123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550 |
- # coding: utf-8
- from __future__ import print_function
- from __future__ import absolute_import
- from __future__ import division
- from __future__ import unicode_literals
- from backend import const
- import backend.models as bmodels
- import backend.ops as bops
- import process.models as pmodels
- import process.ops as pops
- import os
- import requests
- import re
- class ParseError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, log_entry, *args, **kw):
- super(ParseError, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
- self.log_entry = log_entry
- class OperationError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, log_entry, *args, **kw):
- super(OperationError, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
- self.log_entry = log_entry
- class Operation(object):
- """
- Base class for operations detected from git logs
- """
- # Available actions
- actions = {}
- email_map = {
- "gwolf@gwolf.org": "gwolf",
- "noodles@earth.li": "noodles",
- }
- @classmethod
- def action(cls, _class):
- """
- Register an action class
- """
- cls.actions[_class.__name__.lower()] = _class
- return _class
- @classmethod
- def from_log_entry(cls, log_entry):
- details = log_entry.parsed.get("details", None)
- if details is not None:
- return ProcessOperation.from_log_entry(log_entry)
- else:
- action_name = log_entry.parsed["action"].lower()
- Action = cls.actions.get(action_name, None)
- if Action is None:
- raise ParseError(log_entry, "Action {} not supported", action_name)
- return Action.from_log_entry(log_entry)
- def __init__(self, log_entry):
- self.log_entry = log_entry
- author_email = log_entry.commit.author.email
- author_uid = self.email_map.get(author_email, None)
- if author_uid is None:
- search = { "email": author_email }
- else:
- search = { "uid": author_uid }
- try:
- self.author = bmodels.Person.objects.get(**search)
- except bmodels.Person.DoesNotExist:
- raise ParseError(log_entry, "author {} not found in nm.debian.org".format(log_entry.commit.author.email))
- self.role = log_entry.parsed.get("role", None)
- if self.role is None: raise ParseError(log_entry, "Role not found in commit message")
- self.rt = log_entry.parsed.get("rt-ticket", None)
- def _get_consistent_person(self, persons):
- """
- Given a dict mapping workds to Person objects, make sure that all the
- Person objects are the same, and return the one Person object.
- If persons is empty, return None.
- """
- # Check if we are unambiguously referring to a record that we
- # can update
- person = None
- for v in persons.values():
- if person is None:
- person = v
- elif person != v:
- msg = []
- for k, v in persons.items():
- msg.append("{} by {}".format(k, v.lookup_key))
- raise OperationError(self.log_entry, "commit matches multiple people: {}".format(", ".join(msg)))
- return person
- class ProcessOperation(Operation):
- def __init__(self, log_entry):
- super(ProcessOperation, self).__init__(log_entry)
- for k in ("new-key", "key"):
- self.fpr = log_entry.parsed.get(k, None)
- if self.fpr is not None: break
- else:
- raise ParseError(log_entry, "commit message has no New-key or Key field")
- self.details = log_entry.parsed.get("details", None)
- try:
- process_id = int(os.path.basename(self.details))
- except:
- raise ParseError(log_entry, "cannot extract process ID from {}".format(self.details))
- try:
- self.process = pmodels.Process.objects.select_related("person").get(pk=process_id)
- except pmodels.Process.DoesNotExist:
- raise ParseError(log_entry, "process {} not found in the site".format(self.details))
- def __str__(self):
- return "Close process {}".format(self.process.pk)
- @classmethod
- def from_log_entry(cls, log_entry):
- return cls(log_entry)
- def ops(self):
- person = self.process.person
- if person.fpr != self.fpr:
- raise OperationError(self.log_entry, "{} in process {} has fingerprint {} but the commit has {}".format(
- person.lookup_key, self.details, person.fpr, self.fpr))
- if self.process.closed: return
- if self.rt:
- logtext = "Closed from keyring changelog {}, RT #{}".format(self.log_entry.shasum, self.rt)
- else:
- logtext = "Closed from keyring changelog {}, RT unknown".format(self.log_entry.shasum)
- yield pops.CloseProcess(
- process=self.process,
- logtext=logtext,
- logdate=self.log_entry.dt,
- audit_author=self.author,
- audit_notes=logtext,
- )
- class RoleOperation(Operation):
- @classmethod
- def from_log_entry(cls, log_entry):
- role = log_entry.parsed.get("role", None)
- if role == "role": return None
- if role is None: raise ParseError(log_entry, "role not found in commit message")
- Op = cls.by_role.get(role, None)
- if Op is None:
- raise ParseError(log_entry, "unsupported role {} in commit message".format(role))
- return Op(log_entry)
- @Operation.action
- class Add(RoleOperation):
- by_role = {}
- def __init__(self, log_entry):
- super(Add, self).__init__(log_entry)
- for k in ("new-key", "key"):
- self.fpr = log_entry.parsed.get(k, None)
- if self.fpr is not None: break
- else:
- raise ParseError(log_entry, "commit message has no New-key or Key field")
- fn = log_entry.parsed.get("subject", None)
- if fn is None:
- raise ParseError(log_entry, "commit message has no Subject field")
- self.cn, self.mn, self.sn = self._split_subject(fn)
- self.email = None
- self.uid = None
- def _split_subject(self, subject):
- """
- Arbitrary split a full name into cn, mn, sn
- This is better than nothing, but not a lot better than that.
