our-shopping-list.yml 496 B

  1. name: Our Shopping List
  2. website_url: https://github.com/nanawel/our-shopping-list
  3. description: Simple shared list application. Typical uses include shopping lists of course, and any other small todo-list that needs to be used collaboratively.
  4. licenses:
  5. - AGPL-3.0
  6. platforms:
  7. - Docker
  8. tags:
  9. - Task Management & To-do Lists
  10. source_code_url: https://github.com/nanawel/our-shopping-list
  11. demo_url: https://osl.lanterne-rouge.info/
  12. stargazers_count: 106
  13. updated_at: '2024-11-27'
  14. archived: false