123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320 |
- $NetBSD: acronyms.comp,v 1.58 2005/02/16 00:04:23 kleink Exp $
- 3WHS three-way handshake
- ABI application binary interface
- ACL access control list
- ACPI advanced configuration and power interface
- ADC analog [to] digital converter
- ADPCM adaptive differential pulse code modulation
- ADSL asymmetric digital subscriber line
- AGP accelerated graphics port
- AM amplitude modulation
- AMI alternate mark inversion
- ANSI american national standards institute
- AP access point
- API application programming interface
- APIC advanced programmable interrupt controller
- ARP address resolution protocol
- ARQ automatic repeat request
- AS autonomous system
- ASN autonomous system number
- ASCII american standard code for information interchange
- AT advanced technology
- ATA advanced technology attachment
- ATAPI advanced technology attachment packet interface
- ATM asynchronous transfer mode
- ATX advanced technology extended
- BEDO burst extended data output
- BER basic encoding rules
- BER bit error rate
- BGP border gateway protocol
- BIOS basic input/output system
- BLOB binary large object
- BPS bits per second
- BSD berkeley software distribution
- CAD computer-aided design
- CAV constant angular velocity (as opposed to CLV)
- CCD charge coupled device
- CD compact disc
- CDDA compact disc digital audio
- CDRAM cache dynamic random access memory
- CER canonical encoding rules
- CGA color graphics array
- CGI common gateway interface
- CHS cylinder/head/sector
- CIDR classless inter-domain routing
- CIS contact image sensor
- CLI command line interface
- CLV constant linear velocity (as opposed to CAV)
- CMYK cyan magenta yellow black
- COFF common object file format
- COW copy-on-write
- CPU central processing unit
- CRLF carriage return line feed
- CRT cathode ray tube
- CSMA carrier sense multiple access
- CSMA/CA carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance
- CSMA/CD carrier sense multiple access with collision detection
- CSS cascading style sheets
- CTS clear to send
- CVS concurrent versions system
- DAC digital [to] analog converter
- DCE data control equipment
- DCE distributed computing environment
- DCT discrete cosine transform
- DDC display data channel
- DDR double data rate
- DDWG digital display working group
- DER distinguished encoding rules
- DFT discrete fourier transform
- DHCP dynamic host configuration protocol
- DIFS distributed inter-frame space
- DLE data link escape
- DMA direct memory access
- DNS domain name system
- DOS denial of service
- DPCM differential pulse code modulation
- DPI dots per inch
- DRAM dynamic random access memory
- DSL digital subscriber line
- DSSS direct sequence spread spectrum
- DTD document type definition
- DTE data terminal equipment
- DTE dumb terminal emulator
- DVD digital versatile disc
- DVI digital visual interface
- ECP enhanced capability port
- EDID extended display identification data
- EDO extended data out
- EEPROM electrically erasable programmable read only memory
- EFM eight to fourteen modulation
- EGA enhanced graphics array
- EGP exterior gateway protocol
- EISA extended industry standard architecture
- ELF executable and linking format
- EPP enhanced parallel port
- EPRML extended partial response, maximum likelihood
- EPROM erasable programmable read only memory
- ESDRAM enhanced synchronous dynamic random access memory
- E-XER extended XML encoding rules
- FAT file allocation table
- FBRAM frame buffer random access memory
- FCS frame check sequence
- FDDI fiber distributed data interface
- FFS fast file system
- FHSS frequency hop spread spectrum
- FIR fast infrared
- FLOPS floating [point] operations per second
- FM frequency modulation
- FPM fast page mode
- FQDN fully qualified domain name
- FTP file transfer protocol
- GC garbage collector
- GCR group-coded recording
- GIF graphics interchange format
- GNU gnu's not unix
- GPL gnu/general public license
- GPU graphics processing unit
- GRE generic routing encapsulation
- GUI graphics user interface
- HDCP high-bandwidth digital content protection
- HTML hyper-text markup language
- HTTP hyper-text transfer protocol
- I2O intelligent input/output
- IANA internet assigned number authority
- IC integrated circuit
- ICB internet citizen's band
- ICMP internet control message protocol
- IDE integrated drive electronics
- IDRP inter-domain routing protocol
- IEC international electrotechnical commission
- IEEE institute [of] electrical [and] electronics engineers
- IESG internet engineering steering group
- IETF internet engineering task force
- IGP interior gateway protocol
- IKE internet key exchange
- IMAP internet mail access protocol
- INCITS international committee on information technology standards
- IPC interprocess communication
- IO input/output
- IOCTL input/output control
- IP internet protocol
- IPNG internet protocol, next generation
- IPSEC internet protocol security
- IRC internet relay chat
- IRQ interrupt request
- IRTF internet research task force
- ISA industry standard architecture
- ISDN integrated services digital network
- ISI inter-symbol interference
- ISM industrial, scientific and medical
- ISN initial serial number
- ISO international standards organization
- ISOC internet society
- ISP internet service provider
- JPEG joint photographic experts group
