gl.po 11 KB

  1. # Galician translation of apt-listchanges
  2. # Copyright (C) 2001 Jacobo Tarrío Barreiro,
  3. # Jacobo Tarrio <>, 2001.
  4. #
  5. msgid ""
  6. msgstr ""
  7. "Project-Id-Version: apt-listchanges 2.4\n"
  8. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n"
  9. "POT-Creation-Date: 2016-08-15 00:20+0200\n"
  10. "PO-Revision-Date: 2002-01-22 08:27+0100\n"
  11. "Last-Translator: Jacobo Tarrio <>\n"
  12. "Language-Team: Galician <>\n"
  13. "Language: gl\n"
  14. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  15. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  16. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
  17. #: ../
  18. #, python-format
  19. msgid "Cannot reopen /dev/tty for stdin: %s"
  20. msgstr ""
  21. #: ../
  22. #, python-format
  23. msgid "Unknown frontend: %s"
  24. msgstr ""
  25. #: ../
  26. #, python-format
  27. msgid "%s: will be newly installed"
  28. msgstr "%s: hase instalar por primeira vez"
  29. #: ../
  30. #, python-format
  31. msgid "%(pkg)s: Version %(version)s has already been seen"
  32. msgstr "%(pkg)s: a versión %(version)s xa está instalada"
  33. #: ../
  34. #, fuzzy, python-format
  35. msgid "News for %s"
  36. msgstr "Cambios en %s"
  37. #: ../
  38. #, python-format
  39. msgid "Changes for %s"
  40. msgstr "Cambios en %s"
  41. #: ../
  42. msgid "Informational notes"
  43. msgstr "Notas informativas"
  44. #: ../
  45. #, fuzzy
  46. msgid "apt-listchanges: News"
  47. msgstr "Saída de apt-listchanges para %s"
  48. #: ../
  49. #, fuzzy
  50. msgid "apt-listchanges: Changelogs"
  51. msgstr "Saída de apt-listchanges para %s"
  52. #: ../
  53. #, fuzzy, python-format
  54. msgid "apt-listchanges: changelogs for %s"
  55. msgstr "Saída de apt-listchanges para %s"
  56. #: ../
  57. #, fuzzy, python-format
  58. msgid "apt-listchanges: news for %s"
  59. msgstr "Saída de apt-listchanges para %s"
  60. #: ../
  61. msgid "Didn't find any valid .deb archives"
  62. msgstr "Non se atopou ningún arquivo .deb válido"
  63. #: ../
  64. #, python-format
  65. msgid "Received signal %d, exiting"
  66. msgstr ""
  67. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  68. msgid "Aborting"
  69. msgstr ""
  70. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  71. #, fuzzy, python-format
  72. msgid "Confirmation failed: %s"
  73. msgstr "Notas informativas"
  74. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  75. #, fuzzy, python-format
  76. msgid "Mailing %(address)s: %(subject)s"
  77. msgstr "Enviando os rexistros de modificacións a %s"
  78. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  79. #, python-format
  80. msgid "The mail frontend needs an installed 'sendmail', using %s"
  81. msgstr ""
  82. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  83. #, python-format
  84. msgid "The mail frontend needs an e-mail address to be configured, using %s"
  85. msgstr ""
  86. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  87. #, fuzzy
  88. msgid "Available apt-listchanges frontends:"
  89. msgstr "Saída de apt-listchanges para %s"
  90. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  91. msgid "Choose a frontend by entering its number: "
  92. msgstr ""
  93. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  94. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  95. #, python-format
  96. msgid "Error: %s"
  97. msgstr ""
  98. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  99. #, python-format
  100. msgid "Using default frontend: %s"
  101. msgstr ""
  102. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  103. #, python-format
  104. msgid "$DISPLAY is not set, falling back to %s"
  105. msgstr ""
  106. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  107. #, python-format
  108. msgid ""
  109. "The gtk frontend needs a working python3-gi.\n"
  110. "Those imports can not be found. Falling back to pager.\n"
  111. "The error is: %s"
  112. msgstr ""
  113. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  114. msgid "Do you want to continue? [Y/n] "
  115. msgstr "¿Quere continuar [Y/n] "
  116. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  117. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  118. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  119. msgid "Reading changelogs"
  120. msgstr "Lendo os rexistros de modificacións"
  121. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  122. msgid "Done"
  123. msgstr "Feito"
  124. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  125. #, fuzzy, python-format