- """
- # See http://www.kalzumeus.com/2010/06/17/falsehoods-programmers-believe-about-names/
- fn = subject.decode('utf8').split()
- if len(fn) == 1:
- return fn[0], "", ""
- elif len(fn) == 2:
- return fn[0], "", fn[1]
- elif len(fn) == 3:
- return fn
- else:
- middle = len(fn) // 2
- return " ".join(fn[:middle]), "", " ".join(fn[middle:])
- def _get_person(self):
- """
- Return the Person affected by this entry, or None if none exists in the
- database yet
- """
- # Check for existing records in the database
- persons = {}
- if self.fpr:
- try:
- persons["fpr"] = bmodels.Person.objects.get(fprs__fpr=self.fpr)
- except bmodels.Person.DoesNotExist:
- pass
- if self.email:
- try:
- persons["email"] = bmodels.Person.objects.get(email=self.email)
- except bmodels.Person.DoesNotExist:
- pass
- if self.uid:
- try:
- persons["uid"] = bmodels.Person.objects.get(uid=self.uid)
- except bmodels.Person.DoesNotExist:
- pass
- # Check if we are unambiguously referring to a record that we
- # can update
- return self._get_consistent_person(persons)
- class AddDM(Add):
- def __init__(self, log_entry):
- """
- Dig all information from a commit body that we can use to create a new
- DM
- """
- super(AddDM, self).__init__(log_entry)
- # To get the email, we need to go and scan the agreement post from the
- # list archives
- agreement_url = log_entry.parsed.get("agreement", None)
- if agreement_url is not None:
- r = self._fetch_url(agreement_url.strip())
- if r.status_code == 200:
- mo = re.search(r'<link rev="made" href="mailto:([^"]+)">', r.text)
- if mo:
- self.email = mo.group(1)
- if self.email is None:
- raise ParseError(log_entry, "agreement not found in commit, or email not found in agreement url")
- def _fetch_url(self, url):
- bundle="/etc/ssl/ca-debian/ca-certificates.crt"
- if os.path.exists(bundle):
- return requests.get(url, verify=bundle)
- else:
- return requests.get(url)
- def ops(self):
- # Check for existing records in the database
- person = self._get_person()
- # If it is all new, create and we are done
- if person is None:
- if self.rt:
- audit_notes = "Created DM entry, RT #{}".format(self.rt)
- else:
- audit_notes = "Created DM entry, RT unknown"
- yield bops.CreateUser(
- # Dummy username used to avoid unique entry conflicts
- username="{}@example.org".format(self.fpr),
- cn=self.cn,
- mn=self.mn,
- sn=self.sn,
- email=self.email,
- status=const.STATUS_DM,
- status_changed=self.log_entry.dt,
- audit_author=self.author,
- audit_notes=audit_notes,
- fpr=self.fpr,
- )
- return
- if person.status in (const.STATUS_DM, const.STATUS_DM_GA):
- # Already a DM, nothing to do
- #log.info("%s: %s is already a DM: skipping duplicate entry", self.logtag, self.person_link(person))
- return
- if person.status in (
- raise OperationError(self.log_entry, "commit is for a new DM, but it corresponds to {} who has status {}".format(person.lookup_key, person.status))
- if person.status == const.STATUS_DC_GA:
- status = const.STATUS_DM_GA
- else:
- status = const.STATUS_DM
- if self.rt:
- audit_notes = "Set status to {}, RT #{}".format(const.ALL_STATUS_DESCS[status], self.rt)
- else:
- audit_notes = "Set status to {}, RT unknown".format(const.ALL_STATUS_DESCS[status])
- yield bops.ChangeStatus(
- person=person,
- status=status,
- status_changed=self.log_entry.dt,
- audit_author=self.author,
- audit_notes=audit_notes)
- #log.info("%s: %s: %s", self.logtag, self.person_link(person), audit_notes)
- def __str__(self):
- return "Add DM"
- Add.by_role["DM"] = AddDM
- class AddDD(Add):
- def __init__(self, log_entry):
- """
- Dig all information from a commit body that we can use to create a new
- DD
- """
- super(AddDD, self).__init__(log_entry)
- self.uid = log_entry.parsed.get("username", None)
- def __str__(self):
- return "Add DD"
- def ops(self):
- # Check for existing records in the database
- person = self._get_person()
- # If it is all new, keyring has a DD that DAM does not know about:
- # yell.
