cards.inp 1.9 KB

  1. FF
  3. Keep this card until needed or sold
  4. %%
  5. ++25
  6. Receive for Services $25.
  7. %%
  8. ++200
  9. Bank Error in Your Favor.
  10. Collect $200.
  11. %%
  12. ++20
  13. Income Tax Refund.
  14. Collect $20.
  15. %%
  16. --100
  17. Pay Hospital $100
  18. %%
  19. ++100
  20. Life Insurance Matures.
  21. Collect $100
  22. %%
  23. ++45
  24. From sale of Stock You get $45.
  25. %%
  26. TX
  27. You are Assessed for street repairs.
  28. $40 per House
  29. $115 per Hotel
  30. %%
  31. ++100
  32. X-mas Fund Matures.
  33. Collect $100.
  34. %%
  35. ++11
  36. You have won Second Prize in a Beauty Contest
  37. Collect $11
  38. %%
  39. MF0
  40. Advance to GO
  41. (Collect $200)
  42. %%
  43. ++100
  44. You inherit $100
  45. %%
  46. --150
  47. Pay School Tax of $150.
  48. %%
  49. MJ
  50. >> GO TO JAIL <<
  51. Go Directly to Jail. Do not pass GO Do not collect $200.
  52. %%
  53. +A50
  55. Collect $50 from each player for opening night seats.
  56. %%
  57. --50
  58. Doctor's Fee: Pay $50.
  59. %-
  60. FF
  61. >> GET OUT OF JAIL FREE <<
  62. Keep this card until needed or sold
  63. %%
  64. MR
  65. Advance to the nearest Railroad, and pay owner
  66. Twice the rental to which he is otherwise entitled.
  67. If Railroad is unowned you may buy it from the bank
  68. %%
  69. MU
  70. Advance to the nearest Utility.
  71. If unowned, you may buy it from the bank.
  72. If owned, throw dice and pay oner a total of ten times
  73. the amount thrown.
  74. %%
  75. MB3
  76. Go Back 3 Spaces
  77. %%
  78. MR
  79. Advance to the nearest Railroad, and pay owner
  80. Twice the rental to which he is otherwise entitled.
  81. If Railroad is unowned you may buy it from the bank
  82. %%
  83. MJ
  85. Do not pass GO, Do not Collect $200.
  86. %%
  87. MF5
  88. Take a Ride on the Reading.
  89. If you pass GO, collect $200.
  90. %%
  91. MF39
  92. Take a Walk on the Board Walk.
  93. (Advance To Board Walk)
  94. %%
  95. MF24
  96. Advance to Illinois Ave.
  97. %%
  98. MF0
  99. Advance to Go
  100. %%
  101. MF11
  102. Advance to St. Charles Place.
  103. If you pass GO, collect $200.
  104. %%
  105. TX
  106. Make general repairs on all of your Property.
  107. For Each House pay $25.
  108. For Each Hotel pay $100.
  109. %%
  110. -A50
  111. You have been elected Chairman of the Board.
  112. Pay each player $50.
  113. %%
  114. --15
  115. Pay Poor Tax of $15
  116. %%
  117. ++50
  118. Bank pays you Dividend of $50.
  119. %%
  120. ++150
  121. Your Building and Loan Matures.
  122. Collect $150.