misc_spam 17 KB

  1. # -*- mode: spamassassin -*-
  2. # This seems to catch a lot of spam, but not sure about false positive (from airmax.cf)
  3. # pasc couldn't find any false positives on the lists he's on
  4. header X_MESSAGE_INFO exists:X-Message-Info
  5. score X_MESSAGE_INFO 4.0
  6. # Added by pasc 2004/07/08 (sent by abuse@outblaze via karsten)
  7. # host no longer exists according to administrator
  8. header FAKE_OUTBLAZE_RCVD Received =~ /\.mr\.outblaze\.com/
  9. describe FAKE_OUTBLAZE_RCVD Received header contains faked 'mr.outblaze.com'
  10. score FAKE_OUTBLAZE_RCVD 3.0
  11. # blarson 2005-01-19 (--pasc 2005-01-30)
  12. header TRACKING subject =~ /\b(?:tracking|package|shipping|shipment|delivery) number :/i
  13. describe TRACKING tracking number
  14. score TRACKING 2
  15. # Sent in by blars (20050220) -- applied by pasc
  16. body GUEBDE /http\:\/\/www\.gueb\.de\//
  17. describe GUEBDE www.geub.de
  18. score GUEBDE 5
  19. # Don 2008-06-27
  21. describe PGPSIGNATURE Has a pgp signature (may not be valid, but who cares?)
  22. score PGPSIGNATURE -5
  23. body WORD_WITHOUT_VOWELS /\b[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz]{6,20}\b/
  24. describe WORD_WITHOUT_VOWELS Long word without any vowels
  26. body DIGITS_LETTERS /(([abcdefghijklmnopqrstvwxyz]){1,9}\d{1,4}){2,9}/
  27. describe DIGITS_LETTERS Mixed groups of letters followed by numbers
  28. score DIGITS_LETTERS 1
  29. # From http://www.exit0.us/index.php/FredsRules
  30. # Added by pasc 2004/06/20
  31. body __FVGT_b_OBFU_J /j(b|c|f|g|w)/i
  32. body __FVGT_b_OBFU_OTHER /(vj|vk|xj|xk|yy|zf|zj)/i
  33. body __FVGT_b_OBFU_Q0 /(j|k|p|q|t|v|w|z)q/i
  34. body __FVGT_b_OBFU_Q1 /q(a|f|h|j|k|m|n|s|y)/i
  35. body __FVGT_b_OBFU_V /(f|g|q|w)v/i
  36. body __FVGT_b_OBFU_X /(c|g|j|k|q|s|v|z)x/i
  37. body __FVGT_b_OBFU_Z /(f|j|k|p|q|x)z/i
  38. meta FVGT_m_MULTI_ODD ((__FVGT_b_OBFU_J + __FVGT_b_OBFU_OTHER + __FVGT_b_OBFU_Q0 + __FVGT_b_OBFU_Q1 + __FVGT_b_OBFU_V + __FVGT_b_OBFU_X + __FVGT_b_OBFU_Z) > 1)
  39. describe FVGT_m_MULTI_ODD FVGT - contains multiple odd letter combinations
  40. score FVGT_m_MULTI_ODD 0.02
  41. # joy, 2003-07-20
  42. header NEPEYO From =~ /nepeyo\@catlover/
  43. describe NEPEYO spamvertizers
  44. score NEPEYO 4
  45. # cjwatson, 2003/07/28
  46. header MP3_PLAYERS Subject =~ /New mp3 player,usb flash drive/
  47. describe MP3_PLAYERS Spam from "HY Tech"
  48. score MP3_PLAYERS 4
  49. # joy, 2003-08-15
  50. header UOSJUNK Subject =~ /UOS online Degree Programme/i
  51. describe UOSJUNK Spam from UOS
  52. score UOSJUNK 4
  53. # cjwatson, 2004-02-27
  54. body GAS_MILEAGE /This amazing, revolutionary device|www\.mrev\.biz/
  55. describe GAS_MILEAGE Fuel-saving snake oil
  56. score GAS_MILEAGE 3
  57. # blarson, 2004-03-31
  58. body FUELSAVER /fuel.?saver/i
  59. describe FUELSAVER Fuel Saver spam
  60. score FUELSAVER 3
  61. # blarson, 2004-04-03
  62. body CABLEFILTERZ /cablefilterz/
  63. describe CABLEFILTERZ cablefilterz spam
  64. score CABLEFILTERZ 4
  65. # blarson 2004-04-15
  66. header PARENNUM subject =~ /^\(\s*([0-9\/]+\)|\%RND)/
  67. describe PARENNUM paren number in subject
  68. score PARENNUM 3
  69. # blarson 2004-04-25
  70. # bounces our bounces.... (had negitive score)
  71. header COVADRT X-RT-Loop-Prevention =~ /^Covad$/
  72. describe COVADRT Covad request tracker bounces
