graduate in under
  384. score GRADUATEUNDER 3
  385. # blarson 2007-09-24
  386. header NOINVEST subject =~ /\b(?:no investment|high.paid)\b/i
  387. describe NOINVEST no investment
  388. score NOINVEST 4
  389. # blarson 2007-09-25
  390. header INTEXP subject =~ /\b[I|]nternet Exp[l|]orer\b/i
  391. describe INTEXP |nternet Exp|orer
  392. score INTEXP 2
  393. # don 2007-09-29
  394. header WORKATHOME subject =~ /work\Wat\Whome/i
  395. describe WORKATHOME Work at home
  396. score WORKATHOME 4
  397. # don 2007-10-01
  398. body PHONENUMBER /\b1[\-\.\s]?8[07]+[\-\.\s]?\d+/
  399. describe PHONENUMBER Toll free phone number
  400. score PHONENUMBER 1.5
  401. # don 2007-10-02
  402. body GERMANSPAM /Zerix Intern/i
  403. describe GERMANSPAM Um... no clue what that is.
  404. score GERMANSPAM 3
  405. body URBANNEWS /UrbaNNews\.ro/
  406. describe URBANNEWS URBANNEWS Newsletter
  407. score URBANNEWS 3
  408. # blarson 2007-10-05
  409. header JOBS subject =~ /\b(?:job|Employ(?:ers|ment|ee))s?\b/i
  410. describe JOBS job spam
  411. score JOBS 1
  412. # don 2007-10-09
  413. header FREEPASSWORD subject =~ /your\s*free\s*password/i
  414. describe FREEPASSWORD We don't need free password
  415. score FREEPASSWORD 3
  416. # don 2007-10-11
  417. header AFRICABYBIKE subject =~ /africa\s*by\s*bike/i
  418. describe AFRICABYBIKE We don't care about africa by bike or car or bus or train
  419. score AFRICABYBIKE 4
  420. # blarson 2007-10-14
  421. header BRAKETDIGIT subject =~ /\[\d+\]\:\s*$/
  422. describe BRAKETDIGIT braketed digit colon last in subject
  423. score BRAKETDIGIT 2
  424. # blarson 2007-10-14
  425. full WHATISOEM /\bWhat\s*is\s*OEM\b/i
  426. describe WHATISOEM What is OEM
  427. score WHATISOEM 4
  428. # blarson 2007-10-15
  429. body WORKEXP /\bwork\s+experience\s+degree\b/i
  430. describe WORKEXP work experience degree
  431. score WORKEXP 3
  432. # blarson 2007-10-24
  433. body NICEGIRL /\b(?:nice|young|lonley|unmarried)\s+(?:girl|woman|female)\b/i
  434. describe NICEGIRL nice girl
  435. score NICEGIRL 3
  436. # blarson 2007-10-18
  437. header DFF1CE subject =~ /UmU6INDSydfF1CE/i
  438. describe DFF1CE korean spam
  439. score DFF1CE 4
  440. # blarson 2007-10-23
  441. header FAILNOTE subject =~ /\bFailure notice\:/i
  442. describe FAILNOTE bounced spam
  443. score FAILNOTE 4
  444. # blarson 2007-10-25
  445. full STILLSINGLE /\bstill\s+single\b/i
  446. describe STILLSINGLE still single
  447. score STILLSINGLE 2
  448. # blarson 2007-10-26
  449. header PERSONALCRED subject =~ /\bPersonal\s+Credit/i
  450. describe PERSONALCRED Personal Credit
  451. score PERSONALCRED 2
  452. # blarson 2007-10-26
  453. body XMASGIFT /\b(?:christ|x)mas gift\b/
  454. describe XMASGIFT christmas gift
  455. score XMASGIFT 2
  456. # blarson 2007-10-26
  457. body RONPAUL /\bRon Paul\b/
  458. describe RONPAUL Ron Paul
  459. score RONPAUL 3
  460. # blarson 2007-10-27
  461. body YOURJOB /your Job Verification Number/
  462. describe YOURJOB your Job Verification Number
  463. score YOURJOB 3
  464. # blason 2007-10-28
  465. body PASTERESUME /\bPASTE your resume\b/i
  466. describe PASTERESUME PASTE your resume