  126. #| msgid "%s exited with status %d"
  127. msgid "Command %(cmd)s exited with status %(status)d"
  128. msgstr "%s saiu co estado %d"
  129. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  130. #, python-format
  131. msgid "Found user: %(user)s, temporary directory: %(dir)s"
  132. msgstr ""
  133. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  134. #, python-format
  135. msgid "Error getting user from variable '%(envvar)s': %(errmsg)s"
  136. msgstr ""
  137. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  138. msgid "Cannot find suitable user to drop root privileges"
  139. msgstr ""
  140. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  141. #, python-format
  142. msgid ""
  143. "None of the following directories is accessible by user %(user)s: %(dirs)s"
  144. msgstr ""
  145. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  146. msgid "press q to quit"
  147. msgstr ""
  148. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  149. #, fuzzy, python-format
  150. msgid "Unknown configuration file option: %s"
  151. msgstr "Notas informativas"
  152. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  153. msgid "Usage: apt-listchanges [options] {--apt | filename.deb ...}\n"
  154. msgstr ""
  155. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  156. #, python-format
  157. msgid "Unknown argument %(arg)s for option %(opt)s. Allowed are: %(allowed)s."
  158. msgstr ""
  159. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  160. #, python-format
  161. msgid "%(deb)s does not have '.deb' extension"
  162. msgstr ""
  163. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  164. #, fuzzy, python-format
  165. msgid "%(deb)s does not exist or is not a file"
  166. msgstr "Saída de apt-listchanges para %s"
  167. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  168. #, fuzzy, python-format
  169. msgid "%(deb)s is not readable"
  170. msgstr "Saída de apt-listchanges para %s"
  171. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  172. msgid "--since=<version> expects a only path to a .deb"
  173. msgstr ""
  174. #: ../apt-listchanges/ ../apt-listchanges/
  175. #, python-format
  176. msgid "Error processing '%(what)s': %(errmsg)s"
  177. msgstr ""
  178. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  179. #, python-format
  180. msgid "Ignoring `%s' (seems to be a directory!)"
  181. msgstr ""
  182. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  183. #, fuzzy
  184. msgid "apt-listchanges: Reading changelogs"
  185. msgstr "Saída de apt-listchanges para %s"
  186. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  187. #, fuzzy
  188. msgid "Reading changelogs. Please wait."
  189. msgstr "Lendo os rexistros de modificacións"
  190. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  191. msgid "Continue Installation?"
  192. msgstr ""
  193. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  194. msgid "You can abort the installation if you select 'no'."
  195. msgstr ""
  196. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  197. msgid "APT pipeline messages:"
  198. msgstr ""
  199. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  200. msgid "Packages list:"
  201. msgstr ""
  202. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  203. #, fuzzy
  204. #| msgid ""
  205. #| "Wrong or missing VERSION from apt pipeline\n"
  206. #| "(is Dpkg::Tools::Options::/usr/bin/apt-listchanges::Version set to 2?)"
  207. msgid ""
  208. "APT_HOOK_INFO_FD environment variable is not defined\n"
  209. "(is Dpkg::Tools::Options::/usr/bin/apt-listchanges::InfoFD set to 20?)"
  210. msgstr ""
  211. "VERSION incorrecta ou omitida na canalización de apt\n"
  212. "(¿Dpkg::Tools::Options::/usr/bin/apt-listchanges::Version vale 2?)"
  213. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  214. msgid "Invalid (non-numeric) value of APT_HOOK_INFO_FD environment variable"
  215. msgstr ""
  216. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  217. #, python-format
  218. msgid "Will read apt pipeline messages from file descriptor %d"
  219. msgstr ""
  220. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  221. #, fuzzy
  222. #| msgid ""
  223. #| "Wrong or missing VERSION from apt pipeline\n"
  224. #| "(is Dpkg::Tools::Options::/usr/bin/apt-listchanges::Version set to 2?)"
  225. msgid ""
  226. "APT_HOOK_INFO_FD environment variable is incorrectly defined\n"
  227. "(Dpkg::Tools::Options::/usr/bin/apt-listchanges::InfoFD should be greater "
  228. "than 2)."