  73. score COVADRT 8
  74. # blarson 2005-03-02
  75. header ROBERTOJIMENOCA from =~ /ROBERTOJIMENOCA\@terra\.es/
  76. describe ROBERTOJIMENOCA ROBERTOJIMENOCA sends spammy looking messages
  77. score ROBERTOJIMENOCA -2
  78. # blarson 2005-07-10
  79. header TURBOPRO subject =~ /\bturbonet pro\b/i
  80. describe TURBOPRO dialup accelerator spam
  81. score TURBOPRO 3
  82. # blarson 2006-04-28
  83. header RESUBJECT subject =~ /\sRe(?:\[\d+\])?:\s*$/i
  84. describe RESUBJECT re nothing
  85. score RESUBJECT 2
  86. # blarson 2004-10-22 2007-07-18 up score
  87. header NOSUBJECT subject =~ /^\s*$/
  88. describe NOSUBJECT No subject
  89. score NOSUBJECT 2.5
  90. # blarson 2006-10-17
  91. full NEXTPART /\-\=\_NextPart\_000\_/
  92. describe NEXTPART spammer mime separator
  93. score NEXTPART 2.5
  94. # blarson 2006-10-17 2009-04-30
  95. full CT_IMAGE /Content\-Type\:\s*image/i
  96. describe CT_IMAGE Picture attached
  97. score CT_IMAGE 1.5
  98. # blarson 2006-12-01 (score so low since it will also hit CT_IMAGE)
  99. header CT_IMAGE_HEAD content-type =~ /image/
  100. describe CT_IMAGE_HEAD entire message is image
  101. score CT_IMAGE_HEAD 2.5
  102. # don 2006-10-25
  103. header THREADINDEX Thread-Index =~ /A-Z/
  104. describe THREADINDEX thread-index header on spam
  105. score THREADINDEX 1.5
  106. # blarson 2006-10-30
  107. header FORDASH subject =~ /\bFor \- \d+/
  108. describe FORDASH for dash
  109. score FORDASH 3
  110. # blarson 2006-11-01
  111. header KOREAN subject =~ /\=\?koi8\-r/
  112. describe KOREAN Korean Character set spam
  113. score KOREAN 2
  114. # blarson 2006-12-04
  115. header FWDNAME subject =~ /fwd\: \w+\s*$/
  116. describe FWDNAME fwd: name spam
  117. score FWDNAME 3
  118. # blarson 2006-12-06
  119. body NUMONLY /^\s*\d+\s*$/
  120. describe NUMONLY number only body
  121. score NUMONLY 1
  122. # blarson 2007-04-24
  123. header THUNDERB User-Agent =~ /^Thunderbird 1\.5\.0\.10/
  124. describe THUNDERB spam missing content
  125. score THUNDERB 2
  126. # blarson 2007-06-15
  127. header FAILNOTE subject =~ /Failure notice\:/
  128. describe FAILNOTE bounced spam
  129. score FAILNOTE 2
  130. # blarson 2007-06-28
  131. full CTINLINE /^Content\-Disposition\: inline\;\b/
  132. describe CTINLINE Inline attachment
  133. score CTINLINE 1
  134. # blarson 2007-07-07
  135. body BOXTRAPPER /^This message is a reply to a boxtrapper verifcation message\./
  136. describe BOXTRAPPER boxtrapper spam
  137. score BOXTRAPPER 9
  138. # blarson 2007-07-09
  139. body PROMOCODE /^promo code\:/i
  140. describe PROMOCODE promo code
  141. score PROMOCODE 3
  142. # blarson 2007-07-11
  143. body XLMAN /\bwww\.xl\-man\.net\b/
  144. describe XLMAN xl-man spam
  145. score XLMAN 3
  146. # blarson 2007-07-12
  147. body COSTUMER /^Dear costumer\b/
  148. describe COSTUMER paypal scam
  149. score COSTUMER 3
  150. # blarson 2007-07-13
  151. body PRIVATE /^Your private and confidential message is attached\./
  152. describe PRIVATE private message
  153. score PRIVATE 4
  154. # don 2007-07-15
  155. header AUTOGENERATE auto-submitted =~ /auto/i
  156. describe AUTOGENERATE auto generated crap
  157. score AUTOGENERATE 3
  158. # blarson 2007-07-15
  159. body PRIVPDF /^All our private messages are in pdf format/
  160. describe PRIVPDF private pdf
  161. score PRIVPDF 4
