talimat 1.5 KB

  1. # Tanım: Aktör modellemeye dayanan yüksek performanslı dil.
  2. # URL: http://ponylang.org/
  3. # Paketçi: milisarge
  4. # Gerekler: llvm pcre2 binutils-gold
  5. # Grup: geliştirme
  6. isim=ponyc
  7. surum=0.21.2
  8. devir=1
  9. kaynak=(https://github.com/ponylang/ponyc/archive/$surum.tar.gz::$isim-$surum.tar.gz
  10. https://github.com/winksaville/ponyc/commit/64b64a21b1be70caf4202eb1b1fa22dac1bd6575.patch)
  11. derle() {
  12. cd ponyc-$surum
  13. sed -i 's/-Werror //' Makefile
  14. patch -p1 -i ../64b64a21b1be70caf4202eb1b1fa22dac1bd6575.patch
  15. make config=release prefix=/usr arch=x86-64 verbose= default_pic=true
  16. mkdir docs
  17. build/release/ponyc packages/stdlib -rexpr -g -o docs
  18. make config=release prefix=/usr arch=x86-64 verbose= default_pic=true test
  19. install -Dm755 build/release/ponyc "$PKG"/usr/lib/pony/"$surum"/bin/ponyc
  20. install -Dm644 build/release/libponyrt-pic.a "$PKG"/usr/lib/libponyrt-pic.a
  21. install -Dm644 build/release/libponyc.a "$PKG"/usr/lib/libponyc.a
  22. install -Dm644 src/libponyrt/pony.h "$PKG"/usr/include/pony.h
  23. # Ponyc is designed to read its standard packages from the same directory.
  24. install -dm755 "$PKG"/usr/bin
  25. ln -sf /usr/lib/pony/"$surum"/bin/ponyc "$PKG"/usr/bin
  26. cp -dr --no-preserve=ownership packages "$PKG"/usr/lib/pony/"$surum"
  27. # Let's include the examples as documentation is scarce.
  28. install -dm755 "$PKG"/usr/share/doc/pony
  29. cp -dr --no-preserve=ownership examples "$PKG"/usr/share/doc/pony
  30. cp -dr docs/* "$PKG"/usr/share/doc/pony
  31. install -Dm644 LICENSE "$PKG"/usr/share/licenses/"$isim"/LICENSE
  32. }