1.0 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  3. # Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3.
  4. # See the file
  5. from pisi.actionsapi import kde5
  6. #from pisi.actionsapi import pisitools
  7. # if pisi can't find source directory, see /var/pisi/kirigami/work/ and:
  8. # WorkDir="kirigami-"+ get.srcVERSION() +"/sub_project_dir/"
  9. def setup():
  10. kde5.configure()
  11. def build():
  12. kde5.make()
  13. def install():
  14. kde5.install()
  15. # Take a look at the source folder for these file as documentation.
  16. # pisitools.dodoc("AUTHORS", "BUGS", "ChangeLog", "COPYING", "README")
  17. # If there is no install rule for a runnable binary, you can
  18. # install it to binary directory.
  19. # pisitools.dobin("kirigami")
  20. # You can use these as variables, they will replace GUI values before build.
  21. # Package Name : kirigami
  22. # Version : 2.2.0
  23. # Summary : A set of QML components for mobile/desktop convergent applications made by KDE
  24. # For more information, you can look at the Actions API
  25. # from the Help menu and toolbar.