  162. # don 2007-07-19
  163. header AUTORESPOND X-Autorespond =~ /./
  164. describe AUTORESPOND Automatic response
  165. score AUTORESPOND 4
  166. header AUTOMAILER X-Mailer =~ /autors/
  167. describe AUTOMAILER Auto response mailer
  168. score AUTOMAILER 3
  169. # blarson 2007-07-22
  170. header OUTOFOFFICE_SUB subject =~ /Out_of_Office/
  171. describe OUTOFOFFICE_SUB broken autoresponder
  172. score OUTOFOFFICE_SUB 6
  173. body OUTOFOFFICE /out of the office/i
  174. describe OUTOFOFFICE Out of the office
  175. score OUTOFOFFICE 3
  176. body OUTOFOFFICE_BACK /will be back/i
  177. describe OUTOFOFFICE_BACK Out of the office
  178. score OUTOFOFFICE_BACK 3
  179. # blarson 2007-08-01 \w was too broad 2007-08-12 add dash, at least 3 digits
  180. header SUBENDNUM subject =~ /[a-zA-Z!]-?\d{3,}$/
  181. describe SUBENDNUM Subject ends in word989
  182. score SUBENDNUM 2
  183. # blarson 2007-07-27
  184. body PRIVMES /^You have been sent a private message/
  185. describe PRIVMES more pdf spam
  186. score PRIVMES 3
  187. # blarson 2007-07-27
  188. header MIXEDBDN Content-Type =~ /multipart\/mixed\;.*boundary\=\"\-{4,}\d{4,}\"/
  189. describe MIXEDBDN more pdf spam
  190. score MIXEDBDN 1
  191. # blarson 2007-07-28
  192. header DOTZIP subject =~ /\d\.zip\b/
  193. describe DOTZIP zip spam
  194. score DOTZIP 3
  195. # blarson 2007-07-30
  196. header MIXED2 Content-Type =~ /multipart\/mixed\;charset\=iso\-8859\-1\;.*boundary\=\"\-\-\-\-\=\_\d{8,}\_\d{4,}\"/
  197. describe MIXED2 more pdf spam
  198. score MIXED2 2.5
  199. # blarson 2007-07-31
  201. describe KEYENCE opt out spam
  202. score KEYENCE 10
  203. # blarson 2007-08-02
  204. header NOSUB subject =~ /\(No Subject\)$/i
  205. describe NOSUB explicity no subject
  206. score NOSUB 1
  207. # blarson 2007-08-07
  208. header CTPDF Content-Type =~ /\bapplication\/pdf\;/i
  209. describe CTPDF more pdf spam
  210. score CTPDF 4
  211. # blarson 2007-06-12
  212. header JAPSUB subject =~ /\=\?iso\-2022\-jp/i
  213. describe JAPSUB subject in japanese
  214. score JAPSUB 3
  215. # blarson 2007-08-24
  216. header XMSATT X-MS-Has-Attach =~ /yes/i
  217. describe XMSATT more pdf spam
  218. score XMSATT 2
  219. # blarson 2007-10-27
  220. body ICQ /^icq\:/i
  221. describe ICQ icq:
  222. score ICQ 2
  223. # blarson 2007-11-02
  224. header XJ2ID X-J2Id =~ /\d+/
  225. describe XJ2ID fax bounce
  226. score XJ2ID 4
  227. # blarson 2007-11-15
  228. header LONGWORD subject =~ /\b[\w\d]{30,}/i
  229. describe LONGWORD long word in subject
  230. score LONGWORD 2
  231. # blarson 2007-11-23
  232. header TESTIMONIAL subject =~ /\btestimonial/i
  233. describe TESTIMONIAL testimonials
  234. score TESTIMONIAL 2
  235. # blarson 2007-12-13
  236. header ITXS subject =~ /\bit\`s\b/i
  237. describe ITXS it`s
  238. score ITXS 4
  239. # blarson 2007-12-18
  240. rawbody TINYFONT /\bFONT-SIZE\:\s+[123]px\;/i
  241. describe TINYFONT tiny font specified
  242. score TINYFONT 3
  243. # blarson 2008-04-03
  244. full ZIPFILE /\bfilename\=.*\.zip\b/i
  245. describe ZIPFILE zipfile attachment
  246. score ZIPFILE 0.5
  247. # blarson 2008-04-19
  248. header SPACESUB subject =~ /^\s\w/
  249. describe SPACESUB extra space before subject
  250. score SPACESUB 0.5
  251. # don 2008-05-04