- KVA kernel virtual address
- LAN local area network
- LBA logical block addressing
- LCD liquid crystal display
- LCP link control protocol
- LDAP lightweight directory access protocol
- LED light emitting diode
- LIR local internet registry
- LLC logical link control
- LRC longitudinal redundancy check
- LSB least significant bit [or: byte]
- LUN logical unit number
- LZW Lempel Ziv Welch
- MAC medium access control
- MBR master boot record
- MDRAM multibank dynamic random access memory
- MFM modified frequency modulation
- MIDI musical instrument digital interface
- MIME multipurpose internet mail extensions
- MIPS million instructions per second
- MMU memory management unit
- MPEG moving picture experts group
- MSB most significant bit [or: byte]
- MSF minutes seconds frames
- MSS maximum segment size
- MTA mail transfer agent
- MTU maximum transmission unit
- MUA mail user agent
- MWE module width encoding
- NAT network address translation
- NAV network allocation vector
- NCP network control protocol
- NFS network file system
- NIC network interface card
- NIS network information service
- NRZ non-return to zero
- NUMA non uniform memory access
- OCL object constraint language
- OCR optical character recognition
- OEM original equipment manufacturer
- OFDM orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
- OSF open software foundation
- OSI open systems interconnection
- OTP one time password
- PAM pluggable authentication modules
- PAM pulse amplitude modulation
- PAT port address translation
- PAX portable archive exchange
- PC personal computer
- PCI peripheral component interconnect
- PCM pulse code modulation
- PCMCIA personal computer memory card international association
- PDU protocol data unit
- PDP page descriptor page
- PER packed encoding rules
- PERL practical extraction [and] report language
- PGP pretty good privacy
- PIC programmable interrupt controller
- PID process id
- PIN personal identification number
- PIO programmed input/output
- PLL phase locked loop
- PMT photo-multiplier tube
- PNG portable network graphics
- POP post office protocol
- POSIX portable operating system interface [for] unix
- POST power on self test
- POTS plain old telephone system
- PPP point-to-point protocol
- PPPOA point-to-point protocol over ATM
- PPPOE point-to-point protocol over ethernet
- PRML partial response, maximum likelihood
- PROM programmable read only memory
- PTE page table entry
- PTLA pseudo top level aggregator
- PTP page table page
- PSTN public switched telephone network
- PWM pulse width modulation
- QOS quality of service
- RAID redundant array of inexpensive disks
- RAM random access memory
- RCS revision control system
- RFC request for comments
- RGB red green blue
- RIP routing information protocol
- RIR regional internet registry
- RISC reduced instruction set computing
- RLE run length encoding
- RLL run length limited
- ROM read only memory
- RPM revolutions per minute
- RTF rich text format
- RTS request to send
- RTT round time trip
- S/PDIF sony/phillips digital interface
- SACD super audio compact disc
- SAM serial access memory
- SASI shugart associates system interface (predecessor to SCSI)
- SATA serial advanced technology attachment
- SCSI small computer system interface
- SDRAM synchronous dynamic random access memory
- SGRAM synchronous graphics random access memory
- SIFS short inter-frame space
- SIP session initiation protocol
- SIR slow infrared
- SLDRAM synchronous-link dynamic random access memory
- SMART self-monitoring analysis and reporting technology
- SMP symmetric multiprocessing
- SMTP simple mail transfer protocol
- SNMP simple network management protocol
- SPD serial presence detect
- SRAM static random access memory
- SSFDC solid state floppy disc card
- SSH secure shell
- SSL secure sockets layer
- STP shielded twisted pair
- SVGA super video graphics array
- TCL tool command language
- TCP transmission control protocol
- TDD test driven development
- TFT thin film transistor
- TIFF tagged image file format
- TLA top level aggregator
- TLB transition lookaside buffer
- TLD top level domain
- TMDS transition minimized differential signaling
- TR token ring
- TTL time to live
- TTY teletype
- TZ time zone
- UART universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter
- UC uncacheable
- UDO ultra density optical (storage)
- UDP user datagram protocol
- UFS unix file system
- UML unified modeling language
- UPS uninterruptible power supply
- URI uniform resource identifier
- URL uniform resource locator
- USART universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitter
- USB universal serial bus
- USWC uncacheable speculative write combining
- UTP unshielded twisted pair
- UUCP unix-to-unix copy protocol
- VAX virtual address extension
- VCM virtual channel memory
- VESA video electronics standards association
- VGA video graphics array
- VLAN virtual local area network
- VLSM variable length subnetting mask
- VM virtual memory
- VPN virtual private network
- VRAM video random access memory
- WAN wide area network
- WAP wireless application protocol
- WLAN wireless local area network
- WRAM window random access memory
- WWW world wide web
- XER XML encoding rules
- XGA extended graphics array
- XML extensible markup language
- XSL extensible stylesheet language
- XT extended technology
- ZFOD zero-filled on demand