talimat 4.6 KB

  1. # Tanım: Thunderbird, Mozilla kod tabanına dayanan tek başına bir posta/haber istemcisidir. HTML e-postalarını görüntülemek ve oluşturmak için Gecko rendering motorunu kullanır.
  2. # URL: http://www.mozilla.org/thunderbird
  3. # Paketçi: milisarge
  4. # Gerekler: alsa-lib gtk2 zip unzip libevent libvpx nspr nss yasm dbus-glib doxygen gstreamer-plugins-good gstreamer-plugins-ffmpeg libnotify openjdk startup-notification hunspell sqlite wireless-tools xorg-libx11 xorg-libxt xorg-libxrandr desktop-file-utils hicolor-icon-theme shared-mime-info pulseaudio
  5. # Grup: ağ
  6. isim=thunderbird
  7. surum=38.6.0
  8. devir=1
  9. kaynak=(http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/releases/$surum/source/$isim-$surum.source.tar.bz2
  10. $isim.desktop)
  11. derle() {
  12. export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/thunderbird"
  13. export PYTHON="/usr/bin/python2"
  14. cd $SRC
  15. ARCH=`uname -m`
  16. for lang in da de en-US es-ES fi fr it nb-NO nl pt-PT sv-SE
  17. do
  18. wget http://download.cdn.mozilla.net/pub/mozilla.org/$isim/releases/$surum/linux-$ARCH/xpi/$lang.xpi
  19. done
  20. cd $SRC/comm-*
  21. cat > mozconfig << "EOF"
  22. # If you have a multicore machine, the build may be faster if using parallel
  23. # jobs. The build system automatically adds -jN to the "make" flags, where N
  24. # is the number of CPU cores. The option below is therefore useless, unless
  25. # you want to use a smaller number of jobs:
  26. #mk_add_options MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="-j1"
  27. # If you have installed DBus-Glib comment out this line:
  28. # ac_add_options --disable-dbus
  29. # If you have installed wireless-tools comment out this line:
  30. # ac_add_options --disable-necko-wifi
  31. # If you have installed libnotify comment out this line:
  32. #### ac_add_options --disable-libnotify
  33. # GStreamer is necessary for H.264 video playback in HTML5 Video Player;
  34. # to be enabled, also remember to set "media.gstreamer.enabled" to "true"
  35. # in about:config. If you have installed GStreamer 0.x.y, comment out this line:
  36. # ac_add_options --disable-gstreamer
  37. # or uncomment this line, if you have installed GStreamer 1.x.y
  38. #ac_add_options --enable-gstreamer=1.0
  39. # Uncomment these lines if you have installed optional dependencies:
  40. ac_add_options --enable-system-hunspell
  41. ac_add_options --enable-startup-notification
  42. # Comment out following option if you have PulseAudio installed
  43. # ac_add_options --disable-pulseaudio
  44. # If you want to compile the Mozilla Calendar, uncomment this line:
  45. #ac_add_options --enable-calendar
  46. # Comment out following options if you have not installed
  47. # recommended dependencies:
  48. ac_add_options --enable-system-sqlite
  49. ac_add_options --with-system-libevent
  50. ac_add_options --with-system-libvpx
  51. ac_add_options --with-system-nspr
  52. ac_add_options --with-system-nss
  53. ac_add_options --with-system-icu
  54. # The BLFS editors recommend not changing anything below this line:
  55. ac_add_options --prefix=/usr
  56. ac_add_options --enable-application=mail
  57. ac_add_options --disable-crashreporter
  58. ac_add_options --disable-installer
  59. ac_add_options --disable-updater
  60. ac_add_options --disable-debug
  61. ac_add_options --disable-tests
  62. ac_add_options --enable-optimize
  63. ac_add_options --enable-strip
  64. ac_add_options --enable-install-strip
  65. ac_add_options --enable-gio
  66. ac_add_options --enable-official-branding
  67. ac_add_options --enable-safe-browsing
  68. ac_add_options --enable-url-classifier
  69. ac_add_options --enable-system-cairo
  70. ac_add_options --enable-system-ffi
  71. ac_add_options --enable-system-pixman
  72. ac_add_options --with-pthreads
  73. ac_add_options --with-system-bz2
  74. ac_add_options --with-system-jpeg
  75. ac_add_options --with-system-png
  76. ac_add_options --with-system-zlib
  77. EOF
  78. sed -e '/^ftglyph.h/i ftfntfmt.h' \
  79. -e '/^freetype\/ftcache.h/a freetype\/ftfntfmt.h' \
  80. -i mozilla/config/system-headers
  81. SHELL=/bin/sh make -f client.mk
  82. SHELL=/bin/sh make -f client.mk DESTDIR=$PKG install INSTALL_SDK=
  83. mkdir -pv $PKG/usr/bin
  84. ln -sfv ../lib/$isim-$surum/thunderbird $PKG/usr/bin
  85. mkdir -pv $PKG/usr/share/applications
  86. install -Dm644 $SRC/thunderbird.desktop \
  87. $PKG/usr/share/applications/thunderbird.desktop
  88. for i in 16 22 24 32 48 256; do
  89. install -Dm644 other-licenses/branding/thunderbird/mailicon$i.png \
  90. $PKG/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${i}x${i}/apps/thunderbird.png
  91. done
  92. mkdir -p $PKG/etc/ld.so.conf.d
  93. echo "/usr/lib/$isim-$surum" > $PKG/etc/ld.so.conf.d/$isim.conf
  94. cat > $PKG/usr/lib/thunderbird-$surum/defaults/pref/vendor.js << "EOF"
  95. // Use LANG environment variable to choose locale
  96. pref("intl.locale.matchOS", true);
  97. EOF
  98. for lang in da de en-US es-ES fi fr it nb-NO nl pt-PT sv-SE
  99. do
  100. install -Dm644 $SRC/$lang.xpi \
  101. $PKG/usr/lib/thunderbird-$surum/extensions/langpack-$lang@thunderbird.mozilla.org.xpi
  102. done
  103. chown -R 0:0 $PKG/usr/lib/$isim-$surum
  104. }