verblib.h 2.4 KB

  1. ! ==============================================================================
  2. ! VERBLIB: Front end to standard verbs library.
  3. !
  4. ! Supplied for use with Inform 6 -- Release 6/12 -- Serial number 151220
  5. !
  6. ! Copyright Graham Nelson 1993-2004 and David Griffith 2012-2015
  7. !
  8. ! This code is licensed under either the traditional Inform license as
  9. ! described by the DM4 or the Artistic License version 2.0. See the
  10. ! file COPYING in the distribution archive or at
  11. !
  12. !
  13. ! In your game file, Include three library files in this order:
  14. ! Include "Parser";
  15. ! Include "VerbLib";
  16. ! Include "Grammar";
  17. ! ==============================================================================
  18. System_file;
  19. #Ifdef LIBRARY_STAGE;
  20. #Iffalse LIBRARY_STAGE >= AFTER_VERBLIB; ! if not already included
  21. #Iftrue LIBRARY_STAGE == AFTER_PARSER; ! if okay to include it
  22. ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. Default AMUSING_PROVIDED 1;
  24. Default MAX_CARRIED 100;
  25. Default MAX_SCORE 0;
  26. Default NUMBER_TASKS 1;
  27. Default OBJECT_SCORE 4;
  28. Default ROOM_SCORE 5;
  29. Default SACK_OBJECT 0;
  30. Default TASKS_PROVIDED 1;
  31. #Ifndef task_scores;
  32. Array task_scores -> 0 0 0 0;
  33. #Endif;
  34. Array task_done -> NUMBER_TASKS;
  35. #Ifndef LibraryMessages;
  36. Object LibraryMessages;
  37. #Endif;
  38. #Ifndef NO_PLACES;
  39. [ ObjectsSub; Objects1Sub(); ];
  40. [ PlacesSub; Places1Sub(); ];
  41. #Endif; ! NO_PLACES
  42. #Ifdef USE_MODULES;
  43. Link "verblibm";
  44. #Ifnot;
  45. Include "verblibm";
  46. #Endif; ! USE_MODULES
  47. ! ==============================================================================
  50. ! (this shouldn't happen because if 'parser' isn't there, LIBRARY_STAGE isn't defined)
  51. Message "Error: 'parser' needs to be correctly included before including 'verblib'. This will cause a big number of errors!";
  52. #Endif;
  53. #Ifnot; ! LIBRARY_STAGE >= AFTER_VERBLIB: already included
  54. Message "Warning: 'verblib' included twice; ignoring second inclusion. (Ignore this if this is on purpose.)";
  55. #Endif;
  56. #Ifnot; ! LIBRARY_STAGE is not defined (likely, 'parser' hasn't been included)
  57. Message "Error: 'parser' needs to be correctly included before including 'verblib'. This will cause a big number of errors!";
  58. #Endif;
  59. ! ==============================================================================