- if person is None:
- raise OperationError(self.log_entry, "commit has new DD {} {} that we do not know about".format(self.uid, self.fpr))
- if person.fpr != self.fpr:
- # Keyring-maint added a different key: sync with them
- if self.rt:
- audit_notes = "Set fingerprint to {}, RT #{}".format(self.fpr, self.rt)
- else:
- audit_notes = "Set fingerprint to {}, RT unknown".format(self.fpr)
- yield bops.ChangeFingerprint(
- person=person, fpr=self.fpr,
- audit_author=self.author, audit_notes=audit_notes)
- #person.save(audit_author=self.author, audit_notes=audit_notes)
- #log.info("%s: %s: %s", self.logtag, self.person_link(person), audit_notes)
- # Do not return yet, we still need to check the status
- role_status_map = {
- "DD": const.STATUS_DD_U,
- "DN": const.STATUS_DD_NU,
- }
- if person.status == role_status_map[self.role]:
- # Status already matches
- #log.info("%s: %s is already %s: skipping duplicate entry", self.logtag, self.person_link(person), const.ALL_STATUS_DESCS[person.status])
- return
- # Look for a process to close
- applying_for = role_status_map[self.role]
- found = False
- for p in person.active_processes:
- if p.applying_for != applying_for: continue
- if self.rt:
- logtext = "Added to {} keyring, RT #{}".format(self.role, self.rt)
- else:
- logtext = "Added to {} keyring, RT unknown".format(self.role)
- if not bmodels.Log.objects.filter(process=p, changed_by=self.author, logdate=self.log_entry.dt, logtext=logtext).exists():
- yield bops.CloseOldProcess(
- process=p,
- logtext=logtext,
- logdate=self.log_entry.dt,
- audit_author=self.author,
- audit_notes=logtext,
- )
- #log.info("%s: %s has an open process to become %s, keyring added them as %s",
- # self.logtag, self.person_link(person), const.ALL_STATUS_DESCS[p.applying_for], self.role)
- found = True
- for p in pmodels.Process.objects.filter(person=person, applying_for=applying_for, closed__isnull=True):
- if self.rt:
- logtext = "Added to {} keyring, RT #{}".format(self.role, self.rt)
- else:
- logtext = "Added to {} keyring, RT unknown".format(self.role)
- yield pops.CloseProcess(
- process=p,
- logtext=logtext,
- logdate=self.log_entry.dt,
- audit_author=self.author,
- audit_notes=logtext,
- )
- #log.info("%s: %s has an open process to become %s, keyring added them as %s",
- # self.logtag, self.person_link(person), const.ALL_STATUS_DESCS[p.applying_for], self.role)
- found = True
- if not found:
- # f3d1c1ee92bba3ebe05f584b7efea0cfd6e4ebe4 is an example commit
- # that triggers this
- raise OperationError(self.log_entry, "commit adds {} as {}, but we have no active process for it".format(
- person.lookup_key, self.role))
- Add.by_role["DD"] = AddDD
- Add.by_role["DN"] = AddDD
- @Operation.action
- class Remove(RoleOperation):
- by_role = {}
- class RemoveDD(Remove):
- def __init__(self, log_entry):
- super(RemoveDD, self).__init__(log_entry)
- self.uid = log_entry.parsed.get("username", None)
- self.fpr = log_entry.parsed.get("key", None)
- if self.fpr is None:
- raise ParseError(log_entry, "commit without Key field")
- def ops(self):
- persons = {}
- if self.uid:
- try:
- persons["uid"] = bmodels.Person.objects.get(uid=self.uid)
- except bmodels.Person.DoesNotExist:
- pass
- try:
- persons["fpr"] = bmodels.Person.objects.get(fprs__fpr=self.fpr)
- except bmodels.Person.DoesNotExist:
- pass
- person = self._get_consistent_person(persons)
- if not person:
- raise OperationError(self.log_entry, "commit references a person that is not known to the site")
- if person.status in (const.STATUS_DD_U, const.STATUS_DD_NU):
- if self.rt:
- audit_notes = "Moved to emeritus keyring, RT #{}".format(self.rt)
- else:
- audit_notes = "Moved to emeritus keyring, RT unknown"
- yield bops.ChangeStatus(
