mirotalk-p2p.yml 452 B

  1. name: MiroTalk P2P
  2. website_url: https://p2p.mirotalk.com
  3. description: Simple, secure, fast real-time video conferences up to 4k and 60fps, compatible with all browsers and platforms.
  4. licenses:
  5. - AGPL-3.0
  6. platforms:
  7. - Nodejs
  8. - Docker
  9. tags:
  10. - Communication - Video Conferencing
  11. source_code_url: https://github.com/miroslavpejic85/mirotalk
  12. demo_url: https://p2p.mirotalk.com/newcall
  13. stargazers_count: 3208
  14. updated_at: '2025-01-13'
  15. archived: false