% Libreboot release information (old)
Information for this release can be found at
release.html. Updated versions of libreboot can be found
at libreboot.org.
This page is *obsolete*, provided for historical purposes.
Release 20150518 {#release20150518}
Release date: 18th May 2015.
Installation instructions can be found at docs/install/. Building
instructions (for source code) can be found at docs/git/#build.
Machines supported in this release:
- ThinkPad X60/X60s
- You can also remove the motherboard from an X61/X61s and replace
it with an X60/X60s motherboard. An X60 Tablet motherboard will
also fit inside an X60/X60s.
- ThinkPad X60 Tablet (1024x768 and 1400x1050) with digitizer
- See docs/hcl/#supported_x60t_list for list of supported
LCD panels
- It is unknown whether an X61 Tablet can have it's mainboard
replaced with an X60 Tablet motherboard.
- ThinkPad T60 (Intel GPU) (there are issues; see below):
- See notes below for exceptions, and
docs/hcl/#supported_t60_list for known working LCD
- It is unknown whether a T61 can have it's mainboard replaced
with a T60 motherboard.
- See docs/future/#t60_cpu_microcode.
- T60P (and T60 laptops with ATI GPU) will likely never be
supported: docs/hcl/#t60_ati_intel
- ThinkPad X200
- X200S and X200 Tablet are also supported, conditionally; see
- ME/AMT: libreboot removes this, permanently.
- ThinkPad R400
- See docs/hcl/r400.html
- ME/AMT: libreboot removes this, permanently.
- ThinkPad T400
- See docs/hcl/t400.html
- ME/AMT: libreboot removes this, permanently.
- ThinkPad T500
- See docs/hcl/t500.html
- ME/AMT: libreboot removes this, permanently.
- Apple MacBook1,1 (MA255LL/A, MA254LL/A, MA472LL/A)
- Apple MacBook2,1 (MA699LL/A, MA701LL/A, MB061LL/A, MA700LL/A,
MB063LL/A, MB062LL/A)
Changes for this release, relative to r20150208 (earliest changes last, recent changes first)
- Add a whitelist entry to board_enable.c in flashrom, for the
ThinkPad R400, T400 and T500
- Updated flashrom (to SVN revision 1889)
- X200 whitelist patch removed (merged upstream)
- X200 whitelist modified to include X200S and X200 Tablet
- libreboot_util: don't include cmos layout files (not needed
- coreboot-libre: backport patches for X200 Tablet digitizer
- build/release/archives: create SHA512 sum manifest file of the
release archives
- build/release/archives: separate crossgcc into a new archive
- disabled generation of txtmode ROM images for now (they will be back
again in the next release)
- coreboot-libre: delete unused code (reduce size of src archive)
- Flashing guides: make them more friendly to colourblind people
- docs/gnulinux/encrypted_*.html: Remove mention of password
length - it was arbitrary and pointless.
- docs/maintain/: Finish the guide
- scripts/download/coreboot: use diffs included in libreboot, not
external gerrit cherry-picks - review.coreboot.org (gerrit) being
down no longer kills libreboot (backup mirrors of the master
repository exist)
- docs/install/bbb_setup.html: Add info about wp/hold and pinouts
- docs/: improve the description of libreboot
- docs/hcl/gm45_remove_me.html: notes about the demefactory utility
- docs/install/bbb_setup.html: EHCI debug: recommend linux-libre
- docs/install/bbb_setup.html: EHCI Debug logging setup guide
- docs/hcl/t500.html: Add screen compatibility report (TODO: fix
incompatible screens)
- Update coreboot(again) + merge GM45 hybrid GPU patches - means that
T400/T500 with the ATI+Intel hybrid GPU setup will work (ATI
disabled, Intel permanently enabled). power_on_after_fail nvram
option added to all GM45 boards, defaulting to No, so that plugging
it AC doesn't boot up the system against the users will. Net20DC is
now the default debug dongle on all boards (compatible with BBB).
- demefactory (new utility): create GM45 factory.rom without the ME
- ich9deblob: re-factor descriptor.c functions
- docs/hcl/t500.html: add hardware logs
- docs/gnulinux/encrypted_*.html: No password for default entry
- docs/git/: Add more details about BUC.TS
- grub.cfg: Also scan for grub2/grub.cfg, not just grub/grub.cfg
- docs/maintain/ (new section. WIP!): Maintaining libreboot
- docs/gnulinux/grub_boot_installer.html: Fix hazardous instruction
- docs/tasks.html: Better categorization between intel/amd/arm
- docs/install/bbb_setup.html: notes about SPI flashing stability
- docs/install/bbb_setup.html: more names for the 0.1" cables
- docs/install/*_external.html: add disclaimer about thermal paste
- docs/install/bbb_setup.html: Fix broken links
- docs/install/bbb_setup.html: preliminary notes about EHCI debug
- docs/hcl/gm45_remove_me.html: Link to websites talking about the
- docs/install/{t400,t500,r400}_external.html: Notes about CPU
- Delete the ich9macchange script. It's useless, and confuses people
- docs/hcl/gm45_remove_me.html: prioritize ich9gen executable path
- docs/hcl/gm45_remove_me.html: prioritize changing mac address
- docs/hcl/gm45_remove_me.html: less confusing notes about ich9gen
- build/dependencies/parabola: Add dependencies for x86_64
- scripts/dependencies/paraboladependencies: build dependencies
(32-bit Parabola)
- New board: ThinkPad T500
- Add diffs for descriptor/gbe differences between T500 and X200
- coreboot-libre: provide better blob categorization
- docs/hcl/gm45_remove_me.html: add notes about flash write protect
- New board: ThinkPad T400
- GRUB: add partial vesamenu.c32 support (fixes tails ISOLINUX menu)
- Update GRUB (to revision
- Update coreboot (to revision
- Intel CPU microcode (most of it) no longer deleted, because it
was deleted upstream (moved to a 3rd party repository).