- person=person,
- status=const.STATUS_EMERITUS_DD,
- status_changed=self.log_entry.dt,
- audit_author=self.author,
- audit_notes=audit_notes)
- #log.info("%s: %s: %s", self.logtag, self.person_link(person), audit_notes)
- return
- if person.status == const.STATUS_EMERITUS_DD:
- # Already moved to DD
- #log.info("%s: %s is already emeritus: skipping key removal", self.logtag, self.person_link(person))
- return
- def __str__(self):
- return "Remove DD"
- Remove.by_role["DD"] = RemoveDD
- @Operation.action
- class Replace(Operation):
- def __init__(self, log_entry):
- super(Replace, self).__init__(log_entry)
- self.old_key = log_entry.parsed.get("old-key", None)
- if self.old_key is None:
- raise ParseError(log_entry, "commit without Old-Key field")
- self.new_key = log_entry.parsed.get("new-key", None)
- if self.new_key is None:
- raise ParseError(log_entry, "commit without New-Key field")
- self.uid = log_entry.parsed.get("username", None)
- def __str__(self):
- return "Replace"
- @classmethod
- def from_log_entry(cls, log_entry):
- return cls(log_entry)
- def ops(self):
- uid_person = None
- if self.uid is not None:
- try:
- uid_person = bmodels.Person.objects.get(uid=self.uid)
- except bmodels.Person.DoesNotExist:
- pass
- try:
- old_person = bmodels.Person.objects.get(fprs__fpr=self.old_key, fprs__is_active=True)
- except bmodels.Person.DoesNotExist:
- old_person = None
- try:
- new_person = bmodels.Person.objects.get(fprs__fpr=self.new_key, fprs__is_active=True)
- except bmodels.Person.DoesNotExist:
- new_person = None
- if old_person is None and new_person is None and uid_person is None:
- raise OperationError(self.log_entry, "cannot find existing person for key replace")
- if uid_person is not None:
- if old_person is not None and uid_person != old_person:
- raise OperationError(self.log_entry, "commit matches person {} by uid {} and person {} by old fingerprint {}".format(
- uid_person.lookup_key, uid_person.uid, old_person.lookup_key, old_person.fpr))
- if new_person is not None and uid_person != new_person:
- raise OperationError(self.log_entry, "commit matches person {} by uid {} and person {} by new fingerprint {}".format(
- uid_person.lookup_key, uid_person.uid, new_person.lookup_key, new_person.fpr))
- # Now, if uid_person is set, it can either:
- # - match old_person
- # - match new_person
- # - identify the old person when old_person is None and new_person is None
- if old_person is not None and new_person is not None:
- if old_person != new_person:
- raise OperationError(self.log_entry, "commit reports a key change from {} to {}, but the keys belong to two different people ({} and {})".format(
- self.old_key, self.new_key, old_person.lookup_key, new_person.lookup_key))
- else:
- raise OperationError(self.log_entry, "commit reports a key change from {} to {}, but both fingerprints match person {}".format(
- self.old_key, self.new_key, new_person.lookup_key))
- # Now either old_person is set or new_person is set, or both are unset
- # and uid_person is set
- if new_person is not None:
- # Already replaced
- #log.info("%s: %s already has the new key: skipping key replace", self.logtag, self.person_link(new_person))
- return
- # Perform replace
- person = old_person if old_person is not None else uid_person
- if self.rt:
- audit_notes = "GPG key changed, RT #{}".format(self.rt)
- else:
- audit_notes = "GPG key changed, RT unknown"
- #person.fprs.create(fpr=self.new_key, is_active=True, audit_author=self.author, audit_notes=audit_notes)
- yield bops.ChangeFingerprint(
- person=person, fpr=self.new_key,
- audit_author=self.author, audit_notes=audit_notes)
- #log.info("%s: %s: %s", self.logtag, self.person_link(person), audit_notes)