  467. score PASTERESUME 3
  468. body LETHIHELO /\{Let\:HI,Hi,Hello,hEllo,heLlo,helLo,hellO,HEllo\} how are you/
  469. describe LETHIHELO Hello, how are you
  470. score LETHIHELO 4
  471. # blarson 2007-10-29
  472. body DIREKTOR /Direktor of Softline/i
  473. describe DIREKTOR Direktor of Softline
  474. score DIREKTOR 3
  475. # blarson 2007-10-29
  476. body THEDEG /\bthe_degree\b/
  477. describe THEDEG the_degree
  478. score THEDEG 3
  479. # blason 2007-10-29
  480. body DYNMH /D Y N A M I C M EDIA HOLDIN/
  481. describe DYNMH D Y N A M I C M EDIA HOLDIN
  482. score DYNMH 4
  483. # blarson 2007-10-30
  484. header LEGBUD subject =~ /\b(?:Legal|smoking) Bud/i
  485. describe LEGBUD Legal Bud
  486. score LEGBUD 4
  487. # blarson 2007-10-30
  488. full LEGBUD2 /\b(?:Legal|smoking) Bud/i
  489. describe LEGBUD2 Legal Bud
  490. score LEGBUD2 4
  491. # blarson 2007-10-31
  492. body SMOKING /\b(?:beat|stop|quit|without)\s+(?:nicotine|smoking|cigarettes)\b/i
  493. describe SMOKING stop smoking
  494. score SMOKING 3
  495. # blarson 2007-11-04
  496. header WORKHOME subject =~ /\bwork\b.*\bhome\b/i
  497. describe WORKHOME work from home
  498. score WORKHOME 2
  499. # blarson 2007-11-04
  500. header HOMEWORK subject =~ /\bhome\b.*\b(?:work|business|job|based)\b/i
  501. describe HOMEWORK home business
  502. score HOMEWORK 3
  503. # blarson 2007-11-04
  504. header REPRESENT subject =~ /\bRepresent(?:ative)?\b.*\b(?:Country|needed)\b/i
  505. describe REPRESENT represent your country
  506. score REPRESENT 2
  507. # blarson 2007-11-06
  508. header NOFEE subject =~ /\bNo\s+fee\b/i
  509. describe NOFEE No fee
  510. score NOFEE 2
  511. # blarson 2007-11-07
  512. body NEEDED /\b(?:manager|executive)\b.*\bneeded\b/i
  513. describe NEEDED manager needed
  514. score NEEDED 2
  515. # blarson 2007-11-10
  516. body CRETPROF /\b(?:creative|perceptive)\b.*\bprofessionals?\b/i
  517. describe CRETPROF creative and perceptive professionals
  518. score CRETPROF 2
  519. # blarson 2007-11-15
  520. body REMOVEDOT /\b(?:Remove|erase|take (?:away|out)) (?:the dot\b|\W )/i
  521. describe REMOVEDOT Remove the dot
  522. score REMOVEDOT 3
  523. # blarson 2007-11-19
  524. full VENTTRANS /\bVent Transports\b/
  525. describe VENTTRANS Vent Transports
  526. score VENTTRANS 4
  527. # blarson 2007-11-19
  528. body HOLIDAYHERE /\bHolidays are here\b/i
  529. describe HOLIDAYHERE Holidays are here
  530. score HOLIDAYHERE 3
  531. # blarson 2007-11-22
  532. header CAPINIT subject =~ /^(?:Re:)?\s*(?:(?:[A-Z][a-z-\']+|PaintBrush|Jet (?:plane|fighter)|Tennis racquet|Leather jacket|IWC|\&|Jaeger-LeCoultre)\s+)+(?:[A-Z][a-z-]+|PaintBrush|Jet (?:plane|fighter)|Tennis racquet|Leather jacket)\s*$/
  533. describe CAPINIT Capinit Every Word
  534. score CAPINIT 0.5
  535. # blarson 2007-11-23
  536. body REMOVESPACE /\b(?:remove|w\/o|without|delete) spaces?\b/i
  537. describe REMOVESPACE w/o space
  538. score REMOVESPACE 2
  539. # blason 2007-11-27
  540. header BEAHERO subject =~ /Be a hero/
  541. describe BEAHERO Be a hero
  542. score BEAHERO 4
  543. # blarson 2007-11-28
  544. header SOFTCHEAP subject =~ /Soft and cheap/i
  545. describe SOFTCHEAP Soft and cheap
