123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232 |
- # translation of eu.449dgt.po to Euskara
- # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
- #
- # Piarres Beobide <pi@beobide.net>, 2007, 2008.
- msgid ""
- msgstr ""
- "Project-Id-Version: eu.449dgt\n"
- "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: apt-listchanges@packages.debian.org\n"
- "POT-Creation-Date: 2007-12-24 16:37+0100\n"
- "PO-Revision-Date: 2008-01-07 10:03+0100\n"
- "Last-Translator: Piarres Beobide <pi@beobide.net>\n"
- "Language-Team: Euskara <Librezale@librezale.org>\n"
- "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
- "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
- "X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
- #. Type: select
- #. Choices
- #: ../templates:2001
- msgid "pager"
- msgstr "orrialdekatzailea"
- #. Type: select
- #. Choices
- #: ../templates:2001
- msgid "browser"
- msgstr "nabigatzailea"
- #. Type: select
- #. Choices
- #: ../templates:2001
- msgid "xterm-pager"
- msgstr "xterm-orrialdekatzailea"
- #. Type: select
- #. Choices
- #: ../templates:2001
- msgid "xterm-browser"
- msgstr "xterm-nabigatzailea"
- #. Type: select
- #. Choices
- #: ../templates:2001
- msgid "gtk"
- msgstr "gtk"
- #. Type: select
- #. Choices
- #: ../templates:2001
- msgid "text"
- msgstr "testua"
- #. Type: select
- #. Choices
- #: ../templates:2001
- msgid "mail"
- msgstr "posta"
- #. Type: select
- #. Choices
- #: ../templates:2001
- msgid "none"
- msgstr "bat ere ez"
- #. Type: select
- #. Description
- #: ../templates:2002
- msgid "Method to be used to display changes:"
- msgstr "Aldaketak bistaratzeko erabiliko den metodoa:"
- #. Type: select
- #. Description
- #: ../templates:2002
- msgid ""
- "Changes in packages can be displayed in various ways by apt-listchanges:"
- msgstr ""
- "Paketeetako aldaketak metodo ezberdinez bistarazi daitezke apt-listchanges-"
- "ekin:"
- #. Type: select
- #. Description
- #: ../templates:2002
- msgid ""
- " pager : display changes one page at a time;\n"
- " browser : display HTML-formatted changes using a web browser;\n"
- " xterm-pager : like pager, but in an xterm in the background;\n"
- " xterm-browser: like browser, but in an xterm in the background;\n"
- " gtk : display changes in a GTK window;\n"
- " text : print changes to the terminal (without pausing);\n"
- " mail : only send changes via e-mail;\n"
- " none : do not run automatically from APT."
- msgstr ""
- " orrialdekatzailea : aldaketak orriz-orri bistarazi;\n"
- " nabigatzailea : HTML formatuko aldaketak nabigatzaile bate bidez "
- "bistarazi;\n"
- " xterm-orrialdekatzailea : orrialdekatzailea bezala baina xterm baten "
- "barruan;\n"
- " xterm-nabigatzailea : nabigatzailea bezala xterm baten barruan;\n"
- " gtk : aldaketak GTK leiho batetan bistarazi;\n"
- " testua : aldaketak terminalean inprimatu (pausarik gabe);\n"
- " posta : aldaketak bakarrik posta bidez bidali;\n"
- " bat ere ez : Ez abiarazi automatikoki ATP-tik."
- #. Type: select
- #. Description
- #: ../templates:2002
- msgid ""
- "This setting can be overridden at execution time. By default, all the "
- "options except for 'none' will also send copies by mail."
- msgstr ""
- "Ezarpen hauek exekuzioan gainidatzi daitezke. 'bat ere ez' ez beste "
- "Interfaze erabiltzean kopia bat postaz bidaliko da."
