Firebird-gcc-icu.patch 754 B

  1. # Author: Adriano dos Santos Fernandes
  2. #Index: src/common/classes/alloc.h
  3. #===================================================================
  4. #RCS file: /cvsroot/firebird/firebird2/src/common/classes/alloc.h,v
  5. #retrieving revision 1.71
  6. diff -u -p -r1.71 alloc.h
  7. --- Firebird- 26 Sep 2007 17:48:20 -0000 1.71
  8. +++ Firebird- 20 May 2009 02:20:08 -0000
  9. @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
  10. #include <stdlib.h> /* XPG: prototypes for malloc/free have to be in
  11. stdlib.h (EKU) */
  12. #endif
  13. +#include <new>
  14. // MSVC does not support exception specification, so it's unknown if that will be correct or not
  15. // from its POV. For now, use it and disable the C4290 warning.