  546. score SOFTCHEAP 3
  547. # blarson 2007-11-30
  548. body CHEAPSOFT /\bcheap (?:OEM)?\s*soft(?:ware)?/i
  549. describe CHEAPSOFT cheap OEM soft
  550. score CHEAPSOFT 2
  551. # blarson 2007-11-30
  552. header MAKEMONEY subject =~ /\b(?:Make|need|extra)\s+(?:Cash|money|income)\b/i
  553. describe MAKEMONEY Make Cash
  554. score MAKEMONEY 3
  555. # blarson 2007-12-07
  556. header PREVED subject =~ /\bPreved\b/i
  557. describe PREVED Preved
  558. score PREVED 3
  559. # blarson 2007-12-08
  560. body YOURPROFILE /\byour profile\b/i
  561. describe YOURPROFILE your profile
  562. score YOURPROFILE 2
  563. # blarson 2007-12-09
  564. body SEEKEMP /\bseeking for employees\b/
  565. describe SEEKEMP seeking for employees
  566. score SEEKEMP 3
  567. # blarson 2007-12-27
  568. body PRICELIST /(?m:^(?:adobe|microsoft|intuit|autodesk|symantec)\W.*\b\d{2,}$){3,}/i
  569. describe PRICELIST list of prices
  570. score PRICELIST 1
  571. # blarson 2007-12-30
  572. full OEMSOFT /\b[O0]EM\s+s[o0][\W_]?ft_?(?:w_?a_?r_?e)?\b/i
  573. describe OEMSOFT OEM software
  574. score OEMSOFT 2
  575. # tviehmann 2008-07-20
  576. full XORGBUGREPORTS /\/usr\/lib\/xorg\/modules/
  577. describe XORGBUGREPORTS ameliorate score of xorg bug reports matching OEMSOFT
  578. score XORGBUGREPORTS -5
  579. # don 2008-02-23
  580. body MSSOFTWARE /(?:Microsoft|Windows) (?:Office Enterprise|Vista Ultimate)/i
  581. describe MSSOFTWARE Microsoft Office Enterprise/Vista Ultimate
  582. score MSSOFTWARE 3
  583. # blarson 2008-01-01
  584. header NIGHTGIRL subject =~ /\bnight\b.*\bgirlfriend\b/
  585. describe NIGHTGIRL night ... girlfriend
  586. score NIGHTGIRL 3
  587. body SITESUBJECT /\bPlease see this site in Subject\b/i
  588. describe SITESUBJECT Pls check this new site
  589. score SITESUBJECT 3
  590. # tomv 2008-01-01
  591. header PLSCHECKSITE from =~ /\bPls check this new site\b/i
  592. describe PLSCHECKSITE Pls check this new site
  593. score PLSCHECKSITE 4
  594. # blarson 2008-01-03
  595. header MARRYCH subject =~ /\bMarry Christmas\b/
  596. describe MARRYCH Marry Christmas
  597. score MARRYCH 3
  598. # don 2008-01-7
  599. header BUYTHEPRODUCT subject =~ /Buy the product/i
  600. describe BUYTHEPRODUCT Buy the product subject
  601. score BUYTHEPRODUCT 3
  602. # blarson 2008-01-11
  603. body IBERIS /\bIberis Capital Group\b/
  604. describe IBERIS Iberis Capital Group
  605. score IBERIS 4
  606. # blarson 2008-01-18
  607. header HIFROM subject =~ /\b(?:hello|hi)\s+from/i
  608. describe HIFROM hello from
  609. score HIFROM 3
  610. # blarson 2008-01-22
  611. body INTCORP /\bInternational\s+corporation\b/i
  612. describe INTCORP International corporation
  613. score INTCORP 2
  614. # blarson 2008-01-23
  615. header ISITYOU subject =~ /\bis it you\b/i
  616. describe ISITYOU is it you
  617. score ISITYOU 2
  618. # blarson 2008-01-27
  619. header CUSTOMERALERT subject =~ /\bCustomer alert\b/i
  620. describe CUSTOMERALERT Customer alert
  621. score CUSTOMERALERT 3
  622. # blarson 2008-02-16
  623. body SLASHITY /^\s*\/\/\/.*\\\\\\\s*$/
  624. describe SLASHITY /// ... \\\
  625. score SLASHITY 2
  626. # blarson 2008-02-20