- MacBook2,1 cstate patch is no longer cherry picked (merged
- Patch to disable use of timestamps in coreboot no longer
included (merged upstream)
- coreboot-libre: don't list vortex86ex kbd firmware as microcode
(list it separately)
- coreboot-libre: don't rm */early_setup_ss.h (these are not
- coreboot-libre: add GPLv3 license to the findblobs script
- coreboot-libreboot: don't rm raminit_tables (nahelem/sandybridge)
(they are not blobs)
- coreboot-libre: don't delete the .spd.hex files (they are not
- build/release/archives: don't put rmodtool in libreboot_util
- docs/install/x200_external.html: recommend installing GNU+Linux at
the end
- docs/install/x200_external.html: add more photos, improve
- build/clean/grub: use distclean instead of clean
- grub-assemble: Add the bsd and part_bsd modules
- build/roms/withgrub: Only run ich9gen if gm45/gs45 images exist
- docs/git/: Add notes about building for specific boards
- build/roms/withgrub: Allow building for a custom range of boards
- grub-assemble: Disable verbose output
- Add documentation on how to unlock root encrypted fs with key in
initramfs in Parabola Linux
- docs/gnulinux/grub_cbfs.html: Improve structure (easier to use)
- grub.cfg: Disable the beep on startup
- docs/install/bbb_setup.html: Make the guide easier to use
- docs/gnulinux/grub_cbfs.html: Remove redundant instructions
- docs/install/x200_external.html: Mark pins in the images
- docs/install/bbb_setup.html: Replace 3.3V PSU photo with ATX PSU
- docs/hcl/x200.html: Add dumps from 4-MiB X200 with Lenovo BIOS 3.22
- docs/hcl/x200.html: Add dumps from 4-MiB X200 with Lenovo BIOS 3.18
- grub.cfg: add syslinux_configfile menuentry for ahci0
- grub.cfg: Add more paths for syslinux_configfile
- docs/future.html: T60: Add EDID dump from LG-Philips LP150E05-A2K1
- docs/install/bbb_setup.html: Further clarify which clip is needed
- bash scripts: Make script output more user-friendly in general
- bash scripts: Only enable verbose output if DEBUG= is used
- build: Support multiple extra options - now possible to build
multiple images for arbitrary boards (configs), but without building
the entire collection.
- Deleted the signing archive key - the finger print and ID is given
instead, so that the user can download it from a key server
- scripts/helpers/build/release: Move docs to separate archive -
reduces the size of the other archives considerably
- Move DEBLOB to resources/utilities/coreboot-libre/deblob
- scripts/helpers/build/release: Delete DEBLOB from libreboot_src/ -
not needed in libreboot_src (release archive) because it contains a
coreboot revision that has already been deblobbed.
- flash (script): Use build instead of DEBLOB to know if in src
- docs/install/r400_external.html: Show images, don't link.
- docs/install/x200_external.html: Show images, don't link.
- docs/install/bbb_setup.html: Show images, instead of linking
- Documentation: optimize all images (reduce file sizes)
- Remove download links from the release page (and the archive page) -
release archives are hosted differently following this release,
which means that the old methods are no longer viable.
- Moved ich9macchange to resources/scripts/misc/ich9macchange
- ich9macchange: assume that the script is being run from _util (act
only on one ROM image, defined by a user-provided path)
- Move grub-background to resources/scripts/misc/grub-background
- grub-background: assume that it is being run from libreboot_util
- grub-background: change only one ROM image, specified by path
- build (release archives): Add the commitid file to release/
- build-release: Move the release archives to release/
- Merge all build scripts into a single generic script, with helpers
in resources/scripts/helpers/build/
- Replace getall with download, which takes as input an argument
specifying which program the user wants to download.
- Moved the get scripts to resources/scripts/helpers/download/
- build-release: Remove the powertop entries
- Documentation: general improvements to the flashing instructions
- Merged all flashing scripts into a single script
- Updated GRUB
- bucts: Make it build without git
- Moved dejavu-fonts-ttf-2.34/AUTHORS to resources/grub/font/
- Deleted GRUB Invaders from libreboot
- Deleted SeaBIOS from libreboot
- build-release: optimize use of tar (reduced file sizes)
- grub.cfg: add another SYSLINUX config location
- build-release: remove the bin/ directory from libreboot_util
- cleandeps: delete the bin/ directory
- buildrom-withgrub: create the bin directory if it does not exist
- coreboot-libre: don't use git for version timestamp
- i945-pwm: add clean command to Makefile
- i945-pwm: add -lz to Makefile
- docs/install/x200_external: Mention GPIO33 non-descriptor mode
- docs/hcl/: Remove redundant links
- ich9macchange: Add R400
- build-release: Separate ROM images into individual archives
- build-release: rename libreboot_bin to libreboot_util
- New board: ThinkPad R400 support added to libreboot.
- bbb_setup.html: tell user to use libreboot's own flashrom
Release 20150124, 20150126 and 20150208 {#release20150124}
Release date: 24th January 2015.
Machines supported in this release:
- Lenovo ThinkPad X60/X60s
- You can also remove the motherboard from an X61/X61s and replace
it with an X60/X60s motherboard. An X60 Tablet motherboard will
also fit inside an X60/X60s.
- Lenovo ThinkPad X60 Tablet (1024x768 and 1400x1050) with
digitizer support
- See hcl/#supported_x60t_list for list of supported LCD
- It is unknown whether an X61 Tablet can have it's mainboard
replaced with an X60 Tablet motherboard.
- Lenovo ThinkPad T60 (Intel GPU) (there are
issuesinstall/x200_external.html; see below):
- See notes below for exceptions, and
hcl/#supported_t60_list for known working LCD panels.
- It is unknown whether a T61 can have it's mainboard replaced
with a T60 motherboard.
- See future/#t60_cpu_microcode.
- T60P (and T60 laptops with ATI GPU) will likely never be
supported: hcl/#t60_ati_intel
- Lenovo ThinkPad X200
- X200S and X200 Tablet are also supported, conditionally; see
- ME/AMT: libreboot removes this, permanently.
- Lenovo ThinkPad R400 (r20150208 and later, only)
- ME/AMT: libreboot removes this, permanently.
- Apple MacBook1,1 (MA255LL/A, MA254LL/A, MA472LL/A)
- Apple MacBook2,1 (MA699LL/A, MA701LL/A, MB061LL/A, MA700LL/A,
MB063LL/A, MB062LL/A)
Revisions for r20150208 (relative to r20150126)
This is a maintenance release (polishing) based on r20150126. Users who
installed r20150126 don't really need to update to this release.
- buildrom-withgrub: use gnulove.jpg background on 16:10 laptops
(MacBook2,1 and X200)
- build-release: include grub-background script in libreboot_bin
- grub-background (new): lets user change GRUB background image
- grub-assemble: Add link to original utility.
- buildrom-withgrub: Put background.jpg in CBFS, not GRUB memdisk
- grub-assemble: merge scripts into a single script gen.sh
- Documentation: implement theme, drastically improve readability
- docs/hcl/: update list of compatible T60 LCD panels
- docs/: more clarification of libreboot's stated purpose.
- build-release: include the commitid file in the release archives
- docs/: Further emphasize the GNU+Linux requirement.
