ui-fltk.md 3.1 KB



syncspirit fltk-frontend (aka fltk-ui) is based on cross-platform fltk toolkit.

The source compiles for linux, windows and mac os X platforms, the binaries are available for linux and windows only.


On the first launch the database is initialized, local device id is generated (i.e. cryptographical keys). The local device id can be copied to clipboard for sharing or it can be fetched from the generated QR-code.


The settings can be edited by expanding the local device (self) node and selectingsettings node. The settings have reasonable defaults applicable for the most of uses. The application restart is requite to let the changed settings take effect.

Alternatively, the settings can be edited via $HOME/.config/syncspirit/syncspirit.toml file in toml-format.

The settings (aka syncspirit.toml) are shared across all syncspirit UIs on the host.

add new device

To add peer device click on "devices" node and enter peer device id and its label.

add new device

Alternatively, if peer device already knows local device and tries to connect, it will be disconnected but appear in "pending devices" list.

edit peer device

When peer device is connected (trusted), then some peer settings can be edited (not all of them are implemented). When trusted peer connected to our device at least once the shared with us folders appear on a tree (pending folders node).

pending folder

Click on a pending folder to be shared with peer. Edit its label and local path where its files will be stored. There are other folder settings, not all of them are implemented.

scheduling folder

There is a special folder sharing option: "scheduled" . When this option is enabled, the files from the folder are not downloaded from peer, instead they (their metadata) just can be seen. This is implemented for asked "selective sync" feature.

remove folder browsing

Shared with peer folder can be browsed (actually metadata only, not content). It does not depend whether the folder is "scheduled" or not. However if folder is "paused", peer does not send folder updates, so it can be outdated.

Shared with peer folder can be browsed even if peer device is offline.

synchronizing folder

When folder is synchronizing it is indicated by special icon. Some other folder settings can be adjusted here.

remove folder browsing

Local files can be browsed, even when synchronization is in progress.

view removed files

When browsing local and remote files the removed files can be also seen, including the possibility to see the file history and determine the device which deleted it.

hide remove files

By default removed files are not displayed.

bug reporting

  1. launch the application with --log_level trace

  2. the attach the log file syncspirit-bootstrap.log to bug description