  627. full OPENPOS /\bopen\s*position/i
  628. describe OPENPOS open positions
  629. score OPENPOS 3
  630. # don 2008-02-23
  631. header EBAYMEMBER subject =~ /message from ebay member/i
  632. describe EBAYMEMBER Message from ebay member
  633. score EBAYMEMBER 4
  634. # blarson 2008-02-25
  635. header RESPONSERES subject =~ /\bResponse to Resume\b/i
  636. describe RESPONSERES Response to Resume
  637. score RESPONSERES 3
  638. # blarson 2008-02-29
  639. body INTCOMP /^International company/
  640. describe INTCOMP International company
  641. score INTCOMP 3
  642. # blarson 2008-03-04
  643. header VIAGPHRA subject =~ /\b(?:She want|in bed|love heaven|My hormones|the person|damn goood|more sexy|all night|seven heaven|pounds off|away pounds|She wants|beautiful women)\b/i
  644. describe VIAGPHRA misc spam phrases
  645. score VIAGPHRA 4
  646. # blarson 2008-03-05
  647. body SEXHEALTH /\bSexual Health/i
  648. describe SEXHEALTH Sexual Health
  649. score SEXHEALTH 4
  650. # blarson 2008-03-12
  651. header ADEGREE subject =~ /\b(a|some|quick)\s+degree\b/i
  652. describe ADEGREE a degree
  653. score ADEGREE 3
  654. # blarson 2008-03-12
  655. rawbody PZIP /\bfilename\=\"\w\w?\.zip\"/
  656. describe PZIP
  657. score PZIP 3
  658. # blarson 2008-03-13
  659. header RETWO subject =~ /RE\:(?: [ab][a-z\']+){2,3}\s*$/
  660. describe RETWO RE: bogus arbitrary
  661. score RETWO 2
  662. # don 2008-03-17
  663. full SUBBODYREP /Subject: (?:RE\:\s*)?([a-z]+)\s+([a-z]+)(?:\s+[a-z]+)\n.+\1\2/i
  664. describe SUBBODYREP Repeated word in subject and body without spaces
  665. score SUBBODYREP 3
  666. # don 2008-03-19
  667. full MYMSNNAMEIS /(?:add\s+me\s+on|my)\s+(?:msn|(?:live|msn|)\s*mess?enger|aim|aol|screen)\s+(?:name\s+)?(?:is)?\s+\S+\@\S+/i
  668. describe MYMSNNAMEIS My screen name is
  669. score MYMSNNAMEIS 2.5
  670. # blarson 2008-03-20
  671. body LONGWURL /^[\w\-]{11,}\s+http\:\/\/[\w\.\-]{4,}\s*$/
  672. describe LONGWURL longWord URL
  673. score LONGWURL 2
  674. # blarson 2008-03-20
  675. header ITCSTORE subject =~ /ITC Store/
  676. describe ITCSTORE ITC Store
  677. score ITCSTORE 4
  678. # blarson 2008-03-26
  679. header GENDER subject =~ /\b(?:she|her|wom[ae]n|m[ae]n|girls?|males?|females?|herself|wife|ladies|lady|wives|(?:girl|boy)friends?)\b/i
  680. describe GENDER gender pronoun in subject
  681. score GENDER 0.5
  682. # blarson 2008-03-28
  683. body REBODY /^re\:\s/
  684. describe REBODY re: in body
  685. score REBODY 2
  686. # blarson 2008-04-01
  687. header REREHI subject =~ /^Re: Re: H(i|ello)\s*$/i
  688. describe REREHI Re: Re: Hi
  689. score REREHI 3
  690. # blarson 2008-04-10
  691. header PEROFF subject =~ /\d+\%\s+off\b/i
  692. describe PEROFF xx% off
  693. score PEROFF 3
  694. # blarson 2008-04-10
  695. header SUMHERE subject =~ /\b(?:summer|winter|fall|spring) is here\b/i
  696. describe SUMHERE summer is here
  697. score SUMHERE 3
  698. # don 2008-04-24
  699. header INVITATIONFROM subject =~ /^\s*(Invitation|Invitaci.n)\s*(from|curso)\s*\w+\s*$/i
  700. describe INVITATIONFROM Invitation from Spammer
  701. score INVITATIONFROM 5
  702. header INVITESYOU subject =~ /^[\w\s]+(invites|communicates\s+with)\s+you\s+(to|about)[\w\s]+$/i