- lenovobios_firstflash: fix BASH errors
- lenovobios_secondflash: fix BASH errors
- docs/install/x200_external.html: Tell user to switch MAC address.
- docs/git/: Add to the list of x86_64 compatible hosts.
- docs/install/: Remove old (obsolete) information.
- docs/git/: Say that the build dependencies are for src (and not
nedeed for libreboot_bin)
- build: re-factor the descriptor/gbe generating loop for GM45/ICH9M
- X60, X60S and X60 Tablet now the same ROM images.
- Add QEMU (q35/ich9) support to libreboot.
- Add QEMU (i440fx/piix4) support to libreboot
- docs/: Re-write the description of what libreboot is.
- docs/release.html: Add notes about how to use GPG.
- build-release: delete the commitid file from release archives
- build-release: create file named commitid after build-release
Revisions for r20150126 (relative to r20150124)
This is a bug fix release based on r20150124. It contains a few small
- grub.cfg: hardcode the list of partitions to search (speeds up
booting considerably. GRUB regexp isn't very well optimized)
- Docs (x200.html hcl): Remove incorrect information
- Documentation (bbb_setup.html): Fix typos
- build-release: delete ich9fdgbe_{4m,8m}.bin files from ich9gen
- These were accidentically included in the r20150124 release.
They are generated from ich9gen so it's ok, but they don't
need to be in the archive.
- Documentation (grub_cbfs.html): Looping in libreboot_grub.cfg (Add
notes about it if the user copied from grub.cfg in CBFS.)
Changes for this release (latest changes first, earliest changes last)
- grub.cfg: Added (ahci1) to list of devices for ISOLINUX parser
(CD/DVD) (this is needed for the X200 docking station).
- grub.cfg: ISOLINUX parsing is now done on all USB partitions.
- grub.cfg: Automatically switched to /boot/grub/libreboot_grub.cfg
on a partition, if it exists.
- libreboot_bin: added static ARM binaries for flashrom, cbfstool,
ich9gen and ich9deblob (tested on beaglebone black).
- Flashrom: removed redundant Macronix flashchip definitions (for X200
- Flashrom: added whitelist for ThinkPad X200.
- X200: fixed uneven backlight (at low levels)
- ich9macchange (new script, uses ich9gen): for changing the default
MAC address on X200 ROM images.
- ich9gen: added capability to change the default MAC address (and
update the checksum)
- ich9deblob: added new utility ich9gen: this can generate a
descriptor+gbe image without a factory.rom dump present.
- Modified ich9deblob to use a struct for Gbe, documenting everything.
- Massively updated the ich9deblob utility: re-factored everything
- Enabled cstates 1 and 2 on macbook21. This reduces idle heat / power
- buildrom-withgrub: disabled creation of *txtmode*.rom for X200
(only framebuffer graphics work)
- Updated SeaBIOS (again)
- docs/install/#flashrom_x200: improve instructions
- Updated flashrom (again) - patches updated
- Updated GRUB (again)
- Updated coreboot (again)
- build-release: not all files were copied to libreboot_src. fix
- build-release: include cbmem (statically compiled) in libreboot_bin
- Documentation (X200): added software-based flashing instructions
- Documentation: remove all references to the bus pirate (replaced
with BBB flashing tutorials)
- New board: ThinkPad X200S and X200 Tablet support added to
- build: automatically find board names (configs) to build for
- New board: ThinkPad X200 support added to libreboot
- coreboot-libre config (all boards): enable USB dongle log output
(for BeagleBone Black)
- cleandeps: actually clean grubinvaders
- .gitignore: add powertop directory
- cleandeps: clean i945-pwm utility
- scripts (all): fix typos
- Documentation: general cleanup.
- builddeps-flashrom: reduce build commands to a single for loop
- scripts (all): replace unnecessary rm -Rf with rm -f
- docs/release.html: add lenovo g505s to the list of candidates
- .gitignore: add libreboot_bin.tar.xz and libreboot_src.tar.xz
- libreboot_bin.tar.xz: Include utils as statically linked binaries
- This means that the user does not have to install build
dependency or build from source anymore.
- deps-parabola (removed) Remove Parabola dependencies script. Will
re-add later (properly tested)
- grub.cfg: Add more path checks to isolinux parser (more ISOs should
work now)
- Update SeaBIOS
- x60flashfrom5 (new), for X60 users upgrading from 5th/early release
- Update flashrom
- Update GRUB
- Updated coreboot-libre
- i945: permanently set tft_brightness to 0xff (fixes bug on X60
where turning up brightness at max would make it loop back to
low brightness)
- getcb: Revert X60/T60 to legacy backlight controls
- The ACPI brightness patches were abandoned and obsolete.
- grub.cfg: Only load initrd.img if it exists. Add rw to linux line
(for ProteanOS)
- build: Only generate the GRUB configurations once (re-use on all
- Only build 2 GRUB payload executables, re-use on all boards.
resources/utilities/grub-assemble/gen.txtmode.sh: Use GNU BASH
resources/utilities/grub-assemble/gen.vesafb.sh: Use GNU BASH
scripts (error handling): Replace exit with exit 1 (make debugging
Move most files in CBFS to GRUB memdisk, except grub.cfg and
docs/release.html Add DMP vortex86ex to list of candidates.
docs/release.html Add ThinkPad X201 to list of candidates.
New links added to docs/security/x60_security and
lenovobios_secondflash: Warn if BUCTS is not present. (not a
dealbreaker. Can just pull out nvram battery/coin).
lenovobios_firstflash: Fail if BUCTS fails. (anti-bricking
Removed obnoxious warnings from flashing scripts, improved
documentation instead.
scripts (all): add proper error checking (fail fast, fail early. Do
not continue if there are errors)
buildrom-withgrub: rename image to boardname_layout_romtype.rom
buildrom-withgrub: don't move cbfstool, execute directly
resources/utilities/grub-assemble: add French Dvorak (BEPO) keyboard
Documentation: add docs/hardware/x60_keyboard.html (show how to
replace keyboard on X60/X60T)
Documentation: major cleanup (better structure, easier to find
docs/release.html: Remove Acer CB5 from list of future candidates.
- Too many issues. Chromebooks are crippled (soldered
RAM/storage/wifi) and have too many usability issues for the
libreboot project.
docs/gnulinux/grub_cbfs.html Major cleanup. Usability improvements.
flash (flashrom script): remove boardmismatch=force
- This was put there before for users upgrading from libreboot r5
to r6, but also allows the user to flash the wrong image. For
example, the user could flash a T60 image on an X60, thus
bricking the system. It's almost certain that most people have
upgraded by now, so remove this potentially dangerous option.