  229. msgstr ""
  230. "VERSION incorrecta ou omitida na canalización de apt\n"
  231. "(¿Dpkg::Tools::Options::/usr/bin/apt-listchanges::Version vale 2?)"
  232. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  233. #, python-format
  234. msgid "Cannot read from file descriptor %(fd)d: %(errmsg)s"
  235. msgstr ""
  236. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  237. msgid ""
  238. "Wrong or missing VERSION from apt pipeline\n"
  239. "(is Dpkg::Tools::Options::/usr/bin/apt-listchanges::Version set to 2?)"
  240. msgstr ""
  241. "VERSION incorrecta ou omitida na canalización de apt\n"
  242. "(¿Dpkg::Tools::Options::/usr/bin/apt-listchanges::Version vale 2?)"
  243. #: ../apt-listchanges/ ../apt-listchanges/
  244. #, fuzzy, python-format
  245. msgid "apt-listchanges: %(msg)s"
  246. msgstr "Saída de apt-listchanges para %s"
  247. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  248. #, fuzzy, python-format
  249. msgid "apt-listchanges warning: %(msg)s"
  250. msgstr "Saída de apt-listchanges para %s"
  251. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  252. msgid ""
  253. "Path to the seen database is unknown.\n"
  254. "Please either specify it with --save-seen option\n"
  255. "or pass --profile=apt to have it read from the configuration file."
  256. msgstr ""
  257. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  258. #, python-format
  259. msgid "Database %(db)s does not end with %(ext)s"
  260. msgstr ""
  261. #: ../apt-listchanges/
  262. #, python-format
  263. msgid "Database %(db)s failed to load: %(errmsg)s"
  264. msgstr ""
  265. #: ../apt-listchanges/apt-listchanges.ui:13
  266. msgid "List the changes"
  267. msgstr ""
  268. #: ../apt-listchanges/apt-listchanges.ui:43
  269. msgid ""
  270. "The following changes are found in the packages you are about to install:"
  271. msgstr ""
  272. #, fuzzy
  273. #~ msgid "The %s frontend is deprecated, using pager"
  274. #~ msgstr "A interface newt é obsoleta; emprégase o visor"
  275. #~ msgid "%s exited with signal %s"
  276. #~ msgstr "%s saiu co sinal %s"
  277. #~ msgid "Must specify either --apt or filenames to process!"
  278. #~ msgstr "Débese especificar ou ben --apt ou uns ficheiros para procesar."
  279. #~ msgid "Unable to determine package name for %s"
  280. #~ msgstr "Non se puido determina-lo nome do paquete de %s"
  281. #~ msgid "Unable to determine version for %s"
  282. #~ msgstr "Non se puido determina-la versión de %s"
  283. #~ msgid "Unable to determine source package name for %s"
  284. #~ msgstr "Non se puido determina-lo nome do paquete fonte de %s"
  285. #~ msgid "%s: Version %s is older than installed version (%s)"
  286. #~ msgstr "%s: a versión %s é máis vella cá versión instalada (%s)"
  287. #~ msgid "Error output follows"
  288. #~ msgstr "A saída do erro vén a continuación"
  289. #~ msgid "In order to use the newt frontend, you must install libnewt-perl"
  290. #~ msgstr ""
  291. #~ "Para usa-la nova interface de usuario, ten que instalar libnewt-perl"
  292. #~ msgid "Scanning packages..."
  293. #~ msgstr "Examinando os paquetes..."
  294. #~ msgid "Displaying changelogs"
  295. #~ msgstr "Amosando os rexistros de modificacións"
  296. #~ msgid "Unable to open tty for confirmation, assuming yes"
  297. #~ msgstr "Non se puido abrir un terminal para confirmar, suponse que si"
  298. #~ msgid "Unable to open temporary file %s: %s"
  299. #~ msgstr "Non se puido abri-lo ficheiro temporal %s: %s"
  300. #~ msgid "Changelogs mailed to %s"
  301. #~ msgstr "Enviáronse os rexistros de modificacións a %s"
  302. #~ msgid "Wrong or missing VERSION from apt pipeline"
  303. #~ msgstr "VERSION incorrecta ou inexistente nos datos procedentes de apt"