  703. describe INVITESYOU Invites or communicates me with spam
  704. score INVITESYOU 5
  705. # blarson 2008-04-28
  706. header RERE subject =~ /^Re\:\s+Re\:\s+/i
  707. describe RERE Re: Re:
  708. score RERE 1
  709. # don 2008-04-30
  710. header CLAIMTICKETS subject =~ /claim.+ticket/i
  711. describe CLAIMTICKETS Blah blah claim ticket
  712. score CLAIMTICKETS 4
  713. # don 2008-05-05
  714. header WAITINGREPLY subject =~ /waiting for your? (reply|to repsond|response)/i
  715. describe WAITINGREPLY Waiting for your reply
  716. score WAITINGREPLY 4
  717. # don 2008-05-15
  718. body CONTACTUS /contact us by email:/
  719. score CONTACTUS 3
  720. describe CONTACTUS Don't contact us, we'll spam you
  721. # don 2008-06-18
  722. header FASHION subject =~ /(?:(?:armani|gucci|chanel|boss|versache|ugg|dsquared)(?:\,\s*|$)){2,}/i
  723. describe FASHION Fashion designers in subject
  724. score FASHION 2
  725. # don 2008-07-30
  726. header SCOUR subject =~ /Scour(? invite from/
  727. describe SCOUR Scour invite from some spammer
  728. score SCOUR 3
  729. # don 2008-09-04
  730. body YOURNAME /\d+\)\s*y+o+u+r+\s*n+a+m+e+/i
  731. describe YOURNAME 1) your name is spam
  732. score YOURNAME 3
  733. # blarson 2008-12-11
  734. header TWITTER subject =~ /you on Twitter/
  735. describe TWITTER Twitter invite spam
  736. score TWITTER 4
  737. # don 2008-12-18
  738. uri DOS_LIVE_SPACES_CID /cid-.{10,20}\.spaces\.live\.com/
  739. describe DOS_LIVE_SPACES_CID live spaces uri
  740. score DOS_LIVE_SPACES_CID 3
  741. # don 2008-12-18
  742. header CHRISTMAS subject =~ /chris+tma+s (pleasure+|night)/i
  743. describe CHRISTMAS Does christmas really give you pleasure?
  744. score CHRISTMAS 2
  745. # cord 2008-12-27 (transfered from rc.spam)
  746. # don 2010-07-18 (decrease score from 4 to 2.5 for false positives)
  747. full AWARD_WINNING /Award win/i
  748. describe AWARD_WINNING Award win(ning); we don't believe that it is
  749. score AWARD_WINNING 2.5
  750. # don 2009-01-10
  751. header LINKEDIN from =~ /linkedin\.com/
  752. describe LINKEDIN Linked in spam
  753. score LINKEDIN 4
  754. # don 2009-02-02
  755. header LIFECHANGERS from =~ /lifechangers/
  756. describe LIFECHANGERS Life changers spam
  757. score LIFECHANGERS 4
  758. # don 2009-02-05
  759. header WINESEASON subject =~ /Wine\s*Season\s*Promo/i
  760. describe WINESEASON Wine season spam
  761. score WINESEASON 3
  762. # don 2009-02-05
  763. header JOINMEON subject =~ /(?:friend request|join me) on/i
  764. describe JOINMEON Lets not join you on anything
  765. score JOINMEON 2
  766. # don 2009-02-09
  767. header ABOUTAPARTMENT subject =~/about\s*the\s*apartment/i
  768. describe ABOUTAPARTMENT We don't care about apartments
  769. score ABOUTAPARTMENT 2
  770. # don 2009-02-14
  771. header YARISUBJECT subject =~ /\byari\b/i
  772. describe YARISUBJECT Contains YARI in the subject
  773. score YARISUBJECT 2
  774. # don 2009-03-03
  775. body HTMLCOMPATIBLE /html\s+compatible\s+(?:e-?mail)?\s*(?:viewer|client)/i
  776. describe HTMLCOMPATIBLE If you want us to use an HTML compatible viewer, we don't want your mail.