Documentation: update compatibility list for X60T LCD panels.
docs/release.html: add note about X60 Tablet board in X60/X60s
docs/howtos/grub_boot_installer.html: small corrections
docs/howtos/grub_boot_installer.html: improved readability, fixed
html errors
Documentation (macbook21 related): clean up
Release 20141015 {#release20141015}
Machines supported in this release:
- Lenovo ThinkPad X60/X60s
- You can also remove the motherboard from an X61/X61s and replace
it with an X60/X60s motherboard. An X60 Tablet motherboard will
also fit inside an X60/X60s.
- Lenovo ThinkPad X60 Tablet (1024x768 and 1400x1050) with
digitizer support
- See hcl/#supported_x60t_list for list of supported LCD
- It is unknown whether an X61 Tablet can have its mainboard
replaced with an X60 Tablet motherboard.
- Lenovo ThinkPad T60 (Intel GPU) (there are issues; see below):
- See notes below for exceptions, and
hcl/#supported_t60_list for known working LCD panels.
- It is unknown whether a T61 can have its mainboard replaced with
a T60 motherboard.
- See future/#t60_cpu_microcode.
- T60P (and T60s with ATI GPU) will likely never be supported:
- Apple MacBook1,1 (MA255LL/A, MA254LL/A, MA472LL/A)
- Apple MacBook2,1 (MA699LL/A, MA701LL/A, MB061LL/A, MA700LL/A,
MB063LL/A, MB062LL/A)
Changes for this release (latest changes first, earliest changes last)
- Updated coreboot (git commit
), the latest at the time of
- Updated SeaBIOS (git commit
), the latest at the time of
- Updated Flashrom (svn revision 1850), the latest at the time of
- Updated GRUB (git commit
the latest at the time of writing.
- Cleaned up the documentation, removed unneeded files.
- ec/lenovo/h8 (x60/x60s/x60t/t60): Enable
wifi/bluetooth/wwan/touchpad/trackpoint by default.
- Documentation: Updated list of T60 LCDs (Samsung LTN150XG 15" XGA
listed as non-working).
- builddeps-coreboot: Don't build libpayload (not needed. This was
leftover by mistake, when trying out the TINT payload).
- Replaced most diff files (patches) for coreboot with gerrit
checkouts (cherry-pick).
- Documentation: x60_security.html and t60_security.html: added
links to info about the ethernet controller (Intel 82573).
- Documentation: x60_security.html and t60_security.html: added
notes about DMA and the docking station.
- Documentation: configuring_parabola.html: basic post-install steps
for Parabola GNU+Linux (helpful, since libreboot development is
being moved to Parabola at the time of writing).
- builddeps-coreboot: use 'make crossgcc-i386' instead of 'make
crossgcc'. Libreboot only targets x86 at the time of writing.
- ROM images no longer include SeaBIOS. Instead, the user adds it
afterwards. Documentation and scripts updated.
- docs/images/encrypted_parabola.html: Notes about linux-libre-grsec
- Documentation: encrypted_parabola.html: add tutorial for encrypted
Parabola GNU+Linux installation.
- Documentation: added more info about wifi chipsets
Back to top of page.
6th release (pre-release, 7th beta) {#release20140911}
- Released 11th July 2014 (pre-release) 1st beta
- Revised (pre-release, 2nd beta) 16th July 2014
- Revised (pre-release, 3rd beta) 20th July 2014
- Revised (pre-release, 4th beta) 29th July 2014
- Revised (pre-release, 5th beta) 11th August 2014 (corrected 11th
August 2014)
- Revised (pre-release, 6th beta) 3rd September 2014
- Revised (pre-release, 7th beta) 11th September 2014
Machines still supported (compared to previous release):
- Lenovo ThinkPad X60/X60s
- You can also remove the motherboard from an X61/X61s and replace
it with an X60/X60s motherboard.
New systems supported in this release:
- Lenovo ThinkPad X60 Tablet (1024x768 and 1400x1050) with
digitizer support
- See hcl/#supported_x60t_list for list of supported LCD
- It is unknown whether an X61 Tablet can have its mainboard
replaced with an X60 Tablet motherboard.
- Lenovo ThinkPad T60 (Intel GPU) (there are issues; see below)
- See notes below for exceptions, and
hcl/#supported_t60_list for known working LCD panels.
- It is unknown whether a T61 can have its mainboard replaced with
a T60 motherboard.
- T60P (and T60s with ATI GPU) will likely never be supported:
- Apple MacBook1,1 (MA255LL/A, MA254LL/A, MA472LL/A)
- Apple MacBook2,1 (MA699LL/A, MA701LL/A, MB061LL/A, MA700LL/A,
MB063LL/A, MB062LL/A)
Machines no longer supported (compared to previous release):
- All previous systems still supported!
Revisions for r20140911 (7th beta) (11th September 2014)
- The changes below were made in a git repository, unlike in previous
releases. Descriptions below are copied from 'git log'.
- Update .gitignore for new dependencies.
- Use a submodule for i945-pwm.
- Don't clean packages that fail or don't need cleaning.
- Don't clean i945-pwm, it's not needed.
- Regression fix: Parabola live ISO boot issues
- Re-enable background images in ISOLINUX/SYSLINUX GRUB parser menus
- Regression fix: Re-add CD-ROM (ata0) in GRUB
- Documentation: add notes about performance penalty when using
- Documentation: Fixed spelling and grammatical errors.
- Documentation: macbook21: add new system as tested
- Documentation: macbook21: add info about improving touchpad
- Documentation: X60 Tablet: add more information about finger input
- Documentation: release.html: Add information about recently merged
commit in coreboot
Revisions for r20140903 (6th beta) (3rd September 2014)
- Added modified builddeb* scripts for Parabola GNU+Linux-libre:
buildpac, buildpac-flashrom, buildpac-bucts (courtesy of Noah
- Documentation: updated all relevant areas to mention use of
buildpac* scripts for Parabola users.
- Documentation: added information showing how to enable or disable
bluetooth on the X60
- MacBook1,1 tested! See hcl/#macbook11
- Documentation: fixed typo in #get_edid_panelname (get-edit
changed to get-edid)
- Documentation: added images/x60_lcd_change/ (pics only for now)
- Added gcry_serpent and gcry_whirlpool to the GRUB module list in
the 'build' script (for luks users)
**Libreboot is now based on a new coreboot version from August 23rd,
Merged commits (relates to boards that were already supported in
These were also merged in coreboot (relates to boards that libreboot
already supported):
Documentation: removed the section about tft_brightness on X60 (new
code makes it obsolete)
Removed all patches from resources/libreboot/patch/ and added new
patch: 0000_t60_textmode.git.diff
Updated getcb script and DEBLOB script.
