123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081 |
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #
- # Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3.
- # See the file http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
- from pisi.actionsapi import autotools
- from pisi.actionsapi import pisitools
- from pisi.actionsapi import shelltools
- from pisi.actionsapi import libtools
- from pisi.actionsapi import get
- def setup():
- shelltools.export("CFLAGS", "%s -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-force-addr -ffunction-sections -frename-registers -fomit-frame-pointer" % get.CFLAGS())
- shelltools.export("CXXFLAGS", "%s -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-force-addr -ffunction-sections -frename-registers -fomit-frame-pointer" % get.CXXFLAGS())
- shelltools.export("CCASFLAGS","-Wa,--noexecstack")
- # to get rid of cvs
- shelltools.export("AUTOPOINT", "true")
- #libtools.libtoolize("--force --copy")
- autotools.autoreconf("-vfi")
- autotools.configure(" \
- --prefix=/usr \
- --mandir=/usr/share/man \
- --disable-altivec \
- --disable-artstest \
- --disable-dxr3 \
- --disable-vidix \
- --disable-vcd \
- --disable-mpcdec \
- --enable-aalib \
- --enable-asf \
- --enable-directfb \
- --enable-faad \
- --enable-fb \
- --enable-ffmpeg-popular-codecs \
- --enable-ffmpeg-uncommon-codecs \
- --enable-ipv6 \
- --enable-mmap \
- --enable-modplug \
- --enable-opengl \
- --disable-samba \
- --enable-xinerama \
- --with-external-a52dec \
- --with-external-ffmpeg \
- --with-external-libmad \
- --with-vorbis \
- --with-x \
- --with-xcb \
- --with-xv-path=/usr/lib \
- --with-freetype \
- --with-fontconfig \
- --without-esound \
- --without-imagemagick \
- --without-jack \
- --disable-gdkpixbuf \
- --disable-nls \
- --disable-rpath \
- --disable-syncfb \
- --disable-optimizations \
- --disable-dependency-tracking")
- # the world is not ready for this code, see bug #8267
- # --enable-antialiasing \
- #--enable-mng \
- #--with-wavpack \
- #--with-internal-vcdlibs \
- pisitools.dosed("libtool"," -shared ", " -Wl,--as-needed -shared ")
- def build():
- autotools.make()
- def install():
- autotools.rawInstall("DESTDIR=%s" % get.installDIR())
- pisitools.removeDir("/usr/share/doc/xine-lib")
- pisitools.dohtml("doc/faq/faq.html", "doc/hackersguide/*.html", "doc/hackersguide/*.png")
- pisitools.dodoc("AUTHORS", "ChangeLog", "README", "TODO", "doc/README*", "doc/faq/faq.txt")