  777. score HTMLCOMPATIBLE 3
  778. # zobel 2009-08-31
  779. header AYDA10KILO subject =~ /Ayda 10 Kilo Vermek Istermisiniz/i
  780. describe AYDA10KILO We don't care about Ayda 10 Kilo Vermek
  781. score AYDA10KILO 4
  782. # don 2010-08-21
  783. body CANNOTVIEW /cannot\s+view\s+this\s+email/i
  784. describe CANNOTVIEW If we cannot view this email, it must be spam
  785. score CANNOTVIEW 4
  786. # don 2010-09-24
  787. header AAVEHICLE subject =~ /vehicle check report/i
  788. describe AAVEHICLE The AA Vehicle check report is broken
  789. score AAVEHICLE 4
  790. # don 2010-12-27
  791. header MODERNART X-BeenThere =~ /group1\
  792. describe MODERNART Broken mailing list spamers
  793. score MODERNART 5
  794. # formorer 2011-01-07
  795. header NYPOSTCARD subject =~ /New Year postcard/i
  796. describe NYPOSTCARD Enough New Year cards for 2011
  797. score NYPOSTCARD 4
  798. # don 2011-01-24
  799. header BIZZBOOSTER from =~ /bizzbooster/i
  800. describe BIZZBOOSTER From bizzbooster
  801. score BIZZBOOSTER 5
  802. # don 2011-09-22
  803. header QUOTAEXP subject =~ /mail\s+account(.+)quot[ae]\s+limit/
  804. describe QUOTAEXP Exceeded quota limit
  805. score QUOTAEXP 4
  806. # don 2011-09-22
  807. body SEOBODY /search\s+engine\s+traffic/
  808. describe SEOBODY Body contains SEO terms
  809. score SEOBODY 1
  810. header SEOSUBJECT subject =~ /\bseo\b/i
  811. describe SEOSUBJECT Subject contains SEO terms
  812. score SEOSUBJECT 1
  814. describe SEOMETA Matches both SEOBODY and SEOSUBJECT
  815. score SEOMETA 3
  816. body WEBINAR /webinar/i
  817. describe WEBINAR Contains webinar
  818. score WEBINAR 2
  819. header TRIALVERSION subject =~ /trial\s*version/i
  820. describe TRIALVERSION Trial version in subject
  821. score TRIALVERSION 3
  822. header SHARESPAM subject =~ /shared photos with you/i
  823. describe SHARESPAM shares photos
  824. score SHARESPAM 3
  825. header MYNAMEIS subject =~ /hello(.*)my name is/i
  826. describe MYNAMEIS Name spam
  827. score MYNAMEIS 2.5
  828. # formorer 2012-02-28
  829. header VOTREANN Subject =~ /(votre|Petites) annonce/i
  830. describe VOTREANN Votre annonce
  831. score VOTREANN 4
  832. # formorer 2010-01-23
  833. header LEXCHANGE subject =~ /(?:for|4)\s+L[i1]nks?\s+E?xcha?nge/i
  834. describe LEXCHANGE ask for link exchange
  835. score LEXCHANGE 4
  836. # formorer 2013-11-08
  837. header IMARKETING subject =~ /integrated marketing/i
  838. describe IMARKETING integrated marketing
  839. score IMARKETING 4
  840. header LYMBOOMATH subject =~ /Lymboo Math/i
  841. describe LYMBOOMATH Lymboo Math spam
  842. score LYMBOOMATH 4
  843. # formorer 2014-05-26
  844. header JOB_DE1 subject =~ /(Freie Stellen|Stellenbeschreibungen)/
  845. describe JOB_DE1 german job spam
  846. score JOB_DE1 4
  847. header TODAYSHOW subject =~ /Today Show/i
  848. describe TODAYSHOW the today show
  849. score TODAYSHOW 4
  850. header LEADS subject =~ /business leads/i
  851. describe LEADS business leads
  852. score LEADS 4
  853. header CLIENTS subject =~ /need more clients/i
  854. describe CLIENTS need more clients
  855. score CLIENTS 4