Updated configuration files under resources/libreboot/config/ to
accomodate new coreboot version.
Removed grub_serial*.cfg and libreboot_serial*.rom, all
configs/rom files are now unified (containing same configuration as
serial rom files from before).
- Documentation: updated #rom to reflect the above.
Updated GRUB to new version from August 14th, 2014.
Unified all grub configurations for all systems to a single grub.cfg
under resources/grub/config/
Updated flashrom to new version from August 20th, 2014
Added getseabios and builddeps-seabios (builddeps and getall were
also updated)
- Added instructions to 'buildrom-withgrub' to include
bios.bin.elf and vgaroms/vgabios.bin from SeaBIOS inside the
Added seabios (and sgavgabios) to grub as payload option in menu
Disabled serial output in Memtest86+ (no longer needed) to speed up
- MemTest86+ now works properly, it can output on the laptop
screen (no serial port needed anymore).
Added getgrubinvaders, builddeps-grubinvaders scripts. Added these
to getall and builddeps.
Added rules to builddeps-coreboot to build libpayload with
TinyCurses. (added appropriate instructions to cleandeps script).
Commented out lines in resources/grub/config/grub.cfg for loading
font/background (not useful anymore, now that GRUB is in text-mode).
Commented out lines in buildrom-withgrub that included
backgrounds/fonts (not useful anymore, now that GRUB is in
Added resources/utilities/i945-pwm/ (from
git://git.mtjm.eu/i945-pwm), for debugging acpi brightness on i945
- Added instructions for it in builddeps, builddeps-i945pwm,
builddeb and cleandeps
'build' script: removed the parts that generated sha512sum
manifests (not needed, since release tarballs are GPG-signed)
'build' script: removed the parts that generated libreboot_meta
directory (not needed anymore, since _meta will be hosted in git)
- Updated #build_meta (and other parts of documentation) to
accomodate this change.
Documentation: simplified (refactored) the notes in #rom
'build' script: removed the parts that generated libreboot_bin
and added them to a new script: 'build-release'
- Documentation: #build updated to reflect the above.
Added all gcry_* modules to grub (luks/cryptomount):
gcry_arcfour gcry_camellia gcry_crc gcry_dsa gcry_md4
gcry_rfc2268 gcry_rmd160 gcry_seed gcry_sha1 gcry_sha512
gcry_twofish gcry_blowfish gcry_cast5 gcry_des gcry_idea
gcry_md5 gcry_rijndael gcry_rsa gcry_serpent gcry_sha256
gcry_tiger gcry_whirlpool
Added GNUtoo's list of GRUB modules (includes all of the gcry_*
modules above), cryptomount should be working now.
Removed builddeb-bucts and builddeb-flashrom, merged them with
builddeb ( updated accordingly)
Removed buildpac-bucts and buildpac-flashrom, merged them with
buildpac ( updated accordingly)
Renamed buildpac to deps-parabola ( updated accordingly)
Documentation: removed all parts talking about build dependencies,
replaced them with links to #build_dependencies
Documentation: emphasized more strongly on the documentation, the
need to re-build bucts and/or flashrom before flashing a ROM image.
build-release: flashrom, nvramtool, cbfstool and bucts are no longer
provided pre-compiled in binary archives, and are now in source form
only. (to maximize distro compatibility).
'build' script: replaced grub.elf assembly instructons, it is now
handled by a utility added under resources/utilities/grub-assemble
Moved resources/grub/keymap to
resources/utilities/grub-assemble/keymap, and updated that utility
to use it
Documentation: removed useless links to pictures of keyboard layouts
and unmodified layouts.
Removed all unused fonts from dejavu-fonts-ttf-2.34/ directory
'buildrom-withgrub' script: updated it to create 2 sets of ROMs
for each system: one with text-mode, one with coreboot framebuffer.
Documentation: updated #rom to reflect the above
Deleted unused README and COPYING file from main directory
Removed some rm -Rf .git* instructions from the get* scripts and
moved them to build-release script
Split up default grub.cfg into 6 parts:
extra/{common.cfg,txtmode.cfg,vesafb.cfg} and
- buildrom-withgrub script uses these to generate the correct
grub.cfg for each type of configuration.
grub_memdisk.cfg (used inside grub.elf) now only loads grub.cfg
from cbfs. It no longer enables serial output or sets prefix.
(menuentries/common.cfg does instead)
resources/grub/config/extra/common.cfg, added:
Documentation: updated gnulinux/grub_cbfs.html to make it safer
(and easier) to follow.
Corrections to r20140811 (5th beta) (11th August 2014)
- Fixed typo where revision list for 5th beta was listed as March 11th
2014, when in fact it was August 11th 2014
- Fixed incorrect grub.cfg that was actually placed in
resources/grub/config/x60/grub_usqwerty.cfg which broke the default
GRUB menu entry on X60
Revisions for r20140811 (5th beta) (11th August 2014)
- build: added 'luks', 'lvm', 'cmosdump' and 'cmostest' to the
list of modules for grub.elf
- Documentation: added pics showing T60 unbricking (still need to
write a tutorial)
- build: include cmos.layout
(coreboot/src/mainboard/manufacturer/model/cmos.layout) files in
- Documentation: added install/x60tablet_unbrick.html
- Documentation: added install/t60_unbrick.html
- Documentation: added install/t60_lcd_15.html
- Documentation: added install/t60_security.html
- Documentation: added install/t60_heatsink.html
- Documentation: Renamed RELEASE.html to release.html
- Documentation: removed pcmcia reference in x60_security.html (it's
- Documentation: added preliminary information about randomized seal
(for physical intrusion detection) in x60_security.html and
- Documentation: added preliminary information about
preventing/mitigating cold-boot attack in x60_security.html and
- Documentation: added info to #macbook21 warning about issues with
- Documentation: X60/T60: added information about checking custom ROMs
using dd to see whether or not the top 64K region is duplicated
below top or not. Advise caution about this in the tutorial that
deals with flashing on top of Lenovo BIOS, citing the correct dd
commands necessary if it is confirmed that the ROM has not been
applied with dd yet. (in the case that the user compiled their own
ROMs from libreboot, without using the build scripts, or if they
forgot to use dd, etc).
- Split resources/libreboot/patch/gitdiff into separate patch files
(getcb script updated to accomodate this change).
