pspec.xml 2.8 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" ?>
  3. <PISI>
  4. <Source>
  5. <Name>pyparted</Name>
  6. <Homepage></Homepage>
  7. <Packager>
  8. <Name>PisiLinux Community</Name>
  9. <Email></Email>
  10. </Packager>
  11. <License>GPLv2+</License>
  12. <IsA>library</IsA>
  13. <Summary>Python bindings for parted</Summary>
  14. <Description>pyparted is the python module which enables to use GNU Parted package from python. Using python with this module, programmers can create, destroy, resize, check and copy partitions, and the file systems on them.</Description>
  15. <Archive sha1sum="d25717d85228d59494a8a1c7b8d2c981a94b4607" type="targz"></Archive>
  16. <BuildDependencies>
  17. <Dependency>python-decorator</Dependency>
  18. <Dependency>python-devel</Dependency>
  19. <Dependency versionFrom="3.2">parted-devel</Dependency>
  20. </BuildDependencies>
  21. </Source>
  22. <Package>
  23. <Name>pyparted</Name>
  24. <RuntimeDependencies>
  25. <Dependency>python-decorator</Dependency>
  26. <Dependency>parted</Dependency>
  27. <Dependency>python</Dependency>
  28. </RuntimeDependencies>
  29. <Files>
  30. <Path fileType="library">/usr/lib</Path>
  31. <Path fileType="doc">/usr/share/doc</Path>
  32. </Files>
  33. </Package>
  34. <History>
  35. <Update release="5">
  36. <Date>2018-02-26</Date>
  37. <Version>3.11.1</Version>
  38. <Comment>Rebuild.</Comment>
  39. <Name>Pisi Linux Community</Name>
  40. <Email></Email>
  41. </Update>
  42. <Update release="4">
  43. <Date>2017-03-21</Date>
  44. <Version>3.10.7</Version>
  45. <Comment>Rebuild.</Comment>
  46. <Name>Pisi Linux Community</Name>
  47. <Email></Email>
  48. </Update>
  49. <Update release="3">
  50. <Date>2017-01-25</Date>
  51. <Version>3.10.7</Version>
  52. <Comment>Version Bump</Comment>
  53. <Name>Pisi Linux Community</Name>
  54. <Email></Email>
  55. </Update>
  56. <Update release="2">
  57. <Date>2016-06-09</Date>
  58. <Version>3.10.5</Version>
  59. <Comment>Release Bump</Comment>
  60. <Name>Pisi Linux Community</Name>
  61. <Email></Email>
  62. </Update>
  63. <Update release="1">
  64. <Date>2016-01-10</Date>
  65. <Version>3.10.5</Version>
  66. <Comment>First release</Comment>
  67. <Name>Ertuğrul Erata</Name>
  68. <Email></Email>
  69. </Update>
  70. </History>
  71. </PISI>