  252. header YAHOOCALENDAR X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: =~ /calendar-invite/i
  253. describe YAHOOCALENDAR Calendar invite from yahoo; broken captcha
  254. score YAHOOCALENDAR 4
  255. # blarson 2008-06-03
  256. header BOUNDARYID content-type =~ /\bboundary\=\"Boundary_\(ID_/
  257. describe BOUNDARYID spamware boundary
  258. score BOUNDARYID 0.6
  259. # blarson 2008-07-02
  260. body GBKXWFLXF /\bgbkxwflxf\b/
  261. describe GBKXWFLXF gbkxwflxf
  262. score GBKXWFLXF 5
  263. # blarson 2008-09-07
  264. body LUKSUS /\bluksus\b/i
  265. score LUKSUS 4
  266. describe LUKSUS Luksus
  267. # disabled by don; was causing false positives
  268. # probably needs to be modified to check if it really is ironport
  269. # blarson 2008-09-22
  270. # header XIRONPORT X-IronPort-Anti-Spam-Filtered =~ /true/
  271. # describe XIRONPORT claims to be ironport filtered
  272. # score XIRONPORT 2.5
  273. # blarson 2008-10-13
  274. header AUTORESPON subject =~ /Auto_response/
  275. describe AUTORESPON Auto_response
  276. score AUTORESPON 3
  277. # blarson 2008-10-28
  278. header XWUM x-wum-to =~ /./
  279. describe XWUM X-WUM-TO
  280. score XWUM 2
  281. # cord 2008-10-31
  282. # compensate false-positives for 140.Red-80-25-20.staticIP.rima-tde.net and stuff
  283. header STATIC_RIMA_TDE received =~ /staticIP\.rima-tde\.net/
  284. describe STATIC_RIMA_TDE static IP from rima-tde.net
  285. score STATIC_RIMA_TDE -5
  286. # cord 2008-11-30 # compensate LDO_SUBSCRIBER bonus for Forum2Mail-Gw
  287. full NABBLE /lists\@nabble\.com/
  288. describe NABBLE sent through nabble.com
  289. score NABBLE 5
  290. # don 2009-02-04
  291. full HTML_NBSP /(\ ){3,}/
  292. describe HTML_NBSP Lots of  
  293. score HTML_NBSP 2
  294. # blarson 2009-02-19
  295. header ENTIST subject =~ /(?:e.?entist|o.?ctor)/i
  296. describe ENTIST (D)entit/(D)octor
  297. score ENTIST 2
  298. header THREADTOPIC thread-topic =~ /./i
  299. describe THREADTOPIC Has a thread topic header
  300. score THREADTOPIC 2
  301. # [2009-04-14 cord]
  302. # replacing old aol-rules from rc.spam
  303. header AOL_SPAM1 from =~ /[0-9].*\@([^\@]+\.)?aol\.com/i
  304. describe AOL_SPAM1 possible AOL-pretending spam, matching rule 1
  305. score AOL_SPAM1 1
  306. header AOL_SPAM2 from =~ /...........*\@([^\@]+\.)?aol\.com/i
  307. describe AOL_SPAM2 possible AOL-pretending spam, matching rule 2
  308. score AOL_SPAM2 1
  309. header AOL_SPAM3 from =~ /.?.?\@([^\@]+\.)?aol\.com/i
  310. describe AOL_SPAM3 possible AOL-pretending spam, matching rule 3
  311. score AOL_SPAM3 1
  312. header AOL_SPAM4 from =~ /[^a-zA-Z0-9]+.*\@([^\@]+\.)?aol\.com/i
  313. describe AOL_SPAM4 possible AOL-pretending spam, matching rule 4
  314. score AOL_SPAM4 1
  315. # blarson 2009-04-15
  316. body WEBMAIL /\bwebmail\b/i
  317. describe WEBMAIL webmail
  318. score WEBMAIL 1
  319. # blarson 2009-04-17
  320. header REFNO subject =~ /\bref no\b/i
  321. describe REFNO Ref No
  322. score REFNO 2
  323. # blarson 2009-05-26
  324. header INFOCOUK to =~ /\b(?:info|winner|loan|lotto|grant|win)\@(?:info\.|winner\.|loan\.|lotto\.|hotmail\.|grant\.|win\.|yahoo\.|)(?:co\.uk|net|com|org)\b/
  325. describe INFOCOUK to info@co.uk
  326. score INFOCOUK 3
  327. # blarson 2009-05-27
  328. body EXITAT /\b(?:exit|rembox)\@(?:datalistsource|listsourcesworld|BestAccurateReliable|expertdatasystems|bestbizlists)\.\b/i