- Re-added .git files to bucts
- Fixed the oversight where macbook21_firstflash wasn't included in
binary archives
- Release archives are now compressed using .tar.xz for better
Revisions for r20140729 (4th beta) (29th July 2014)
- Documentation: improved (more explanations, background info) in
docs/security/x60_security.html (courtesy of Denis Carikli)
- MacBook2,1 tested (confirmed)
- macbook21: Added script 'macbook21_firstflash' for flashing
libreboot while Apple EFI firmware is running.
- Documentation: macbook21: added software-based flashing instructions
for flashing libreboot while Apple EFI firmware is running.
- Reduced size of libreboot_src.tar.gz:
- Removed .git and .gitignore from grub directory
(libreboot_src); not needed. Removing them reduces the size of
the archive (by a lot). GRUB development should be upstream.
- Removed .git and .gitignore from bucts directory
(libreboot_src); not needed. Removing them reduces the size of
the archive. bucts development should be upstream.
- Removed .svn from flashrom directory (libreboot_src); not
needed. Removing it reduces the size of the archive. flashrom
development should be upstream.
- Added ROMs with Qwerty (Italian) layout in GRUB
- Added resources/utilities/i945gpu/intel-regs.py for debugging issues
related to LCD panel compatibility on X60 Tablet and T60. (courtesy
of Michał Masłowski)
Revisions for r20140720 (3rd beta) (20th July 2014)
- Fixed typo that existed in 2nd beta where the release date of the
2nd beta was listed as being in year 2016, when in actual fact it
was 2014.
- Documentation: added (preliminary) details about (rare) buggy CPUs
on the ThinkPad T60 that were found to fail (instability, kernel
panics, etc) without the microcode updates.
- Documentation: added docs/hardware/x60_heatsink.html for showing
how to change the heatsink on the Thinkpad X60
- Added ROM images for Azerty (French) keyboard layout in GRUB
(courtesy of Olivier Mondoloni)
- Tidied up some scripts:
Re-factored those scripts (made easier to read/maintain):
build-x60, build-x60t, build-t60, build-macbook21
Reduced the number of grub configs to 2 (or 1, for macbook21),
the build scripts now generate the other configs at build
- Deleted build-x60, build-x60t, build-t60, build-macbook21 and
replaced with intelligent (generic) buildrom-withgrub script
- Updated build to use buildrom-withgrub script for building the
ROM images.
- coreboot.rom and coreboot_serial.rom renamed to
coreboot_usqwerty.rom and coreboot_serial_usqwerty.rom
- coreboot_dvorak and coreboot_serial_dvorak.rom renamed to
coreboot_usdvorak.rom and coreboot_serial_usdvorak.rom
- Renamed coreboot*rom to libreboot*rom
- Made flash, lenovobios_firstflash and lenovobios_secondflash
scripts fail if the specified file does not exist.
- Updated all relevant parts of the documentation to reflect the
- Replaced background.png with background.jpg. added gnulove.jpg.
- Updated buildrom-withgrub to use background.jpg instead of
- Updated buildrom-withgrub to use gnulove.jpg aswell
- Updated resources/grub/config/macbook21/grub*cfg to use gnulove.jpg
- Updated resources/grub/config/{x60,t60,x60t}/grub*cfg to use
background.jpg background.
- Documentation: updated docs/#grub_custom_keyboard to be more
generally useful.
- nvramtool:
- Updated builddeps-coreboot script to build it
- Updated build script to include it in libreboot_bin
- Documentation: added docs/security/x60_security.html (security
hardening for X60)
Revisions for r20140716 (2nd beta) (16th July 2014)
- Deleted all git-related files from the coreboot directory. This was
necessary because with those it is possible to run 'git diff'
which shows the changes made in the form of a patch (diff format);
this includes the blobs that were deleted during deblobbing.
Revisions for r20140711 (1st beta) (11th July 2014)
- Initial release (new coreboot base, dated 1st June 2014. See
'getcb' script for reference)
- DEBLOBBED coreboot
- Removed the part from memtest86+ 'make' where it tried to connect
to some scp server while compiling. (commented out line 24 in the
- X60 now uses a single .config (for coreboot)
- X60 now uses a single grub.cfg (for grub memdisk)
- X60 now uses a single grub.elf (payload)
- Added new native graphics code for X60 (replaces the old 'replay'
code) from Vladimir Serbinenko: 5320/9 from review.coreboot.org
- T60 is now supported, with native graphics. (5345/4 from
review.coreboot.org, cherry-picked on top of 5320/9 checkout)
- Added macbook2,1 support (from Mono Moosbart and Vladimir
Serbinenko) from review.coreboot.org (see 'getcb' script to know
how that was done)
- Documentation: added information linking to correct page and
talking about which models are supported.
- Added resources/libreboot/config/macbook21config
- macbook21: Added 'build-macbook21' script and linked to it in
'build' (ROMs included under bin/macbook21/)
- macbook21: Removed dd instructions from build-macbook21 script
(macbook21 does not need bucts when flashing libreboot while
Apple EFI firmware is running)
- Documentation: Added macbook21 ROMs to the list of ROMs in
- Documentation: Write documentation linking to Mono Moosbart's
macbook21 and parabola page (and include a copy)
- Documentation: added a copy of Mono's Parabola install guide (for
macbook21 with Apple EFI firmware) and linked in in main index.
- Documentation: added a copy of Mono's Coreboot page (for macbook21)
and linked it in main index.
- T60: Copy CD option from the grub.cfg files for T60 *serial*.rom
images into the grub configs for non-serial images. (T60s have
CD/DVD drive on main laptop)
- macbook21: remove options in build-macbook21 for *serial*.rom
(there is no dock or serial port available for macbook21)
- Added patches for backlight controls on X60 and T60 with help from
Denis Carikli (see ./resources/libreboot/patch/gitdiff and ./getcb
and docs/i945_backlight.html)
- Documentation: added docs/i945_backlight.html showing how
backlight controls were made to work on X60/T60
- Documentation: Added info about getting LCD panel name based on EDID
- Documentation: Added a link to this from the list of supported
T60s and LCD panels for T60 (so that the user can check what LCD
panel they have).
- X60/T60: Merged patches for 3D fix (from Paul Menzel) when using
kernel 3.12 or higher (see ./resources/libreboot/patch/gitdiff and
- based on 5927/11 and 5932/5 from review.coreboot.org
- Improved thinkpad_acpi support (from coreboot ): xsensors shows
more information.
- From 4650/29 in review.coreboot.org (merged in coreboot
'master' on June 1st 2014)
- Merged changes for digitizer (X60 Tablet) and IR (X60 and T60) based
on 5243/17, 5242/17 and 5239/19 from review.coreboot.org
- (see ./resources/libreboot/patch/gitdiff and ./getcb)
- Documentation: added information about building flashrom using
'builddeps-flashrom' script.