- #. Type: string
- #. Description
- #: ../templates:3001
- msgid "E-mail address(es) which will receive changes:"
- msgstr "Aldaketa berriak jasoko dituen helbidea(k):"
- #. Type: string
- #. Description
- #: ../templates:3001
- msgid ""
- "Optionally, apt-listchanges can e-mail a copy of displayed changes to a "
- "specified address."
- msgstr ""
- "Aukera apt-listchanges bistarazitako aldaketen kopia bat ezarritako eposta "
- "helbidera bidali dezake."
- #. Type: string
- #. Description
- #: ../templates:3001
- msgid ""
- "Multiple addresses may be specified, delimited by commas. Leaving this field "
- "empty disables mail notifications."
- msgstr ""
- "Hainbat helbide ezarri daitezke, gakoz bereizirik. Hutsik utziaz eposta "
- "bidezko berri emateak ezgaituko dira."
- #. Type: boolean
- #. Description
- #: ../templates:4001
- msgid "Prompt for confirmation after displaying changes?"
- msgstr "Berrespena eskatu aldaketak bistarazi ondoren?"
- #. Type: boolean
- #. Description
- #: ../templates:4001
- msgid ""
- "After displaying the list of changes, apt-listchanges can pause with a "
- "confirmation prompt. This is useful when running from APT, as it offers an "
- "opportunity to abort the upgrade if a change is unwelcome."
- msgstr ""
- "Aldaketa zerrenda bistarazi ondoren, apt-listachanges gelditu egin daiteke "
- "aurrera jarraitzeko berrespenaren zain. Hau erabilgarri da berau APT "
- "barnetik deitzean aldaketak gustuko ez direnean eguneraketa bertan uzteko "
- "aukera ematen bait du."
- #. Type: boolean
- #. Description
- #: ../templates:4001
- msgid ""
- "This can be overridden at execution time, and has no effect if the "
- "configured frontend option is 'mail' or 'none'."
- msgstr ""
- "Hau exekuzioan gainidatzi daitezke, eta ez dute eraginik konfiguratutako "
- "interfazea 'posta' edo 'bat ere ez' denean."
- #. Type: boolean
- #. Description
- #: ../templates:5001
- msgid "Should apt-listchanges skip changes that have already been seen?"
- msgstr ""
- "Apt-listchanges-ek dagoeneko ikusiak dauden aldaketak albo batetara utzi "
- "behar al ditu?"
- #. Type: boolean
- #. Description
- #: ../templates:5001
- msgid ""
- "A record of already displayed changes can be kept in order to avoid "
- "displaying them again. This is useful, for example, when retrying an upgrade."
- msgstr ""
- "Dagoeneko ikusi diren aldaketen erregistro bat gordeko da berriz bistaratzea "
- "saihesteko. Hau erabilgarri izan daiteke adibidez bertsio-berritze bat "
- "berriz saiatzean."
- #. Type: select
- #. Choices
- #: ../templates:6001
- msgid "news"
- msgstr "berriak"
- #. Type: select
- #. Choices
- #: ../templates:6001
- msgid "changelogs"
- msgstr "aldaketa-erregistroak"
- #. Type: select
- #. Choices
- #: ../templates:6001
- msgid "both"
- msgstr "biak"
- #. Type: select
- #. Description
- #: ../templates:6002
- msgid "Changes displayed with APT:"
- msgstr "APT bidez bistarazitako aldaketak:"
- #. Type: select
- #. Description
- #: ../templates:6002
- msgid "Please choose which type of changes should be displayed with APT."
- msgstr ""
- "Mesedez hautatu zein aldaketa mota bistarazi behar diren APT erabiltzean."
- #. Type: select
- #. Description
- #: ../templates:6002
- msgid ""
- " news : important news items only;\n"
- " changelogs: detailed changelogs only;\n"
- " both : news and changelogs."
- msgstr ""
- " berriak : elementu berri garrantzitsuak bakarrik;\n"
- " aldaketa-erregistroak : zehazturiko aldaketa-erregistroak bakarrik;\n"
- " biak : berriak eta aldaketa-erregistroak."