  329. describe EXITAT exit@datalistsource.com
  330. score EXITAT 3
  331. # blarson 2009-06-05
  332. header TOINFO to =~ /\binfo\@/
  333. describe TOINFO to info@
  334. score TOINFO 1
  335. # don 2009-07-06
  336. header CONSTCONTACT X-Mailer =~ /Constant Contact/i
  337. describe CONSTCONTACT Mail comming from constant contact, which doesn't require double opt-in
  338. score CONSTCONTACT 5
  339. # blarson 2009-08-16
  340. meta CTBDN (CT_IMAGE && MIXEDBDN)
  341. describe CTBDN CT_IMAGE && MIXEDBDN
  342. score CTBDN 0.5
  343. # don 2009-09-22
  344. body NUMEMAIL /\d{3,}\s+emails?/i
  345. describe NUMEMAIL Mail which mentions some number of e-mail addresses
  346. score NUMEMAIL 2
  347. # don 2009-11-25
  348. header YAHOOCALENDAR X-Yahoo-Calendar-IId: =~ /./
  349. describe YAHOOCALENDAR Mail comming from yahoo calendar, which spams us with updates
  350. score YAHOOCALENDAR 5
  351. # alex 2009-12-05
  352. header TLOTTERY subject =~ /Ticket no: [0-9]+/i
  353. describe TLOTTERY Lottery spam
  354. score TLOTTERY 3
  355. # alex 2009-12-05
  356. header GLOTTERY subject =~ /Google_L_o_t_t_e_r_y_W_i_n_n_e_r_s/i
  357. describe GLOTTERY Google Lottery spam
  358. score GLOTTERY 3
  359. # alex 2009-12-16
  360. header DOTNET subject =~ /Planning a Website Design\? Updates/
  361. describe DOTNET .NET Spam
  362. score DOTNET 3
  363. # blarson 2010-02-02
  364. body REMBOX /\b(?:rembo[xt]|disappear|stopping|delrem|remfiles?|exit|takemeoff|offthelist|purgefile)\s?\@/
  365. describe REMBOX rembox
  366. score REMBOX 3
  367. # formorer 2010-01-23
  368. header LONGTO to =~ /([\S]+, ){15,}/
  369. describe LONGTO very long To line
  370. score LONGTO 3
  371. # formorer 2010-01-25
  372. header VAULAS subject =~ /cursos video aulas video/i
  373. describe VAULAS some spanish video spam
  374. score VAULAS 3
  375. # blarson 2010-01-28
  376. header FROMWWW from =~ /\bwww\./i
  377. describe FROMWWW from www.whatever
  378. score FROMWWW 3
  379. # blarson 2010-02-16
  380. header FROMCASINO from =~ /\bcasino/i
  381. describe FROMCASINO from casino
  382. score FROMCASINO 3
  383. # don 2010-06-10
  384. header CTOCTET_STREAM Content-Type =~ /octet-stream/i
  385. describe CTOCTET_STREAM Content type is octet-stream
  386. score CTOCTET_STREAM 0.5
  387. full RTF_ATTACH /^Content-Disposition:.+name=.+\.(rtf|doc)/i
  388. describe RTF_ATTACH Contains an RTF or DOC Attachment
  389. score RTF_ATTACH 2
  391. describe RTF_SPAM Content type is octet-stream and has an RTF Attachment
  392. score RTF_SPAM 3
  393. # blarson 2010-10-11
  394. header WORDDIGDIG subject =~ /^\w{3,}\s+\d\s\d\s*$/
  395. describe WORDDIGDIG Word digit digit subject
  396. score WORDDIGDIG 3
  397. # don 2011-06-06
  398. header BRACE_SUBJECT Subject =~ /^\[\ [a-z0-9]{16}]\ /
  399. describe BRACE_SUBJECT 16 length word in braces in the subject
  400. score BRACE_SUBJECT 4
  401. # formorer 2011-08-12
  402. header COMPTESFR subject =~ /concernant Compte SFR/i
  403. describe COMPTESFR concernant Compte SFR
  404. score COMPTESFR 3
  405. # formorer 2012-02-02
  406. header BACKTOME subject =~ /Please get back to me/i
  407. describe BACKTOME Phrase get back to me
  408. score BACKTOME 4
  409. # formorer 2012-12-10
  410. header STEEL subject =~ /stainless steel cookware/i
  411. describe STEEL who need steel cookware?