- Re-created resources/libreboot/config/x60config
- Re-created resources/libreboot/config/t60config
- Added 'x60tconfig' in resources/libreboot/config (because X60
Tablet has different information about serial/model/version in
- Added 'build-x60t' script
- Updated 'build' script to use 'build-x60t'
- Documentation: added to #config section the section
#config_x60t (libreboot configuration and dmidecode info)
- Documentation: added x60t ROMs to the list of ROMs
- Tidied up the 'builddeps' script (easier to read)
- Tidied up the 'cleandeps' script (easier to read)
- Annotated the 'buildall' script
- Added 'getcb' script for getting coreboot revision used from git,
and patching it.
- Added 'getgrub' script for getting the GRUB revision used from
git, and patching it.
- Added 'getmt86' script for getting the memtest86+ version used,
and patching it.
- Added 'getbucts' script for getting the bucts version used.
- Added 'getflashrom' script for getting the flashrom version used,
and patching it
- Added 'getall' script which runs all of the other 'get' scripts.
- Add instructions to the 'build' script to prepare
- New archive: libreboot_meta.tar.gz - minimal archive, using the
'get' scripts to download all the dependencies (coreboot,
memtest, grub and so on).
- Documentation: added information about where 'build' script
prepares the libreboot_meta.tar.gz archive.
- Documentation: added information about how to use the 'get'
scripts in libreboot_meta.tar.gz (to generate
- Documentation: mention that meta doesn't create libreboot_src/
directory, but that libreboot_meta itself becomes the same.
- Documentation: advise to rename libreboot_meta to
libreboot_src after running 'getall'.
- Annotated the 'builddeb' script, to say what each set of
dependencies are for.
- Separated bucts/flashrom builddeb sections into separate scripts:
builddeb-flashrom, builddeb-bucts.
- Documentation: Updated relevant parts based on the above.
- Added instructions to 'build' script for including builddeb-bucts
and builddeb-flashrom in libreboot_bin
- Updated flashrom checkout (r1822 2014-06-16) from SVN
- Updated flashing instructions in docs/ for new commands needed
(Macronix chip on X60/T60)
- For X60/T60 (flashrom): Patched
flashchips.c_lenovobios_macronix and
flashchips.c_lenovobios_sst executables for SST/macronix
(included in resources/flashrom/patch)
- Updated builddeps to build flashrom_lenovobios_sst and
flashrom_lenovobios_macronix, for X60/T60 users with Lenovo
- moved the flashrom build instructions from 'builddeps' and put
them in 'builddeps-flashrom', excecuting that from
- Added builddeps-flashrom to libreboot_bin.tar.gz
- flashrom: added patched flashchips.c to resources/flashrom/patch
(automatically use correct macronix chip on libreboot, without using
'-c' switch)
- removed 'MX25L1605' and 'MX25L1605A/MX25L1606E' entries in
flashchips.c for the patched version of flashchips.c
- added instructions to 'builddeps-flashrom' to automatically
use this modified flashchips.c in the default build
- Added builddeb to libreboot_bin.tar.gz
- Moved 'bucts' build instructions from builddeps to builddeps-bucts
- builddeps now runs 'builddeps-bucts' instead
- Added 'builddeps-bucts' to libreboot_bin.tar.gz
- Documentation: Added information about using 'builddep-bucts'
to build the BUC.TS utility.
- Added 'lenovobios_firstflash' and 'lenovobios_secondflash'
- Added instructions to 'build' script for including those files
in libreboot_bin
- Documentation: Add tutorial for flashing while Lenovo BIOS is
running (on X60/T60)
- Added 'flash' script (make sure to run builddeps-flashrom first)
which (while libreboot is already running) can use flashrom to flash
- eg: "sudo ./flash bin/x60/coreboot_serial_ukdvorak.rom"
equivalent to "sudo ./flashrom/flashrom -p internal -w
- updated 'build' script to include the 'flash' script in
- Documentation: replaced default flashrom tutorial to recommend the
'flash' script instead.
- Re-add cbfstool source code back into libreboot_bin.tar.gz, as
- Patched that version to work (able to be built and used) without
requiring the entire coreboot source code.
- Created patched version of the relevant source files and added
it into resources/cbfstool/patch
- see coreboot/util/cbfstool/rmodule.c and then the patched
version in resources/cbfstool/patch/rmodule.c
- see coreboot/src/include/rmodule-defs.h and the rule in
'build' for including this in
- Added instructions to 'build' script for applying this patch
to the cbfstool_standalone source in libreboot_bin
- Added instructions to 'build' script for then re-compiling
cbfstool_standalone in libreboot_bin after applying the patch
- Added a 'builddeps-cbfstool' script (in src, but only used in
bin and put in bin by 'build') that compiles
cbfstool_standalone in libreboot_bin (make), moves the
cbfstool and rmodtool binaries into libreboot_bin/ and then
does 'make clean' in libreboot_bin/cbfstool_standalone
- Updated the 'build' script to put 'builddeps-cbfstool' in
- Updated the 'build' script in the cbfstool (standalone) part
to accomodate the above.
- Documentation: added notes about cbfstool (standalone) in
- Documentation: made docs/gnulinux/grub_cbfs.html slightly easier to
- Annotate the 'build*' scripts with 'echo' commands, to help the
user understand what it actually happening during the build process.
- Documentation: added information about how 'dmidecode' data was
put in the coreboot configs
- Documentation: In fact, document how the 'config' files in
resources/libreboot/config/ were created
- Documentation: Added information about which ThinkPad T60s are
supported, and which are not.
- Documentation: added information about LCD inverters (for upgrading
the LCD panel on a T60 14.1' XGA or 15.1' XGA)
- it's FRU P/N 41W1478 (on T60 14.1") so this was added to the
- it's P/N 42T0078 FRU 42T0079 or P/N 41W1338 (on T60 15.1") so
this was added to the docs.
- Documentation: added information about names of LCD panels for T60
to the relevant parts of the documentation.
- Documentation: added information (with pictures) about the
differences between T60 with Intel GPU and T60 with ATI GPU.
- Documentation: added pictures of keyboard layouts (US/UK
Qwerty/Dvorak) to the ROM list, to let the user compare with their
own keyboard.
