firmware_locations.patch 3.0 KB

  1. diff -Naur alsa-tools-1.0.18/hdsploader/ alsa-tools-1.0.18-patched/hdsploader/
  2. --- alsa-tools-1.0.18/hdsploader/ 2008-10-29 14:48:40.000000000 +0200
  3. +++ alsa-tools-1.0.18-patched/hdsploader/ 2008-10-31 11:36:40.000000000 +0200
  4. @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
  5. # # Process this file with automake to produce
  6. MYNAME = hdsploader
  7. -AM_CFLAGS = -DDATAPATH=\"$(datadir)/alsa/firmware/$(MYNAME)\"
  8. +AM_CFLAGS = -DDATAPATH=\"/lib/firmware/$(MYNAME)\"
  9. hdsploader_SOURCES = hdsploader.c
  10. EXTRA_DIST = gitcompile depcomp
  11. all: all-am
  12. diff -Naur alsa-tools-1.0.18/mixartloader/ alsa-tools-1.0.18-patched/mixartloader/
  13. --- alsa-tools-1.0.18/mixartloader/ 2008-10-29 14:48:56.000000000 +0200
  14. +++ alsa-tools-1.0.18-patched/mixartloader/ 2008-10-31 11:36:58.000000000 +0200
  15. @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
  16. # # Process this file with automake to produce
  17. AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = 1.3 foreign
  18. MYNAME = mixartloader
  19. -AM_CFLAGS = -DDATAPATH=\"$(datadir)/alsa/firmware/$(MYNAME)\"
  20. +AM_CFLAGS = -DDATAPATH=\"/lib/firmware/$(MYNAME)\"
  21. mixartloader_SOURCES = mixartloader.c
  22. EXTRA_DIST = gitcompile depcomp
  23. all: all-am
  24. diff -Naur alsa-tools-1.0.18/pcxhrloader/ alsa-tools-1.0.18-patched/pcxhrloader/
  25. --- alsa-tools-1.0.18/pcxhrloader/ 2008-10-29 14:49:00.000000000 +0200
  26. +++ alsa-tools-1.0.18-patched/pcxhrloader/ 2008-10-31 11:37:27.000000000 +0200
  27. @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
  28. # # Process this file with automake to produce
  29. AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = 1.3 foreign
  30. MYNAME = pcxhrloader
  31. -AM_CFLAGS = -DDATAPATH=\"$(datadir)/alsa/firmware/$(MYNAME)\"
  32. +AM_CFLAGS = -DDATAPATH=\"/lib/firmware/$(MYNAME)\"
  33. pcxhrloader_SOURCES = pcxhrloader.c
  34. EXTRA_DIST = gitcompile depcomp
  35. all: all-am
  36. diff -Naur alsa-tools-1.0.18/usx2yloader/ alsa-tools-1.0.18-patched/usx2yloader/
  37. --- alsa-tools-1.0.18/usx2yloader/ 2008-10-29 14:49:27.000000000 +0200
  38. +++ alsa-tools-1.0.18-patched/usx2yloader/ 2008-10-31 11:37:46.000000000 +0200
  39. @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
  40. # # Process this file with automake to produce
  41. AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = 1.3 foreign
  42. MYNAME = usx2yloader
  43. -AM_CFLAGS = -DDATAPATH=\"$(datadir)/alsa/firmware/$(MYNAME)\"
  44. +AM_CFLAGS = -DDATAPATH=\"/lib/firmware/$(MYNAME)\"
  45. usx2yloader_SOURCES = usx2yloader.c
  46. EXTRA_DIST = gitcompile depcomp tascam_fw.usermap
  47. hotplug_files = tascam_fw.usermap tascam_fw tascam_fpga
  48. diff -Naur alsa-tools-1.0.18/vxloader/ alsa-tools-1.0.18-patched/vxloader/
  49. --- alsa-tools-1.0.18/vxloader/ 2008-10-29 14:49:31.000000000 +0200
  50. +++ alsa-tools-1.0.18-patched/vxloader/ 2008-10-31 11:38:09.000000000 +0200
  51. @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
  52. # # Process this file with automake to produce
  53. AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = 1.3 foreign
  54. MYNAME = vxloader
  55. -AM_CFLAGS = -DDATAPATH=\"$(datadir)/alsa/firmware/$(MYNAME)\"
  56. +AM_CFLAGS = -DDATAPATH=\"/lib/firmware/$(MYNAME)\"
  57. vxloader_SOURCES = vxloader.c
  58. EXTRA_DIST = gitcompile depcomp
  59. all: all-am