  412. score STEEL 4
  413. # blarson 2012-02-23
  414. header SINGLES subject =~ /\bsingles\b/i
  415. describe SINGLES singles
  416. score SINGLES 4
  417. header CMAEOUT X-CMAE-OUT-Score =~ /.+/
  418. describe CMAEOUT Cmae out
  419. score CMAEOUT 3.5
  420. # blarson 2012-05-05
  421. body FBPHOTO /\b(photo|pict?|image)\s+on\s+(fb|facebook)\b/i
  422. describe FBPHOTO facebook photo
  423. score FBPHOTO 4
  424. header TRADEME subject =~ /Can you afford not to trade/
  425. describe TRADEME we don't trade
  426. score TRADEME 4
  427. # cord 2013-11-09
  428. header PHPMAILER X-Mailer =~ /PHPMailer/
  429. describe PHPMAILER X-Mailer: PHPMailer
  430. score PHPMAILER 2
  431. # formorer 2013-11-24
  432. header FROMTWOO from =~ /twoomail\.com/i
  433. describe FROMTWOO from twoomail
  434. score FROMTWOO 3
  435. # formorer 2014-07-31
  436. header FROMCHICEXECS from =~ /ChicExecs/i
  437. describe FROMCHICEXECS from ChicExecs
  438. score FROMCHICEXECS 3
  439. # formorer 2014-08-06
  440. header LHELMOND from =~ /Luke Helmond/i
  441. describe LHELMOND from Luke Helmond
  442. score LHELMOND 4
  443. # formorer 2014-08-06
  444. header MAILCHIMP X-Mailer =~ /MailChimp Mailer/i
  445. describe MAILCHIMP X-Mailer: MailChimp Mailer
  446. score MAILCHIMP 3
  447. # formorer 2014-08-29
  448. body AVERMITTLUNG /Arbeitsvermittlungsagentur/i
  449. describe AVERMITTLUNG Arbeitsvermittlungsagentur
  450. score AVERMITTLUNG 4
  451. # formorer 2014-08-29
  452. body BEWSCHREIBEN /Bewerbungsschreiben/i
  453. describe BEWSCHREIBEN Bewerbungsschreiben
  454. score BEWSCHREIBEN 4
  455. # formorer 2014-08-30
  456. header FREELNCMR subject =~ /Freelancer Online Marketing/
  457. describe FREELNCMR Freelancer Online Marketing
  458. score FREELNCMR 4
  459. # formorer 2014-09-03
  462. score SOLUCIONESAMB 5
  463. # formorer 2014-11-17
  464. header LYMBOO from =~ /\@lymboomail/
  465. describe LYMBOO lymboomail learning spam
  466. score LYMBOO 5
  467. # formorer 2015-05-14
  468. header LEARDINI from =~ /\@leardinigroup.com/
  469. describe LEARDINI Microbiologia (SIM) spam
  470. score LEARDINI 5
  471. # don 2015-10-28
  472. header INTERFAX from =~ /\@interfax.net/
  473. describe INTERFAX Interfax spam
  474. score INTERFAX 5
  475. # don 2015-10-28
  476. header FAX_SUBJECT subject =~ /fax/i
  477. describe FAX_SUBJECT Interfax spam subject
  478. score FAX_SUBJECT 1
  480. describe FAX_ATTACHMENT Interfax fax attachment
  481. score FAX_ATTACHMENT 10