- Move the coreboot build instructions in 'builddeps' into
'builddeps-coreboot' and link it in 'builddeps'
- Link to 'builddeps-coreboot' in final stage of 'getcb'
- Move GRUB build instructions from 'builddeps' into
'builddeps-grub', link from 'builddeps'
- Link to 'builddeps-grub' in final stage of 'getgrub'
- Move MemTest86+ build instructions from 'builddeps' into
'builddeps-memtest86', link from 'builddeps'
- Link to 'builddeps-memtest86' in final stage of 'getmt86'
- made 'build' script put resources/ directory in libreboot_bin, to
make builddeps-flashrom work in libreboot_bin
- Removed instructions for building source code in the 'get' script
(they don't really belong there)
- Added libfuse-dev and liblzma-dev to the list of GRUB dependencies
in 'builddeb' script.
- Converted the 'RELEASE' file to 'docs/RELEASE.html'
- Added those dependencies to builddeb script (for GRUB part): gawk
libdevmapper-dev libtool libfreetype6-dev
- Added to build script the instruction at the end to create a
sha512sum.txt with a file manifest plus checksums.
- Deleted the RELEASE and BACKPORT files (no longer needed)
- Documentation: added information about X60/T60 dock (ultrabase x6
and advanced mini dock) to relevant sections.
Back to top of page.
Release 20140622 (5th release) {#release20140622}
- 7th March 2014
- revised 22nd June 2014
- ThinkPad X60
- ThinkPad X60s
- Documentation: added X60 Unbricking tutorial
- Documentation: added info about enabling or disabling wifi
- Documentation: added info about enabling or disabling trackpoint
- Documentation: Improved the instructions for using flashrom
- Documentation: Improved the instructions for using cbfstool (to
change the default GRUB menu)
- Documentation: Numerous small fixes.
Revision notes (22nd June 2014)
- updated GRUB (git
, 20th
April 2014)
- Made "DeJavu Sans Mono" the default font in GRUB (fixes border
- re-added background image in GRUB (meditating GNU)
- added 6 more images:
- coreboot_ukqwerty.rom (UK Qwerty keyboard layout in GRUB)
- coreboot_serial_ukqwerty.rom (UK Qwerty keyboard layout in
- coreboot_dvorak.rom (US Dvorak keyboard layout in GRUB)
- coreboot_serial_dvorak.rom (US Dvorak keyboard layout in GRUB)
- coreboot_ukdvorak.rom (UK Dvorak keyboard layout in GRUB)
- coreboot_serial_ukdvorak.rom (UK Dvorak keyboard layout in
- (coreboot.rom and coreboot_serial.rom have US Qwerty keyboard
layout in GRUB, as usual)
- improved the documentation:
- removed FLASH_INSTRUCTION and README.powertop and merged them
- removed obsolete info from README and tidied it up
- deleted README (replaced with docs/)
- tidied up the menu entries in GRUB
- tidied up the root directory of X60_source/, sorted more files into
- improved the commenting inside the 'build' script (should make
modifying it easier)
- Renamed X60_binary.tar.gz and X60_source.tar.gz to
libreboot_bin.tar.gz and libreboot_src.tar.gz, respectively.
- Replaced "GNU GRUB version" with "FREE AS IN FREEDOM" on GNU
GRUB start screen.
- Added sha512.txt files in libreboot_src and libreboot_bin. (inside
the archives)
- Added libreboot_bin.tar.gz.sha512.txt and
libreboot_src.tar.gz.sha512.txt files (outside of the archives)
Revision notes (11th June 2014):
- removed 'CD' boot option from coreboot.rom (not needed)
- removed 'processor.max_cstate=2' and 'idle=halt' options (see
README.powertop file)
Revision notes (5th June 2014):
- added backlight support (Fn+Home and Fn+End) on X60
- fixed broken/unstable 3D when using kernel 3.12 or higher
- (see 'BACKPORT' file)
Revision notes (9th March 2015):
- recreated coreboot config from scratch
- GRUB loads even faster now (less than 2 seconds).
- Total boot time reduced by further ~5 seconds.
- Added crypto and cryptodisk modules to GRUB
- cbfstool now included in the binary archives
- Binary archive now have 2 images:
- With serial output enabled and memtest86+ included (debug level
8 in coreboot)
- With serial output disabled and memtest86+ excluded (faster boot
speeds) (debugging disabled)
- Reduced impact on battery life:
- 'processor.max_cstate=2' instead of 'idle=halt' for booting
default kernel
- coreboot.rom (faster boot speeds, debugging disabled):
- Disabled coreboot serial output (Console-> in "make
- Set coreboot debug level to 0 instead of 8 (Console-> in
"make menuconfig")
- Changed GRUB timeout to 1 second instead of 2 (in grub.cfg
- Removed background image in GRUB.
- Removed memtest86+ payload (since it relies on serial output)
- coreboot_serial.rom (slower boot speeds, debugging enabled):
- Boot time still reduced, but only by ~2 seconds
- has the memtest86+ payload included in the ROM
- has serial port enabled. How this is achieved (from
X60_source): Turn on debugging level to 8, and enable serial
- (in Console-> in coreboot "make menuconfig")
- (and build with grub_serial.cfg and grub_memdisk_serial.cfg)
Back to top of page.
Release 20140221 (4th release) {#release20140221}
- ThinkPad X60
- ThinkPad X60s
- Removed SeaBIOS (redundant)
- New GRUB version (2.02~beta2)
- Fixes some USB issues
- Includes ISOLINUX/SYSLINUX parser
- New grub.cfg
- Removed useless options:
- options for booting sda 2/3/4
- seabios boot option
- Added new menu entries:
- Parse ISOLINUX config (USB)
- Parse ISOLINUX config (CD)
- Added 'cat' module for use on GRUB command line.
- "set pager=1" is set in grub.cfg, for less-like functionality
The "Parse" options read ./isolinux/isolinux.cfg on a CD or USB, and
automatically converts it to a grub config and switches to the boot menu
of that distro. This makes booting ISOs *much* easier than before.
Back to top of page.
r20131214 (3rd release) {#release20131214}
- ThinkPad X60
- ThinkPad X60s
- Added SeaBIOS payload to GRUB2 (for booting USB drives)
- new grub.cfg
Back to top of page.
r20131213 (2nd release) {#release20131213}
- ThinkPad X60
- ThinkPad X60s
- added background image to GRUB2
- added memtest86+ payload to grub2
- improvements to the documentation
- new grub.cfg
Back to top of page.
r20131212 (1st release) {#release20131212}
- ThinkPad X60
- ThinkPad X60s
- initial release
- source code deblobbed
Back to top of page.
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Updated versions of the license (when available) can be found at
The disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability provided above
shall be interpreted in a manner that, to the extent possible, most
closely approximates an absolute disclaimer and waiver of all liability.